problem0(): How many ways to get a football score of n? Order counts. Score Ways 0 1 1 0 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 7 9 9 10 14 11 20 12 29 13 43 14 63 problem1(): 3D surface plot. Graphics saved as "sombrero.png" problem2(): Estimate area of polygon by sampling. Polygon area estimate is 6.84 Exact area is 6. problem3() Three flies form a triangle on a circular plate of radius 1. What is the average area of this triangle? Average triangle area is 0.22210911602862995 problem4(): Estimate average length of odd-man-out with 7 players Assuming 7 players, the average number of flips is 9.385 problem5(): A modified duel. First round one shot, second two, etc. Player 0 winning probability is 0.502 Player 1 winning probability is 0.498 problem6(): Plot of SIR system. Graphics saved as "sir.png" problem7(): Wolf vaccination, catch 2 every night Average days to catch every wolf is 923.76 problem8(): Number of 2d random walk steps to reach 10 distance. Average number of steps to get 10 units from origin 108.37 problem9(): Draw a Minion, using colored squares. Graphics saved as "minion.png"