# include # include # include # include # include # include # include "stroud_rule.h" /******************************************************************************/ double ball_f1_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double center[], double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: ball_f1_nd() approximates an integral inside a ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 <= R * R. Discussion: An (N+1)*2^N point 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number SN:5-6. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F at the N-vector X. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double CENTER[N], the center of the ball. Input, double R, the radius of the ball. Output, double BALL_F1_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int ihi; int itemp; int j; int k; int khi; int ktemp; double quad; double result; double t; double temp; double u; double u2; double v; double volume; double w; double *x; double y; if ( r == 0.0 ) { result = 0.0; return result; } x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); u2 = ( 1.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ) ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); u = sqrt ( u2 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] - r * u; } w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * i4_power ( 2, n ) ); quad = 0.0; ihi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < ihi; i++ ) { itemp = i; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { u = ( center[j] - x[j] ) / r; if ( ( itemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[j] = center[j] - fabs ( x[j] - center[j] ); } else { x[j] = center[j] + fabs ( x[j] - center[j] ); } itemp = itemp / 2; } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); } temp = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); t = sqrt ( 2.0 * ( double ) ( n + 1 ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( n ) * temp );; y = ( 1.0 + 2.0 / ( ( double ) ( n ) * temp ) ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); v = sqrt ( y - t ); u = sqrt ( y + ( double ) ( n - 1 ) * t ); khi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = center[j] - r * v; } x[i] = center[i] - r * u; for ( k = 0; k < khi; k++ ) { ktemp = k; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { if ( ( ktemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[j] = center[j] - fabs ( x[j] - center[j] ); } else { x[j] = center[j] + fabs ( x[j] - center[j] ); } ktemp = ktemp / 2; } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); } x[i] = center[i] - r * v; } volume = ball_volume_nd ( n, r ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_f3_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double center[], double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_F3_ND approximates an integral inside a ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 <= R * R. Discussion: A 2^(N+1)-1 point 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number SN:5-4. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F at the N-vector X. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double CENTER[N], the center of the ball. Input, double R, the radius of the ball. Output, double BALL_F3_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int jhi; int jtemp; int k; double quad; double result; double ri; double s; double volume; double weight; double *x; if ( r == 0.0 ) { result = 0.0; return result; } x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; /* The first point is the center of the ball. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i]; } weight = 4.0 / ( double ) ( i4_power ( n + 2, 2 ) ); quad = quad + weight * func ( n, x ); s = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { ri = sqrt ( ( double ) ( i + 3 ) / ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); /* Set up the first point, with (I) zeroes, RI, and then N-I-1 S's. */ for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { if ( j < i ) { x[j] = center[j]; } else if ( j == i ) { x[j] = center[j] + r * ri; } else { x[j] = center[j] + r * s; } } weight = pow ( 2.0, i + 1 - n ) * ( double ) ( n + 4 ) / ( double ) ( ( i + 2 ) * ( i + 3 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); /* Now go through all sign permutations of the basic point. */ jhi = i4_power ( 2, n - i ); for ( j = 0; j < jhi; j++ ) { jtemp = j; for ( k = i; k < n; k++ ) { if ( ( jtemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[k] = center[k] - fabs ( x[k] - center[k] ); } else { x[k] = center[k] + fabs ( x[k] - center[k] ); } jtemp = jtemp / 2; } quad = quad + weight * func ( n, x ); } } volume = ball_volume_nd ( n, r ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_monomial_nd ( int n, int p[], double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_MONOMIAL_ND integrates a monomial on a ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Gerald Folland, How to Integrate a Polynomial Over a Sphere, American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 108, Number 5, May 2001, pages 446-448. Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, int P[N], the exponents of X(1) through X(N) in the monomial. The exponents must be nonnegative. Input, double R, the radius of the ball. Output, double BALL_MONOMIAL_ND, the integral of X1**P(1)*X2**P(2)*...*XN**P(N) over the ball. */ { int i; double power; double value; power = ( double ) ( n ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { power = power + ( double ) p[i]; } value = sphere_unit_monomial_nd ( n, p ) * pow ( r, power ) / power; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_07_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_07_3D approximates an integral inside the unit ball in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z <= 1. Discussion: A 64 point 7-th degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 06 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X,Y,Z). Output, double BALL_UNIT_07_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int order = 4; double angle; int i; int j; int k; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double volume; double w; double weight1[4] = { 0.19455533421780251826, 0.13877799911553081506, 0.13877799911553081506, 0.19455533421780251826 }; double weight2[4]; double weight3[4]; double x; double xtab1[4] = { -0.906179845938663992797626878299, -0.538469310105683091036314420700, 0.538469310105683091036314420700, 0.906179845938663992797626878299 }; double xtab2[4]; double xtab3[4]; double y; double z; /* Set XTAB2 and WEIGHT2. */ for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { angle = pi * ( double ) ( 2 * j - 1 ) / ( double ) ( 2 * order ); xtab2[j] = cos ( angle ); } for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { weight2[j] = 1.0; } /* Set XTAB3 and WEIGHT3 for the interval [-1,1]. */ legendre_set ( order, xtab3, weight3 ); w = 3.0 / 16.0; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { x = xtab1[i] * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab2[j] * xtab2[j] ) * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] * xtab3[k] ); y = xtab1[i] * xtab2[j] * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] * xtab3[k] ); z = xtab1[i] * xtab3[k]; quad = quad + w * weight1[i] * weight2[j] * weight3[k] * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = ball_unit_volume_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_14_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_14_3D approximates an integral inside the unit ball in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z <= 1. Discussion: A 288 point 14-th degree formula is used, Stroud number S3:14-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 06 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X,Y,Z). Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int k; int l; int m; int n; double quad; double r[4] = { 0.968160240, 0.836031107, 0.613371433, 0.324253423 }; double result; double temp; double volume; double w1; double w2; double weight[4] = { 0.076181268, 0.126263673, 0.098048133, 0.032840260 }; double x; double xtab[5] = { -0.151108275, 0.315838353, 0.346307112, -0.101808787, -0.409228403 }; double y; double ytab[5] = { 0.155240600, 0.257049387, 0.666277790, 0.817386065, 0.501547712 }; double z; double ztab[5] = { 0.976251323, 0.913330032, 0.660412970, 0.567022920, 0.762221757 }; quad = 0.0; for ( m = 0; m < 4; m++ ) { w1 = 125.0 * weight[m] / 3360.0; x = 0.525731112 * r[m]; y = 0.850650808 * r[m]; z = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { x = -x; for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { y = -y; for ( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { temp = z; z = y; y = x; x = temp; quad = quad + w1 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } w2 = 143.0 * weight[m] / 3360.0; for ( n = 0; n < 5; n++ ) { x = xtab[n] * r[m]; y = ytab[n] * r[m]; z = ztab[n] * r[m]; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { temp = x; x = z; z = -y; y = -temp; for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { temp = z; z = y; y = x; x = temp; quad = quad + w2 * func ( x, y, z ); } y = -y; z = -z; quad = quad + w2 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = ball_unit_volume_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_15_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_15_3D approximates an integral inside the unit ball in 3D. Integration region: X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z <= 1. Discussion: A 512 point 15-th degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 October 2000 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X,Y,Z). Output, double BALL_UNIT_15_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double cj; double ck; int i; int j; int k; int order1 = 4; int order2 = 8; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double sj; double sk; double volume; double w; double weight1[4] = { 0.0328402599, 0.0980481327, 0.1262636728, 0.0761812678 }; double *weight2; double x; double xtab1[4] = { 0.3242534234, 0.6133714327, 0.8360311073, 0.9681602395 }; double *xtab2; double y; double z; xtab2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order2 * sizeof ( double ) ); weight2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order2 * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order2, xtab2, weight2 ); w = 3.0 / 32.0; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order1; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { sj = xtab2[j]; cj = sqrt ( 1.0 - sj * sj ); for ( k = 1; k <= 16; k++ ) { sk = sin ( ( double ) ( k ) * pi / 8.0 ); ck = cos ( ( double ) ( k ) * pi / 8.0 ); x = xtab1[i] * cj * ck; y = xtab1[i] * cj * sk; z = xtab1[i] * sj; quad = quad + w * weight1[i] * weight2[j] * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = ball_unit_volume_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; free ( xtab2 ); free ( weight2 ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_f1_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_F1_ND approximates an integral inside the unit ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= 1. Discussion: An (N+1)*2^N point 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number SN:5-6. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F at the N-vector X. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double BALL_UNIT_F1_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int ihi; int itemp; int j; int k; int khi; int ktemp; double quad; double result; double t; double temp; double u; double u2; double v; double volume; double w; double *x; double y; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); u2 = ( 1.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ) ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); u = sqrt ( u2 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = - u; } w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * i4_power ( 2, n ) ); quad = 0.0; ihi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < ihi; i++ ) { itemp = i; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { if ( ( itemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[j] = - fabs ( x[j] ); } else { x[j] = fabs ( x[j] ); } itemp = itemp / 2; } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); } temp = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); t = sqrt ( 2.0 * ( double ) ( n + 1 ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( n ) * temp ); y = ( 1.0 + 2.0 / ( ( double ) ( n ) * temp ) ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); v = sqrt ( y - t ); u = sqrt ( y + ( double ) ( n - 1 ) * t ); khi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = -v; } x[i] = - u; for ( k = 0; k < khi; k++ ) { ktemp = k; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { if ( ( ktemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[j] = - fabs ( x[j] ); } else { x[j] = fabs ( x[j] ); } ktemp = ktemp / 2; } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); } x[i] = - v; } volume = ball_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_f3_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_F3_ND approximates an integral inside the unit ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= 1. Discussion: A 2^(N+1)-1 point 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number SN:5-4. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F at the N-vector X. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double BALL_UNIT_F3_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int jtemp; int k; double quad; double result; double ri; double s; double volume; double weight; double *x; quad = 0.0; /* The first point is the center of the ball. */ x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } weight = 4.0 / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); quad = quad + weight * func ( n, x ); s = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { ri = sqrt ( ( double ) ( i + 3 ) / ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); /* Set up the first point, with (I-1) zeroes, RI, and then N-I S's. */ for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { if ( j < i ) { x[j] = 0.0; } else if ( j == i ) { x[j] = ri; } else { x[j] = s; } } weight = pow ( 2.0, i + 1 - n ) * ( double ) ( n + 4 ) / ( double ) ( ( i + 2 ) * ( i + 3 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); /* Now go through all sign permutations of the basic point. */ for ( j = 0; j < i4_power ( 2, n - i ); j++ ) { jtemp = j; for ( k = i; k < n; k++ ) { if ( ( jtemp % 2 ) == 1 ) { x[k] = - fabs ( x[k] ); } else { x[k] = fabs ( x[k] ); } jtemp = jtemp / 2; } quad = quad + weight * func ( n, x ); } } volume = ball_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_volume_3d ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of the unit ball in 3D. Integration region: X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the ball. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * pi; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_unit_volume_nd ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of the unit ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= 1. Discussion: N Volume 2 PI 3 (4/3) * PI 4 (1/2) * PI^2 5 (8/15) * PI^2 6 (1/6) * PI^3 7 (16/105) * PI^3 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the ball. */ { int i; int m; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; if ( ( n % 2 ) == 0 ) { m = n / 2; volume = pow ( pi, m ); for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) { volume = volume / ( double ) ( i ); } } else { m = ( n - 1 ) / 2; volume = pow ( pi, m ) * i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = m + 1; i <= 2 * m + 1; i++ ) { volume = volume / ( double ) ( i ); } } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_volume_3d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of a ball in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z <= R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the ball. Output, double BALL_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the ball. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; volume = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * pi * r * r * r; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double ball_volume_nd ( int n, double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: BALL_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a ball in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= R * R Discussion: N Volume 2 PI * R^2 3 (4/3) * PI * R^3 4 (1/2) * PI^2 * R^4 5 (8/15) * PI^2 * R^5 6 (1/6) * PI^3 * R^6 7 (16/105) * PI^3 * R^7 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the ball. Output, double BALL_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the ball. */ { double volume; volume = ball_unit_volume_nd ( n ) * pow ( r, n ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double c1_geg_monomial_integral ( double alpha, int expon ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C1_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Gegenbauer weight on C1. Discussion: C1_GEG is the interval [-1,+1] with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = (1-x^2)^alpha with -1.0 < alpha. value = integral ( -1 <= x <= +1 ) x^expon (1-x^2)^alpha dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of (1-X^2). - 1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int EXPON, the exponent. 0 <= EXPON. Output, double C1_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double arg1; double arg2; double arg3; double arg4; double c; double value; double value1; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "C1_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( ( expon % 2 ) == 1 ) { value = 0.0; return value; } c = ( double ) ( expon ); arg1 = - alpha; arg2 = 1.0 + c; arg3 = 2.0 + alpha + c; arg4 = - 1.0; value1 = r8_hyper_2f1 ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ); value = 2.0 * tgamma ( 1.0 + c ) * tgamma ( 1.0 + alpha ) * value1 / tgamma ( 2.0 + alpha + c ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double c1_jac_monomial_integral ( double alpha, double beta, int expon ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C1_JAC_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of a monomial with Jacobi weight over C1. Discussion: value = integral ( -1 <= x <= +1 ) x^expon (1-x)^alpha (1+x)^beta dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 27 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of (1-X) in the weight factor. Input, double BETA, the exponent of (1+X) in the weight factor. Input, int EXPON, the exponent. Output, double C1_JAC_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double arg1; double arg2; double arg3; double arg4; double c; double s; double value; double value1; double value2; c = ( double ) ( expon ); if ( ( expon % 2 ) == 0 ) { s = +1.0; } else { s = -1.0; } arg1 = - alpha; arg2 = 1.0 + c; arg3 = 2.0 + beta + c; arg4 = - 1.0; value1 = r8_hyper_2f1 ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ); arg1 = - beta; arg2 = 1.0 + c; arg3 = 2.0 + alpha + c; arg4 = - 1.0; value2 = r8_hyper_2f1 ( arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ); value = tgamma ( 1.0 + c ) * ( s * tgamma ( 1.0 + beta ) * value1 / tgamma ( 2.0 + beta + c ) + tgamma ( 1.0 + alpha ) * value2 / tgamma ( 2.0 + alpha + c ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double c1_leg_monomial_integral ( int expon ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C1_LEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Legendre weight on C1. Discussion: C1_LEG is the interval [-1,+1] with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. value = integral ( -1 <= x <= +1 ) x^expon dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int EXPON, the exponent. 0 <= EXPON. Output, double C1_LEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double value; if ( expon < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "C1_LEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " EXPON < 0.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( ( expon % 2 ) == 1 ) { value = 0.0; return value; } value = 2.0 / ( double) ( expon + 1 ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_annulus ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double radius1, double radius2, int nr ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_ANNULUS approximates an integral in an annulus. Integration region: RADIUS1^2 <= ( X - CENTER(1) )^2 + ( Y - CENTER(2) )^2 <= RADIUS2^2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: William Peirce, Numerical Integration Over the Planar Annulus, Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 2, June 1957, pages 66-73. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function of two variables which is to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the circle. Input, double RADIUS1, RADIUS2, the radii of the circles. Input, int NR, the order of the rule. This quantity specifies the number of distinct radii to use. The number of angles used will be 4*NR, for a total of 4*NR*NR points. Output, double CIRCLE_ANNULUS, the approximation to the integral. */ { double a; double area; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int nt; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double *ra; double result; double *rw; double t; double tw; double x; double y; /* Choose radial abscissas and weights. */ ra = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); rw = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = radius1 * radius1; d = radius2 * radius2; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { rw[i] = rw[i] / ( radius2 - radius1 ) / ( radius2 + radius1 ); } /* Set angular abscissas and weights. */ nt = 4 * nr; tw = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); /* Approximate the integral. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { t = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i - 1 ) / ( double ) ( nt ); for ( j = 0; j < nr; j++ ) { x = center[0] + ra[j] * cos ( t ); y = center[1] + ra[j] * sin ( t ); quad = quad + tw * rw[j] * func ( x, y ); } } area = circle_annulus_area_2d ( radius1, radius2 ); result = quad * area; free ( ra ); free ( rw ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_annulus_area_2d ( double radius1, double radius2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_ANNULUS_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular annulus in 2D. Integration region: RADIUS1^2 <= ( X - CENTER(1) )^2 + ( Y - CENTER(2) )^2 <= RADIUS2^2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double RADIUS1, RADIUS2, the radii of the circles. Output, double CIRCLE_ANNULUS_AREA_2D, the area of the annulus. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = pi * ( radius1 + radius2 ) * ( radius2 - radius1 ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_annulus_sector ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double radius1, double radius2, double theta1, double theta2, int nr ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR approximates an integral in a circular annulus sector. Discussion: A circular annulus sector comprises the area between two concentric circles and two concentric rays. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: William Peirce, Numerical Integration Over the Planar Annulus, Journal of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 2, June 1957, pages 66-73. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the circle. Input, double RADIUS1, RADIUS2, the radii of the circles. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles defining the sector. The sector is measured from THETA1 to THETA2. Input, int NR, the order of the rule. This quantity specifies the number of distinct radii to use. The number of angles used will be 4*NR, for a total of 4*NR*NR points. Output, double CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR, the approximation to the integral. */ { double a; double area; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int nt; double quad; double *ra; double result; double *rw; double *ta; double *tw; double x; double y; /* Set the radial abscissas and weights. */ ra = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); rw = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = radius1 * radius1; d = radius2 * radius2; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { rw[i] = rw[i] / ( radius2 - radius1 ) / ( radius2 + radius1 ); } /* Pick angles evenly spaced between THETA1 and THETA2, but do not include the endpoints, and use a half interval for the first and last. */ nt = 4 * nr; ta = tvec_even_bracket3 ( nt, theta1, theta2 ); tw = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } /* Approximate the integral. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < nr; j++ ) { x = center[0] + ra[j] * cos ( ta[i] ); y = center[1] + ra[j] * sin ( ta[i] ); quad = quad + tw[i] * rw[j] * func ( x, y ); } } area = circle_annulus_sector_area_2d ( radius1, radius2, theta1, theta2 ); result = quad * area; free ( ra ); free ( rw ); free ( ta ); free ( tw ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_annulus_sector_area_2d ( double radius1, double radius2, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular annulus sector in 2D. Discussion: A circular annulus sector comprises the area between two concentric circles and two concentric rays. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double RADIUS1, RADIUS2, the radii of the circles. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles of the rays. Ordinarily, (THETA2-THETA1) is between 0 and 2*PI. Output, double CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR_AREA_2D, the area of the circular annulus sector. */ { double area; area = 0.5 * ( radius1 + radius2 ) * ( radius2 - radius1 ) * ( theta2 - theta1 ); return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_area_2d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_AREA_2D returns the area of a circle in 2D. Integration region: ( X - CENTER(1) )^2 + ( Y - CENTER(2) )^2 <= R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Output, double CIRCLE_AREA_2D, the area of the circle. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; area = pi * r * r; return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_cap_area_2d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_CAP_AREA_2D computes the area of a circle cap in 2D. Discussion: Draw any radius R of the circle and denote as P the point where the radius intersects the circle. Now consider the point Q which lies on the radius and which is H units from P. The line which is perpendicular to the radius R and passes through Q divides the circle into two pieces. The piece including the point P is the circular cap of height (or thickness) H. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double H, the "height" of the circle cap. Output, double CIRCLE_CAP_AREA_2D, the area of the circle cap. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double theta; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( h <= r ) { theta = 2.0 * r8_asin ( sqrt ( h * ( 2.0 * r - h ) ) / r ); area = r * r * ( theta - sin ( theta ) ) / 2.0; } else if ( h <= 2.0 * r ) { theta = 2.0 * r8_asin ( sqrt ( h * ( 2.0 * r - h ) ) / r ); area = r * r * ( pi - ( theta - sin ( theta ) ) / 2.0 ); } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { area = pi * r * r; } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_cum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double radius, int order ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_CUM approximates an integral on the circumference of a circle in 2D. Integration region: ( X - CENTER(1) )^2 + ( Y - CENTER(2) )^2 <= R * R Discussion: An ORDER point, (ORDER-1)-th degree formula is used, Stroud number U2:M-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the coordinates of the center of the circle. Input, double RADIUS, the radius of the circle. Input, int ORDER, the number of points to use. Output, double CIRCLE_CUM, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { angle = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( order ); x = center[0] + radius * cos ( angle ); y = center[1] + radius * sin ( angle ); quad = quad + func ( x, y ); } quad = quad / ( double ) ( order ); volume = pi * radius * radius; result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void circle_rt_set ( int rule, int nr, int nt, int nc, double ra[], double rw[], double ta[], double tw[], double *cw ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_RT_SET sets an R, THETA product quadrature rule in the unit circle. Discussion: For a given value of RULE, here are the number of points used at the center (NC), the number of points along the radial direction (NR) and the number of points along the theta direction (NT). The total number of points in the rule will be Total = NC + NR * NT. The user, when choosing RULE, must allocate enough space in the arrays RA, RW, TA and TW for the resulting values of NR and NT. RULE NC NR NT Total ---- -- -- -- ----- 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 4 3 1 1 4 5 4 1 1 6 7 5 1 2 4 9 6 0 3 4 12 7 1 2 10 21 8 0 4 16 64 9 0 5 20 120 The integral of F(X,Y) over the unit circle is approximated by Integral ( X*X + Y*Y <= 1 ) F(X,Y) dx dy = Integral ( 0 <= R <= 1, 0 <= T <= 2PI ) F(R*cos(T),R*sin(T)) r dr dt = approximately CW * F(0,0) + sum ( 1 <= I <= NR ) Sum ( 1 <= J <= NT ) RW(I) * TW(J) * F ( R(I) * cos ( TA(J) ), R(I) * sin ( TA(J) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. Input, int NR, the number of R abscissas. Input, int NT, the number of Theta abscissas. Input, int NC, the number of center abscissas (0 or 1 ). Output, double RA[NR], RW[NR], the R abscissas and weights. Output, double TA[NT], TW[NT], the THETA abscissas and weights. Output, double *ZW, the weight to use for the center. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double u; double v; double w; if ( rule == 1 ) { *cw = 1.0; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { ra[0] = 0.5; rw[0] = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 0.0; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { ra[0] = 1.0; rw[0] = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 0.125; } *cw = 0.5; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { ra[0] = sqrt ( 2.0 / 3.0 ); rw[0] = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 0.125; } *cw = 0.25; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { a = 1.0; b = sqrt ( 2.0 ) / 2.0; u = 1.0 / 6.0; v = 4.0 / 6.0; ra[0] = a; ra[1] = b; rw[0] = u; rw[1] = v; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 4.0 / 24.0; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { a = sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; b = sqrt ( ( 27.0 - 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 52.0 ); c = sqrt ( ( 27.0 + 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 52.0 ); u = 8.0 / 27.0; v = ( 551.0 + 41.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 1566.0; w = ( 551.0 - 41.