california CALIFORNIA: [Warning: A lone trailing backslash, '\' , is not a valid control character. See 'doc sprintf' for control characters valid in the format string.] [> In california (line 3)] Suppose that every year, 30% of California moves out and 10% of the US moves into California. Use this to predict the yearly California population. Year CA Pop US pop 1960 16000000 164000000 1961 27600000 152400000 1962 34560000 145440000 1963 38736000 141264000 1964 41241600 138758400 1965 42744960 137255040 1966 43646976 136353024 1967 44188186 135811814 1968 44512911 135487089 1969 44707747 135292253 1970 44824648 135175352 1971 44894789 135105211 1972 44936873 135063127 1973 44962124 135037876 1974 44977274 135022726 1975 44986365 135013635 1976 44991819 135008181 1977 44995091 135004909 1978 44997055 135002945 1979 44998233 135001767 1980 44998940 135001060 diary off