Thursday, 17 May 2012

Today is a LAB day. We have a LAB #1 to be done during class time, for credit. And we have HOMEWORK #1, to be assigned today and turned in on next Thursday.

First, you will each log onto a computer using your FSU ID and password. These computes run LINUX, a version of the UNIX operating system. We will go through some simple steps of using UNIX commands, to give you some idea of how that works.

Second, I will show you the GEDIT editor, and ask you to create a copy of the "Hello" program. Then we will compile with the GCC program. We will use the mv command to rename the executable to "hello". Then we will run it.

Third, we will look at the "spring2.c" program. This computes data describing the location and velocity of a mass attached to a spring. It prints out a table of these values over time. We want to figure out how to plot that data. Step 1: modify the program so that the only things printed are the data. Step 2: run the program, but save the output to a file called "data.txt", using the >: operator; Step 3: run the gnuplot program, and tell it plot "data.txt".

When you have got your graph of the data, you have completed the lab assignment. Please inform the TA so you can get credit for Lab #1.

Your Homework Assignment #1 is meant to make sure we all have a way to create, compile, and run C programs. You may want to try to download one of the compilers I talked about on Wednesday. You can ask for help from anyone for this assignment. Detelina will be available again on Monday to help you set up your laptop. Or you can decide to try to do your homework in the lab.

Homework Assignment #1: On your laptop, or some other system, make sure you have an editor and a compiler. Create the "hello, world" program, and compile it and run it. Then send a mail message to Detelina ( with the following information:

  1. Your name
  2. The computer and operating system you used
  3. The editor and compiler you used
  4. A copy of the program you wrote

Last revised on 17 May 2012.