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 1566.0; ra[0] = a; ra[1] = b; ra[2] = c; rw[0] = u; rw[1] = v; rw[2] = w; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 0.0; } else if ( rule == 7 ) { a = sqrt ( ( 6.0 - sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 10.0 ); b = sqrt ( ( 6.0 + sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 10.0 ); u = ( 16.0 + sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 36.0; v = ( 16.0 - sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 36.0; ra[0] = a; ra[1] = b; rw[0] = u; rw[1] = v; for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 1.0 / 9.0; } else if ( rule == 8 ) { legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = +1.0; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 0.0; } else if ( rule == 9 ) { legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = +1.0; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { ta[i] = ( double ) ( 2 * i ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } *cw = 0.0; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CIRCLE_RT_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " There is no rule of index %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void circle_rt_size ( int rule, int *nr, int *nt, int *nc ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_RT_SIZE sizes an R, THETA product quadrature rule in the unit circle. Discussion: For a given value of RULE, here are the number of points used at the center (NC), the number of points along the radial direction (NR) and the number of points along the theta direction (NT). The total number of points in the rule will be Total = NC + NR * NT. The user, when choosing RULE, must allocate enough space in the arrays RA, RW, TA and TW for the resulting values of NR and NT. RULE NC NR NT Total ---- -- -- -- ----- 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 1 4 4 3 1 1 4 5 4 1 1 6 7 5 1 2 4 9 6 0 3 4 12 7 1 2 10 21 8 0 4 16 64 9 0 5 20 120 The integral of F(X,Y) over the unit circle is approximated by Integral ( X*X + Y*Y <= 1 ) F(X,Y) dx dy = Integral ( 0 <= R <= 1, 0 <= T <= 2PI ) F(R*cos(T),R*sin(T)) r dr dt = approximately ZW * F(0,0) + sum ( 1 <= I <= NR ) Sum ( 1 <= J <= NT ) RW(I) * TW(J) * F ( R(I) * cos ( TA(J) ), R(I) * sin ( TA(J) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. Output, int *NR, the number of R abscissas. Output, int *NT, the number of Theta abscissas. Output, int *NC, the number of center abscissas (0 or 1). */ { if ( rule == 1 ) { *nr = 0; *nt = 0; *nc = 1; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { *nr = 1; *nt = 4; *nc = 0; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { *nr = 1; *nt = 4; *nc = 1; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { *nr = 1; *nt = 6; *nc = 1; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { *nr = 2; *nt = 4; *nc = 1; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { *nr = 3; *nt = 4; *nc = 0; } else if ( rule == 7 ) { *nr = 2; *nt = 10; *nc = 1; } else if ( rule == 8 ) { *nr = 4; *nt = 16; *nc = 0; } else if ( rule == 9 ) { *nr = 5; *nt = 20; *nc = 0; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CIRCLE_RT_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " There is no rule of index %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_rt_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double radius, int nr, double ra[], double rw[], int nt, double ta[], double tw[], double zw ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_RT_SUM applies an R, THETA product quadrature rule inside a circle. Integration region: (X-CENTER(1))^2 + (Y-CENTER(2))^2 <= RADIUS^2. Discussion: The product rule is assumed to be have the form: Integral_Approx = ZW * F(CENTER(1),CENTER(2)) + sum ( 1 <= IR <= NR ) Sum ( 1 <= IT <= NT ) RW(IR) * TW(IT) * F ( CENTER(1) + R(IR) * RADIUS * Cos ( TA(IT) ), CENTER(2) + R(IR) * RADIUS * Sin ( TA(IT) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the circle. Input, double RADIUS, the radius of the circle. Input, int NR, the number of R abscissas. Input, double RA[NR], RW[NR], the R abscissas and weights. Input, int NT, the number of Theta abscissas. Input, double TA[NT], TW[NT], the THETA abscissas and weights. Input, double ZW, the weight to use for the center. Output, double CIRCLE_RT_SUM, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int ir; int it; double quad; double rct; double result; double rst; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; if ( zw != 0.0 ) { x = center[0]; y = center[1]; quad = quad + zw * func ( x, y ); } for ( it = 0; it < nt; it++ ) { rct = radius * cos ( ta[it] ); rst = radius * sin ( ta[it] ); for ( ir = 0; ir < nr; ir++ ) { x = center[0] + ra[ir] * rct; y = center[1] + ra[ir] * rst; quad = quad + tw[it] * rw[ir] * func ( x, y ); } } volume = circle_area_2d ( radius ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_sector ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double radius, double theta1, double theta2, int nr ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_SECTOR approximates an integral in a circular sector. Discussion: A sector is contained within a circular arc and the lines joining each endpoint of the arc to the center of the circle. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the circle. Input, double RADIUS, the radius of the circle. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles defining the sector. The sector is measured from THETA1 to THETA2. Input, int NR, the number of radial values used in the approximation of the integral. NR must be at least 1. Higher values improve the accuracy of the integration, at the cost of more function evaluations. Output, double CIRCLE_SECTOR, the approximation to the integral. */ { double a; double area; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int nt; double quad; double *ra; double result; double *rw; double *ta; double *tw; double x; double y; /* Set the radial abscissas and weights. */ ra = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); rw = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = radius * radius; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { rw[i] = rw[i] / radius / radius; } /* Pick angles evenly spaced between THETA1 and THETA2, but do not include the endpoints, and use a half interval for the first and last. */ nt = 4 * nr; ta = tvec_even_bracket3 ( nt, theta1, theta2 ); tw = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < nt; i++ ) { tw[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( nt ); } /* Approximate the integral. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < nt; j++ ) { x = center[0] + ra[i] * cos ( ta[j] ); y = center[1] + ra[i] * sin ( ta[j] ); quad = quad + rw[i] * tw[j] * func ( x, y ); } } area = circle_sector_area_2d ( radius, theta1, theta2 ); result = quad * area; free ( ra ); free ( rw ); free ( ta ); free ( tw ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_sector_area_2d ( double r, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular sector in 2D. Discussion: A sector is contained within a circular arc and the lines joining each endpoint of the arc to the center of the circle. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles of the rays that delimit the sector. Output, double CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D, the area of the sector. */ { double value; value = 0.5 * r * r * ( theta2 - theta1 ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_triangle_area_2d ( double r, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_TRIANGLE_AREA_2D returns the area of a circle triangle in 2D. Discussion: A circle triangle is formed by drawing a circular arc, and considering the triangle formed by the endpoints of the arc plus the center of the circle. The normal situation is that 0 < ( THETA2 - THETA1 ) < PI. Outside this range, the triangle can actually have NEGATIVE area. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles of the rays that delimit the arc. Output, double CIRCLE_TRIANGLE_AREA_2D, the (signed) area of the triangle. */ { double value; value = 0.5 * r * r * sin ( theta2 - theta1 ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void circle_xy_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_XY_SET sets an XY quadrature rule inside the unit circle in 2D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y <= 1.0. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Frank Lether, A Generalized Product Rule for the Circle, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 8, Number 2, June 1971, pages 249-253. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. 1, 1 point 1-st degree; 2, 4 point 3-rd degree, Stroud S2:3-1; 3, 4 point 3-rd degree, Lether #1; 4, 4 point 3-rd degree, Stroud S2:3-2; 5, 5 point 3-rd degree; 6, 7 point 5-th degree; 7, 9 point 5-th degree; 8, 9 point 5-th degree, Lether #2; 9, 12 point 7-th degree; 10, 16 point 7-th degree, Lether #3; 11, 21 point 9-th degree, Stroud S2:9-3; 12, 25 point 9-th degree, Lether #4 (after correcting error); 13, 64 point 15-th degree Gauss product rule. Input, int ORDER, the order of the desired rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas of the rule. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the ORDER weights of the rule. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double f; double g; double h; int i; int j; int k; int nr; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double r; double *ra; double *rw; double s; double u; double v; double w; double w1; double w2; double w3; double w4; double w5; double w6; double w7; double w8; double w9; double z; if ( rule == 1 ) { xtab[0] = 0.0; ytab[0] = 0.0; weight[0] = 1.0; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { a = 0.5; b = 0.25; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = - a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = - a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { a = 0.5; b = 0.25; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = - a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = a; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = - a; ytab[3] = - a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { a = sqrt ( 2.0 ) / 2.0; b = 0.25; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = - a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = a; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = - a; ytab[3] = - a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { a = 1.0; b = 0.5; c = 0.125; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = - a; xtab[4] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = - a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = c; weight[2] = c; weight[3] = c; weight[4] = c; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { a = sqrt ( 2.0 / 3.0 ); b = sqrt ( 1.0 / 6.0 ); c = sqrt ( 2.0 ) / 2.0; d = 0.125; e = 0.25; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = - b; xtab[5] = b; xtab[6] = - b; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = - c; ytab[6] = - c; weight[0] = e; weight[1] = d; weight[2] = d; weight[3] = d; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = d; weight[6] = d; } else if ( rule == 7 ) { a = 0.5; b = 1.0; c = 4.0 / 24.0; d = 1.0 / 24.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = - b; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = z; xtab[5] = a; xtab[6] = - a; xtab[7] = - a; xtab[8] = a; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = b; ytab[4] = - b; ytab[5] = a; ytab[6] = a; ytab[7] = - a; ytab[8] = - a; weight[0] = c; weight[1] = d; weight[2] = d; weight[3] = d; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = c; weight[6] = c; weight[7] = c; weight[8] = c; } else if ( rule == 8 ) { a = sqrt ( 2.0 ) / 2.0; b = sqrt ( 3.0 / 5.0 ); c = sqrt ( 3.0 / 10.0 ); w1 = 16.0 / 72.0; w2 = 8.0 / 72.0; w3 = 10.0 / 72.0; w4 = 5.0 / 72.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = z; xtab[5] = a; xtab[6] = a; xtab[7] = - a; xtab[8] = - a; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = b; ytab[4] = - b; ytab[5] = c; ytab[6] = - c; ytab[7] = c; ytab[8] = - c; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w3; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w4; weight[6] = w4; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; } else if ( rule == 9 ) { a = sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; b = sqrt ( ( 27.0 - 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 104.0 ); c = sqrt ( ( 27.0 + 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 104.0 ); u = 2.0 / 27.0; v = ( 551.0 + 41.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 6264.0; w = ( 551.0 - 41.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 6264.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = - a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = b; xtab[5] = - b; xtab[6] = b; xtab[7] = - b; xtab[8] = c; xtab[9] = c; xtab[10] = - c; xtab[11] = - c; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = - a; ytab[4] = b; ytab[5] = b; ytab[6] = - b; ytab[7] = - b; ytab[8] = c; ytab[9] = - c; ytab[10] = c; ytab[11] = - c; weight[0] = u; weight[1] = u; weight[2] = u; weight[3] = u; weight[4] = v; weight[5] = v; weight[6] = v; weight[7] = v; weight[8] = w; weight[9] = w; weight[10] = w; weight[11] = w; } else if ( rule == 10 ) { a = sqrt ( ( 3.0 - sqrt ( 5.0 ) ) / 8.0 ); b = sqrt ( ( 15.0 + 3.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 56.0 ); c = sqrt ( ( 15.0 + 3.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 56.0 ); d = sqrt ( ( 3.0 + sqrt ( 5.0 ) ) / 8.0 ); e = sqrt ( ( 15.0 - 3.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 56.0 ); f = sqrt ( ( 15.0 - 3.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 56.0 ); w1 = ( 90.0 + 5.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) + 18.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) + 5.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 1440.0; w2 = ( 90.0 - 5.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) + 18.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 1440.0; w3 = ( 90.0 + 5.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) - 18.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 1440.0; w4 = ( 90.0 - 5.0 * sqrt ( 30.0 ) - 18.0 * sqrt ( 5.0 ) + 5.0 * sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 1440.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = - a; xtab[4] = a; xtab[5] = a; xtab[6] = - a; xtab[7] = - a; xtab[8] = d; xtab[9] = d; xtab[10] = - d; xtab[11] = - d; xtab[12] = d; xtab[13] = d; xtab[14] = - d; xtab[15] = - d; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = - b; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = - b; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = - c; ytab[6] = c; ytab[7] = - c; ytab[8] = e; ytab[9] = - e; ytab[10] = e; ytab[11] = - e; ytab[12] = f; ytab[13] = - f; ytab[14] = f; ytab[15] = - f; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w1; weight[2] = w1; weight[3] = w1; weight[4] = w2; weight[5] = w2; weight[6] = w2; weight[7] = w2; weight[8] = w3; weight[9] = w3; weight[10] = w3; weight[11] = w3; weight[12] = w4; weight[13] = w4; weight[14] = w4; weight[15] = w4; } else if ( rule == 11 ) { xtab[0] = 0.0; ytab[0] = 0.0; weight[0] = 1.0 / 9.0; for ( i = 1; i < 11; i++ ) { weight[i] = ( 16.0 + sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 360.0; } for ( i = 11; i < 21; i++ ) { weight[i] = ( 16.0 - sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 360.0; } r = sqrt ( ( 6.0 - sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 10.0 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { a = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i ) / 10.0; xtab[i+1] = r * cos ( a ); ytab[i+1] = r * sin ( a ); } r = sqrt ( ( 6.0 + sqrt ( 6.0 ) ) / 10.0 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { a = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i ) / 10.0; xtab[i+11] = r * cos ( a ); ytab[i+11] = r * sin ( a ); } } /* There was apparently a misprint in the Lether paper. The quantity which here reads "322" was printed there as "332". */ else if ( rule == 12 ) { a = 0.5; b = sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; c = sqrt ( ( 35.0 + 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 252.0 ); d = sqrt ( ( 35.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 252.0 ); e = sqrt ( ( 35.0 + 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 84.0 ); f = sqrt ( ( 35.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 84.0 ); g = sqrt ( ( 35.0 + 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 63.0 ); h = sqrt ( ( 35.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 63.0 ); w1 = 64.0 / 675.0; w2 = 16.0 / 225.0; w3 = 16.0 / 675.0; w4 = ( 322.0 - 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 21600.0; w5 = ( 322.0 + 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 21600.0; w6 = ( 322.0 - 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 7200.0; w7 = ( 322.0 + 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 7200.0; w8 = ( 322.0 - 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 5400.0; w9 = ( 322.0 + 13.0 * sqrt ( 70.0 ) ) / 5400.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = - b; xtab[5] = b; xtab[6] = b; xtab[7] = - b; xtab[8] = - b; xtab[9] = b; xtab[10] = b; xtab[11] = - b; xtab[12] = - b; xtab[13] = a; xtab[14] = a; xtab[15] = - a; xtab[16] = - a; xtab[17] = a; xtab[18] = a; xtab[19] = - a; xtab[20] = - a; xtab[21] = z; xtab[22] = z; xtab[23] = z; xtab[24] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = z; ytab[5] = c; ytab[6] = - c; ytab[7] = c; ytab[8] = - c; ytab[9] = d; ytab[10] = - d; ytab[11] = d; ytab[12] = - d; ytab[13] = e; ytab[14] = - e; ytab[15] = e; ytab[16] = - e; ytab[17] = f; ytab[18] = - f; ytab[19] = f; ytab[20] = - f; ytab[21] = g; ytab[22] = - g; ytab[23] = h; ytab[24] = - h; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w3; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w4; weight[6] = w4; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; weight[9] = w5; weight[10] = w5; weight[11] = w5; weight[12] = w5; weight[13] = w6; weight[14] = w6; weight[15] = w6; weight[16] = w6; weight[17] = w7; weight[18] = w7; weight[19] = w7; weight[20] = w7; weight[21] = w8; weight[22] = w8; weight[23] = w9; weight[24] = w9; } else if ( rule == 13 ) { nr = 4; ra = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); rw = ( double * ) malloc ( nr * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( nr, ra, rw ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = +1.0; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, nr, ra, rw ); for ( i = 0; i < nr; i++ ) { ra[i] = sqrt ( ra[i] ); } i = 0; for ( j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { c = cos ( pi * ( double ) ( j ) / 8.0 ); s = sin ( pi * ( double ) ( j ) / 8.0 ); for ( k = 0; k < nr; k++ ) { xtab[i] = c * ra[k]; ytab[i] = s * ra[k]; weight[i] = rw[k] / 16.0; i = i + 1; } } free ( ra ); free ( rw ); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CIRCLE_XY_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " There is no rule of index %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int circle_xy_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_XY_SIZE sizes an XY quadrature rule inside the unit circle in 2D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y <= 1.0. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Frank Lether, A Generalized Product Rule for the Circle, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 8, Number 2, June 1971, pages 249-253. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. 1, 1 point 1-st degree; 2, 4 point 3-rd degree, Stroud S2:3-1; 3, 4 point 3-rd degree, Lether #1; 4, 4 point 3-rd degree, Stroud S2:3-2; 5, 5 point 3-rd degree; 6, 7 point 5-th degree; 7, 9 point 5-th degree; 8, 9 point 5-th degree, Lether #2; 9, 12 point 7-th degree; 10, 16 point 7-th degree, Lether #3; 11, 21 point 9-th degree, Stroud S2:9-3; 12, 25 point 9-th degree, Lether #4 (after correcting error); 13, 64 point 15-th degree Gauss product rule. Output, int CIRCLE_XY_SIZE, the order of the desired rule. */ { int order; if ( rule == 1 ) { order = 1; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { order = 4; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { order = 4; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { order = 4; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { order = 5; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { order = 7; } else if ( rule == 7 ) { order = 9; } else if ( rule == 8 ) { order = 9; } else if ( rule == 9 ) { order = 12; } else if ( rule == 10 ) { order = 16; } else if ( rule == 11 ) { order = 21; } else if ( rule == 12 ) { order = 25; } else if ( rule == 13 ) { order = 64; } else { order = -1; fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CIRCLE_XY_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " There is no rule of index %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return order; } /******************************************************************************/ double circle_xy_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double r, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CIRCLE_XY_SUM applies an XY quadrature rule inside a circle in 2D. Integration region: (X-CENTER(1))^2 + (Y-CENTER(2))^2 <= R * R. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the coordinates of the center of the circle. Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. The rule is assumed to be defined on the unit circle. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the XY coordinates of the abscissas of the quadrature rule for the unit circle. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = center[0] + r * xtab[i]; y = center[1] + r * ytab[i]; quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( x, y ); } volume = circle_area_2d ( r ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_geg_00_1 ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_00_1 implements the midpoint rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int k; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_00_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; volume = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_geg_00_1_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_00_1_SIZE sizes the midpoint rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int CN_GEG_00_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_00_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_geg_01_1 ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_01_1 implements a precision 1 rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double value1; double value2; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_01_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; value1 = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon ); volume = pow ( value1, n ); expon = 1; value2 = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = value2 / value1; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_geg_01_1_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_01_1_SIZE sizes a precision 1 rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int CN_GEG_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_01_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_geg_02_xiu ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_02_XIU implements the Xiu precision 2 rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; int expon; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_02_XIU - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = 1.0; delta0 = 0.0; c1 = 1.0 / ( 2.0 * alpha + 3.0 ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } expon = 0; volume_1d = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_geg_02_xiu_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int CN_GEG_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_02_XIU_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_geg_03_xiu ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_03_XIU implements the Xiu precision 3 rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; int expon; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_03_XIU - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; volume = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( ( 2 * r - 1 ) * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ) / sqrt ( 2.0 * alpha + 3.0 ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ) / sqrt ( 2.0 * alpha + 3.0 ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * r8_mop ( j ) / sqrt ( 2.0 * alpha + 3.0 ); if ( n == 1 ) { x[i+j*n] = x[i+j*n] / sqrt ( 2.0 ); } i = i + 1; } } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_geg_03_xiu_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_03_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu precision 3 rule for region CN_GEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the parameter. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int CN_GEG_03_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_03_XIU_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double cn_geg_monomial_integral ( int n, double alpha, int expon[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Gegenbauer weight on CN. Discussion: CN_GEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Gegenbauer weight function w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha. with -1.0 < alpha. value = integral ( CN ) product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(I)^expon(i) (1-x(i)^2)^alpha dx(i) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 30 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of (1-X). -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int EXPON[N], the exponents. Output, double CN_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRA, the value of the integral. */ { int i; double value; double value2; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_GEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value2 = c1_geg_monomial_integral ( alpha, expon[i] ); value = value * value2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_jac_00_1 ( int n, double alpha, double beta, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_00_1 implements the midpoint rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 26 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int k; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_00_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_00_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; volume = c1_jac_monomial_integral ( alpha, beta, expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_jac_00_1_size ( int n, double alpha, double beta ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_00_1_SIZE sizes the midpoint rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 27 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Output, int CN_JAC_00_1_SIZE the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_00_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_00_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_jac_01_1 ( int n, double alpha, double beta, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_01_1 implements a precision 1 rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 26 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double value1; double value2; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_01_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_01_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; value1 = c1_jac_monomial_integral ( alpha, beta, expon ); volume = pow ( value1, n ); expon = 1; value2 = c1_jac_monomial_integral ( alpha, beta, expon ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = value2 / value1; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_jac_01_1_size ( int n, double alpha, double beta ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_01_1_SIZE sizes a precision 1 rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 27 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Output, int CN_JAC_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_01_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_01_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_jac_02_xiu ( int n, double alpha, double beta, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_02_XIU implements the Xiu precision 2 rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; int expon; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_02_XIU - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_02_XIU - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = ( alpha + beta + 2.0 ) / 2.0; delta0 = ( alpha - beta ) / 2.0; c1 = 2.0 * ( alpha + 1.0 ) * ( beta + 1.0 ) / ( alpha + beta + 3.0 ) / ( alpha + beta + 2.0 ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } expon = 0; volume_1d = c1_jac_monomial_integral ( alpha, beta, expon ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_jac_02_xiu_size ( int n, double alpha, double beta ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu rule for region CN_JAC. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Jacobi (beta) weight function w(alpha,beta;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) (1-x(i))^beta (1+x(i))^alpha. with -1 < alpha, -1 < beta. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 27 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, BETA, the parameters. -1.0 < ALPHA, -1.0 < BETA. Output, int CN_JAC_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_02_XIU_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( beta <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_JAC_02_XIU_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " BETA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double cn_jac_monomial_integral ( int n, double alpha, double beta, int expon[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_JAC_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of a monomial with Jacobi weight over CN. Discussion: value = integral ( CN ) product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(I)^expon(i) (1-x(i))^alpha (1+x(i))^beta dx(i) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 26 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of (1-X) in the weight factor. Input, double BETA, the exponent of (1+X) in the weight factor. Input, int EXPON[N], the exponents. Output, double CN_JAC_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { int i; double value; double value2; value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value2 = c1_jac_monomial_integral ( alpha, beta, expon[i] ); value = value * value2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_01_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_01_1 implements the midpoint rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int k; double volume; expon = 0; volume = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_01_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_01_1_SIZE sizes the midpoint rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_02_xiu ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_02_XIU implements the Xiu precision 2 rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; int expon; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = 1.0; delta0 = 0.0; c1 = 1.0 / 3.0; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } expon = 0; volume_1d = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_02_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_03_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_03_1 implements the Stroud rule CN:3-1 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. The necessary treatment of the final coordinate of points when N is odd seems to vary from what Stroud declares! Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; int expon; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; expon = 0; volume = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( ( 2 * r - 1 ) * ( j + 1 ) ) * pi / ( double ) ( n ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); i = i + 1; } /* The following code does not correspond to what Stroud declares. */ if ( i < n ) { if ( n == 1 ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j + 1 ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); } else { x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * r8_mop ( j + 1 ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); } i = i + 1; } } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_03_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_03_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule CN:3-1 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_03_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_03_xiu ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_03_XIU implements the Xiu precision 3 rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; int expon; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; expon = 0; volume = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( ( 2 * r - 1 ) * ( j + 1 ) ) * pi / ( double ) ( n ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { if ( n == 1 ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j + 1 ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); } else { x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * r8_mop ( j + 1 ) / sqrt ( 3.0 ); } i = i + 1; } } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_03_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_03_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu precision 3 rule for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_03_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_05_1 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_05_1 implements the Stroud rule CN:5-1 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N^2 + N + 2. The rule has precision P = 5. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. N must be 4, 5, or 6. Input, int OPTION, is only used in case N = 4 or 5. In that case, OPTION should be 1 or 2 to select the two available variants of the rule. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; double c; double eta; int expon; double gamma; int i; int i1; int i2; int k; double lambda; double mu; double volume; double xsi; if ( n < 4 || 6 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_LEG_05_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The value of N must be 4, 5, or 6.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( n == 4 || n == 5 ) { if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_LEG_05_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " When N = 4 or 5, the value of OPTION must be 1 or 2.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } } expon = 0; volume = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); if ( n == 4 && option == 1 ) { eta = 0.778984505799815E+00; lambda = 1.284565137874656E+00; xsi = - 0.713647298819253E+00; mu = - 0.715669761974162E+00; gamma = 0.217089151000943E+00; a = 0.206186096875899E-01 * volume; b = 0.975705820221664E-02 * volume; c = 0.733921929172573E-01 * volume; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 2 ) { eta = 0.546190755827425E+00; lambda = 0.745069130115661E+00; xsi = - 0.413927294508700E+00; mu = - 0.343989637454535E+00; gamma = 1.134017894600344E+00; a = 0.853094758323323E-01 * volume; b = 0.862099000096395E-01 * volume; c = 0.116418206881849E-01 * volume; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 1 ) { eta = 0.522478547481276E+00; lambda = 0.936135175985774E+00; xsi = - 0.246351362101519E+00; mu = - 0.496308106093758E+00; gamma = 0.827180176822930E+00; a = 0.631976901960153E-01 * volume; b = 0.511464127430166E-01 * volume; c = 0.181070246088902E-01 * volume; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 2 ) { eta = 0.798317301388741E+00; lambda = 0.637344273885728E+00; xsi = - 0.455245909918377E+00; mu = - 1.063446229997311E+00; gamma = 0.354482076665770E+00; a = 0.116952384292206E-01 * volume; b = 0.701731258612708E-01 * volume; c = 0.137439132264426E-01 * volume; } else if ( n == 6 ) { eta = 0.660225291773525E+00; lambda = 1.064581294844754E+00; xsi = 0.000000000000000E+00; mu = - 0.660225291773525E+00; gamma = 0.660225291773525E+00; a = 0.182742214532872E-01 * volume; b = 0.346020761245675E-01 * volume; c = 0.182742214532872E-01 * volume; } k = -1; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = eta; } w[k] = a; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = - eta; } w[k] = a; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = xsi; } x[i1+k*n] = lambda; w[k] = b; } for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = - xsi; } x[i1+k*n] = - lambda; w[k] = b; } for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n - 1; i1++ ) { for ( i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n; i2++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = gamma; } x[i1+k*n] = mu; x[i2+k*n] = mu; w[k] = c; } } for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n - 1; i1++ ) { for ( i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n; i2++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = - gamma; } x[i1+k*n] = - mu; x[i2+k*n] = - mu; w[k] = c; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_05_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_05_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule CN:5-1 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N^2 + N + 2. The rule has precision P = 5. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_05_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n * n + n + 2; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void cn_leg_05_2 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_05_2 implements the Stroud rule CN:5-2 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 N^2 + 1. The rule has precision P = 5. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. N must be at least 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double b0; double b1; double b2; int expon; int i; int i1; int i2; int k; double r; double volume; if ( n < 2 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CN_LEG_05_2 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N must be at least 2.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; volume = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); b0 = ( double ) ( 25 * n * n - 115 * n + 162 ) * volume / 162.0; b1 = ( double ) ( 70 - 25 * n ) * volume / 162.0; b2 = 25.0 * volume / 324.0; r = sqrt ( 3.0 / 5.0 ); k = - 1; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } w[k] = b0; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = + r; w[k] = b1; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b1; } for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n - 1; i1++ ) { for ( i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n; i2++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = + r; x[i2+k*n] = + r; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = + r; x[i2+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = - r; x[i2+k*n] = + r; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 0.0; } x[i1+k*n] = - r; x[i2+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b2; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int cn_leg_05_2_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_05_2_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule CN:5-2 for region CN_LEG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 N^2 + 1. The rule has precision P = 5. CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int CN_LEG_05_2_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n * n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double cn_leg_monomial_integral ( int n, int expon[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CN_LEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Legendre weight on CN. Discussion: CN_LEG is the cube [-1,+1]^N with the Legendre weight function w(x) = 1. value = integral ( CN ) product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(I)^expon(i) dx(i) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int EXPON(N), the exponents. Output, double CN_LEG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { int i; double value; double value2; value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value2 = c1_leg_monomial_integral ( expon[i] ); value = value * value2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double cone_unit_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CONE_UNIT_3D approximates an integral inside the unit cone in 3D. Integration Region: X^2 + Y^2 <= 1 - Z and 0 <= Z <= 1. Discussion: An 48 point degree 7 formula, Stroud CN:S2:7-1, is used. (There is a typographical error in the S2:7-1 formula for B3.) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X,Y,Z). Output, double CONE_UNIT_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double a; double b; double c; double h; int i; double quad; double r; double result; double u[4] = { 0.04850054945, 0.2386007376, 0.5170472951, 0.7958514179 }; double volume; double w1[4] = { 0.1108884156, 0.1434587878, 0.06863388717, 0.01035224075 }; double w2[3]; double x; double y; double z; a = sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; b = sqrt ( ( 27.0 - 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 104.0 ); c = sqrt ( ( 27.0 + 3.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 104.0 ); w2[0] = 2.0 / 9.0; w2[1] = 3.0 * ( 551.0 + 4.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 6264.0; w2[2] = 3.0 * ( 551.0 - 4.0 * sqrt ( 29.0 ) ) / 6264.0; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { x = a * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = 0.0; z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[0] * func ( x, y, z ); x = -a * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = 0.0; z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[0] * func ( x, y, z ); x = 0.0; y = a * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[0] * func ( x, y, z ); x = 0.0; y = -a * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[0] * func ( x, y, z ); } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { x = b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[1] * func ( x, y, z ); x = -b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[1] * func ( x, y, z ); x = -b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = -b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[1] * func ( x, y, z ); x = b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = -b * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[1] * func ( x, y, z ); x = c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[2] * func ( x, y, z ); x = -c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[2] * func ( x, y, z ); x = -c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = -c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[2] * func ( x, y, z ); x = c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); y = -c * ( 1.0 - u[i] ); z = u[i]; quad = quad + w1[i] * w2[2] * func ( x, y, z ); } r = 1.0; h = 1.0; volume = cone_volume_3d ( r, h ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double cone_volume_3d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CONE_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of a cone in 3D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 06 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the base of the cone. Input, double H, the height of the cone. Output, double CONE_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the cone. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = ( pi / 3.0 ) * h * r * r; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double cube_shell_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CUBE_SHELL_ND approximates an integral inside a cubic shell in N dimensions. Integration region: R1 <= abs ( X(1:N) ) <= R2 Discussion: An N*2^N point third degree formula is used, Stroud number CNSHELL:3-4. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R1, R2, the inner and outer radii of the cubical shell. The outer cube is of side 2*R2, the inner, missing cube of side 2*R1. Output, double CUBE_SHELL_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int done; int i; int j; double quad; double rmax; double rmin; double result; double u; double v; double volume; double *x; if ( r1 == r2 ) { result = 0.0; return result; } rmax = fmax ( r1, r2 ); rmin = fmin ( r1, r2 ); u = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) * ( pow ( rmax, n + 2 ) - pow ( rmin, n + 2 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) * ( pow ( rmax, n ) - pow ( rmin, n ) ) ) ); v = u / sqrt ( 3.0 ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = v; } x[i] = u; for ( ; ; ) { quad = quad + func ( n, x ); done = r8vec_mirror_next ( n, x ); if ( done ) { break; } } } quad = quad / ( double ) ( n * i4_power ( 2, n ) ); volume = cube_shell_volume_nd ( n, r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double cube_shell_volume_nd ( int n, double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CUBE_SHELL_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a cubic shell in ND. Integration region: R1 <= abs ( X(1:N) ) <= R2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R1, R2, the inner and outer radii of the cubic shell. The outer cube is of side 2*R2, the inner, missing cube of side 2*R1. Output, double CUBE_SHELL_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the cubic shell. */ { double value; value = ( pow ( r2, n ) - pow ( r1, n ) ) * i4_power ( 2, n ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double cube_unit_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CUBE_UNIT_3D approximates an integral inside the unit cube in 3D. Integration region: -1 <= X <= 1, and -1 <= Y <= 1, and -1 <= Z <= 1. Discussion: An 8 point third degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied routine to evaluate F(X,Y,Z). Output, double CUBE_UNIT_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double quad; double result; double s; double volume; double w; double x; double y; double z; s = 1.0 / sqrt ( 3.0 ); w = 1.0 / 8.0; x = s; y = s; z = s; quad = w * ( func ( x, y, z ) + func ( x, y, -z ) + func ( x, -y, z ) + func ( x, -y, -z ) + func ( -x, y, z ) + func ( -x, y, -z ) + func ( -x, -y, z ) + func ( -x, -y, -z ) ); volume = cube_unit_volume_nd ( 3 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void cube_unit_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), double qa[], double qb[], int n, int k ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CUBE_UNIT_ND approximates an integral inside the unit cube in ND. Integration region: -1 <= X(1:N) <= 1 Discussion: A K**N point product formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 April 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: James Lyness, BJJ McHugh, Integration Over Multidimensional Hypercubes, A Progressive Procedure, The Computer Journal, Volume 6, 1963, pages 264-270. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Output, double QA[K], QB[K], two sets of estimates for the integral. The QB entries are obtained from the QA entries by Richardson extrapolation, and QB(K) is the best estimate for the integral. Input, int N, the dimension of the cube. Input, int K, the highest order of integration, and the order of Richardson extrapolation. K can be no greater than 10. */ { double g[10*10]; int i; int j; int kmax = 10; g[0+0*10] = 1.0E+00; g[1+0*10] = -0.3333333333333E+00; g[1+1*10] = 0.1333333333333E+01; g[2+0*10] = 0.4166666666667E-01; g[2+1*10] = -0.1066666666667E+01; g[2+2*10] = 0.2025000000000E+01; g[3+0*10] = -0.2777777777778E-02; g[3+1*10] = 0.3555555555556E+00; g[3+2*10] = -0.2603571428571E+01; g[3+3*10] = 0.3250793650794E+01; g[4+0*10] = 0.1157407407407E-03; g[4+1*10] = -0.6772486772487E-01; g[4+2*10] = 0.1464508928571E+01; g[4+3*10] = -0.5779188712522E+01; g[4+4*10] = 0.5382288910935E+01; g[5+0*10] = -0.3306878306878E-05; g[5+1*10] = 0.8465608465608E-02; g[5+2*10] = -0.4881696428571E+00; g[5+3*10] = 0.4623350970018E+01; g[5+4*10] = -0.1223247479758E+02; g[5+5*10] = 0.9088831168831E+01; g[6+0*10] = 0.6889329805996E-07; g[6+1*10] = -0.7524985302763E-03; g[6+2*10] = 0.1098381696429E+00; g[6+3*10] = -0.2241624712736E+01; g[6+4*10] = 0.1274216124748E+02; g[6+5*10] = -0.2516907092907E+02; g[6+6*10] = 0.1555944865432E+02; g[7+0*10] = -0.1093544413650E-08; g[7+1*10] = 0.5016656868509E-04; g[7+2*10] = -0.1797351866883E-01; g[7+3*10] = 0.7472082375786E+00; g[7+4*10] = -0.8168052081717E+01; g[7+5*10] = 0.3236023405166E+02; g[7+6*10] = -0.5082753227079E+02; g[7+7*10] = 0.2690606541646E+02; g[8+0*10] = 0.1366930517063E-10; g[8+1*10] = -0.2606055516108E-05; g[8+2*10] = 0.2246689833604E-02; g[8+3*10] = -0.1839281815578E+00; g[8+4*10] = 0.3646451822195E+01; g[8+5*10] = -0.2588818724133E+02; g[8+6*10] = 0.7782965878964E+02; g[8+7*10] = -0.1012934227443E+03; g[8+8*10] = 0.4688718347156E+02; g[9+0*10] = -0.1380737896023E-12; g[9+1*10] = 0.1085856465045E-06; g[9+2*10] = -0.2222000934334E-03; g[9+3*10] = 0.3503393934435E-01; g[9+4*10] = -0.1215483940732E+01; g[9+5*10] = 0.1456210532325E+02; g[9+6*10] = -0.7477751530769E+02; g[9+7*10] = 0.1800771959898E+03; g[9+8*10] = -0.1998874663788E+03; g[9+9*10] = 0.8220635246624E+02; if ( kmax < k ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "CUBE_UNIT_ND - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " K must be no greater than KMAX = %d\n", kmax ); fprintf ( stderr, " but the input K is %d\n", k ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < k; i++ ) { qa[i] = qmdpt ( func, n, i+1 ); } qb[0] = qa[0]; for ( i = 1; i < k; i++ ) { qb[i] = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j <= i; j++ ) { qb[i] = qb[i] + g[i+j*10] * qa[j]; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double cube_unit_volume_nd ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CUBE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND returns the volume of the unit cube in ND. Integration region: -1 <= X(1:N) <= 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double CUBE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the unit cube in ND. */ { double value; value = pow ( 2.0, n ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ellipse_area_2d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: ELLIPSE_AREA_2D returns the area of an ellipse in 2D. Integration region: ( ( X - CENTER(1) ) / R1 )^2 + ( ( Y - CENTER(2) ) / R2 )^2 <= 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the major and minor semi-axes. Output, double ELLIPSE_AREA_2D, the area of the ellipse. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = pi * r1 * r2; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ellipse_circumference_2d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: ELLIPSE_CIRCUMFERENCE_2D returns the circumference of an ellipse in 2D. Discussion: There is no closed formula for the circumference of an ellipse. Defining the eccentricity by E = sqrt ( 1 - ( r2 / r1 )^2 ) where R1 and R2 are the major and minor axes, then circumference = 4 * R1 * E(K,2*PI) = R1 * Integral ( 0 <= T <= 2*PI ) sqrt ( 1 - E^2 * sin^2 ( T ) ) dT This integral can be approximated by the Gauss-Kummer formula. Integration region: ( ( X - CENTER(1) ) / R1 )^2 + ( ( Y - CENTER(2) ) / R2 )^2 <= 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: John Harris, Horst Stocker, Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science, Springer, 1998, ISBN: 0-387-94746-9, LC: QA40.S76. Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the major and minor semi-axes. Output, double ELLIPSE_CIRCUMFERENCE_2D, the circumference of the ellipse. */ { double e; int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double term; double value; if ( r1 == r2 ) { value = 2.0 * pi * r1; return value; } /* Compute the eccentricity of the ellipse. */ e = sqrt ( 1.0 - pow ( fmin ( r1, r2 ) / fmax ( r1, r2 ), 2 ) ); value = 1.0; term = value; i = 0; for ( ; ; ) { i = i + 1; term = term * ( 2 * i - 3 ) * ( 2 * i - 1 ) * e * e / ( double ) ( 2 * 2 * i * i ); if ( fabs ( term ) <= DBL_EPSILON * ( fabs ( value ) + 1.0 ) ) { break; } value = value + term; } value = 2.0 * pi * fmax ( r1, r2 ) * value; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ellipse_eccentricity_2d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_2D returns the eccentricity of an ellipse in 2D. Integration region: ( ( X - CENTER(1) ) / R1 )^2 + ( ( Y - CENTER(2) ) / R2 )^2 <= 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the major and minor semi-axes. Output, double ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_2D, the eccentricity of the ellipse. */ { double major; double minor; double value; minor = fmin ( fabs ( r1 ), fabs ( r2 ) ); major = fmax ( fabs ( r1 ), fabs ( r2 ) ); if ( major == 0.0 ) { value = - HUGE_VAL; return value; } value = sqrt ( 1.0 - pow ( minor / major, 2 ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ellipsoid_volume_3d ( double r1, double r2, double r3 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: ELLIPSOID_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of an ellipsoid in 3d. Discussion: This is not a general ellipsoid, but one for which each of the axes lies along a coordinate axis. Integration region: ( ( X - CENTER(1) ) / R1 )^2 + ( ( Y - CENTER(2) ) / R2 )^2 + ( ( Z - CENTER(3) ) / R3 )^2 <= 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, R3, the semi-axes of the ellipsoid. Output, double ELLIPSOID_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the ellipsoid. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * pi * r1 * r2 * r3; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_01_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_01_1 implements the Stroud rule 1.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int k; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = 0; /* 1 point. */ w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_01_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_01_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 1.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_02_xiu ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_02_XIU implements the Xiu rule for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = 2.0; delta0 = 0.0; c1 = 1.0; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } volume_1d = sqrt ( pi ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_02_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1; Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 26 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_03_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_1 implements the Stroud rule 3.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; int i; int k; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double r; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); a = volume / ( double ) ( o ); r = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) / 2.0 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = a; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + r; w[k] = a; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_03_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 3.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_03_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_03_2 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_2 implements the Stroud rule 3.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N. The rule has precision P = 3. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; int i; int i1; int k; int more; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); a = volume / ( double ) ( o ); r = sqrt ( 0.5 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2^N points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - r; } w[k] = a; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( i = n - 1; 0 <= i; i-- ) { if ( x[i+k*n] < 0.0 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < i; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[i+k*n] = + r; for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - r; } w[k] = a; more = 1; break; } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_03_2_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_2_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 3.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_03_2_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = i4_power ( 2, n ); return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_03_xiu ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_XIU implements the Xiu precision 3 rule for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) ( exp ( - x(i)^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( ( 2 * r - 1 ) * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n ); x[i+j*n] = cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); if ( n == 1 ) { x[i+j*n] = x[i+j*n] / sqrt ( 2.0 ); } i = i + 1; } } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_03_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_03_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu precision 3 rule for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 3. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) ( exp ( - x(i)^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_1 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_1 implements the Stroud rule 5.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N^2 + N + 2. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) For N = 3, 5 and 6, there are two versions of the rule, chosen by setting the OPTION variable to 1 or 2. Versions of this rule are only available for N = 2 through 7. There is a typographical error in the reference. For the second version of the rule for N = 2, the line gamma = 0.313300683022281E+00 should read gamma = 0.312200683022281E+00 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 2 <= N <= 7. Input, int OPTION, selects option 1 or 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; double c; double eta; double gamma; int i; int i1; int j; int k; double lambda; double mu; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double volume; double xsi; if ( n < 2 || 7 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_05_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 2 <= N <= 7 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_05_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 <= OPTION <= 2 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option == 2 ) { if ( n != 3 && n != 5 && n != 6 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_05_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " OPTION = 2 requires N = 3, 5 or 6.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } } volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); if ( n == 2 ) { eta = 0.446103183094540E+00; lambda = 0.136602540378444E+01; xsi = - 0.366025403784439E+00; mu = 0.198167882945871E+01; gamma = 0.000000000000000E+00; a = 0.328774019778636E+00 * volume; b = 0.833333333333333E-01 * volume; c = 0.455931355469736E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 3 && option == 1 ) { eta = 0.476731294622796E+00; lambda = 0.935429018879534E+00; xsi = - 0.731237647787132E+00; mu = 0.433155309477649E+00; gamma = 0.266922328697744E+01; a = 0.242000000000000E+00 * volume; b = 0.810000000000000E-01 * volume; c = 0.500000000000000E-02 * volume; } /* The value of gamma that follows corrects an error in the reference. */ else if ( n == 3 && option == 2 ) { eta = 0.476731294622796E+00; lambda = 0.128679320334269E+01; xsi = - 0.379873463323979E+00; mu = - 0.192386729447751E+01; gamma = 0.312200683022281E+00; a = 0.242000000000000E+00 * volume; b = 0.810000000000000E-01 * volume; c = 0.500000000000000E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 4 ) { eta = 0.523945658287507E+00; lambda = 0.119433782552719E+01; xsi = - 0.398112608509063E+00; mu = - 0.318569372920112E+00; gamma = 0.185675837424096E+01; a = 0.155502116982037E+00 * volume; b = 0.777510584910183E-01 * volume; c = 0.558227484231506E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 1 ) { eta = 0.214972564378798E+01; lambda = 0.464252986016289E+01; xsi = - 0.623201054093728E+00; mu = - 0.447108700673434E+00; gamma = 0.812171426076311E+00; a = 0.487749259189752E-03 * volume; b = 0.487749259189752E-03 * volume; c = 0.497073504444862E-01 * volume; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 2 ) { eta = 0.615369528365158E+00; lambda = 0.132894698387445E+01; xsi = - 0.178394363877324E+00; mu = - 0.745963266507289E+00; gamma = 0.135503972310817E+01; a = 0.726415024414905E-01 * volume; b = 0.726415024414905E-01 * volume; c = 0.641509853510569E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 1 ) { eta = 0.100000000000000E+01; lambda = 0.141421356237309E+01; xsi = 0.000000000000000E+00; mu = - 0.100000000000000E+01; gamma = 0.100000000000000E+01; a = 0.781250000000000E-02 * volume; b = 0.625000000000000E-01 * volume; c = 0.781250000000000E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 2 ) { eta = 0.100000000000000E+01; lambda = 0.942809041582063E+00; xsi = - 0.471404520791032E+00; mu = - 0.166666666666667E+01; gamma = 0.333333333333333E+00; a = 0.781250000000000E-02 * volume; b = 0.625000000000000E-01 * volume; c = 0.781250000000000E-02 * volume; } else if ( n == 7 ) { eta = 0.000000000000000E+00; lambda = 0.959724318748357E+00; xsi = - 0.772326488820521E+00; mu = - 0.141214270131942E+01; gamma = 0.319908106249452E+00; a = 0.111111111111111E+00 * volume; b = 0.138888888888889E-01 * volume; c = 0.138888888888889E-01 * volume; } r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2 points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - eta; } w[k] = a; k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = + eta; } w[k] = a; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - xsi; } x[i+k*n] = - lambda; w[k] = b; k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = + xsi; } x[i+k*n] = + lambda; w[k] = b; } /* 2 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - gamma; } x[i+k*n] = - mu; x[j+k*n] = - mu; w[k] = c; k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = + gamma; } x[i+k*n] = + mu; x[j+k*n] = + mu; w[k] = c; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N^2 + N + 2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_05_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n * n + n + 2; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_2 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_2 implements the Stroud rule 5.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N^2 + 1. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; double c; int i; int j; int k; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); a = 2.0E+00 * volume / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); b = ( double ) ( 4 - n ) * volume / 2.0E+00 / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); c = volume / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); r = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) / 2.0E+00 ); s = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) / 4.0E+00 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = a; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + r; w[k] = b; } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - s; x[j+k*n] = - s; w[k] = c; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - s; x[j+k*n] = + s; w[k] = c; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + s; x[j+k*n] = - s; w[k] = c; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + s; x[j+k*n] = + s; w[k] = c; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_2_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_2_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2 * N^2 + 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 2 * n * n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_3 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_3 implements the Stroud rule 5.3 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N + 2 * N. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) The rule requires 3 <= N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 3 <= N. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; int i; int i1; int k; int more; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double volume; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_05_3 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 3 <= N is required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); a = 4.0E+00 * volume / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); b = ( double ) ( ( n - 2 ) * ( n - 2 ) ) * volume / ( double ) ( i4_power ( 2, n ) ) / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); r = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) / 4.0E+00 ); s = sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) / 2.0E+00 / ( double ) ( n - 2 ) ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = a; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + r; w[k] = a; } /* 2^N points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } w[k] = b; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( i = n - 1; 0 <= i; i-- ) { if ( x[i+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[i+k*n] = + s; for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } w[k] = b; more = 1; break; } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_3_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_3_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.3 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N + 2 * N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_05_3_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = i4_power ( 2, n ) + 2 * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_4 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_4 implements the Stroud rule 5.4 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^(N+1) - 1. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double b; int i; int i1; int j; int k; int more; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); s = sqrt ( 0.5E+00 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2^N + 2^(N-1) + 2^(N-2) + ... + 1 = 2^(N+1)-1 points. but do the last point separately. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { r = sqrt ( ( double ) ( i + 3 ) / 2.0E+00 ); b = pow ( 2.0E+00, i + 1 - n ) * volume / ( double ) ( i + 2 ) / ( double ) ( i + 3 ); k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - r; for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } w[k] = b; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( j = n - 1; 0 <= j; j-- ) { if ( x[j+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[j+k*n] = fabs ( x[j+k*n] ); for ( i1 = j + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = b; more = 1; break; } } } } /* Last point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = 2.0E+00 * volume / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_4_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_4_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.4 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^(N+1) - 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_05_4_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = i4_power ( 2, n + 1 ) - 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_5 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_5 implements the Stroud rule 5.5 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N * 2^N + 1. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) There is a second version of this rule however it results in complex abscissas, and so it has been disabled. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 21 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; int i; int i1; int j; int k; int more; double n_r8; int option; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double volume; volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); n_r8 = ( double ) ( n ); a = 2.0E+00 * volume / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ); b = volume / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) / pow ( 2.0, n ); option = 1; if ( option == 1 ) { r = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 + ( n_r8 - 1.0E+00 ) * sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); s = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); } else if ( option == 2 ) { r = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 - ( n_r8 - 1.0E+00 ) * sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); s = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 + sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); } r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = a; /* N * 2^N points: N choices for location of R, 2^N choices of sign pattern. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( j = n - 1; 0 <= j; j-- ) { if ( x[j+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[j+k*n] = fabs ( x[j+k*n] ); for ( i1 = j + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = b; more = 1; break; } } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_5_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_5_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.5 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = N * 2^N + 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_05_5_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n * i4_power ( 2, n ) + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_05_6 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_6 implements the Stroud rule 5.6 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( N + 1 ) * 2^N. The rule has precision P = 5. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) The rule requires 5 <= N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 5 <= N. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; int i; int i1; int j; int k; int more; double n_r8; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double t; double volume; if ( n < 5 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_05_6 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 5 <= N is required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); n_r8 = ( double ) ( n ); a = volume / pow ( 2.0, n ) / ( n_r8 + 1.0E+00 ); r = sqrt ( ( n_r8 - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 ) + ( n_r8 - 1.0E+00 ) * sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 1.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); s = sqrt ( ( n_r8 - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 ) - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 1.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / n_r8 ); t = sqrt ( ( 1.0E+00 + sqrt ( 2.0E+00 ) ) / 2.0E+00 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* N * 2^N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = a; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( j = n - 1; 0 <= j; j-- ) { if ( x[j+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[j+k*n] = fabs ( x[j+k*n] ); for ( i1 = j + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = a; more = 1; break; } } } } /* 2^N points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - t; } w[k] = a; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( j = n - 1; 0 <= j; j-- ) { if ( x[j+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[j+k*n] = fabs ( x[j+k*n] ); for ( i1 = j + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = a; more = 1; break; } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_05_6_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_05_6_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 5.6 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( N + 1 ) * 2^N. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_05_6_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = ( n + 1 ) * i4_power ( 2, n ); return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_07_1 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_1 implements the Stroud rule 7.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N + 2 * N^2 + 1. The rule has precision P = 7. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) There are two versions of the rule, chosen by setting the OPTION variable to 1 or 2. Option 1 is only valid for N = 3, 4, 6 or 7. Option 2 is only valid for N = 3 or 4. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. N = 3, 4, 6 or 7. Input, int OPTION, chooses rule option 1 or 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; int i; int i1; int j; int k; int more; double n_r8; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double s; double t; double volume; if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 <= OPTION <= 2 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option == 1 ) { if ( n != 3 && n != 4 && n != 6 && n != 7 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " OPTION 1 requires N = 3, 4, 6 or 7.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } } if ( option == 2 ) { if ( n != 3 && n != 4 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " OPTION 2 requires N = 3 or 4.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } } volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); n_r8 = ( double ) ( n ); if ( option == 1 ) { r = sqrt ( ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) - ( n_r8 - 2.0E+00 ) * sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( 5.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ); s = sqrt ( ( 3.0E+00 * n_r8 - 2.0E+00 * sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( 3.0E+00 * n_r8 - 8.0E+00 ) ); t = sqrt ( ( 6.0E+00 + sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 ); } else if ( option == 2 ) { r = sqrt ( ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) + ( n_r8 - 2.0E+00 ) * sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( 5.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ); s = sqrt ( ( 3.0E+00 * n_r8 + 2.0E+00 * sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( 3.0E+00 * n_r8 - 8.0E+00 ) ); t = sqrt ( ( 6.0E+00 - sqrt ( 3.0E+00 * ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 ); } b = ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) * volume / 8.0E+00 / pow ( r, 6 ); c = volume / pow ( 2.0E+00, n + 3 ) / pow ( s, 6 ); d = volume / 16.0E+00 / pow ( t, 6 ); a = volume - 2.0E+00 * n_r8 * b - pow ( 2.0E+00, n ) * c - 2.0E+00 * n_r8 * ( n_r8 - 1.0E+00 ) * d; r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = a; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - r; w[k] = b; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + r; w[k] = b; } /* 2^N points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - s; } w[k] = c; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( i = n - 1; 0 <= i; i-- ) { if ( x[i+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-1)*n]; } x[i+k*n] = fabs ( x[i+k*n] ); for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = c; more = 1; break; } } } /* 2 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - t; x[j+k*n] = - t; w[k] = d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - t; x[j+k*n] = + t; w[k] = d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + t; x[j+k*n] = - t; w[k] = d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + t; x[j+k*n] = + t; w[k] = d; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_07_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 7.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^N + 2 * N^2 + 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_07_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = i4_power ( 2, n ) + 2 * n * n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_07_2 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_2 implements the Stroud rule 7.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^(N+1) + 4 * N^2. The rule has precision P = 7. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) The rule requires 3 <= N. The reference has a typographical error in the description of this rule. The formula: (t,t,t,...,t)FS should read (t,t,0,...,0)FS. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 3 <= N. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double a1; double a2; double b; double c; double d; int i; int i1; int j; int k; int more; double n_r8; double pi = 3.141592653589793E+00; double r; double rho1; double rho2; double s; double t; double volume; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_2 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 3 <= N is required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } volume = sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ); n_r8 = ( double ) ( n ); rho1 = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 ); rho2 = sqrt ( ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 + sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 ); a1 = ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 + sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ); a2 = ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 - sqrt ( 2.0E+00 * ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) ) ) / 2.0E+00 / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ); r = 1.0E+00; s = sqrt ( 1.0E+00 / n_r8 ); t = sqrt ( 0.5E+00 ); b = ( 8.0E+00 - n_r8 ) * volume / n_r8 / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) / ( n_r8 + 4.0E+00 ); c = pow ( n_r8, 3 ) * volume / pow ( 2.0E+00, n ) / n_r8 / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) / ( n_r8 + 4.0E+00 ); d = 4.0E+00 * volume / n_r8 / ( n_r8 + 2.0E+00 ) / ( n_r8 + 4.0E+00 ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 2 * 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho1 * r; w[k] = a1 * b; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho2 * r; w[k] = a2 * b; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho1 * r; w[k] = a1 * b; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho2 * r; w[k] = a2 * b; } /* 2 * 2^N points. */ k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - rho1 * s; } w[k] = a1 * c; k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - rho2 * s; } w[k] = a2 * c; more = 1; while ( more ) { more = 0; for ( i = n - 1; 0 <= i; i-- ) { if ( x[i+k*n] < 0.0E+00 ) { k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-2)*n];; } x[i+k*n] = fabs ( x[i+k*n] ); for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = a1 * c; k = k + 1; for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = x[i1+(k-2)*n];; } x[i+k*n] = fabs ( x[i+k*n] ); for ( i1 = i + 1; i1 < n; i1++ ) { x[i1+k*n] = - fabs ( x[i1+k*n] ); } w[k] = a2 * c; more = 1; break; } } } /* 2 * 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho1 * t; x[j+k*n] = - rho1 * t; w[k] = a1 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho1 * t; x[j+k*n] = + rho1 * t; w[k] = a1 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho1 * t; x[j+k*n] = - rho1 * t; w[k] = a1 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho1 * t; x[j+k*n] = + rho1 * t; w[k] = a1 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho2 * t; x[j+k*n] = - rho2 * t; w[k] = a2 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - rho2 * t; x[j+k*n] = + rho2 * t; w[k] = a2 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho2 * t; x[j+k*n] = - rho2 * t; w[k] = a2 * d; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + rho2 * t; x[j+k*n] = + rho2 * t; w[k] = a2 * d; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_07_2_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_2_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 7.2 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = 2^(N+1) + 4 * N^2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_07_2_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = i4_power ( 2, n + 1 ) + 4 * n * n; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_07_3 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_3 implements the Stroud rule 7.3 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 4 * N^3 + 8 * N + 3 ) / 3. The rule has precision P = 7. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) There are two versions of each rule, chosen by setting the OPTION variable to 1 or 2. The rule as tabulated by Stenger is available for N = 2 through 20. This function accepts N = 3 through 6. N O __ ___ 3 45 4 97 5 181 6 305 The reference has a typographical error for N = 5, OPTION 1, B4: -(1)0.736330882774831 should read (-1)0.736330882774831 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 3 <= N <= 6. Input, int OPTION, chooses rule option 1 or 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double b0; double b1; double b2; double b3; double b4; double b5; int i; int j; int k; int l; double u; double v; if ( n < 3 || 6 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_3 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 3 <= N <= 6 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_07_3 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 <= OPTION <= 2 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( n == 3 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.524647623275290E+00; v = 0.165068012388578E+01; b0 = - 0.166705761599566E+02; b1 = 0.100296981655678E+02; b2 = 0.161699246687754E+00; b3 = - 0.604719151221535E+01; b4 = 0.234381399489666E-01; b5 = 0.417194501880647E+01; } else if ( n == 3 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.165068012388578E+01; v = 0.524647623275290E+00; b0 = 0.166705761599566E+02; b1 = 0.178903161957074E+00; b2 = - 0.665808190965810E+01; b3 = 0.148361823143070E-01; b4 = 0.229669852539758E+01; b5 = 0.430097881732984E-02; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.524647623275290E+00; v = 0.165068012388578E+01; b0 = - 0.167539329651562E+03; b1 = 0.687922329603575E+02; b2 = 0.203518409659014E+00; b3 = - 0.255075279116885E+02; b4 = 0.415430214106084E-01; b5 = 0.739458001434961E+01; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.165068012388578E+01; v = 0.524647623275290E+00; b0 = 0.688432856406677E+02; b1 = 0.294997847268286E+00; b2 = - 0.199427272118378E+02; b3 = 0.110498755408511E-01; b4 = 0.407079214570997E+01; b5 = 0.762328646743931E-02; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.524647623275290E+00; v = 0.165068012388578E+01; b0 = - 0.826940846964452E+03; b1 = 0.264779097660331E+03; b2 = 0.213460812375320E+00; b3 = - 0.714240197186780E+02; b4 = 0.736330882774831E-01; b5 = 0.131065518222629E+02; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.165068012388578E+01; v = 0.524647623275290E+00; b0 = 0.220502344940121E+03; b1 = 0.537746975313769E+00; b2 = - 0.497781460739792E+02; b3 = - 0.743845245712926E-02; b4 = 0.721529121489956E+01; b5 = 0.135119234557687E-01; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.524647623275290E+00; v = 0.165068012388578E+01; b0 = - 0.309679578630802E+04; b1 = 0.815423321880237E+03; b2 = 0.117326937169073E+00; b3 = - 0.173057295296448E+03; b4 = 0.130511250871491E+00; b5 = 0.232307582494626E+02; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.165068012388578E+01; v = 0.524647623275290E+00; b0 = 0.616293651884027E+03; b1 = 0.107529736766179E+01; b2 = - 0.113807008098269E+03; b3 = - 0.610828352270520E-01; b4 = 0.127887706992535E+02; b5 = 0.239492607623178E-01; } r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = b0; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b1; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b1; } /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b2; } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b3; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b4; } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_07_3_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_07_3_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 7.3 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 4 * N^3 + 8 * N + 3 ) / 3. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_07_3_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = ( 4 * n * n * n + 8 * n + 3 ) / 3; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_09_1 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_09_1 implements the Stroud rule 9.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 2 * N^4 - 4 * N^3 + 22 * N^2 - 8 * N + 3 ) / 3. The rule has precision P = 9. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) There are two versions of each rule, chosen by setting the OPTION variable to 1 or 2. The rule as tabulated by Stenger is available for N = 2 through 20. This function accepts N = 3 through 6. N O __ ___ 3 77 4 193 5 421 6 825 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 3 <= N <= 6. Input, int OPTION, chooses rule option 1 or 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double b0; double b1; double b2; double b3; double b4; double b5; double b6; double b7; double b8; int i; int j; int k; int l; int m; double u; double v; if ( n < 3 || 6 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_09_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 3 <= N <= 6 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_09_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 <= OPTION <= 2 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( n == 3 ) { u = 0.202018287045609E+01; v = 0.958572464613819E+00; b0 = 0.676448734429924E+00; b1 = 0.511989106291551E-02; b2 = 0.448595723493744E+00; b3 = 0.235223454595606E-03; b4 = 0.915390713080005E-01; b5 = 0.139208199920793E-01; b6 = 0.235223454595606E-03; b7 = 0.915390713080008E-01; b8 = 0.000000000000000E+00; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.202018287045609E+01; v = 0.958572464613819E+00; b0 = - 0.860452945007048E+00; b1 = - 0.405511998533795E-01; b2 = 0.107026475449715E+01; b3 = 0.138974239307092E-03; b4 = - 0.162248779448181E+00; b5 = 0.246740110027234E-01; b6 = 0.138974239307094E-03; b7 = 0.162248779448181E+00; b8 = 0.138974239307094E-03; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.958572464613819E+00; v = 0.202018287045609E+01; b0 = 0.265029088766810E-02; b1 = 0.637601342635332E+00; b2 = - 0.394394059389228E-01; b3 = 0.540829264827264E-01; b4 = - 0.416922717921281E-03; b5 = 0.246740110027234E-01; b6 = 0.540829264827270E-01; b7 = 0.416922717921281E-03; b8 = 0.540829264827269E-01; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.202018287045609E+01; v = 0.958572464613819E+00; b0 = - 0.827347006200826E+01; b1 = - 0.160820174530905E+00; b2 = 0.353499863758467E+01; b3 = 0.738976276909564E-03; b4 = - 0.862735421812943E+00; b5 = 0.437335458190621E-01; b6 = - 0.246325425636523E-03; b7 = 0.287578473937648E+00; b8 = 0.246325425636523E-03; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.958572464613819E+00; v = 0.202018287045609E+01; b0 = - 0.624416791055272E+00; b1 = 0.467494915583104E+00; b2 = - 0.152937760910536E+00; b3 = 0.287578473937646E+00; b4 = - 0.221692883072871E-02; b5 = 0.437335458190621E-01; b6 = - 0.958594913125490E-01; b7 = 0.738976276909568E-03; b8 = 0.958594913125492E-01; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.202018287045609E+01; v = 0.958572464613819E+00; b0 = - 0.361840434143098E+02; b1 = - 0.447936529138517E+00; b2 = 0.112077863004144E+02; b3 = 0.392940404320855E-02; b4 = - 0.254859786784158E+01; b5 = 0.775156917007496E-01; b6 = - 0.130980134773619E-02; b7 = 0.509719573568315E+00; b8 = 0.436600449245395E-03; } else if ( n == 6 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.958572464613819E+00; v = 0.202018287045609E+01; b0 = 0.448873836333650E+01; b1 = - 0.238473566140736E+01; b2 = - 0.413008493198885E+00; b3 = 0.152915872070494E+01; b4 = - 0.654900673868093E-02; b5 = 0.775156917007496E-01; b6 = - 0.509719573568314E+00; b7 = 0.130980134773618E-02; b8 = 0.169906524522772E+00; } r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = b0; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b1; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b1; } /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b2; } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b3; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b4; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b5; } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b6; } } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; } } } /* 16 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) * ( N - 3 ) / 24 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 3; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 2; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n - 1; l++ ) { for ( m = l + 1; m < n; m++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; } } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_09_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_09_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 9.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 2 * N^4 - 4 * N^3 + 22 * N^2 - 8 * N + 3 ) / 3. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_09_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = ( 2 * i4_power ( n, 4 ) - 4 * i4_power ( n, 3 ) + 22 * i4_power ( n, 2 ) - 8 * n + 3 ) / 3; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void en_r2_11_1 ( int n, int option, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_11_1 implements the Stroud rule 11.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 4 * N^5 - 20 * N^4 + 140 * N^3 - 130 * N^2 + 96 * N + 15 ) / 15. The rule has precision P = 11. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) There are two versions of each rule, chosen by setting the OPTION variable to 1 or 2. The rule as tabulated by Stenger is available for N = 2 through 20. This function accepts N = 3 through 5. N O __ ___ 3 151 4 417 5 983 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. 3 <= N <= 5. Input, int OPTION, chooses rule option 1 or 2. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double b0; double b1; double b2; double b3; double b4; double b5; double b6; double b7; double b8; double b9; double b10; double b11; double b12; double b13; double b14; double b15; int i; int i1; int i2; int i3; int i4; int i5; int j; int k; int l; int m; double u; double v; double w2; if ( n < 3 || 5 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_11_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 3 <= N <= 5 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( option < 1 || 2 < option ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_11_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 <= OPTION <= 2 required.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( n == 3 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.436077411927617E+00; w2 = 0.133584907401370E+01; b0 = - 0.881591029957858E+01; b1 = - 0.751996143360650E-01; b2 = 0.621743189471515E+01; b3 = 0.241426451456494E+00; b4 = - 0.120709739276065E-02; b5 = - 0.427751221210138E+01; b6 = 0.550169924840163E-01; b7 = 0.237084999634707E-01; b8 = - 0.169791992887741E-02; b9 = - 0.252266276123350E-04; b10 = 0.326777873717691E+01; b11 = 0.968469949206802E-02; b12 = 0.789754514877422E-03; b13 = 0.000000000000000E+00; b14 = 0.000000000000000E+00; b15 = 0.000000000000000E+00; } else if ( n == 3 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.133584907401370E+01; w2 = 0.436077411927617E+00; b0 = - 0.141214037032900E+02; b1 = - 0.803730274707282E-01; b2 = 0.235546545595906E+00; b3 = 0.888123191556611E+01; b4 = 0.142467131155533E-03; b5 = 0.582993124006494E-01; b6 = - 0.561099173155661E+01; b7 = - 0.204028691521686E-02; b8 = 0.252880089932256E-01; b9 = - 0.814378678627283E-04; b10 = 0.804353953375146E-02; b11 = 0.393451849690453E+01; b12 = 0.171183493169724E-03; b13 = 0.000000000000000E+00; b14 = 0.000000000000000E+00; b15 = 0.000000000000000E+00; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.436077411927617E+00; w2 = 0.133584907401370E+01; b0 = 0.241502736147339E+03; b1 = - 0.196095938531478E+00; b2 = - 0.128675737999280E+03; b3 = 0.307568784278696E+00; b4 = - 0.480908422319460E-02; b5 = 0.698087019367085E+02; b6 = 0.631837143743771E-01; b7 = 0.392226151971179E-01; b8 = - 0.300948471646799E-02; b9 = - 0.650235306755170E-04; b10 = - 0.386951974646715E+02; b11 = 0.171656829095787E-01; b12 = 0.139980343116450E-02; b13 = 0.101552487093372E-04; b14 = 0.222435922356439E+02; b15 = 0.000000000000000E+00; } else if ( n == 4 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.133584907401370E+01; w2 = 0.436077411927617E+00; b0 = - 0.151944464736584E+03; b1 = - 0.223498438689039E+00; b2 = 0.243574919068010E+00; b3 = 0.634373877008693E+02; b4 = - 0.782065187814018E-04; b5 = 0.911833754536616E-01; b6 = - 0.238927288245914E+02; b7 = - 0.422314408318853E-02; b8 = 0.448218289217760E-01; b9 = - 0.138053374667391E-03; b10 = 0.607473265800655E-02; b11 = 0.697375246129742E+01; b12 = 0.303414841680135E-03; b13 = - 0.314574391771792E-05; b14 = 0.409103498175100E-02; b15 = 0.000000000000000E+00; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 1 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.436077411927617E+00; w2 = 0.133584907401370E+01; b0 = 0.255885269311763E+04; b1 = - 0.439598677491526E+00; b2 = - 0.106541406144610E+04; b3 = 0.453540909054264E+00; b4 = - 0.132100905623778E-01; b5 = 0.418606568954203E+03; b6 = 0.511394563043680E-01; b7 = 0.645581013845604E-01; b8 = - 0.533417277494500E-02; b9 = - 0.137981626254496E-03; b10 = - 0.147436933189884E+03; b11 = 0.304253807765057E-01; b12 = 0.248108698207828E-02; b13 = 0.113652094546015E-04; b14 = 0.394257407160391E+02; b15 = 0.331725011358320E-05; } else if ( n == 5 && option == 2 ) { u = 0.235060497367449E+01; v = 0.133584907401370E+01; w2 = 0.436077411927617E+00; b0 = - 0.761305347548192E+03; b1 = - 0.536360805019297E+00; b2 = 0.110669832078736E+00; b3 = 0.246421088923968E+03; b4 = - 0.773649327968607E-03; b5 = 0.169088641205970E+00; b6 = - 0.670700680243651E+02; b7 = - 0.856090560229205E-02; b8 = 0.794446232770302E-01; b9 = - 0.220272863263544E-03; b10 = - 0.373515812228225E-02; b11 = 0.123606544052884E+02; b12 = 0.537788804557843E-03; b13 = - 0.122101861480881E-04; b14 = 0.725117070759373E-02; b15 = 0.331725011358320E-05; } r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; w[k] = b0; /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b1; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b1; } /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b2; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b2; } /* 2 * N points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b3; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b3; } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b4; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b4; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b5; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b5; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b6; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b6; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b7; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b7; } } /* 4 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b8; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b8; } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b9; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b9; } } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b10; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b10; } } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 6 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; x[l+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; x[l+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; x[l+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; x[l+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; x[l+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = - w2; x[l+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; x[l+k*n] = - w2; w[k] = b11; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + w2; x[j+k*n] = + w2; x[l+k*n] = + w2; w[k] = b11; } } } /* 8 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) / 2 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 2; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 1; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n; l++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b12; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b12; } } } /* 16 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) * ( N - 3 ) / 24 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 3; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 2; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n - 1; l++ ) { for ( m = l + 1; m < n; m++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = - u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = - u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b13; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + u; x[j+k*n] = + u; x[l+k*n] = + u; x[m+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b13; } } } } /* 16 * ( N * ( N - 1 ) * ( N - 2 ) * ( N - 3 ) / 24 ) points. */ for ( i = 0; i < n - 3; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n - 2; j++ ) { for ( l = j + 1; l < n - 1; l++ ) { for ( m = l + 1; m < n; m++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = - v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = - v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = - v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = - v; w[k] = b14; k = k + 1; x[i+k*n] = + v; x[j+k*n] = + v; x[l+k*n] = + v; x[m+k*n] = + v; w[k] = b14; } } } } /* All quintuples UUUUU with 32 sign combinations. */ for ( i1 = 0; i1 < n - 4; i1++ ) { for ( i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < n - 3; i2++ ) { for ( i3 = i2 + 1; i3 < n - 2; i3++ ) { for ( i4 = i3 + 1; i4 < n - 1; i4++ ) { for ( i5 = i4 + 1; i5 < n; i5++ ) { k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = - u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = - u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = - u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = - u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = - u; w[k] = b15; k = k + 1; x[i1+k*n] = + u; x[i2+k*n] = + u; x[i3+k*n] = + u; x[i4+k*n] = + u; x[i5+k*n] = + u; w[k] = b15; } } } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int en_r2_11_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_11_1_SIZE sizes the Stroud rule 11.1 for region EN_R2. Discussion: The rule has order O = ( 4 * N^5 - 20 * N^4 + 140 * N^3 - 130 * N^2 + 96 * N + 15 ) / 15. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EN_R2_11_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = ( 4 * i4_power ( n, 5 ) - 20 * i4_power ( n, 4 ) + 140 * i4_power ( n, 3 ) - 130 * i4_power ( n, 2 ) + 96 * n + 15 ) / 15; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double en_r2_monomial_integral ( int n, int alpha[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EN_R2_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL evaluates monomial integrals in EN_R2. Discussion: ALPHA is the set of polynomial exponents. EN_R2 is the entire N-dimensional space with weight function w(x) = exp ( - x1^2 - x2^2 ... - xn^2 ) The integral to be evaluated is value = integral ( EN ) x(1)^alpha(1) * x(2)^alpha(2) * ... * x(n)^alpha(n) * w(x) dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int ALPHA[N], the polynomial exponents. 0 <= ALPHA[*]. Output, double EN_R2_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double arg; int i; double value; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( alpha[i] < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EN_R2_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA[%d] < 0.\n", i ); exit ( 1 ); } } value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( ( alpha[i] % 2 == 1 ) ) { value = 0.0; break; } else { arg = ( ( double ) ( alpha[i] + 1 ) ) / 2.0; value = value * tgamma ( arg ); } } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( int expon, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EP1_GLG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with GLG weight on EP1. Discussion: EP1_GLG is the interval [0,+oo) with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = x^alpha exp ( - x ) value = integral ( 0 <= x < +oo ) x^expon x^alpha exp ( - x ) dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int EXPON, the exponent. 0 <= EXPON. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, double EP1_GLG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double arg; double exact; arg = alpha + ( double ) ( expon + 1 ); exact = tgamma ( arg ); return exact; } /******************************************************************************/ double ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( int expon ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EP1_LAG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Laguerre weight on EP1. Discussion: EP1 is the interval [0,+oo) with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x) = exp ( - x ) value = integral ( 0 <= x < oo ) x^expon exp ( - x ) dx Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int EXPON, the exponent. 0 <= EXPON. Output, double EP1_LAG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { double value; value = r8_factorial ( expon ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_glg_00_1 ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_00_1 implements the "midpoint rule" for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_00_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; volume = ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( expon, alpha ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 1.0; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_glg_00_1_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_00_1_SIZE sizes the midpoint rule for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int EPN_GLG_00_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_00_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_glg_01_1 ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_01_1 implements a precision 1 rule for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double value1; double value2; double volume; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_01_1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } expon = 0; value1 = ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( expon, alpha ); volume = pow ( value1, n ); expon = 1; value2 = ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( expon, alpha ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = value2 / value1; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_glg_01_1_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_01_1_SIZE sizes a precision 1 rule for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int EPN_GLG_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_01_1_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_glg_02_xiu ( int n, double alpha, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_02_XIU implements the Xiu precision 2 rule for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; int expon; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_02_XIU - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = - 1.0; delta0 = alpha + 1.0; c1 = - alpha - 1.0; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } expon = 0; volume_1d = ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( expon, alpha ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_glg_02_xiu_size ( int n, double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu rule for region EPN_GLG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, int EPN_GLG_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; if ( alpha <= -1.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "EPN_GLG_02_XIUI_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " ALPHA <= -1.0\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double epn_glg_monomial_integral ( int n, int expon[], double alpha ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_GLG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with GLG weight on EPN. Discussion: EPN_GLG is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with generalized Laguerre weight function: w(alpha;x) = product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) value = integral ( EPN ) product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(I)^expon(i) x(i)^alpha exp ( - x(i) ) dx(i) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int EXPON[N], the exponents. Input, double ALPHA, the exponent of X in the weight function. -1.0 < ALPHA. Output, double EPN_GLG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL, the value of the integral. */ { int i; double value; double value2; value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value2 = ep1_glg_monomial_integral ( expon[i], alpha ); value = value * value2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_lag_00_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_00_1 implements the "midpoint rule" for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double volume; expon = 0; volume = ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume, n ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = 1.0; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_lag_00_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_00_1_SIZE sizes the midpoint rule for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 0. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EPN_LAG_00_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_lag_01_1 ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_01_1 implements a precision 1 rule for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { int expon; int i; int k; double value1; double value2; double volume; expon = 0; value1 = ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( value1, n ); expon = 1; value2 = ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( expon ); r8vec_zero ( n * o, x ); k = - 1; /* 1 point. */ k = k + 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+k*n] = value2 / value1; } w[k] = volume; return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_lag_01_1_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_01_1_SIZE sizes a precision 1 rule for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = 1. The rule has precision P = 1. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EPN_LOG_01_1_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ void epn_lag_02_xiu ( int n, int o, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_02_XIU implements the Xiu precision 2 rule for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; double c1; double delta0; int expon; double gamma0; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; double volume; double volume_1d; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } gamma0 = - 1.0; delta0 = 1.0; c1 = - 1.0; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } expon = 0; volume_1d = ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( expon ); volume = pow ( volume_1d, n ); for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = volume / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int epn_lag_02_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Xiu rule for region EPN_LAG. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int EPN_LAG_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double epn_lag_monomial_integral ( int n, int expon[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EPN_LAG_MONOMIAL_INTEGRAL: integral of monomial with Laguerre weight on EPN. Discussion: EPN is the N-dimensional positive space [0,+oo)^N with exponential or Laguerre weight function: w(x(1:n)) = exp ( - sum ( x(1:n) ) ) value = integral ( EPN ) product ( 1 <= i <= n ) x(I)^expon(i) exp ( -x(i) ) dx(i) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 January 2010 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int EXPON(N), the exponents. Output, double EPN_LAG_MONOMIAL_VALUE, the value of the integral. */ { int i; double value; double value2; value = 1.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value2 = ep1_lag_monomial_integral ( expon[i] ); value = value * value2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void gw_02_xiu ( int n, int o, double gamma0, double delta0, double c1, double volume_1d, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: GW_02_XIU implements the Golub-Welsch version of the Xiu rule. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1. The rule has precision P = 2. It is assumed that the integral is over an N-dimensional region, and has the form Integral f(x) w(x) dx where w(x) is separable into identical and independent components: w(x) = v(x1) * v(x2) * ... * v(xn) Associated with the weight function v(x), we assume there is a family of orthogonal polynomials satisfying a three-term recurrence of the form: x P(n,x) = An * P(n+1,x) + Bn * P(n,x) + Cn * P(n-1,x) with P(0,x) = 1, and P(-1,x) = 0. This routine can construct the desired quadrature rule by knowing the values of C1, used in the definition of P2, the values GAMMA0 = 1/A0 and DELTA0 = - B0/A0, for which it is the case that P(1,X) = GAMMA0 * X + DELTA0, and the value of VOLUME_1D, that is, the 1D integral of v(x) over the region. Note the values for the following standard polynomial families: Chebyshev Type 1 V(X) = 1 / sqrt ( 1 - X^2 ) Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = 1.0 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1/2 VOLUME_1D = PI Chebyshev Type 2 V(X) = sqrt ( 1 - X^2 ) Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = 2.0 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1/2 VOLUME_1D = PI / 2 Gegenbauer V(X) = ( 1 - X^2 )^A Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = 2 * A + 1 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = ( 2 * A + 1 ) / ( 2 A + 3 ) VOLUME_1D = sqrt ( PI ) * Gamma(A+1) / Gamma(A+3/2) Gegenbauer* (Removes singularity at ALPHA = -0.5): V(X) = ( 1 - X^2 )^A Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = 1 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1 / ( 2 A + 3 ) VOLUME_1D = sqrt ( PI ) * Gamma(A+1) / Gamma(A+3/2) Generalized Hermite V(X) = |x|^A exp ( - x^2 ) Interval = (-oo,+oo) GAMMA0 = 2 DELTA0 = 0 C1 = 2+2A VOLUME_1D = Gamma((A+1)/2) Generalized Laguerre V(X) = x^A exp ( - x ) Interval = [0,+oo) GAMMA0 = -1.0 DELTA0 = A+1.0 C1 = -A-1.0 VOLUME_1D = Gamma(A+1) Hermite (physicist) V(X) = exp ( - x^2 ) Interval = (-oo,+oo) GAMMA0 = 2.0 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1.0 VOLUME_1D = sqrt ( PI ) Hermite (probabilist) V(X) = exp ( - x^2 / 2 ) Interval = (-oo,+oo) GAMMA0 = 1.0 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1.0 VOLUME_1D = sqrt ( 2 PI ) Jacobi V(X) = (1-x)^A (1+x)^B Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = (A+B+2)/2 DELTA0 = (A-B)/2 C1 = 2(A+1)(B+1)/(A+B+3)/(A+B+2) VOLUME_1D = 2^(A+B+1) * Gamma(A+1) * Gamma(B+1) / ( A+B+1) / Gamma(A+B+1) Laguerre V(X) = exp ( - x ) Interval = [0,+oo) GAMMA0 = -1.0 DELTA0 = 1.0 C1 = -1.0 VOLUME_1D = 1.0 Legendre V(X) = 1.0 Interval = [-1,+1] GAMMA0 = 1.0 DELTA0 = 0.0 C1 = 1/3 VOLUME_1D = 2.0 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 March 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Input, int O, the order. Input, double GAMMA0, the ratio 1 / A0. Input, double DELTA0, the ratio B0 / A0. Input, double C1, the coefficient of P(0,X) in the definition of P(2,X). Input, double VOLUME_1D, the 1D integral of V(X). Output, double X[N*O], the abscissas. Output, double W[O], the weights. */ { double arg; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; int r; for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { i = 0; for ( r = 1; r <= ( n / 2 ); r++ ) { arg = ( double ) ( 2 * r * j ) * pi / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * cos ( arg ); i = i + 1; x[i+j*n] = sqrt ( 2.0 ) * sin ( arg ); i = i + 1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i+j*n] = r8_mop ( j ); i = i + 1; } } /* Adjust for the GW rule. */ for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i+j*n] = ( sqrt ( gamma0 * c1 ) * x[i+j*n] - delta0 ) / gamma0; } } /* The weights are equal. */ for ( j = 0; j < o; j++ ) { w[j] = pow ( volume_1d, n ) / ( double ) ( o ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int gw_02_xiu_size ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: GW_02_XIU_SIZE sizes the Golub Welsch version of the Xiu rule. Discussion: The rule has order O = N + 1; Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 February 2010 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Dongbin Xiu, Numerical integration formulas of degree two, Applied Numerical Mathematics, Volume 58, 2008, pages 1515-1520. Parameters: Input, int N, the spatial dimension. Output, int GW_02_XIU_SIZE, the order. */ { int o; o = n + 1; return o; } /******************************************************************************/ double hexagon_area_2d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: HEXAGON_AREA_2D returns the area of a regular hexagon in 2D. Discussion: The formula for the area only requires the radius, and does not depend on the location of the center, or the orientation of the hexagon. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the hexagon. Output, double HEXAGON_AREA_2D, the area of the hexagon. */ { double value; value = r * r * hexagon_unit_area_2d ( ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double hexagon_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double r, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: HEXAGON_SUM applies a quadrature rule inside a hexagon in 2D. Discussion: The input quadrature rule is assumed to be defined for a unit hexagon. The input quadrature rule may be defined by calling HEXAGON_UNIT_SET. Integration region: The definition is given in terms of THETA, the angle in degrees of the vector (X-CENTER(1),Y-CENTER(2)). The following six conditions apply, respectively, between the bracketing values of THETA of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360. 0 <= Y-CENTER(2) <= -SQRT(3) * (X-CENTER(1)) + R * SQRT(3) 0 <= Y-CENTER(2) <= R * SQRT(3)/2 0 <= Y-CENTER(2) <= SQRT(3) * (X-CENTER(1)) + R * SQRT(3) -SQRT(3) * (X-CENTER(1)) - R * SQRT(3) <= Y-CENTER(2) <= 0 - R * SQRT(3)/2 <= Y-CENTER(2) <= 0 SQRT(3) * (X-CENTER(1)) - R * SQRT(3) <= Y-CENTER(2) <= 0 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function of two variables which is to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the hexagon. Input, double R, the radius of the hexagon. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = center[0] + r * xtab[i]; y = center[1] + r * ytab[i]; quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( x, y ); } volume = hexagon_area_2d ( r ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double hexagon_unit_area_2d ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: HEXAGON_UNIT_AREA_2D returns the area of the unit regular hexagon in 2D. Integration region: The definition is given in terms of THETA, the angle in degrees of the vector (X,Y). The following six conditions apply, respectively, between the bracketing values of THETA of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360. 0 <= Y <= -SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3)/2 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) - SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 - SQRT(3)/2 <= Y <= 0 SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double HEXAGON_UNIT_AREA_2D, the area of the hexagon. */ { double value; value = 3.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void hexagon_unit_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: HEXAGON_UNIT_SET sets a quadrature rule inside the unit hexagon in 2D. Integration region: The definition is given in terms of THETA, the angle in degrees of the vector (X,Y). The following six conditions apply, respectively, between the bracketing values of THETA of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360. 0 <= Y <= -SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3)/2 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) -SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 - SQRT(3)/2 <= Y <= 0 SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. 1, 1 point, degree 1; 2, 4 points, degree 3; 3, 7 points, degree 3; 4, 7 points, degree 5; Input, int ORDER, the order of the desired rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas of the rule. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double z; if ( rule == 1 ) { xtab[0] = 0.0; ytab[0] = 0.0; weight[0] = 1.0; } /* Stroud rule H2:3-1. */ else if ( rule == 2 ) { a = sqrt ( 5.0 / 12.0 ); b = 1.0 / 4.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = - a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = - a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; } /* Stroud rule H2:3-2. */ else if ( rule == 3 ) { a = sqrt ( 3.0 ) / 2.0; b = 0.5; c = 1.0; d = 5.0 / 72.0; e = 42.0 / 72.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = c; xtab[2] = - c; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = - b; xtab[5] = b; xtab[6] = - b; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = a; ytab[4] = a; ytab[5] = - a; ytab[6] = - a; weight[0] = e; weight[1] = d; weight[2] = d; weight[3] = d; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = d; weight[6] = d; } /* Stroud rule H2:5-1. */ else if ( rule == 4 ) { a = sqrt ( 14.0 ) / 5.0; b = sqrt ( 14.0 ) / 10.0; c = sqrt ( 42.0 ) / 10.0; d = 125.0 / 1008.0; e = 258.0 / 1008.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = - a; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = - b; xtab[5] = b; xtab[6] = - b; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = - c; ytab[6] = - c; weight[0] = e; weight[1] = d; weight[2] = d; weight[3] = d; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = d; weight[6] = d; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "HEXAGON_UNIT_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal input value of RULE = %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int hexagon_unit_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: HEXAGON_UNIT_SIZE sizes a quadrature rule inside the unit hexagon in 2D. Integration region: The definition is given in terms of THETA, the angle in degrees of the vector (X,Y). The following six conditions apply, respectively, between the bracketing values of THETA of 0, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, and 360. 0 <= Y <= -SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3)/2 0 <= Y <= SQRT(3) * X + SQRT(3) -SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 - SQRT(3)/2 <= Y <= 0 SQRT(3) * X - SQRT(3) <= Y <= 0 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule desired. 1, 1 point, degree 1; 2, 4 points, degree 3; 3, 7 points, degree 3; 4, 7 points, degree 5; Output, int HEXAGON_UNIT_SIZE, the order of the desired rule. If RULE is not legal, then ORDER is returned as -1. */ { int order; if ( rule == 1 ) { order = 1; } /* Stroud rule H2:3-1. */ else if ( rule == 2 ) { order = 4; } /* Stroud rule H2:3-2. */ else if ( rule == 3 ) { order = 7; } /* Stroud rule H2:5-1. */ else if ( rule == 4 ) { order = 7; } else { order = -1; } return order; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4_factorial ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4_FACTORIAL returns N!. Discussion: N! = Product ( 1 <= I <= N ) I Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 28 May 2003 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the argument of the factorial function. 0 <= N. Output, int I4_FACTORIAL, the factorial of N. */ { int fact; int i; /* Check. */ if ( n < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "I4_FACTORIAL - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N < 0.\n" ); return 0; } fact = 1; for ( i = 2; i <= n; i++ ) { fact = fact * i; } return fact; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4_factorial2 ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4_FACTORIAL2 computes the double factorial function. Discussion: FACTORIAL2( N ) = Product ( N * (N-2) * (N-4) * ... * 2 ) (N even) = Product ( N * (N-2) * (N-4) * ... * 1 ) (N odd) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the argument of the double factorial function. If N is less than 1, I4_FACTORIAL2 is returned as 1. Output, int I4_FACTORIAL2, the value of the double factorial function. */ { int n_copy; int value; if ( n < 1 ) { value = 1; return value; } n_copy = n; value = 1; while ( 1 < n_copy ) { value = value * n_copy; n_copy = n_copy - 2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4_max ( int i1, int i2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 October 1998 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int I1, I2, are two integers to be compared. Output, int I4_MAX, the larger of I1 and I2. */ { int value; if ( i2 < i1 ) { value = i1; } else { value = i2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4_min ( int i1, int i2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4_MIN returns the minimum of two I4's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 October 1998 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int I1, I2, two integers to be compared. Output, int I4_MIN, the smaller of I1 and I2. */ { int value; if ( i1 < i2 ) { value = i1; } else { value = i2; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4_power ( int i, int j ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4_POWER returns the value of I^J. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 01 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int I, J, the base and the power. J should be nonnegative. Output, int I4_POWER, the value of I^J. */ { int k; int value; if ( j < 0 ) { if ( i == 1 ) { value = 1; } else if ( i == 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "I4_POWER - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " I^J requested, with I = 0 and J negative.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } else { value = 0; } } else if ( j == 0 ) { if ( i == 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "I4_POWER - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " I^J requested, with I = 0 and J = 0.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } else { value = 1; } } else if ( j == 1 ) { value = i; } else { value = 1; for ( k = 1; k <= j; k++ ) { value = value * i; } } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ int i4vec_sum ( int n, int a[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4VEC_SUM sums the entries of an I4VEC. Discussion: An I4VEC is a vector of I4's. Example: Input: A = ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) Output: I4VEC_SUM = 10 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 26 May 1999 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of entries in the vector. Input, int A[N], the vector to be summed. Output, int I4VEC_SUM, the sum of the entries of A. */ { int i; int sum; sum = 0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { sum = sum + a[i]; } return sum; } /******************************************************************************/ void i4vec_zero ( int n, int a[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: I4VEC_ZERO zeroes an I4VEC. Discussion: An I4VEC is a vector of I4's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 01 August 2005 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of entries in the vector. Output, int A[N], a vector of zeroes. */ { int i; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { a[i] = 0; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void ksub_next2 ( int n, int k, int a[], int *in, int *iout ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: KSUB_NEXT2 generates the subsets of size K from a set of size N. Discussion: This routine uses the revolving door method. It has no "memory". It simply calculates the successor of the input set, and will start from the beginning after the last set. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 May 2003 Author: Original FORTRAN77 version by Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf. C++ version by John Burkardt. Reference: Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf, Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition, Academic Press, 1978, ISBN: 0-12-519260-6, LC: QA164.N54. Parameters: Input, int N, the size of the set from which subsets are drawn. N must be positive. Input, int K, the size of the desired subset. K must be between 0 and N. Input/output, int A[K]. On input, the user must supply a subset of size K in A. That is, A must contain K unique numbers, in order, between 1 and N. On output, A(I) is the I-th element of the output subset. The output array is also in sorted order. Output, int *IN, the element of the output subset which was not in the input set. Each new subset differs from the last one by adding one element and deleting another. Output, int *IOUT, the element of the input subset which is not in the output subset. */ { int j; int m; if ( n <= 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "KSUB_NEXT2 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N = %d\n", n ); fprintf ( stderr, " but 0 < N is required!\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( k < 0 || n < k ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "KSUB_NEXT2 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N = %d\n", n ); fprintf ( stderr, " K = %d\n", k ); fprintf ( stderr, " but 0 <= K <= N is required!\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } j = 0; for ( ; ; ) { if ( 0 < j || ( k % 2 ) == 0 ) { j = j + 1; if ( k < j ) { a[k-1] = k; *in = k; *iout = n; return; } if ( a[j-1] != j ) { *iout = a[j-1]; *in = *iout - 1; a[j-1] = *in; if ( j != 1 ) { *in = j - 1; a[j-2] = *in; } return; } } j = j + 1; m = n; if ( j < k ) { m = a[j] - 1; } if ( m != a[j-1] ) { break; } } *in = a[j-1] + 1; a[j-1] = *in; *iout = *in - 1; if ( j != 1 ) { a[j-2] = *iout; *iout = j - 1; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void legendre_set ( int n, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LEGENDRE_SET sets abscissas and weights for Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Discussion: The integration interval is [ -1, 1 ]. The weight function w(x-1] = 1.0; The integral to approximate: Integral ( -1 <= X <= 1 ) F(X) dX Quadrature rule: Sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) W(I) * F ( X(I) ) The quadrature rule will integrate exactly all polynomials up to X**(2*N-1). The abscissas of the rule are the zeroes of the Legendre polynomial P(N)(X). The integral produced by a Gauss-Legendre rule is equal to the integral of the unique polynomial of degree N-1 which agrees with the function at the N abscissas of the rule. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 October 2009 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Milton Abramowitz, Irene Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, National Bureau of Standards, 1964, ISBN: 0-486-61272-4, LC: QA47.A34. Vladimir Krylov, Approximate Calculation of Integrals, Dover, 2006, ISBN: 0486445798. Arthur Stroud, Don Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice Hall, 1966, LC: QA299.4G3S7. Daniel Zwillinger, editor, CRC Standard Mathematical Tables and Formulae, 30th Edition, CRC Press, 1996, ISBN: 0-8493-2479-3. Parameters: Input, int N, the order of the rule. N must be between 1 and 33, 63, 64, 65, 127 or 255. Output, double X[N], the abscissas of the rule. Output, double W[N], the weights of the rule. The weights are positive, symmetric and should sum to 2. */ { if ( n == 1 ) { x[0] = 0.0; w[0] = 2.0; } else if ( n == 2 ) { x[0] = - 0.577350269189625764509148780502; x[1] = 0.577350269189625764509148780502; w[0] = 1.0; w[1] = 1.0; } else if ( n == 3 ) { x[0] = - 0.774596669241483377035853079956; x[1] = 0.0; x[2] = 0.774596669241483377035853079956; w[0] = 5.0 / 9.0; w[1] = 8.0 / 9.0; w[2] = 5.0 / 9.0; } else if ( n == 4 ) { x[0] = - 0.861136311594052575223946488893; x[1] = - 0.339981043584856264802665759103; x[2] = 0.339981043584856264802665759103; x[3] = 0.861136311594052575223946488893; w[0] = 0.347854845137453857373063949222; w[1] = 0.652145154862546142626936050778; w[2] = 0.652145154862546142626936050778; w[3] = 0.347854845137453857373063949222; } else if ( n == 5 ) { x[0] = - 0.906179845938663992797626878299; x[1] = - 0.538469310105683091036314420700; x[2] = 0.0; x[3] = 0.538469310105683091036314420700; x[4] = 0.906179845938663992797626878299; w[0] = 0.236926885056189087514264040720; w[1] = 0.478628670499366468041291514836; w[2] = 0.568888888888888888888888888889; w[3] = 0.478628670499366468041291514836; w[4] = 0.236926885056189087514264040720; } else if ( n == 6 ) { x[0] = - 0.932469514203152027812301554494; x[1] = - 0.661209386466264513661399595020; x[2] = - 0.238619186083196908630501721681; x[3] = 0.238619186083196908630501721681; x[4] = 0.661209386466264513661399595020; x[5] = 0.932469514203152027812301554494; w[0] = 0.171324492379170345040296142173; w[1] = 0.360761573048138607569833513838; w[2] = 0.467913934572691047389870343990; w[3] = 0.467913934572691047389870343990; w[4] = 0.360761573048138607569833513838; w[5] = 0.171324492379170345040296142173; } else if ( n == 7 ) { x[0] = - 0.949107912342758524526189684048; x[1] = - 0.741531185599394439863864773281; x[2] = - 0.405845151377397166906606412077; x[3] = 0.0; x[4] = 0.405845151377397166906606412077; x[5] = 0.741531185599394439863864773281; x[6] = 0.949107912342758524526189684048; w[0] = 0.129484966168869693270611432679; w[1] = 0.279705391489276667901467771424; w[2] = 0.381830050505118944950369775489; w[3] = 0.417959183673469387755102040816; w[4] = 0.381830050505118944950369775489; w[5] = 0.279705391489276667901467771424; w[6] = 0.129484966168869693270611432679; } else if ( n == 8 ) { x[0] = - 0.960289856497536231683560868569; x[1] = - 0.796666477413626739591553936476; x[2] = - 0.525532409916328985817739049189; x[3] = - 0.183434642495649804939476142360; x[4] = 0.183434642495649804939476142360; x[5] = 0.525532409916328985817739049189; x[6] = 0.796666477413626739591553936476; x[7] = 0.960289856497536231683560868569; w[0] = 0.101228536290376259152531354310; w[1] = 0.222381034453374470544355994426; w[2] = 0.313706645877887287337962201987; w[3] = 0.362683783378361982965150449277; w[4] = 0.362683783378361982965150449277; w[5] = 0.313706645877887287337962201987; w[6] = 0.222381034453374470544355994426; w[7] = 0.101228536290376259152531354310; } else if ( n == 9 ) { x[0] = - 0.968160239507626089835576202904; x[1] = - 0.836031107326635794299429788070; x[2] = - 0.613371432700590397308702039341; x[3] = - 0.324253423403808929038538014643; x[4] = 0.0; x[5] = 0.324253423403808929038538014643; x[6] = 0.613371432700590397308702039341; x[7] = 0.836031107326635794299429788070; x[8] = 0.968160239507626089835576202904; w[0] = 0.812743883615744119718921581105E-01; w[1] = 0.180648160694857404058472031243; w[2] = 0.260610696402935462318742869419; w[3] = 0.312347077040002840068630406584; w[4] = 0.330239355001259763164525069287; w[5] = 0.312347077040002840068630406584; w[6] = 0.260610696402935462318742869419; w[7] = 0.180648160694857404058472031243; w[8] = 0.812743883615744119718921581105E-01; } else if ( n == 10 ) { x[0] = - 0.973906528517171720077964012084; x[1] = - 0.865063366688984510732096688423; x[2] = - 0.679409568299024406234327365115; x[3] = - 0.433395394129247190799265943166; x[4] = - 0.148874338981631210884826001130; x[5] = 0.148874338981631210884826001130; x[6] = 0.433395394129247190799265943166; x[7] = 0.679409568299024406234327365115; x[8] = 0.865063366688984510732096688423; x[9] = 0.973906528517171720077964012084; w[0] = 0.666713443086881375935688098933E-01; w[1] = 0.149451349150580593145776339658; w[2] = 0.219086362515982043995534934228; w[3] = 0.269266719309996355091226921569; w[4] = 0.295524224714752870173892994651; w[5] = 0.295524224714752870173892994651; w[6] = 0.269266719309996355091226921569; w[7] = 0.219086362515982043995534934228; w[8] = 0.149451349150580593145776339658; w[9] = 0.666713443086881375935688098933E-01; } else if ( n == 11 ) { x[0] = - 0.978228658146056992803938001123; x[1] = - 0.887062599768095299075157769304; x[2] = - 0.730152005574049324093416252031; x[3] = - 0.519096129206811815925725669459; x[4] = - 0.269543155952344972331531985401; x[5] = 0.0; x[6] = 0.269543155952344972331531985401; x[7] = 0.519096129206811815925725669459; x[8] = 0.730152005574049324093416252031; x[9] = 0.887062599768095299075157769304; x[10] = 0.978228658146056992803938001123; w[0] = 0.556685671161736664827537204425E-01; w[1] = 0.125580369464904624634694299224; w[2] = 0.186290210927734251426097641432; w[3] = 0.233193764591990479918523704843; w[4] = 0.262804544510246662180688869891; w[5] = 0.272925086777900630714483528336; w[6] = 0.262804544510246662180688869891; w[7] = 0.233193764591990479918523704843; w[8] = 0.186290210927734251426097641432; w[9] = 0.125580369464904624634694299224; w[10] = 0.556685671161736664827537204425E-01; } else if ( n == 12 ) { x[0] = - 0.981560634246719250690549090149; x[1] = - 0.904117256370474856678465866119; x[2] = - 0.769902674194304687036893833213; x[3] = - 0.587317954286617447296702418941; x[4] = - 0.367831498998180193752691536644; x[5] = - 0.125233408511468915472441369464; x[6] = 0.125233408511468915472441369464; x[7] = 0.367831498998180193752691536644; x[8] = 0.587317954286617447296702418941; x[9] = 0.769902674194304687036893833213; x[10] = 0.904117256370474856678465866119; x[11] = 0.981560634246719250690549090149; w[0] = 0.471753363865118271946159614850E-01; w[1] = 0.106939325995318430960254718194; w[2] = 0.160078328543346226334652529543; w[3] = 0.203167426723065921749064455810; w[4] = 0.233492536538354808760849898925; w[5] = 0.249147045813402785000562436043; w[6] = 0.249147045813402785000562436043; w[7] = 0.233492536538354808760849898925; w[8] = 0.203167426723065921749064455810; w[9] = 0.160078328543346226334652529543; w[10] = 0.106939325995318430960254718194; w[11] = 0.471753363865118271946159614850E-01; } else if ( n == 13 ) { x[0] = - 0.984183054718588149472829448807; x[1] = - 0.917598399222977965206547836501; x[2] = - 0.801578090733309912794206489583; x[3] = - 0.642349339440340220643984606996; x[4] = - 0.448492751036446852877912852128; x[5] = - 0.230458315955134794065528121098; x[6] = 0.0; x[7] = 0.230458315955134794065528121098; x[8] = 0.448492751036446852877912852128; x[9] = 0.642349339440340220643984606996; x[10] = 0.801578090733309912794206489583; x[11] = 0.917598399222977965206547836501; x[12] = 0.984183054718588149472829448807; w[0] = 0.404840047653158795200215922010E-01; w[1] = 0.921214998377284479144217759538E-01; w[2] = 0.138873510219787238463601776869; w[3] = 0.178145980761945738280046691996; w[4] = 0.207816047536888502312523219306; w[5] = 0.226283180262897238412090186040; w[6] = 0.232551553230873910194589515269; w[7] = 0.226283180262897238412090186040; w[8] = 0.207816047536888502312523219306; w[9] = 0.178145980761945738280046691996; w[10] = 0.138873510219787238463601776869; w[11] = 0.921214998377284479144217759538E-01; w[12] = 0.404840047653158795200215922010E-01; } else if ( n == 14 ) { x[0] = - 0.986283808696812338841597266704; x[1] = - 0.928434883663573517336391139378; x[2] = - 0.827201315069764993189794742650; x[3] = - 0.687292904811685470148019803019; x[4] = - 0.515248636358154091965290718551; x[5] = - 0.319112368927889760435671824168; x[6] = - 0.108054948707343662066244650220; x[7] = 0.108054948707343662066244650220; x[8] = 0.319112368927889760435671824168; x[9] = 0.515248636358154091965290718551; x[10] = 0.687292904811685470148019803019; x[11] = 0.827201315069764993189794742650; x[12] = 0.928434883663573517336391139378; x[13] = 0.986283808696812338841597266704; w[0] = 0.351194603317518630318328761382E-01; w[1] = 0.801580871597602098056332770629E-01; w[2] = 0.121518570687903184689414809072; w[3] = 0.157203167158193534569601938624; w[4] = 0.185538397477937813741716590125; w[5] = 0.205198463721295603965924065661; w[6] = 0.215263853463157790195876443316; w[7] = 0.215263853463157790195876443316; w[8] = 0.205198463721295603965924065661; w[9] = 0.185538397477937813741716590125; w[10] = 0.157203167158193534569601938624; w[11] = 0.121518570687903184689414809072; w[12] = 0.801580871597602098056332770629E-01; w[13] = 0.351194603317518630318328761382E-01; } else if ( n == 15 ) { x[0] = - 0.987992518020485428489565718587; x[1] = - 0.937273392400705904307758947710; x[2] = - 0.848206583410427216200648320774; x[3] = - 0.724417731360170047416186054614; x[4] = - 0.570972172608538847537226737254; x[5] = - 0.394151347077563369897207370981; x[6] = - 0.201194093997434522300628303395; x[7] = 0.0; x[8] = 0.201194093997434522300628303395; x[9] = 0.394151347077563369897207370981; x[10] = 0.570972172608538847537226737254; x[11] = 0.724417731360170047416186054614; x[12] = 0.848206583410427216200648320774; x[13] = 0.937273392400705904307758947710; x[14] = 0.987992518020485428489565718587; w[0] = 0.307532419961172683546283935772E-01; w[1] = 0.703660474881081247092674164507E-01; w[2] = 0.107159220467171935011869546686; w[3] = 0.139570677926154314447804794511; w[4] = 0.166269205816993933553200860481; w[5] = 0.186161000015562211026800561866; w[6] = 0.198431485327111576456118326444; w[7] = 0.202578241925561272880620199968; w[8] = 0.198431485327111576456118326444; w[9] = 0.186161000015562211026800561866; w[10] = 0.166269205816993933553200860481; w[11] = 0.139570677926154314447804794511; w[12] = 0.107159220467171935011869546686; w[13] = 0.703660474881081247092674164507E-01; w[14] = 0.307532419961172683546283935772E-01; } else if ( n == 16 ) { x[0] = - 0.989400934991649932596154173450; x[1] = - 0.944575023073232576077988415535; x[2] = - 0.865631202387831743880467897712; x[3] = - 0.755404408355003033895101194847; x[4] = - 0.617876244402643748446671764049; x[5] = - 0.458016777657227386342419442984; x[6] = - 0.281603550779258913230460501460; x[7] = - 0.950125098376374401853193354250E-01; x[8] = 0.950125098376374401853193354250E-01; x[9] = 0.281603550779258913230460501460; x[10] = 0.458016777657227386342419442984; x[11] = 0.617876244402643748446671764049; x[12] = 0.755404408355003033895101194847; x[13] = 0.865631202387831743880467897712; x[14] = 0.944575023073232576077988415535; x[15] = 0.989400934991649932596154173450; w[0] = 0.271524594117540948517805724560E-01; w[1] = 0.622535239386478928628438369944E-01; w[2] = 0.951585116824927848099251076022E-01; w[3] = 0.124628971255533872052476282192; w[4] = 0.149595988816576732081501730547; w[5] = 0.169156519395002538189312079030; w[6] = 0.182603415044923588866763667969; w[7] = 0.189450610455068496285396723208; w[8] = 0.189450610455068496285396723208; w[9] = 0.182603415044923588866763667969; w[10] = 0.169156519395002538189312079030; w[11] = 0.149595988816576732081501730547; w[12] = 0.124628971255533872052476282192; w[13] = 0.951585116824927848099251076022E-01; w[14] = 0.622535239386478928628438369944E-01; w[15] = 0.271524594117540948517805724560E-01; } else if ( n == 17 ) { x[0] = - 0.990575475314417335675434019941; x[1] = - 0.950675521768767761222716957896; x[2] = - 0.880239153726985902122955694488; x[3] = - 0.781514003896801406925230055520; x[4] = - 0.657671159216690765850302216643; x[5] = - 0.512690537086476967886246568630; x[6] = - 0.351231763453876315297185517095; x[7] = - 0.178484181495847855850677493654; x[8] = 0.0; x[9] = 0.178484181495847855850677493654; x[10] = 0.351231763453876315297185517095; x[11] = 0.512690537086476967886246568630; x[12] = 0.657671159216690765850302216643; x[13] = 0.781514003896801406925230055520; x[14] = 0.880239153726985902122955694488; x[15] = 0.950675521768767761222716957896; x[16] = 0.990575475314417335675434019941; w[0] = 0.241483028685479319601100262876E-01; w[1] = 0.554595293739872011294401653582E-01; w[2] = 0.850361483171791808835353701911E-01; w[3] = 0.111883847193403971094788385626; w[4] = 0.135136368468525473286319981702; w[5] = 0.154045761076810288081431594802; w[6] = 0.168004102156450044509970663788; w[7] = 0.176562705366992646325270990113; w[8] = 0.179446470356206525458265644262; w[9] = 0.176562705366992646325270990113; w[10] = 0.168004102156450044509970663788; w[11] = 0.154045761076810288081431594802; w[12] = 0.135136368468525473286319981702; w[13] = 0.111883847193403971094788385626; w[14] = 0.850361483171791808835353701911E-01; w[15] = 0.554595293739872011294401653582E-01; w[16] = 0.241483028685479319601100262876E-01; } else if ( n == 18 ) { x[0] = - 0.991565168420930946730016004706; x[1] = - 0.955823949571397755181195892930; x[2] = - 0.892602466497555739206060591127; x[3] = - 0.803704958972523115682417455015; x[4] = - 0.691687043060353207874891081289; x[5] = - 0.559770831073947534607871548525; x[6] = - 0.411751161462842646035931793833; x[7] = - 0.251886225691505509588972854878; x[8] = - 0.847750130417353012422618529358E-01; x[9] = 0.847750130417353012422618529358E-01; x[10] = 0.251886225691505509588972854878; x[11] = 0.411751161462842646035931793833; x[12] = 0.559770831073947534607871548525; x[13] = 0.691687043060353207874891081289; x[14] = 0.803704958972523115682417455015; x[15] = 0.892602466497555739206060591127; x[16] = 0.955823949571397755181195892930; x[17] = 0.991565168420930946730016004706; w[0] = 0.216160135264833103133427102665E-01; w[1] = 0.497145488949697964533349462026E-01; w[2] = 0.764257302548890565291296776166E-01; w[3] = 0.100942044106287165562813984925; w[4] = 0.122555206711478460184519126800; w[5] = 0.140642914670650651204731303752; w[6] = 0.154684675126265244925418003836; w[7] = 0.164276483745832722986053776466; w[8] = 0.169142382963143591840656470135; w[9] = 0.169142382963143591840656470135; w[10] = 0.164276483745832722986053776466; w[11] = 0.154684675126265244925418003836; w[12] = 0.140642914670650651204731303752; w[13] = 0.122555206711478460184519126800; w[14] = 0.100942044106287165562813984925; w[15] = 0.764257302548890565291296776166E-01; w[16] = 0.497145488949697964533349462026E-01; w[17] = 0.216160135264833103133427102665E-01; } else if ( n == 19 ) { x[0] = - 0.992406843843584403189017670253; x[1] = - 0.960208152134830030852778840688; x[2] = - 0.903155903614817901642660928532; x[3] = - 0.822714656537142824978922486713; x[4] = - 0.720966177335229378617095860824; x[5] = - 0.600545304661681023469638164946; x[6] = - 0.464570741375960945717267148104; x[7] = - 0.316564099963629831990117328850; x[8] = - 0.160358645640225375868096115741; x[9] = 0.0; x[10] = 0.160358645640225375868096115741; x[11] = 0.316564099963629831990117328850; x[12] = 0.464570741375960945717267148104; x[13] = 0.600545304661681023469638164946; x[14] = 0.720966177335229378617095860824; x[15] = 0.822714656537142824978922486713; x[16] = 0.903155903614817901642660928532; x[17] = 0.960208152134830030852778840688; x[18] = 0.992406843843584403189017670253; w[0] = 0.194617882297264770363120414644E-01; w[1] = 0.448142267656996003328381574020E-01; w[2] = 0.690445427376412265807082580060E-01; w[3] = 0.914900216224499994644620941238E-01; w[4] = 0.111566645547333994716023901682; w[5] = 0.128753962539336227675515784857; w[6] = 0.142606702173606611775746109442; w[7] = 0.152766042065859666778855400898; w[8] = 0.158968843393954347649956439465; w[9] = 0.161054449848783695979163625321; w[10] = 0.158968843393954347649956439465; w[11] = 0.152766042065859666778855400898; w[12] = 0.142606702173606611775746109442; w[13] = 0.128753962539336227675515784857; w[14] = 0.111566645547333994716023901682; w[15] = 0.914900216224499994644620941238E-01; w[16] = 0.690445427376412265807082580060E-01; w[17] = 0.448142267656996003328381574020E-01; w[18] = 0.194617882297264770363120414644E-01; } else if ( n == 20 ) { x[0] = - 0.993128599185094924786122388471; x[1] = - 0.963971927277913791267666131197; x[2] = - 0.912234428251325905867752441203; x[3] = - 0.839116971822218823394529061702; x[4] = - 0.746331906460150792614305070356; x[5] = - 0.636053680726515025452836696226; x[6] = - 0.510867001950827098004364050955; x[7] = - 0.373706088715419560672548177025; x[8] = - 0.227785851141645078080496195369; x[9] = - 0.765265211334973337546404093988E-01; x[10] = 0.765265211334973337546404093988E-01; x[11] = 0.227785851141645078080496195369; x[12] = 0.373706088715419560672548177025; x[13] = 0.510867001950827098004364050955; x[14] = 0.636053680726515025452836696226; x[15] = 0.746331906460150792614305070356; x[16] = 0.839116971822218823394529061702; x[17] = 0.912234428251325905867752441203; x[18] = 0.963971927277913791267666131197; x[19] = 0.993128599185094924786122388471; w[0] = 0.176140071391521183118619623519E-01; w[1] = 0.406014298003869413310399522749E-01; w[2] = 0.626720483341090635695065351870E-01; w[3] = 0.832767415767047487247581432220E-01; w[4] = 0.101930119817240435036750135480; w[5] = 0.118194531961518417312377377711; w[6] = 0.131688638449176626898494499748; w[7] = 0.142096109318382051329298325067; w[8] = 0.149172986472603746787828737002; w[9] = 0.152753387130725850698084331955; w[10] = 0.152753387130725850698084331955; w[11] = 0.149172986472603746787828737002; w[12] = 0.142096109318382051329298325067; w[13] = 0.131688638449176626898494499748; w[14] = 0.118194531961518417312377377711; w[15] = 0.101930119817240435036750135480; w[16] = 0.832767415767047487247581432220E-01; w[17] = 0.626720483341090635695065351870E-01; w[18] = 0.406014298003869413310399522749E-01; w[19] = 0.176140071391521183118619623519E-01; } else if ( n == 21 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9937521706203896E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9672268385663063E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9200993341504008E+00; x[ 3] = -0.8533633645833173E+00; x[ 4] = -0.7684399634756779E+00; x[ 5] = -0.6671388041974123E+00; x[ 6] = -0.5516188358872198E+00; x[ 7] = -0.4243421202074388E+00; x[ 8] = -0.2880213168024011E+00; x[ 9] = -0.1455618541608951E+00; x[10] = 0.0000000000000000E+00; x[11] = 0.1455618541608951E+00; x[12] = 0.2880213168024011E+00; x[13] = 0.4243421202074388E+00; x[14] = 0.5516188358872198E+00; x[15] = 0.6671388041974123E+00; x[16] = 0.7684399634756779E+00; x[17] = 0.8533633645833173E+00; x[18] = 0.9200993341504008E+00; x[19] = 0.9672268385663063E+00; x[20] = 0.9937521706203896E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1601722825777420E-01; w[ 1] = 0.3695378977085242E-01; w[ 2] = 0.5713442542685715E-01; w[ 3] = 0.7610011362837928E-01; w[ 4] = 0.9344442345603393E-01; w[ 5] = 0.1087972991671484E+00; w[ 6] = 0.1218314160537285E+00; w[ 7] = 0.1322689386333373E+00; w[ 8] = 0.1398873947910731E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1445244039899700E+00; w[10] = 0.1460811336496904E+00; w[11] = 0.1445244039899700E+00; w[12] = 0.1398873947910731E+00; w[13] = 0.1322689386333373E+00; w[14] = 0.1218314160537285E+00; w[15] = 0.1087972991671484E+00; w[16] = 0.9344442345603393E-01; w[17] = 0.7610011362837928E-01; w[18] = 0.5713442542685715E-01; w[19] = 0.3695378977085242E-01; w[20] = 0.1601722825777420E-01; } else if ( n == 22 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9942945854823994E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9700604978354287E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9269567721871740E+00; x[ 3] = -0.8658125777203002E+00; x[ 4] = -0.7878168059792081E+00; x[ 5] = -0.6944872631866827E+00; x[ 6] = -0.5876404035069116E+00; x[ 7] = -0.4693558379867570E+00; x[ 8] = -0.3419358208920842E+00; x [9] = -0.2078604266882213E+00; x[10] = -0.6973927331972223E-01; x[11] = 0.6973927331972223E-01; x[12] = 0.2078604266882213E+00; x[13] = 0.3419358208920842E+00; x[14] = 0.4693558379867570E+00; x[15] = 0.5876404035069116E+00; x[16] = 0.6944872631866827E+00; x[17] = 0.7878168059792081E+00; x[18] = 0.8658125777203002E+00; x[19] = 0.9269567721871740E+00; x[20] = 0.9700604978354287E+00; x[21] = 0.9942945854823994E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1462799529827203E-01; w[ 1] = 0.3377490158481413E-01; w[ 2] = 0.5229333515268327E-01; w[ 3] = 0.6979646842452038E-01; w[ 4] = 0.8594160621706777E-01; w[ 5] = 0.1004141444428809E+00; w[ 6] = 0.1129322960805392E+00; w[ 7] = 0.1232523768105124E+00; w[ 8] = 0.1311735047870623E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1365414983460152E+00; w[10] = 0.1392518728556321E+00; w[11] = 0.1392518728556321E+00; w[12] = 0.1365414983460152E+00; w[13] = 0.1311735047870623E+00; w[14] = 0.1232523768105124E+00; w[15] = 0.1129322960805392E+00; w[16] = 0.1004141444428809E+00; w[17] = 0.8594160621706777E-01; w[18] = 0.6979646842452038E-01; w[19] = 0.5229333515268327E-01; w[20] = 0.3377490158481413E-01; w[21] = 0.1462799529827203E-01; } else if ( n == 23 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9947693349975522E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9725424712181152E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9329710868260161E+00; x[ 3] = -0.8767523582704416E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8048884016188399E+00; x[ 5] = -0.7186613631319502E+00; x[ 6] = -0.6196098757636461E+00; x[ 7] = -0.5095014778460075E+00; x[ 8] = -0.3903010380302908E+00; x[ 9] = -0.2641356809703449E+00; x[10] = -0.1332568242984661E+00; x[11] = 0.0000000000000000E+00; x[12] = 0.1332568242984661E+00; x[13] = 0.2641356809703449E+00; x[14] = 0.3903010380302908E+00; x[15] = 0.5095014778460075E+00; x[16] = 0.6196098757636461E+00; x[17] = 0.7186613631319502E+00; x[18] = 0.8048884016188399E+00; x[19] = 0.8767523582704416E+00; x[20] = 0.9329710868260161E+00; x[21] = 0.9725424712181152E+00; x[22] = 0.9947693349975522E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1341185948714167E-01; w[ 1] = 0.3098800585697944E-01; w[ 2] = 0.4803767173108464E-01; w[ 3] = 0.6423242140852586E-01; w[ 4] = 0.7928141177671895E-01; w[ 5] = 0.9291576606003514E-01; w[ 6] = 0.1048920914645414E+00; w[ 7] = 0.1149966402224114E+00; w[ 8] = 0.1230490843067295E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1289057221880822E+00; w[10] = 0.1324620394046967E+00; w[11] = 0.1336545721861062E+00; w[12] = 0.1324620394046967E+00; w[13] = 0.1289057221880822E+00; w[14] = 0.1230490843067295E+00; w[15] = 0.1149966402224114E+00; w[16] = 0.1048920914645414E+00; w[17] = 0.9291576606003514E-01; w[18] = 0.7928141177671895E-01; w[19] = 0.6423242140852586E-01; w[20] = 0.4803767173108464E-01; w[21] = 0.3098800585697944E-01; w[22] = 0.1341185948714167E-01; } else if ( n == 24 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9951872199970213E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9747285559713095E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9382745520027327E+00; x[ 3] = -0.8864155270044011E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8200019859739029E+00; x[ 5] = -0.7401241915785544E+00; x[ 6] = -0.6480936519369755E+00; x[ 7] = -0.5454214713888396E+00; x[ 8] = -0.4337935076260451E+00; x[ 9] = -0.3150426796961634E+00; x[10] = -0.1911188674736163E+00; x[11] = -0.6405689286260562E-01; x[12] = 0.6405689286260562E-01; x[13] = 0.1911188674736163E+00; x[14] = 0.3150426796961634E+00; x[15] = 0.4337935076260451E+00; x[16] = 0.5454214713888396E+00; x[17] = 0.6480936519369755E+00; x[18] = 0.7401241915785544E+00; x[19] = 0.8200019859739029E+00; x[20] = 0.8864155270044011E+00; x[21] = 0.9382745520027327E+00; x[22] = 0.9747285559713095E+00; x[23] = 0.9951872199970213E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1234122979998730E-01; w[ 1] = 0.2853138862893375E-01; w[ 2] = 0.4427743881741982E-01; w[ 3] = 0.5929858491543672E-01; w[ 4] = 0.7334648141108031E-01; w[ 5] = 0.8619016153195320E-01; w[ 6] = 0.9761865210411380E-01; w[ 7] = 0.1074442701159656E+00; w[ 8] = 0.1155056680537256E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1216704729278035E+00; w[10] = 0.1258374563468283E+00; w[11] = 0.1279381953467521E+00; w[12] = 0.1279381953467521E+00; w[13] = 0.1258374563468283E+00; w[14] = 0.1216704729278035E+00; w[15] = 0.1155056680537256E+00; w[16] = 0.1074442701159656E+00; w[17] = 0.9761865210411380E-01; w[18] = 0.8619016153195320E-01; w[19] = 0.7334648141108031E-01; w[20] = 0.5929858491543672E-01; w[21] = 0.4427743881741982E-01; w[22] = 0.2853138862893375E-01; w[23] = 0.1234122979998730E-01; } else if ( n == 25 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9955569697904981E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9766639214595175E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9429745712289743E+00; x[ 3] = -0.8949919978782754E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8334426287608340E+00; x[ 5] = -0.7592592630373577E+00; x[ 6] = -0.6735663684734684E+00; x[ 7] = -0.5776629302412229E+00; x[ 8] = -0.4730027314457150E+00; x[ 9] = -0.3611723058093879E+00; x[10] = -0.2438668837209884E+00; x[11] = -0.1228646926107104E+00; x[12] = 0.0000000000000000E+00; x[13] = 0.1228646926107104E+00; x[14] = 0.2438668837209884E+00; x[15] = 0.3611723058093879E+00; x[16] = 0.4730027314457150E+00; x[17] = 0.5776629302412229E+00; x[18] = 0.6735663684734684E+00; x[19] = 0.7592592630373577E+00; x[20] = 0.8334426287608340E+00; x[21] = 0.8949919978782754E+00; x[22] = 0.9429745712289743E+00; x[23] = 0.9766639214595175E+00; x[24] = 0.9955569697904981E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1139379850102617E-01; w[ 1] = 0.2635498661503214E-01; w[ 2] = 0.4093915670130639E-01; w[ 3] = 0.5490469597583517E-01; w[ 4] = 0.6803833381235694E-01; w[ 5] = 0.8014070033500101E-01; w[ 6] = 0.9102826198296370E-01; w[ 7] = 0.1005359490670506E+00; w[ 8] = 0.1085196244742637E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1148582591457116E+00; w[10] = 0.1194557635357847E+00; w[11] = 0.1222424429903101E+00; w[12] = 0.1231760537267154E+00; w[13] = 0.1222424429903101E+00; w[14] = 0.1194557635357847E+00; w[15] = 0.1148582591457116E+00; w[16] = 0.1085196244742637E+00; w[17] = 0.1005359490670506E+00; w[18] = 0.9102826198296370E-01; w[19] = 0.8014070033500101E-01; w[20] = 0.6803833381235694E-01; w[21] = 0.5490469597583517E-01; w[22] = 0.4093915670130639E-01; w[23] = 0.2635498661503214E-01; w[24] = 0.1139379850102617E-01; } else if ( n == 26 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9958857011456169E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9783854459564710E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9471590666617142E+00; x[ 3] = -0.9026378619843071E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8454459427884981E+00; x[ 5] = -0.7763859488206789E+00; x[ 6] = -0.6964272604199573E+00; x[ 7] = -0.6066922930176181E+00; x[ 8] = -0.5084407148245057E+00; x[ 9] = -0.4030517551234863E+00; x[10] = -0.2920048394859569E+00; x[11] = -0.1768588203568902E+00; x[12] = -0.5923009342931320E-01; x[13] = 0.5923009342931320E-01; x[14] = 0.1768588203568902E+00; x[15] = 0.2920048394859569E+00; x[16] = 0.4030517551234863E+00; x[17] = 0.5084407148245057E+00; x[18] = 0.6066922930176181E+00; x[19] = 0.6964272604199573E+00; x[20] = 0.7763859488206789E+00; x[21] = 0.8454459427884981E+00; x[22] = 0.9026378619843071E+00; x[23] = 0.9471590666617142E+00; x[24] = 0.9783854459564710E+00; x[25] = 0.9958857011456169E+00; w[ 0] = 0.1055137261734304E-01; w[ 1] = 0.2441785109263173E-01; w[ 2] = 0.3796238329436282E-01; w[ 3] = 0.5097582529714782E-01; w[ 4] = 0.6327404632957484E-01; w[ 5] = 0.7468414976565967E-01; w[ 6] = 0.8504589431348521E-01; w[ 7] = 0.9421380035591416E-01; w[ 8] = 0.1020591610944255E+00; w[ 9] = 0.1084718405285765E+00; w[10] = 0.1133618165463197E+00; w[11] = 0.1166604434852967E+00; w[12] = 0.1183214152792622E+00; w[13] = 0.1183214152792622E+00; w[14] = 0.1166604434852967E+00; w[15] = 0.1133618165463197E+00; w[16] = 0.1084718405285765E+00; w[17] = 0.1020591610944255E+00; w[18] = 0.9421380035591416E-01; w[19] = 0.8504589431348521E-01; w[20] = 0.7468414976565967E-01; w[21] = 0.6327404632957484E-01; w[22] = 0.5097582529714782E-01; w[23] = 0.3796238329436282E-01; w[24] = 0.2441785109263173E-01; w[25] = 0.1055137261734304E-01; } else if ( n == 27 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9961792628889886E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9799234759615012E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9509005578147051E+00; x[ 3] = -0.9094823206774911E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8562079080182945E+00; x[ 5] = -0.7917716390705082E+00; x[ 6] = -0.7170134737394237E+00; x[ 7] = -0.6329079719464952E+00; x[ 8] = -0.5405515645794569E+00; x[ 9] = -0.4411482517500269E+00; x[10] = -0.3359939036385089E+00; x[11] = -0.2264593654395369E+00; x[12] = -0.1139725856095300E+00; x[13] = 0.0000000000000000E+00; x[14] = 0.1139725856095300E+00; x[15] = 0.2264593654395369E+00; x[16] = 0.3359939036385089E+00; x[17] = 0.4411482517500269E+00; x[18] = 0.5405515645794569E+00; x[19] = 0.6329079719464952E+00; x[20] = 0.7170134737394237E+00; x[21] = 0.7917716390705082E+00; x[22] = 0.8562079080182945E+00; x[23] = 0.9094823206774911E+00; x[24] = 0.9509005578147051E+00; x[25] = 0.9799234759615012E+00; x[26] = 0.9961792628889886E+00; w[ 0] = 0.9798996051294232E-02; w[ 1] = 0.2268623159618062E-01; w[ 2] = 0.3529705375741969E-01; w[ 3] = 0.4744941252061504E-01; w[ 4] = 0.5898353685983366E-01; w[ 5] = 0.6974882376624561E-01; w[ 6] = 0.7960486777305781E-01; w[ 7] = 0.8842315854375689E-01; w[ 8] = 0.9608872737002842E-01; w[ 9] = 0.1025016378177459E+00; w[10] = 0.1075782857885332E+00; w[11] = 0.1112524883568452E+00; w[12] = 0.1134763461089651E+00; w[13] = 0.1142208673789570E+00; w[14] = 0.1134763461089651E+00; w[15] = 0.1112524883568452E+00; w[16] = 0.1075782857885332E+00; w[17] = 0.1025016378177459E+00; w[18] = 0.9608872737002842E-01; w[19] = 0.8842315854375689E-01; w[20] = 0.7960486777305781E-01; w[21] = 0.6974882376624561E-01; w[22] = 0.5898353685983366E-01; w[23] = 0.4744941252061504E-01; w[24] = 0.3529705375741969E-01; w[25] = 0.2268623159618062E-01; w[26] = 0.9798996051294232E-02; } else if ( n == 28 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9964424975739544E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9813031653708728E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9542592806289382E+00; x[ 3] = -0.9156330263921321E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8658925225743951E+00; x[ 5] = -0.8056413709171791E+00; x[ 6] = -0.7356108780136318E+00; x[ 7] = -0.6566510940388650E+00; x[ 8] = -0.5697204718114017E+00; x[ 9] = -0.4758742249551183E+00; x[10] = -0.3762515160890787E+00; x[11] = -0.2720616276351780E+00; x[12] = -0.1645692821333808E+00; x[13] = -0.5507928988403427E-01; x[14] = 0.5507928988403427E-01; x[15] = 0.1645692821333808E+00; x[16] = 0.2720616276351780E+00; x[17] = 0.3762515160890787E+00; x[18] = 0.4758742249551183E+00; x[19] = 0.5697204718114017E+00; x[20] = 0.6566510940388650E+00; x[21] = 0.7356108780136318E+00; x[22] = 0.8056413709171791E+00; x[23] = 0.8658925225743951E+00; x[24] = 0.9156330263921321E+00; x[25] = 0.9542592806289382E+00; x[26] = 0.9813031653708728E+00; x[27] = 0.9964424975739544E+00; w[ 0] = 0.9124282593094672E-02; w[ 1] = 0.2113211259277118E-01; w[ 2] = 0.3290142778230441E-01; w[ 3] = 0.4427293475900429E-01; w[ 4] = 0.5510734567571667E-01; w[ 5] = 0.6527292396699959E-01; w[ 6] = 0.7464621423456877E-01; w[ 7] = 0.8311341722890127E-01; w[ 8] = 0.9057174439303289E-01; w[ 9] = 0.9693065799792999E-01; w[10] = 0.1021129675780608E+00; w[11] = 0.1060557659228464E+00; w[12] = 0.1087111922582942E+00; w[13] = 0.1100470130164752E+00; w[14] = 0.1100470130164752E+00; w[15] = 0.1087111922582942E+00; w[16] = 0.1060557659228464E+00; w[17] = 0.1021129675780608E+00; w[18] = 0.9693065799792999E-01; w[19] = 0.9057174439303289E-01; w[20] = 0.8311341722890127E-01; w[21] = 0.7464621423456877E-01; w[22] = 0.6527292396699959E-01; w[23] = 0.5510734567571667E-01; w[24] = 0.4427293475900429E-01; w[25] = 0.3290142778230441E-01; w[26] = 0.2113211259277118E-01; w[27] = 0.9124282593094672E-02; } else if ( n == 29 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9966794422605966E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9825455052614132E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9572855957780877E+00; x[ 3] = -0.9211802329530588E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8746378049201028E+00; x[ 5] = -0.8181854876152524E+00; x[ 6] = -0.7524628517344771E+00; x[ 7] = -0.6782145376026865E+00; x[ 8] = -0.5962817971382278E+00; x[ 9] = -0.5075929551242276E+00; x[10] = -0.4131528881740087E+00; x[11] = -0.3140316378676399E+00; x[12] = -0.2113522861660011E+00; x[13] = -0.1062782301326792E+00; x[14] = 0.0000000000000000E+00; x[15] = 0.1062782301326792E+00; x[16] = 0.2113522861660011E+00; x[17] = 0.3140316378676399E+00; x[18] = 0.4131528881740087E+00; x[19] = 0.5075929551242276E+00; x[20] = 0.5962817971382278E+00; x[21] = 0.6782145376026865E+00; x[22] = 0.7524628517344771E+00; x[23] = 0.8181854876152524E+00; x[24] = 0.8746378049201028E+00; x[25] = 0.9211802329530588E+00; x[26] = 0.9572855957780877E+00; x[27] = 0.9825455052614132E+00; x[28] = 0.9966794422605966E+00; w[ 0] = 0.8516903878746365E-02; w[ 1] = 0.1973208505612276E-01; w[ 2] = 0.3074049220209360E-01; w[ 3] = 0.4140206251868281E-01; w[ 4] = 0.5159482690249799E-01; w[ 5] = 0.6120309065707916E-01; w[ 6] = 0.7011793325505125E-01; w[ 7] = 0.7823832713576385E-01; w[ 8] = 0.8547225736617248E-01; w[ 9] = 0.9173775713925882E-01; w[10] = 0.9696383409440862E-01; w[11] = 0.1010912737599150E+00; w[12] = 0.1040733100777293E+00; w[13] = 0.1058761550973210E+00; w[14] = 0.1064793817183143E+00; w[15] = 0.1058761550973210E+00; w[16] = 0.1040733100777293E+00; w[17] = 0.1010912737599150E+00; w[18] = 0.9696383409440862E-01; w[19] = 0.9173775713925882E-01; w[20] = 0.8547225736617248E-01; w[21] = 0.7823832713576385E-01; w[22] = 0.7011793325505125E-01; w[23] = 0.6120309065707916E-01; w[24] = 0.5159482690249799E-01; w[25] = 0.4140206251868281E-01; w[26] = 0.3074049220209360E-01; w[27] = 0.1973208505612276E-01; w[28] = 0.8516903878746365E-02; } else if ( n == 30 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9968934840746495E+00; x[ 1] = -0.9836681232797472E+00; x[ 2] = -0.9600218649683075E+00; x[ 3] = -0.9262000474292743E+00; x[ 4] = -0.8825605357920526E+00; x[ 5] = -0.8295657623827684E+00; x[ 6] = -0.7677774321048262E+00; x[ 7] = -0.6978504947933158E+00; x[ 8] = -0.6205261829892429E+00; x[ 9] = -0.5366241481420199E+00; x[10] = -0.4470337695380892E+00; x[11] = -0.3527047255308781E+00; x[12] = -0.2546369261678899E+00; x[13] = -0.1538699136085835E+00; x[14] = -0.5147184255531770E-01; x[15] = 0.5147184255531770E-01; x[16] = 0.1538699136085835E+00; x[17] = 0.2546369261678899E+00; x[18] = 0.3527047255308781E+00; x[19] = 0.4470337695380892E+00; x[20] = 0.5366241481420199E+00; x[21] = 0.6205261829892429E+00; x[22] = 0.6978504947933158E+00; x[23] = 0.7677774321048262E+00; x[24] = 0.8295657623827684E+00; x[25] = 0.8825605357920526E+00; x[26] = 0.9262000474292743E+00; x[27] = 0.9600218649683075E+00; x[28] = 0.9836681232797472E+00; x[29] = 0.9968934840746495E+00; w[ 0] = 0.7968192496166648E-02; w[ 1] = 0.1846646831109099E-01; w[ 2] = 0.2878470788332330E-01; w[ 3] = 0.3879919256962704E-01; w[ 4] = 0.4840267283059405E-01; w[ 5] = 0.5749315621761905E-01; w[ 6] = 0.6597422988218052E-01; w[ 7] = 0.7375597473770516E-01; w[ 8] = 0.8075589522942023E-01; w[ 9] = 0.8689978720108314E-01; w[10] = 0.9212252223778619E-01; w[11] = 0.9636873717464424E-01; w[12] = 0.9959342058679524E-01; w[13] = 0.1017623897484056E+00; w[14] = 0.1028526528935587E+00; w[15] = 0.1028526528935587E+00; w[16] = 0.1017623897484056E+00; w[17] = 0.9959342058679524E-01; w[18] = 0.9636873717464424E-01; w[19] = 0.9212252223778619E-01; w[20] = 0.8689978720108314E-01; w[21] = 0.8075589522942023E-01; w[22] = 0.7375597473770516E-01; w[23] = 0.6597422988218052E-01; w[24] = 0.5749315621761905E-01; w[25] = 0.4840267283059405E-01; w[26] = 0.3879919256962704E-01; w[27] = 0.2878470788332330E-01; w[28] = 0.1846646831109099E-01; w[29] = 0.7968192496166648E-02; } else if ( n == 31 ) { x[ 0] = -0.99708748181947707454263838179654; x[ 1] = -0.98468590966515248400211329970113; x[ 2] = -0.96250392509294966178905249675943; x[ 3] = -0.93075699789664816495694576311725; x[ 4] = -0.88976002994827104337419200908023; x[ 5] = -0.83992032014626734008690453594388; x[ 6] = -0.78173314841662494040636002019484; x[ 7] = -0.71577678458685328390597086536649; x[ 8] = -0.64270672292426034618441820323250; x[ 9] = -0.56324916140714926272094492359516; x[10] = -0.47819378204490248044059403935649; x[11] = -0.38838590160823294306135146128752; x[12] = -0.29471806998170161661790389767170; x[13] = -0.19812119933557062877241299603283; x[14] = -0.99555312152341520325174790118941E-01; x[15] = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000; x[16] = 0.99555312152341520325174790118941E-01; x[17] = 0.19812119933557062877241299603283; x[18] = 0.29471806998170161661790389767170; x[19] = 0.38838590160823294306135146128752; x[20] = 0.47819378204490248044059403935649; x[21] = 0.56324916140714926272094492359516; x[22] = 0.64270672292426034618441820323250; x[23] = 0.71577678458685328390597086536649; x[24] = 0.78173314841662494040636002019484; x[25] = 0.83992032014626734008690453594388; x[26] = 0.88976002994827104337419200908023; x[27] = 0.93075699789664816495694576311725; x[28] = 0.96250392509294966178905249675943; x[29] = 0.98468590966515248400211329970113; x[30] = 0.99708748181947707454263838179654; w[ 0] = 0.74708315792487746093913218970494E-02; w[ 1] = 0.17318620790310582463552990782414E-01; w[ 2] = 0.27009019184979421800608642617676E-01; w[ 3] = 0.36432273912385464024392008749009E-01; w[ 4] = 0.45493707527201102902315857856518E-01; w[ 5] = 0.54103082424916853711666259085477E-01; w[ 6] = 0.62174786561028426910343543686657E-01; w[ 7] = 0.69628583235410366167756126255124E-01; w[ 8] = 0.76390386598776616426357674901331E-01; w[ 9] = 0.82392991761589263903823367431962E-01; w[10] = 0.87576740608477876126198069695333E-01; w[11] = 0.91890113893641478215362871607150E-01; w[12] = 0.95290242912319512807204197487597E-01; w[13] = 0.97743335386328725093474010978997E-01; w[14] = 0.99225011226672307874875514428615E-01; w[15] = 0.99720544793426451427533833734349E-01; w[16] = 0.99225011226672307874875514428615E-01; w[17] = 0.97743335386328725093474010978997E-01; w[18] = 0.95290242912319512807204197487597E-01; w[19] = 0.91890113893641478215362871607150E-01; w[20] = 0.87576740608477876126198069695333E-01; w[21] = 0.82392991761589263903823367431962E-01; w[22] = 0.76390386598776616426357674901331E-01; w[23] = 0.69628583235410366167756126255124E-01; w[24] = 0.62174786561028426910343543686657E-01; w[25] = 0.54103082424916853711666259085477E-01; w[26] = 0.45493707527201102902315857856518E-01; w[27] = 0.36432273912385464024392008749009E-01; w[28] = 0.27009019184979421800608642617676E-01; w[29] = 0.17318620790310582463552990782414E-01; w[30] = 0.74708315792487746093913218970494E-02; } else if ( n == 32 ) { x[0] = - 0.997263861849481563544981128665; x[1] = - 0.985611511545268335400175044631; x[2] = - 0.964762255587506430773811928118; x[3] = - 0.934906075937739689170919134835; x[4] = - 0.896321155766052123965307243719; x[5] = - 0.849367613732569970133693004968; x[6] = - 0.794483795967942406963097298970; x[7] = - 0.732182118740289680387426665091; x[8] = - 0.663044266930215200975115168663; x[9] = - 0.587715757240762329040745476402; x[10] = - 0.506899908932229390023747474378; x[11] = - 0.421351276130635345364119436172; x[12] = - 0.331868602282127649779916805730; x[13] = - 0.239287362252137074544603209166; x[14] = - 0.144471961582796493485186373599; x[15] = - 0.483076656877383162348125704405E-01; x[16] = 0.483076656877383162348125704405E-01; x[17] = 0.144471961582796493485186373599; x[18] = 0.239287362252137074544603209166; x[19] = 0.331868602282127649779916805730; x[20] = 0.421351276130635345364119436172; x[21] = 0.506899908932229390023747474378; x[22] = 0.587715757240762329040745476402; x[23] = 0.663044266930215200975115168663; x[24] = 0.732182118740289680387426665091; x[25] = 0.794483795967942406963097298970; x[26] = 0.849367613732569970133693004968; x[27] = 0.896321155766052123965307243719; x[28] = 0.934906075937739689170919134835; x[29] = 0.964762255587506430773811928118; x[30] = 0.985611511545268335400175044631; x[31] = 0.997263861849481563544981128665; w[0] = 0.701861000947009660040706373885E-02; w[1] = 0.162743947309056706051705622064E-01; w[2] = 0.253920653092620594557525897892E-01; w[3] = 0.342738629130214331026877322524E-01; w[4] = 0.428358980222266806568786466061E-01; w[5] = 0.509980592623761761961632446895E-01; w[6] = 0.586840934785355471452836373002E-01; w[7] = 0.658222227763618468376500637069E-01; w[8] = 0.723457941088485062253993564785E-01; w[9] = 0.781938957870703064717409188283E-01; w[10] = 0.833119242269467552221990746043E-01; w[11] = 0.876520930044038111427714627518E-01; w[12] = 0.911738786957638847128685771116E-01; w[13] = 0.938443990808045656391802376681E-01; w[14] = 0.956387200792748594190820022041E-01; w[15] = 0.965400885147278005667648300636E-01; w[16] = 0.965400885147278005667648300636E-01; w[17] = 0.956387200792748594190820022041E-01; w[18] = 0.938443990808045656391802376681E-01; w[19] = 0.911738786957638847128685771116E-01; w[20] = 0.876520930044038111427714627518E-01; w[21] = 0.833119242269467552221990746043E-01; w[22] = 0.781938957870703064717409188283E-01; w[23] = 0.723457941088485062253993564785E-01; w[24] = 0.658222227763618468376500637069E-01; w[25] = 0.586840934785355471452836373002E-01; w[26] = 0.509980592623761761961632446895E-01; w[27] = 0.428358980222266806568786466061E-01; w[28] = 0.342738629130214331026877322524E-01; w[29] = 0.253920653092620594557525897892E-01; w[30] = 0.162743947309056706051705622064E-01; w[31] = 0.701861000947009660040706373885E-02; } else if ( n == 33 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9974246942464552; x[ 1] = -0.9864557262306425; x[ 2] = -0.9668229096899927; x[ 3] = -0.9386943726111684; x[ 4] = -0.9023167677434336; x[ 5] = -0.8580096526765041; x[ 6] = -0.8061623562741665; x[ 7] = -0.7472304964495622; x[ 8] = -0.6817319599697428; x[ 9] = -0.6102423458363790; x[10] = -0.5333899047863476; x[11] = -0.4518500172724507; x[12] = -0.3663392577480734; x[13] = -0.2776090971524970; x[14] = -0.1864392988279916; x[15] = -0.09363106585473338; x[16] = 0.000000000000000; x[17] = 0.09363106585473338; x[18] = 0.1864392988279916; x[19] = 0.2776090971524970; x[20] = 0.3663392577480734; x[21] = 0.4518500172724507; x[22] = 0.5333899047863476; x[23] = 0.6102423458363790; x[24] = 0.6817319599697428; x[25] = 0.7472304964495622; x[26] = 0.8061623562741665; x[27] = 0.8580096526765041; x[28] = 0.9023167677434336; x[29] = 0.9386943726111684; x[30] = 0.9668229096899927; x[31] = 0.9864557262306425; x[32] = 0.9974246942464552; w[ 0] = 0.6606227847587558E-02; w[ 1] = 0.1532170151293465E-01; w[ 2] = 0.2391554810174960E-01; w[ 3] = 0.3230035863232891E-01; w[ 4] = 0.4040154133166965E-01; w[ 5] = 0.4814774281871162E-01; w[ 6] = 0.5547084663166357E-01; w[ 7] = 0.6230648253031755E-01; w[ 8] = 0.6859457281865676E-01; w[ 9] = 0.7427985484395420E-01; w[10] = 0.7931236479488685E-01; w[11] = 0.8364787606703869E-01; w[12] = 0.8724828761884425E-01; w[13] = 0.9008195866063859E-01; w[14] = 0.9212398664331678E-01; w[15] = 0.9335642606559612E-01; w[16] = 0.9376844616020999E-01; w[17] = 0.9335642606559612E-01; w[18] = 0.9212398664331678E-01; w[19] = 0.9008195866063859E-01; w[20] = 0.8724828761884425E-01; w[21] = 0.8364787606703869E-01; w[22] = 0.7931236479488685E-01; w[23] = 0.7427985484395420E-01; w[24] = 0.6859457281865676E-01; w[25] = 0.6230648253031755E-01; w[26] = 0.5547084663166357E-01; w[27] = 0.4814774281871162E-01; w[28] = 0.4040154133166965E-01; w[29] = 0.3230035863232891E-01; w[30] = 0.2391554810174960E-01; w[31] = 0.1532170151293465E-01; w[32] = 0.6606227847587558E-02; } else if ( n == 64 ) { x[0] = - 0.999305041735772139456905624346; x[1] = - 0.996340116771955279346924500676; x[2] = - 0.991013371476744320739382383443; x[3] = - 0.983336253884625956931299302157; x[4] = - 0.973326827789910963741853507352; x[5] = - 0.961008799652053718918614121897; x[6] = - 0.946411374858402816062481491347; x[7] = - 0.929569172131939575821490154559; x[8] = - 0.910522137078502805756380668008; x[9] = - 0.889315445995114105853404038273; x[10] = - 0.865999398154092819760783385070; x[11] = - 0.840629296252580362751691544696; x[12] = - 0.813265315122797559741923338086; x[13] = - 0.783972358943341407610220525214; x[14] = - 0.752819907260531896611863774886; x[15] = - 0.719881850171610826848940217832; x[16] = - 0.685236313054233242563558371031; x[17] = - 0.648965471254657339857761231993; x[18] = - 0.611155355172393250248852971019; x[19] = - 0.571895646202634034283878116659; x[20] = - 0.531279464019894545658013903544; x[21] = - 0.489403145707052957478526307022; x[22] = - 0.446366017253464087984947714759; x[23] = - 0.402270157963991603695766771260; x[24] = - 0.357220158337668115950442615046; x[25] = - 0.311322871990210956157512698560; x[26] = - 0.264687162208767416373964172510; x[27] = - 0.217423643740007084149648748989; x[28] = - 0.169644420423992818037313629748; x[29] = - 0.121462819296120554470376463492; x[30] = - 0.729931217877990394495429419403E-01; x[31] = - 0.243502926634244325089558428537E-01; x[32] = 0.243502926634244325089558428537E-01; x[33] = 0.729931217877990394495429419403E-01; x[34] = 0.121462819296120554470376463492; x[35] = 0.169644420423992818037313629748; x[36] = 0.217423643740007084149648748989; x[37] = 0.264687162208767416373964172510; x[38] = 0.311322871990210956157512698560; x[39] = 0.357220158337668115950442615046; x[40] = 0.402270157963991603695766771260; x[41] = 0.446366017253464087984947714759; x[42] = 0.489403145707052957478526307022; x[43] = 0.531279464019894545658013903544; x[44] = 0.571895646202634034283878116659; x[45] = 0.611155355172393250248852971019; x[46] = 0.648965471254657339857761231993; x[47] = 0.685236313054233242563558371031; x[48] = 0.719881850171610826848940217832; x[49] = 0.752819907260531896611863774886; x[50] = 0.783972358943341407610220525214; x[51] = 0.813265315122797559741923338086; x[52] = 0.840629296252580362751691544696; x[53] = 0.865999398154092819760783385070; x[54] = 0.889315445995114105853404038273; x[55] = 0.910522137078502805756380668008; x[56] = 0.929569172131939575821490154559; x[57] = 0.946411374858402816062481491347; x[58] = 0.961008799652053718918614121897; x[59] = 0.973326827789910963741853507352; x[60] = 0.983336253884625956931299302157; x[61] = 0.991013371476744320739382383443; x[62] = 0.996340116771955279346924500676; x[63] = 0.999305041735772139456905624346; w[0] = 0.178328072169643294729607914497E-02; w[1] = 0.414703326056246763528753572855E-02; w[2] = 0.650445796897836285611736039998E-02; w[3] = 0.884675982636394772303091465973E-02; w[4] = 0.111681394601311288185904930192E-01; w[5] = 0.134630478967186425980607666860E-01; w[6] = 0.157260304760247193219659952975E-01; w[7] = 0.179517157756973430850453020011E-01; w[8] = 0.201348231535302093723403167285E-01; w[9] = 0.222701738083832541592983303842E-01; w[10] = 0.243527025687108733381775504091E-01; w[11] = 0.263774697150546586716917926252E-01; w[12] = 0.283396726142594832275113052002E-01; w[13] = 0.302346570724024788679740598195E-01; w[14] = 0.320579283548515535854675043479E-01; w[15] = 0.338051618371416093915654821107E-01; w[16] = 0.354722132568823838106931467152E-01; w[17] = 0.370551285402400460404151018096E-01; w[18] = 0.385501531786156291289624969468E-01; w[19] = 0.399537411327203413866569261283E-01; w[20] = 0.412625632426235286101562974736E-01; w[21] = 0.424735151236535890073397679088E-01; w[22] = 0.435837245293234533768278609737E-01; w[23] = 0.445905581637565630601347100309E-01; w[24] = 0.454916279274181444797709969713E-01; w[25] = 0.462847965813144172959532492323E-01; w[26] = 0.469681828162100173253262857546E-01; w[27] = 0.475401657148303086622822069442E-01; w[28] = 0.479993885964583077281261798713E-01; w[29] = 0.483447622348029571697695271580E-01; w[30] = 0.485754674415034269347990667840E-01; w[31] = 0.486909570091397203833653907347E-01; w[32] = 0.486909570091397203833653907347E-01; w[33] = 0.485754674415034269347990667840E-01; w[34] = 0.483447622348029571697695271580E-01; w[35] = 0.479993885964583077281261798713E-01; w[36] = 0.475401657148303086622822069442E-01; w[37] = 0.469681828162100173253262857546E-01; w[38] = 0.462847965813144172959532492323E-01; w[39] = 0.454916279274181444797709969713E-01; w[40] = 0.445905581637565630601347100309E-01; w[41] = 0.435837245293234533768278609737E-01; w[42] = 0.424735151236535890073397679088E-01; w[43] = 0.412625632426235286101562974736E-01; w[44] = 0.399537411327203413866569261283E-01; w[45] = 0.385501531786156291289624969468E-01; w[46] = 0.370551285402400460404151018096E-01; w[47] = 0.354722132568823838106931467152E-01; w[48] = 0.338051618371416093915654821107E-01; w[49] = 0.320579283548515535854675043479E-01; w[50] = 0.302346570724024788679740598195E-01; w[51] = 0.283396726142594832275113052002E-01; w[52] = 0.263774697150546586716917926252E-01; w[53] = 0.243527025687108733381775504091E-01; w[54] = 0.222701738083832541592983303842E-01; w[55] = 0.201348231535302093723403167285E-01; w[56] = 0.179517157756973430850453020011E-01; w[57] = 0.157260304760247193219659952975E-01; w[58] = 0.134630478967186425980607666860E-01; w[59] = 0.111681394601311288185904930192E-01; w[60] = 0.884675982636394772303091465973E-02; w[61] = 0.650445796897836285611736039998E-02; w[62] = 0.414703326056246763528753572855E-02; w[63] = 0.178328072169643294729607914497E-02; } else if ( n == 65 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9993260970754129; x[ 1] = -0.9964509480618492; x[ 2] = -0.9912852761768016; x[ 3] = -0.9838398121870350; x[ 4] = -0.9741315398335512; x[ 5] = -0.9621827547180553; x[ 6] = -0.9480209281684076; x[ 7] = -0.9316786282287494; x[ 8] = -0.9131934405428462; x[ 9] = -0.8926078805047389; x[10] = -0.8699692949264071; x[11] = -0.8453297528999303; x[12] = -0.8187459259226514; x[13] = -0.7902789574921218; x[14] = -0.7599943224419998; x[15] = -0.7279616763294247; x[16] = -0.6942546952139916; x[17] = -0.6589509061936252; x[18] = -0.6221315090854003; x[19] = -0.5838811896604873; x[20] = -0.5442879248622271; x[21] = -0.5034427804550069; x[22] = -0.4614397015691450; x[23] = -0.4183752966234090; x[24] = -0.3743486151220660; x[25] = -0.3294609198374864; x[26] = -0.2838154539022487; x[27] = -0.2375172033464168; x[28] = -0.1906726556261428; x[29] = -0.1433895546989752; x[30] = -0.9577665320919751E-01; x[31] = -0.4794346235317186E-01; x[32] = 0.000000000000000; x[33] = 0.4794346235317186E-01; x[34] = 0.9577665320919751E-01; x[35] = 0.1433895546989752; x[36] = 0.1906726556261428; x[37] = 0.2375172033464168; x[38] = 0.2838154539022487; x[39] = 0.3294609198374864; x[40] = 0.3743486151220660; x[41] = 0.4183752966234090; x[42] = 0.4614397015691450; x[43] = 0.5034427804550069; x[44] = 0.5442879248622271; x[45] = 0.5838811896604873; x[46] = 0.6221315090854003; x[47] = 0.6589509061936252; x[48] = 0.6942546952139916; x[49] = 0.7279616763294247; x[50] = 0.7599943224419998; x[51] = 0.7902789574921218; x[52] = 0.8187459259226514; x[53] = 0.8453297528999303; x[54] = 0.8699692949264071; x[55] = 0.8926078805047389; x[56] = 0.9131934405428462; x[57] = 0.9316786282287494; x[58] = 0.9480209281684076; x[59] = 0.9621827547180553; x[60] = 0.9741315398335512; x[61] = 0.9838398121870350; x[62] = 0.9912852761768016; x[63] = 0.9964509480618492; x[64] = 0.9993260970754129; w[ 0] = 0.1729258251300218E-02; w[ 1] = 0.4021524172003703E-02; w[ 2] = 0.6307942578971821E-02; w[ 3] = 0.8580148266881443E-02; w[ 4] = 0.1083267878959798E-01; w[ 5] = 0.1306031163999490E-01; w[ 6] = 0.1525791214644825E-01; w[ 7] = 0.1742042199767025E-01; w[ 8] = 0.1954286583675005E-01; w[ 9] = 0.2162036128493408E-01; w[10] = 0.2364812969128723E-01; w[11] = 0.2562150693803776E-01; w[12] = 0.2753595408845034E-01; w[13] = 0.2938706778931066E-01; w[14] = 0.3117059038018911E-01; w[15] = 0.3288241967636860E-01; w[16] = 0.3451861839854901E-01; w[17] = 0.3607542322556527E-01; w[18] = 0.3754925344825770E-01; w[19] = 0.3893671920405121E-01; w[20] = 0.4023462927300549E-01; w[21] = 0.4143999841724028E-01; w[22] = 0.4255005424675579E-01; w[23] = 0.4356224359580051E-01; w[24] = 0.4447423839508296E-01; w[25] = 0.4528394102630023E-01; w[26] = 0.4598948914665173E-01; w[27] = 0.4658925997223349E-01; w[28] = 0.4708187401045461E-01; w[29] = 0.4746619823288551E-01; w[30] = 0.4774134868124067E-01; w[31] = 0.4790669250049590E-01; w[32] = 0.4796184939446662E-01; w[33] = 0.4790669250049590E-01; w[34] = 0.4774134868124067E-01; w[35] = 0.4746619823288551E-01; w[36] = 0.4708187401045461E-01; w[37] = 0.4658925997223349E-01; w[38] = 0.4598948914665173E-01; w[39] = 0.4528394102630023E-01; w[40] = 0.4447423839508296E-01; w[41] = 0.4356224359580051E-01; w[42] = 0.4255005424675579E-01; w[43] = 0.4143999841724028E-01; w[44] = 0.4023462927300549E-01; w[45] = 0.3893671920405121E-01; w[46] = 0.3754925344825770E-01; w[47] = 0.3607542322556527E-01; w[48] = 0.3451861839854901E-01; w[49] = 0.3288241967636860E-01; w[50] = 0.3117059038018911E-01; w[51] = 0.2938706778931066E-01; w[52] = 0.2753595408845034E-01; w[53] = 0.2562150693803776E-01; w[54] = 0.2364812969128723E-01; w[55] = 0.2162036128493408E-01; w[56] = 0.1954286583675005E-01; w[57] = 0.1742042199767025E-01; w[58] = 0.1525791214644825E-01; w[59] = 0.1306031163999490E-01; w[60] = 0.1083267878959798E-01; w[61] = 0.8580148266881443E-02; w[62] = 0.6307942578971821E-02; w[63] = 0.4021524172003703E-02; w[64] = 0.1729258251300218E-02; } else if ( n == 127 ) { x[ 0] = -0.99982213041530614629963254927125E+00; x[ 1] = -0.99906293435531189513828920479421E+00; x[ 2] = -0.99769756618980462107441703193392E+00; x[ 3] = -0.99572655135202722663543337085008E+00; x[ 4] = -0.99315104925451714736113079489080E+00; x[ 5] = -0.98997261459148415760778669967548E+00; x[ 6] = -0.98619317401693166671043833175407E+00; x[ 7] = -0.98181502080381411003346312451200E+00; x[ 8] = -0.97684081234307032681744391886221E+00; x[ 9] = -0.97127356816152919228894689830512E+00; x[ 10] = -0.96511666794529212109082507703391E+00; x[ 11] = -0.95837384942523877114910286998060E+00; x[ 12] = -0.95104920607788031054790764659636E+00; x[ 13] = -0.94314718462481482734544963026201E+00; x[ 14] = -0.93467258232473796857363487794906E+00; x[ 15] = -0.92563054405623384912746466814259E+00; x[ 16] = -0.91602655919146580931308861741716E+00; x[ 17] = -0.90586645826182138280246131760282E+00; x[ 18] = -0.89515640941708370896904382642451E+00; x[ 19] = -0.88390291468002656994525794802849E+00; x[ 20] = -0.87211280599856071141963753428864E+00; x[ 21] = -0.85979324109774080981203134414483E+00; x[ 22] = -0.84695169913409759845333931085437E+00; x[ 23] = -0.83359597615489951437955716480123E+00; x[ 24] = -0.81973418036507867415511910167470E+00; x[ 25] = -0.80537472720468021466656079404644E+00; x[ 26] = -0.79052633423981379994544995252740E+00; x[ 27] = -0.77519801587020238244496276354566E+00; x[ 28] = -0.75939907785653667155666366659810E+00; x[ 29] = -0.74313911167095451292056688997595E+00; x[ 30] = -0.72642798867407268553569290153270E+00; x[ 31] = -0.70927585412210456099944463906757E+00; x[ 32] = -0.69169312100770067015644143286666E+00; x[ 33] = -0.67369046373825048534668253831602E+00; x[ 34] = -0.65527881165548263027676505156852E+00; x[ 35] = -0.63646934240029724134760815684175E+00; x[ 36] = -0.61727347512685828385763916340822E+00; x[ 37] = -0.59770286357006522938441201887478E+00; x[ 38] = -0.57776938897061258000325165713764E+00; x[ 39] = -0.55748515286193223292186190687872E+00; x[ 40] = -0.53686246972339756745816636353452E+00; x[ 41] = -0.51591385950424935727727729906662E+00; x[ 42] = -0.49465204002278211739494017368636E+00; x[ 43] = -0.47308991924540524164509989939699E+00; x[ 44] = -0.45124058745026622733189858020729E+00; x[ 45] = -0.42911730928019337626254405355418E+00; x[ 46] = -0.40673351568978256340867288124339E+00; x[ 47] = -0.38410279579151693577907781452239E+00; x[ 48] = -0.36123888860586970607092484346723E+00; x[ 49] = -0.33815567472039850137600027657095E+00; x[ 50] = -0.31486716786289498148601475374890E+00; x[ 51] = -0.29138750639370562079451875284568E+00; x[ 52] = -0.26773094472238862088834352027938E+00; x[ 53] = -0.24391184465391785797071324453138E+00; x[ 54] = -0.21994466666968754245452337866940E+00; x[ 55] = -0.19584396114861085150428162519610E+00; x[ 56] = -0.17162435953364216500834492248954E+00; x[ 57] = -0.14730056544908566938932929319807E+00; x[ 58] = -0.12288734577408297172603365288567E+00; x[ 59] = -0.98399521677698970751091751509101E-01; x[ 60] = -0.73851959621048545273440409360569E-01; x[ 61] = -0.49259562331926630315379321821927E-01; x[ 62] = -0.24637259757420944614897071846088E-01; x[ 63] = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000E+00; x[ 64] = 0.24637259757420944614897071846088E-01; x[ 65] = 0.49259562331926630315379321821927E-01; x[ 66] = 0.73851959621048545273440409360569E-01; x[ 67] = 0.98399521677698970751091751509101E-01; x[ 68] = 0.12288734577408297172603365288567E+00; x[ 69] = 0.14730056544908566938932929319807E+00; x[ 70] = 0.17162435953364216500834492248954E+00; x[ 71] = 0.19584396114861085150428162519610E+00; x[ 72] = 0.21994466666968754245452337866940E+00; x[ 73] = 0.24391184465391785797071324453138E+00; x[ 74] = 0.26773094472238862088834352027938E+00; x[ 75] = 0.29138750639370562079451875284568E+00; x[ 76] = 0.31486716786289498148601475374890E+00; x[ 77] = 0.33815567472039850137600027657095E+00; x[ 78] = 0.36123888860586970607092484346723E+00; x[ 79] = 0.38410279579151693577907781452239E+00; x[ 80] = 0.40673351568978256340867288124339E+00; x[ 81] = 0.42911730928019337626254405355418E+00; x[ 82] = 0.45124058745026622733189858020729E+00; x[ 83] = 0.47308991924540524164509989939699E+00; x[ 84] = 0.49465204002278211739494017368636E+00; x[ 85] = 0.51591385950424935727727729906662E+00; x[ 86] = 0.53686246972339756745816636353452E+00; x[ 87] = 0.55748515286193223292186190687872E+00; x[ 88] = 0.57776938897061258000325165713764E+00; x[ 89] = 0.59770286357006522938441201887478E+00; x[ 90] = 0.61727347512685828385763916340822E+00; x[ 91] = 0.63646934240029724134760815684175E+00; x[ 92] = 0.65527881165548263027676505156852E+00; x[ 93] = 0.67369046373825048534668253831602E+00; x[ 94] = 0.69169312100770067015644143286666E+00; x[ 95] = 0.70927585412210456099944463906757E+00; x[ 96] = 0.72642798867407268553569290153270E+00; x[ 97] = 0.74313911167095451292056688997595E+00; x[ 98] = 0.75939907785653667155666366659810E+00; x[ 99] = 0.77519801587020238244496276354566E+00; x[100] = 0.79052633423981379994544995252740E+00; x[101] = 0.80537472720468021466656079404644E+00; x[102] = 0.81973418036507867415511910167470E+00; x[103] = 0.83359597615489951437955716480123E+00; x[104] = 0.84695169913409759845333931085437E+00; x[105] = 0.85979324109774080981203134414483E+00; x[106] = 0.87211280599856071141963753428864E+00; x[107] = 0.88390291468002656994525794802849E+00; x[108] = 0.89515640941708370896904382642451E+00; x[109] = 0.90586645826182138280246131760282E+00; x[110] = 0.91602655919146580931308861741716E+00; x[111] = 0.92563054405623384912746466814259E+00; x[112] = 0.93467258232473796857363487794906E+00; x[113] = 0.94314718462481482734544963026201E+00; x[114] = 0.95104920607788031054790764659636E+00; x[115] = 0.95837384942523877114910286998060E+00; x[116] = 0.96511666794529212109082507703391E+00; x[117] = 0.97127356816152919228894689830512E+00; x[118] = 0.97684081234307032681744391886221E+00; x[119] = 0.98181502080381411003346312451200E+00; x[120] = 0.98619317401693166671043833175407E+00; x[121] = 0.98997261459148415760778669967548E+00; x[122] = 0.99315104925451714736113079489080E+00; x[123] = 0.99572655135202722663543337085008E+00; x[124] = 0.99769756618980462107441703193392E+00; x[125] = 0.99906293435531189513828920479421E+00; x[126] = 0.99982213041530614629963254927125E+00; w[ 0] = 0.45645726109586654495731936146574E-03; w[ 1] = 0.10622766869538486959954760554099E-02; w[ 2] = 0.16683488125171936761028811985672E-02; w[ 3] = 0.22734860707492547802810838362671E-02; w[ 4] = 0.28772587656289004082883197417581E-02; w[ 5] = 0.34792893810051465908910894094105E-02; w[ 6] = 0.40792095178254605327114733456293E-02; w[ 7] = 0.46766539777779034772638165662478E-02; w[ 8] = 0.52712596565634400891303815906251E-02; w[ 9] = 0.58626653903523901033648343751367E-02; w[ 10] = 0.64505120486899171845442463868748E-02; w[ 11] = 0.70344427036681608755685893032552E-02; w[ 12] = 0.76141028256526859356393930849227E-02; w[ 13] = 0.81891404887415730817235884718726E-02; w[ 14] = 0.87592065795403145773316804234385E-02; w[ 15] = 0.93239550065309714787536985834029E-02; w[ 16] = 0.98830429087554914716648010899606E-02; w[ 17] = 0.10436130863141005225673171997668E-01; w[ 18] = 0.10982883090068975788799657376065E-01; w[ 19] = 0.11522967656921087154811609734510E-01; w[ 20] = 0.12056056679400848183529562144697E-01; w[ 21] = 0.12581826520465013101514365424172E-01; w[ 22] = 0.13099957986718627426172681912499E-01; w[ 23] = 0.13610136522139249906034237533759E-01; w[ 24] = 0.14112052399003395774044161633613E-01; w[ 25] = 0.14605400905893418351737288078952E-01; w[ 26] = 0.15089882532666922992635733981431E-01; w[ 27] = 0.15565203152273955098532590262975E-01; w[ 28] = 0.16031074199309941802254151842763E-01; w[ 29] = 0.16487212845194879399346060358146E-01; w[ 30] = 0.16933342169871654545878815295200E-01; w[ 31] = 0.17369191329918731922164721250350E-01; w[ 32] = 0.17794495722974774231027912900351E-01; w[ 33] = 0.18208997148375106468721469154479E-01; w[ 34] = 0.18612443963902310429440419898958E-01; w[ 35] = 0.19004591238555646611148901044533E-01; w[ 36] = 0.19385200901246454628112623489471E-01; w[ 37] = 0.19754041885329183081815217323169E-01; w[ 38] = 0.20110890268880247225644623956287E-01; w[ 39] = 0.20455529410639508279497065713301E-01; w[ 40] = 0.20787750081531811812652137291250E-01; w[ 41] = 0.21107350591688713643523847921658E-01; w[ 42] = 0.21414136912893259295449693233545E-01; w[ 43] = 0.21707922796373466052301324695331E-01; w[ 44] = 0.21988529885872983756478409758807E-01; w[ 45] = 0.22255787825930280235631416460158E-01; w[ 46] = 0.22509534365300608085694429903050E-01; w[ 47] = 0.22749615455457959852242553240982E-01; w[ 48] = 0.22975885344117206754377437838947E-01; w[ 49] = 0.23188206663719640249922582981729E-01; w[ 50] = 0.23386450514828194170722043496950E-01; w[ 51] = 0.23570496544381716050033676844306E-01; w[ 52] = 0.23740233018760777777714726703424E-01; w[ 53] = 0.23895556891620665983864481754172E-01; w[ 54] = 0.24036373866450369675132086026456E-01; w[ 55] = 0.24162598453819584716522917710986E-01; w[ 56] = 0.24274154023278979833195063936748E-01; w[ 57] = 0.24370972849882214952813561907241E-01; w[ 58] = 0.24452996155301467956140198471529E-01; w[ 59] = 0.24520174143511508275183033290175E-01; w[ 60] = 0.24572466031020653286354137335186E-01; w[ 61] = 0.24609840071630254092545634003360E-01; w[ 62] = 0.24632273575707679066033370218017E-01; w[ 63] = 0.24639752923961094419579417477503E-01; w[ 64] = 0.24632273575707679066033370218017E-01; w[ 65] = 0.24609840071630254092545634003360E-01; w[ 66] = 0.24572466031020653286354137335186E-01; w[ 67] = 0.24520174143511508275183033290175E-01; w[ 68] = 0.24452996155301467956140198471529E-01; w[ 69] = 0.24370972849882214952813561907241E-01; w[ 70] = 0.24274154023278979833195063936748E-01; w[ 71] = 0.24162598453819584716522917710986E-01; w[ 72] = 0.24036373866450369675132086026456E-01; w[ 73] = 0.23895556891620665983864481754172E-01; w[ 74] = 0.23740233018760777777714726703424E-01; w[ 75] = 0.23570496544381716050033676844306E-01; w[ 76] = 0.23386450514828194170722043496950E-01; w[ 77] = 0.23188206663719640249922582981729E-01; w[ 78] = 0.22975885344117206754377437838947E-01; w[ 79] = 0.22749615455457959852242553240982E-01; w[ 80] = 0.22509534365300608085694429903050E-01; w[ 81] = 0.22255787825930280235631416460158E-01; w[ 82] = 0.21988529885872983756478409758807E-01; w[ 83] = 0.21707922796373466052301324695331E-01; w[ 84] = 0.21414136912893259295449693233545E-01; w[ 85] = 0.21107350591688713643523847921658E-01; w[ 86] = 0.20787750081531811812652137291250E-01; w[ 87] = 0.20455529410639508279497065713301E-01; w[ 88] = 0.20110890268880247225644623956287E-01; w[ 89] = 0.19754041885329183081815217323169E-01; w[ 90] = 0.19385200901246454628112623489471E-01; w[ 91] = 0.19004591238555646611148901044533E-01; w[ 92] = 0.18612443963902310429440419898958E-01; w[ 93] = 0.18208997148375106468721469154479E-01; w[ 94] = 0.17794495722974774231027912900351E-01; w[ 95] = 0.17369191329918731922164721250350E-01; w[ 96] = 0.16933342169871654545878815295200E-01; w[ 97] = 0.16487212845194879399346060358146E-01; w[ 98] = 0.16031074199309941802254151842763E-01; w[ 99] = 0.15565203152273955098532590262975E-01; w[100] = 0.15089882532666922992635733981431E-01; w[101] = 0.14605400905893418351737288078952E-01; w[102] = 0.14112052399003395774044161633613E-01; w[103] = 0.13610136522139249906034237533759E-01; w[104] = 0.13099957986718627426172681912499E-01; w[105] = 0.12581826520465013101514365424172E-01; w[106] = 0.12056056679400848183529562144697E-01; w[107] = 0.11522967656921087154811609734510E-01; w[108] = 0.10982883090068975788799657376065E-01; w[109] = 0.10436130863141005225673171997668E-01; w[110] = 0.98830429087554914716648010899606E-02; w[111] = 0.93239550065309714787536985834029E-02; w[112] = 0.87592065795403145773316804234385E-02; w[113] = 0.81891404887415730817235884718726E-02; w[114] = 0.76141028256526859356393930849227E-02; w[115] = 0.70344427036681608755685893032552E-02; w[116] = 0.64505120486899171845442463868748E-02; w[117] = 0.58626653903523901033648343751367E-02; w[118] = 0.52712596565634400891303815906251E-02; w[119] = 0.46766539777779034772638165662478E-02; w[120] = 0.40792095178254605327114733456293E-02; w[121] = 0.34792893810051465908910894094105E-02; w[122] = 0.28772587656289004082883197417581E-02; w[123] = 0.22734860707492547802810838362671E-02; w[124] = 0.16683488125171936761028811985672E-02; w[125] = 0.10622766869538486959954760554099E-02; w[126] = 0.45645726109586654495731936146574E-03; } else if ( n == 255 ) { x[ 0] = -0.9999557053175637; x[ 1] = -0.9997666213120006; x[ 2] = -0.99942647468017; x[ 3] = -0.9989352412846546; x[ 4] = -0.9982929861369679; x[ 5] = -0.9974998041266158; x[ 6] = -0.9965558144351986; x[ 7] = -0.9954611594800263; x[ 8] = -0.9942160046166302; x[ 9] = -0.9928205380219891; x[10] = -0.9912749706303856; x[11] = -0.9895795360859201; x[12] = -0.9877344906997324; x[13] = -0.9857401134074193; x[14] = -0.9835967057247763; x[15] = -0.9813045917010171; x[16] = -0.9788641178690681; x[17] = -0.976275653192736; x[18] = -0.9735395890106436; x[19] = -0.9706563389768804; x[20] = -0.9676263389983388; x[21] = -0.9644500471687263; x[22] = -0.9611279436992478; x[23] = -0.957660530845962; x[24] = -0.9540483328338163; x[25] = -0.9502918957773683; x[26] = -0.9463917875982043; x[27] = -0.9423485979390644; x[28] = -0.9381629380746873; x[29] = -0.9338354408193861; x[30] = -0.9293667604313699; x[31] = -0.9247575725138244; x[32] = -0.9200085739127664; x[33] = -0.915120482611687; x[34] = -0.9100940376230008; x[35] = -0.904929998876315; x[36] = -0.8996291471035368; x[37] = -0.8941922837208367; x[38] = -0.8886202307074841; x[39] = -0.8829138304815741; x[40] = -0.8770739457726654; x[41] = -0.8711014594913465; x[42] = -0.8649972745957512; x[43] = -0.858762313955043; x[44] = -0.8523975202098902; x[45] = -0.8459038556299511; x[46] = -0.839282301968391; x[47] = -0.8325338603134556; x[48] = -0.8256595509371186; x[49] = -0.8186604131408319; x[50] = -0.8115375050983958; x[51] = -0.8042919036959787; x[52] = -0.7969247043693057; x[53] = -0.7894370209380444; x[54] = -0.7818299854374094; x[55] = -0.7741047479470157; x[56] = -0.7662624764170006; x[57] = -0.7583043564914468; x[58] = -0.7502315913291283; x[59] = -0.7420454014216102; x[60] = -0.7337470244087263; x[61] = -0.7253377148914649; x[62] = -0.7168187442422908; x[63] = -0.7081914004129306; x[64] = -0.6994569877396524; x[65] = -0.6906168267460676; x[66] = -0.6816722539434864; x[67] = -0.6726246216288551; x[68] = -0.663475297680307; x[69] = -0.6542256653503588; x[70] = -0.6448771230567811; x[71] = -0.6354310841711771; x[72] = -0.6258889768052999; x[73] = -0.6162522435951415; x[74] = -0.6065223414828266; x[75] = -0.5967007414963417; x[76] = -0.5867889285271373; x[77] = -0.5767884011056313; x[78] = -0.5667006711746527; x[79] = -0.5565272638608558; x[80] = -0.5462697172441424; x[81] = -0.5359295821251249; x[82] = -0.5255084217906666; x[83] = -0.5150078117775342; x[84] = -0.5044293396341982; x[85] = -0.493774604680817; x[86] = -0.483045217767442; x[87] = -0.4722428010304787; x[88] = -0.4613689876474424; x[89] = -0.4504254215900437; x[90] = -0.4394137573756426; x[91] = -0.4283356598171081; x[92] = -0.4171928037711214; x[93] = -0.4059868738849605; x[94] = -0.3947195643418044; x[95] = -0.3833925786045958; x[96] = -0.3720076291585012; x[97] = -0.3605664372520062; x[98] = -0.3490707326366864; x[99] = -0.3375222533056927; x[100] = -0.3259227452309905; x[101] = -0.3142739620993925; x[102] = -0.3025776650474256; x[103] = -0.2908356223950708; x[104] = -0.2790496093784178; x[105] = -0.2672214078812731; x[106] = -0.2553528061657641; x[107] = -0.243445598601978; x[108] = -0.2315015853966777; x[109] = -0.2195225723211354; x[110] = -0.2075103704381242; x[111] = -0.1954667958281108; x[112] = -0.1833936693146885; x[113] = -0.1712928161892939; x[114] = -0.1591660659352477; x[115] = -0.147015251951162; x[116] = -0.1348422112737553; x[117] = -0.1226487843001178; x[118] = -0.1104368145094688; x[119] = -0.09820814818444755; x[120] = -0.08596463413198061; x[121] = -0.07370812340376778; x[122] = -0.06144046901642827; x[123] = -0.04916352567134998; x[124] = -0.03687914947428402; x[125] = -0.02458919765472701; x[126] = -0.01229552828513332; x[127] = 0; x[128] = 0.01229552828513332; x[129] = 0.02458919765472701; x[130] = 0.03687914947428402; x[131] = 0.04916352567134998; x[132] = 0.06144046901642827; x[133] = 0.07370812340376778; x[134] = 0.08596463413198061; x[135] = 0.09820814818444755; x[136] = 0.1104368145094688; x[137] = 0.1226487843001178; x[138] = 0.1348422112737553; x[139] = 0.147015251951162; x[140] = 0.1591660659352477; x[141] = 0.1712928161892939; x[142] = 0.1833936693146885; x[143] = 0.1954667958281108; x[144] = 0.2075103704381242; x[145] = 0.2195225723211354; x[146] = 0.2315015853966777; x[147] = 0.243445598601978; x[148] = 0.2553528061657641; x[149] = 0.2672214078812731; x[150] = 0.2790496093784178; x[151] = 0.2908356223950708; x[152] = 0.3025776650474256; x[153] = 0.3142739620993925; x[154] = 0.3259227452309905; x[155] = 0.3375222533056927; x[156] = 0.3490707326366864; x[157] = 0.3605664372520062; x[158] = 0.3720076291585012; x[159] = 0.3833925786045958; x[160] = 0.3947195643418044; x[161] = 0.4059868738849605; x[162] = 0.4171928037711214; x[163] = 0.4283356598171081; x[164] = 0.4394137573756426; x[165] = 0.4504254215900437; x[166] = 0.4613689876474424; x[167] = 0.4722428010304787; x[168] = 0.483045217767442; x[169] = 0.493774604680817; x[170] = 0.5044293396341982; x[171] = 0.5150078117775342; x[172] = 0.5255084217906666; x[173] = 0.5359295821251249; x[174] = 0.5462697172441424; x[175] = 0.5565272638608558; x[176] = 0.5667006711746527; x[177] = 0.5767884011056313; x[178] = 0.5867889285271373; x[179] = 0.5967007414963417; x[180] = 0.6065223414828266; x[181] = 0.6162522435951415; x[182] = 0.6258889768052999; x[183] = 0.6354310841711771; x[184] = 0.6448771230567811; x[185] = 0.6542256653503588; x[186] = 0.663475297680307; x[187] = 0.6726246216288551; x[188] = 0.6816722539434864; x[189] = 0.6906168267460676; x[190] = 0.6994569877396524; x[191] = 0.7081914004129306; x[192] = 0.7168187442422908; x[193] = 0.7253377148914649; x[194] = 0.7337470244087263; x[195] = 0.7420454014216102; x[196] = 0.7502315913291283; x[197] = 0.7583043564914468; x[198] = 0.7662624764170006; x[199] = 0.7741047479470157; x[200] = 0.7818299854374094; x[201] = 0.7894370209380444; x[202] = 0.7969247043693057; x[203] = 0.8042919036959787; x[204] = 0.8115375050983958; x[205] = 0.8186604131408319; x[206] = 0.8256595509371186; x[207] = 0.8325338603134556; x[208] = 0.839282301968391; x[209] = 0.8459038556299511; x[210] = 0.8523975202098902; x[211] = 0.858762313955043; x[212] = 0.8649972745957512; x[213] = 0.8711014594913465; x[214] = 0.8770739457726654; x[215] = 0.8829138304815741; x[216] = 0.8886202307074841; x[217] = 0.8941922837208367; x[218] = 0.8996291471035368; x[219] = 0.904929998876315; x[220] = 0.9100940376230008; x[221] = 0.915120482611687; x[222] = 0.9200085739127664; x[223] = 0.9247575725138244; x[224] = 0.9293667604313699; x[225] = 0.9338354408193861; x[226] = 0.9381629380746873; x[227] = 0.9423485979390644; x[228] = 0.9463917875982043; x[229] = 0.9502918957773683; x[230] = 0.9540483328338163; x[231] = 0.957660530845962; x[232] = 0.9611279436992478; x[233] = 0.9644500471687263; x[234] = 0.9676263389983388; x[235] = 0.9706563389768804; x[236] = 0.9735395890106436; x[237] = 0.976275653192736; x[238] = 0.9788641178690681; x[239] = 0.9813045917010171; x[240] = 0.9835967057247763; x[241] = 0.9857401134074193; x[242] = 0.9877344906997324; x[243] = 0.9895795360859201; x[244] = 0.9912749706303856; x[245] = 0.9928205380219891; x[246] = 0.9942160046166302; x[247] = 0.9954611594800263; x[248] = 0.9965558144351986; x[249] = 0.9974998041266158; x[250] = 0.9982929861369679; x[251] = 0.9989352412846546; x[252] = 0.99942647468017; x[253] = 0.9997666213120006; x[254] = 0.9999557053175637; w[ 0] = 0.0001136736199914808; w[ 1] = 0.0002645938711908564; w[ 2] = 0.0004156976252681932; w[ 3] = 0.0005667579456482639; w[ 4] = 0.0007177364780061286; w[ 5] = 0.0008686076661194581; w[ 6] = 0.001019347976427318; w[ 7] = 0.0011699343729388; w[ 8] = 0.001320343990022177; w[ 9] = 0.001470554042778403; w[10] = 0.001620541799041545; w[11] = 0.001770284570660304; w[12] = 0.001919759711713187; w[13] = 0.002068944619501569; w[14] = 0.002217816736754017; w[15] = 0.002366353554396287; w[16] = 0.00251453261459971; w[17] = 0.002662331513971696; w[18] = 0.00280972790682046; w[19] = 0.002956699508457498; w[20] = 0.003103224098519095; w[21] = 0.003249279524294296; w[22] = 0.003394843704053401; w[23] = 0.003539894630372244; w[24] = 0.003684410373449933; w[25] = 0.003828369084417135; w[26] = 0.003971748998634907; w[27] = 0.004114528438981242; w[28] = 0.004256685819126112; w[29] = 0.004398199646792759; w[30] = 0.00453904852700618; w[31] = 0.004679211165326077; w[32] = 0.004818666371065699; w[33] = 0.00495739306049505; w[34] = 0.005095370260027839; w[35] = 0.005232577109391968; w[36] = 0.005368992864783177; w[37] = 0.005504596902000804; w[38] = 0.005639368719565862; w[39] = 0.005773287941820301; w[40] = 0.005906334322007422; w[41] = 0.006038487745332765; w[42] = 0.006169728232005295; w[43] = 0.006300035940257733; w[44] = 0.006429391169346602; w[45] = 0.006557774362530328; w[46] = 0.006685166110026254; w[47] = 0.006811547151944815; w[48] = 0.006936898381201466; w[49] = 0.007061200846405536; w[50] = 0.007184435754724984; w[51] = 0.007306584474728122; w[52] = 0.007427628539199977; w[53] = 0.007547549647934514; w[54] = 0.007666329670501377; w[55] = 0.007783950648986801; w[56] = 0.007900394800708624; w[57] = 0.008015644520904983; w[58] = 0.008129682385395602; w[59] = 0.008242491153216323; w[60] = 0.008354053769225508; w[61] = 0.008464353366682819; w[62] = 0.008573373269798925; w[63] = 0.008681096996256795; w[64] = 0.008787508259703609; w[65] = 0.008892590972213036; w[66] = 0.008996329246717397; w[67] = 0.009098707399409718; w[68] = 0.009199709952114802; w[69] = 0.009299321634629343; w[70] = 0.009397527387030594; w[71] = 0.009494312361953241; w[72] = 0.009589661926834022; w[73] = 0.009683561666124043; w[74] = 0.009775997383468165; w[75] = 0.009866955103851452; w[76] = 0.009956421075711706; w[77] = 0.01004438177301882; w[78] = 0.01013082389731963; w[79] = 0.01021573437974821; w[80] = 0.0102991003830022; w[81] = 0.01038090930328312; w[82] = 0.01046114877220228; w[83] = 0.01053980665865038; w[84] = 0.01061687107063194; w[85] = 0.01069233035706287; w[86] = 0.01076617310953212; w[87] = 0.01083838816402652; w[88] = 0.01090896460261843; w[89] = 0.01097789175511656; w[90] = 0.01104515920067912; w[91] = 0.01111075676938929; w[92] = 0.01117467454379268; w[93] = 0.01123690286039691; w[94] = 0.01129743231113249; w[95] = 0.01135625374477508; w[96] = 0.01141335826832922; w[97] = 0.01146873724837283; w[98] = 0.01152238231236217; w[99] = 0.01157428534989815; w[100] = 0.01162443851395193; w[101] = 0.01167283422205182; w[102] = 0.01171946515742932; w[103] = 0.01176432427012535; w[104] = 0.01180740477805627; w[105] = 0.01184870016803913; w[106] = 0.01188820419677619; w[107] = 0.01192591089179929; w[108] = 0.01196181455237226; w[109] = 0.01199590975035326; w[110] = 0.01202819133101508; w[111] = 0.01205865441382472; w[112] = 0.01208729439318107; w[113] = 0.01211410693911137; w[114] = 0.01213908799792579; w[115] = 0.01216223379283022; w[116] = 0.01218354082449738; w[117] = 0.01220300587159574; w[118] = 0.01222062599127671; w[119] = 0.01223639851961942; w[120] = 0.01225032107203351; w[121] = 0.01226239154361966; w[122] = 0.01227260810948789; w[123] = 0.01228096922503318; w[124] = 0.01228747362616942; w[125] = 0.01229212032952021; w[126] = 0.01229490863256759; w[127] = 0.01229583811375833; w[128] = 0.01229490863256759; w[129] = 0.01229212032952021; w[130] = 0.01228747362616942; w[131] = 0.01228096922503318; w[132] = 0.01227260810948789; w[133] = 0.01226239154361966; w[134] = 0.01225032107203351; w[135] = 0.01223639851961942; w[136] = 0.01222062599127671; w[137] = 0.01220300587159574; w[138] = 0.01218354082449738; w[139] = 0.01216223379283022; w[140] = 0.01213908799792579; w[141] = 0.01211410693911137; w[142] = 0.01208729439318107; w[143] = 0.01205865441382472; w[144] = 0.01202819133101508; w[145] = 0.01199590975035326; w[146] = 0.01196181455237226; w[147] = 0.01192591089179929; w[148] = 0.01188820419677619; w[149] = 0.01184870016803913; w[150] = 0.01180740477805627; w[151] = 0.01176432427012535; w[152] = 0.01171946515742932; w[153] = 0.01167283422205182; w[154] = 0.01162443851395193; w[155] = 0.01157428534989815; w[156] = 0.01152238231236217; w[157] = 0.01146873724837283; w[158] = 0.01141335826832922; w[159] = 0.01135625374477508; w[160] = 0.01129743231113249; w[161] = 0.01123690286039691; w[162] = 0.01117467454379268; w[163] = 0.01111075676938929; w[164] = 0.01104515920067912; w[165] = 0.01097789175511656; w[166] = 0.01090896460261843; w[167] = 0.01083838816402652; w[168] = 0.01076617310953212; w[169] = 0.01069233035706287; w[170] = 0.01061687107063194; w[171] = 0.01053980665865038; w[172] = 0.01046114877220228; w[173] = 0.01038090930328312; w[174] = 0.0102991003830022; w[175] = 0.01021573437974821; w[176] = 0.01013082389731963; w[177] = 0.01004438177301882; w[178] = 0.009956421075711706; w[179] = 0.009866955103851452; w[180] = 0.009775997383468165; w[181] = 0.009683561666124043; w[182] = 0.009589661926834022; w[183] = 0.009494312361953241; w[184] = 0.009397527387030594; w[185] = 0.009299321634629343; w[186] = 0.009199709952114802; w[187] = 0.009098707399409718; w[188] = 0.008996329246717397; w[189] = 0.008892590972213036; w[190] = 0.008787508259703609; w[191] = 0.008681096996256795; w[192] = 0.008573373269798925; w[193] = 0.008464353366682819; w[194] = 0.008354053769225508; w[195] = 0.008242491153216323; w[196] = 0.008129682385395602; w[197] = 0.008015644520904983; w[198] = 0.007900394800708624; w[199] = 0.007783950648986801; w[200] = 0.007666329670501377; w[201] = 0.007547549647934514; w[202] = 0.007427628539199977; w[203] = 0.007306584474728122; w[204] = 0.007184435754724984; w[205] = 0.007061200846405536; w[206] = 0.006936898381201466; w[207] = 0.006811547151944815; w[208] = 0.006685166110026254; w[209] = 0.006557774362530328; w[210] = 0.006429391169346602; w[211] = 0.006300035940257733; w[212] = 0.006169728232005295; w[213] = 0.006038487745332765; w[214] = 0.005906334322007422; w[215] = 0.005773287941820301; w[216] = 0.005639368719565862; w[217] = 0.005504596902000804; w[218] = 0.005368992864783177; w[219] = 0.005232577109391968; w[220] = 0.005095370260027839; w[221] = 0.00495739306049505; w[222] = 0.004818666371065699; w[223] = 0.004679211165326077; w[224] = 0.00453904852700618; w[225] = 0.004398199646792759; w[226] = 0.004256685819126112; w[227] = 0.004114528438981242; w[228] = 0.003971748998634907; w[229] = 0.003828369084417135; w[230] = 0.003684410373449933; w[231] = 0.003539894630372244; w[232] = 0.003394843704053401; w[233] = 0.003249279524294296; w[234] = 0.003103224098519095; w[235] = 0.002956699508457498; w[236] = 0.00280972790682046; w[237] = 0.002662331513971696; w[238] = 0.00251453261459971; w[239] = 0.002366353554396287; w[240] = 0.002217816736754017; w[241] = 0.002068944619501569; w[242] = 0.001919759711713187; w[243] = 0.001770284570660304; w[244] = 0.001620541799041545; w[245] = 0.001470554042778403; w[246] = 0.001320343990022177; w[247] = 0.0011699343729388; w[248] = 0.001019347976427318; w[249] = 0.0008686076661194581; w[250] = 0.0007177364780061286; w[251] = 0.0005667579456482639; w[252] = 0.0004156976252681932; w[253] = 0.0002645938711908564; w[254] = 0.0001136736199914808; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "LEGENDRE_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of N = %d\n", n ); fprintf ( stderr, " Legal values are 1 through 33, 63, 64, 65, 127 or 255.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void legendre_set_x1 ( int order, double xtab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LEGENDRE_SET_X1 sets a Gauss-Legendre rule for ( 1 + X ) * F(X) on [-1,1]. Discussion: The integration interval is [ -1, 1 ]. The weight function is w(x-1] = 1 + x. The integral to approximate: Integral ( -1 <= X <= 1 ) ( 1 + X ) * F(X) dX The quadrature rule: Sum ( 1 <= I <= ORDER ) WEIGHT(I) * F ( XTAB(I) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 May 2006 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Don Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice Hall, 1966, LC: QA299.4G3S7. Parameters: Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. ORDER must be between 1 and 9. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], the abscissas of the rule. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. */ { if ( order == 1 ) { xtab[1-1] = 0.333333333333333333333333333333E+00; weight[1-1] = 2.0E+00; } else if ( order == 2 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.289897948556635619639456814941E+00; xtab[2-1] = 0.689897948556635619639456814941E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.727834473024091322422523991699E+00; weight[2-1] = 1.27216552697590867757747600830E+00; } else if ( order == 3 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.575318923521694112050483779752E+00; xtab[2-1] = 0.181066271118530578270147495862E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.822824080974592105208907712461E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.279307919605816490135525088716E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.916964425438344986775682378225E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.803727654955838523088792533058E+00; } else if ( order == 4 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.720480271312438895695825837750E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.167180864737833640113395337326E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.446313972723752344639908004629E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.885791607770964635613757614892E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.124723883800032328695500588386E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.519390190432929763305824811559E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.813858272041085443165617903743E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.542027653725952464833056696312E+00; } else if ( order == 5 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.802929828402347147753002204224E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.390928546707272189029229647442E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.124050379505227711989974959990E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.603973164252783654928415726409E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.920380285897062515318386619813E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0629916580867691047411692662740E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.295635480290466681402532877367E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.585547948338679234792151477424E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.668698552377478261966702492391E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.387126360906606717097443886545E+00; } else if ( order == 6 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.853891342639482229703747931639E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.538467724060109001833766720231E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.117343037543100264162786683611E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.326030619437691401805894055838E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.703842800663031416300046295008E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.941367145680430216055899446174E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0349532072544381270240692132496E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.175820662202035902032706497222E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.394644603562621056482338042193E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.563170215152795712476307356284E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.542169988926074467362761586552E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.289241322902034734621817304499E+00; } else if ( order == 7 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.887474878926155707068695617935E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.639518616526215270024840114382E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.294750565773660725252184459658E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.0943072526611107660028971153047E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.468420354430821063046421216613E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.770641893678191536180719525865E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.955041227122575003782349000858E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0208574488112296163587654972151E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.109633426887493901777324193433E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.265538785861965879934591955055E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.428500262783494679963649011999E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.509563589198353307674937943100E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.442037032763498409684482945478E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.223869453693964204606248453720E+00; } else if ( order == 8 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.910732089420060298533757956283E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.711267485915708857029562959544E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.426350485711138962102627520502E+00; xtab[4-1] = -0.0903733696068532980645444599064E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.256135670833455395138292079035E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.571383041208738483284917464837E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.817352784200412087992517083851E+00; xtab[8-1] = 0.964440169705273096373589797925E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0131807657689951954189692640444E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.0713716106239448335742111888042E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.181757278018795592332221684383E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.316798397969276640481632757440E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.424189437743720042818124385645E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.450023197883549464687088394417E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.364476094545494505382889847132E+00; weight[8-1] = 0.178203217446223725304862478136E+00; } else if ( order == 9 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.927484374233581078117671398464E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.763842042420002599615429776011E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.525646030370079229365386614293E+00; xtab[4-1] = -0.236234469390588049278459503207E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.0760591978379781302337137826389E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.380664840144724365880759065541E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.647766687674009436273648507855E+00; xtab[8-1] = 0.851225220581607910728163628088E+00; xtab[9-1] = 0.971175180702246902734346518378E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.00872338834309252349019620448007E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.0482400171391415162069086091476E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.127219285964216005046760427743E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.233604781180660442262926091607E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.337433287379681397577000079834E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.401235236773473158616600898930E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.394134968689382820640692081477E+00; weight[8-1] = 0.304297020437232650320317215016E+00; weight[9-1] = 0.145112014093119485838598391765E+00; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "LEGENDRE_SET_X1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal input value of ORDER = %d\n", order ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void legendre_set_x2 ( int order, double xtab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LEGENDRE_SET_X2 sets Gauss-Legendre rules for ( 1 + X )^2*F(X) on [-1,1]. Discussion: The integration interval is [ -1, 1 ]. The weight function is w(x-1] = ( 1 + x )^2. The integral to approximate: Integral ( -1 <= X <= 1 ) ( 1 + X )^2 * F(X) dX The quadrature rule: Sum ( 1 <= I <= ORDER ) WEIGHt[I) * F ( XTAb[I) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 02 May 2006 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Don Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice Hall, 1966, LC: QA299.4G3S7. Parameters: Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. ORDER must be between 1 and 9. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], the abscissas of the rule. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. */ { if ( order == 1 ) { xtab[1-1] = 0.5E+00; weight[1-1] = 2.66666666666666666666666666666E+00; } else if ( order == 2 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.0883036880224505775998524725910E+00; xtab[2-1] = 0.754970354689117244266519139258E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.806287056638603444666851075928E+00; weight[2-1] = 1.86037961002806322199981559074E+00; } else if ( order == 3 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.410004419776996766244796955168E+00; xtab[2-1] = 0.305992467923296230556472913192E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.854011951853700535688324041976E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.239605624068645584091811926047E+00; weight[2-1] = 1.16997015407892817602809616291E+00; weight[3-1] = 1.25709088851909290654675857771E+00; } else if ( order == 4 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.591702835793545726606755921586E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.0340945902087350046811467387661E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.522798524896275389882037174551E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.902998901106005341405865485802E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0828179259993445222751812523731E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.549071097383384602539010760334E+00; weight[3-1] = 1.14767031839371367238662411421E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.887107324890223869465850539752E+00; } else if ( order == 5 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.702108425894032836232448374820E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.268666945261773544694327777841E+00; xtab[3-1] = 0.220227225868961343518209179230E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.653039358456608553790815164028E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.930842120163569816951085142737E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0329106016247920636689299329544E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.256444805783695354037991444453E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.713601289772720001490035944563E+00; weight[4-1] = 1.00959169519929190423066348132E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.654118274286167343239045863379E+00; } else if ( order == 6 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.773611232355123732602532012021E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.431362254623427837535325249187E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.0180728263295041680220798103354E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.395126163954217534500188844163E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.736872116684029732026178298518E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.948190889812665614490712786006E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.0146486064549543818622276447204E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.125762377479560410622810097040E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.410316569036929681761034600615E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.756617493988329628546336413760E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.859011997894245060846045458784E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.500309621812647503028212451747E+00; } else if ( order == 7 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.822366333126005527278634734418E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.547034493182875002223997992852E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.200043026557985860387937545780E+00; xtab[4-1] = 0.171995710805880507163425502299E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.518891747903884926692601716998E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.793821941703901970495546427988E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.959734452453198985538996625765E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.00714150426951365443207221475404E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.0653034050584375560578544725498E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.235377690316228918725962815880E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.505171029671130381676271523850E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.733870426238362032891332767175E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.725590596901489156295739839779E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.394212014211504966587433032679E+00; } else if ( order == 8 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.857017929919813794402037235698E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.631543407166567521509503573952E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.339104543648722903660229021109E+00; xtab[4-1] = -0.0111941563689783438801237300122E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.316696017045595559454075475675E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.609049663022520165351466780939E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.834198765028697794599267293239E+00; xtab[8-1] = 0.967804480896157932935972899807E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.00374814227227757804631954025851E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.0357961737041152639660521680263E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.137974910241879862433949246199E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.326515411108352185491692769217E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.547577467373226177976217604887E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.682278153375510121675529810121E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.614544746137780998436053880546E+00; weight[8-1] = 0.318231662453524478640851647411E+00; } else if ( order == 9 ) { xtab[1-1] = -0.882491728426548422828684254270E+00; xtab[2-1] = -0.694873684026474640346360850039E+00; xtab[3-1] = -0.446537143480670863635920316400E+00; xtab[4-1] = -0.159388112702326252531544826624E+00; xtab[5-1] = 0.141092709224374414981503995427E+00; xtab[6-1] = 0.428217823321559204544020866175E+00; xtab[7-1] = 0.676480966471850715860378175342E+00; xtab[8-1] = 0.863830940812464825046988286026E+00; xtab[9-1] = 0.973668228805771018909618924364E+00; weight[1-1] = 0.00209009877215570354392734918986E+00; weight[2-1] = 0.0205951891648697848186537272448E+00; weight[3-1] = 0.0832489326348178964194106978875E+00; weight[4-1] = 0.210746247220398685903797568021E+00; weight[5-1] = 0.388325022916052063676224499399E+00; weight[6-1] = 0.554275165518437673725822282791E+00; weight[7-1] = 0.621388553284444032628761363828E+00; weight[8-1] = 0.523916296267173054255512857631E+00; weight[9-1] = 0.262081160888317771694556320674E+00; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "LEGENDRE_SET_X2 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal input value of ORDER = %d\n", order ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double lens_half_2d ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double r, double theta1, double theta2, int order ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LENS_HALF_2D approximates an integral in a circular half lens in 2D. Discussion: A circular half lens is formed by drawing a circular arc, and joining its endpoints. This rule for a circular half lens simply views the region as a product region, with a coordinate "S" that varies along the radial direction, and a coordinate "T" that varies in the perpendicular direction, and whose extent varies as a function of S. A Gauss-Legendre rule is used to construct a product rule that is applied to the region. The accuracy of the Gauss-Legendre rule, which is valid for a rectangular product rule region, does not apply straightforwardly to this region, since the limits in the "T" coordinate are being handled implicitly. This is simply an application of the QMULT_2D algorithm of Stroud. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the circle. Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles of the rays that begin and end the arc. Input, int ORDER, the order of the Gauss-Legendre rule to be used. Legal values include 1 through 20, 32 or 64. Output, double LENS_HALF_2D, the approximate value of the integral of the function over the half lens. */ { double ax; double ay; double bx; double by; double cx; double cy; double dx; double dy; int i; int j; double quad; double s_length; double sx; double sy; double t_length; double tdirx; double tdiry; double thi; double tx; double ty; double w1; double w2; double *weight; double *xtab; /* Determine the points A (on the secant) and B (on the circumference) that will form the "S" direction. */ ax = center[0] + r * 0.5 * ( cos ( theta1 ) + cos ( theta2 ) ); ay = center[1] + r * 0.5 * ( sin ( theta1 ) + sin ( theta2 ) ); bx = center[0] + r * cos ( 0.5 * ( theta1 + theta2 ) ); by = center[1] + r * sin ( 0.5 * ( theta1 + theta2 ) ); /* Find the length of the line between A and B. */ s_length = sqrt ( pow ( ax - bx, 2 ) + pow ( ay - by, 2 ) ); if ( s_length == 0.0 ) { quad = 0.0; return quad; } /* Retrieve the Legendre rule of the given order. */ xtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab, weight ); /* Determine the unit vector in the T direction. */ tdirx = ( ay - by ) / s_length; tdiry = ( bx - ax ) / s_length; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { w1 = 0.5 * s_length * weight[i]; /* Map the quadrature point to an S coordinate. */ sx = ( ( 1.0 - xtab[i] ) * ax + ( 1.0 + xtab[i] ) * bx ) / 2.0; sy = ( ( 1.0 - xtab[i] ) * ay + ( 1.0 + xtab[i] ) * by ) / 2.0; /* Determine the length of the line in the T direction, from the S axis to the circle circumference. */ thi = sqrt ( ( r - 0.25 * ( 1.0 - xtab[i] ) * s_length ) * ( 1.0 - xtab[i] ) * s_length ); /* Determine the maximum and minimum T coordinates by going up and down in the T direction from the S axis. */ cx = sx + tdirx * thi; cy = sy + tdiry * thi; dx = sx - tdirx * thi; dy = sy - tdiry * thi; /* Find the length of the T direction. */ t_length = sqrt ( pow ( cx - dx, 2 ) + pow ( cy - dy, 2 ) ); for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { w2 = 0.5 * t_length * weight[j]; /* Map the quadrature point to a T coordinate. */ tx = ( ( 1.0 - xtab[j] ) * cx + ( 1.0 + xtab[j] ) * dx ) / 2.0; ty = ( ( 1.0 - xtab[j] ) * cy + ( 1.0 + xtab[j] ) * dy ) / 2.0; quad = quad + w1 * w2 * func ( tx, ty ); } } free ( xtab ); free ( weight ); return quad; } /******************************************************************************/ double lens_half_area_2d ( double r, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LENS_HALF_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular half lens in 2D. Discussion: A circular half lens is formed by drawing a circular arc, and joining its endpoints. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the angles of the rays that begin and end the arc. Output, double LENS_HALF_AREA_2D, the area of the half lens. */ { double sector; double triangle; double value; sector = circle_sector_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ); triangle = circle_triangle_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ); value = sector - triangle; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double lens_half_h_area_2d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LENS_HALF_H_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular half lens in 2D. Discussion: A circular half lens is formed by drawing a circular arc, and joining its endpoints. This particular half lens is described by the "height" of the region. In other words, the half lens is the region that would be submerged if a circle of radius R were standing in water of depth H. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double H, the height of the half lens region. Output, double LENS_HALF_H_AREA_2D, the area of the half lens. */ { double angle; double area; double half_width; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double sector; double triangle; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { area = pi * r * r; } else { half_width = sqrt ( h * ( 2.0 * r - h ) ); angle = 2.0 * atan2 ( half_width, r - h ); sector = r * r * angle / 2.0; triangle = ( r - h ) * half_width; area = sector - triangle; } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double lens_half_w_area_2d ( double r, double w ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: LENS_HALF_W_AREA_2D returns the area of a circular half lens in 2D. Discussion: A half lens is formed by drawing a circular arc, and joining its endpoints. This half lens is described by the "width" of the region. In other words, it is the portion of the circle under water if the width of the water surface is W. There are two possible values for this area, A and (PI*R*R-A). The routine returns the smaller of the two values. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the circle. Input, double W, the width of the half lens region. Output, double LENS_HALF_W_AREA_2D, the area of the half lens. */ { double angle; double area; double h; double half_width; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double sector; double triangle; if ( w <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= w ) { area = 0.5 * pi * r * r; } else { half_width = 0.5 * w; h = r - sqrt ( r * r - half_width * half_width ); angle = 2.0 * atan2 ( half_width, r - h ); sector = r * r * angle / 2.0; triangle = ( r - h ) * half_width; area = sector - triangle; } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double *monomial_value ( int dim_num, int point_num, double x[], int expon[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: MONOMIAL_VALUE evaluates a monomial. Discussion: This routine evaluates a monomial of the form product ( 1 <= dim <= dim_num ) x(dim)^expon(dim) where the exponents are nonnegative integers. Note that if the combination 0^0 is encountered, it should be treated as 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 May 2007 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension. Input, int POINT_NUM, the number of points at which the monomial is to be evaluated. Input, double X[DIM_NUM*POINT_NUM], the point coordinates. Input, int EXPON[DIM_NUM], the exponents. Output, double MONOMIAL_VALUE[POINT_NUM], the value of the monomial. */ { int dim; int point; double *value; value = ( double * ) malloc ( point_num * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( point = 0; point < point_num; point++ ) { value[point] = 1.0; } for ( dim = 0; dim < dim_num; dim++ ) { if ( 0 != expon[dim] ) { for ( point = 0; point < point_num; point++ ) { value[point] = value[point] * pow ( x[dim+point*dim_num], expon[dim] ); } } } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double octahedron_unit_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_ND approximates integrals in the unit octahedron in ND. Integration region: sum ( abs ( X(1:N) ) ) <= 1. Discussion: A 2*N point 3rd degree formula is used, Stroud number GN:3-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the octahedron. Output, double OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; double quad; double r; double result; double volume; double w; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( 2 * n ); r = sqrt ( ( double ) ( 2 * n ) / ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = r; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); x[i] = - x[i]; } x[i] = 0.0; } volume = octahedron_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double octahedron_unit_volume_nd ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_VOLUME_ND returns the volume of the unit octahedron in ND. Integration region: sum ( abs ( X(1:N) ) ) <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the unit octahedron. */ { int i; double volume; volume = 1.0; for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { volume = volume * 2.0 / ( double ) ( i ); } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double parallelipiped_volume_3d ( double x[4], double y[4], double z[4] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of a parallelipiped in 3D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double X[4], Y[4], Z[4], the coordinates of one corner of the parallelipiped, and its 3 immediate neighbors. Output, double PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the parallelipiped. */ { double volume; volume = fabs ( ( z[1] - z[0] ) * ( y[3] * x[2] - y[2] * x[3] ) + ( z[2] - z[0] ) * ( x[3] * y[1] - x[1] * y[3] ) + ( z[3] - z[0] ) * ( x[1] * y[2] - x[2] * y[1] ) + ( z[2] - z[1] ) * ( y[3] * x[0] - y[0] * x[3] ) + ( z[3] - z[1] ) * ( x[2] * y[0] - x[0] * y[2] ) + ( z[3] - z[2] ) * ( x[0] * y[1] - x[1] * y[0] ) ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double parallelipiped_volume_nd ( int n, double v[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_ND returns the volume of a parallelipiped in ND. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double V[N*(N+1)], the N+1 columns of V contains the coordinates of the "corners" of the parallelipiped. Output, double PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the parallelipiped. */ { double det; int i; int info; int j; int *pivot; double volume; double *w; /* Compute the volume of the N-dimensional parallelipiped. */ w = ( double * ) malloc ( n * n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { w[i+j*n] = v[i+(j+1)*n] - v[i+0*n]; } } pivot = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); info = r8ge_fa ( n, w, pivot ); if ( info != 0 ) { volume = 0.0; } else { det = r8ge_det ( n, w, pivot ); volume = fabs ( det ); } free ( pivot ); free ( w ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_1_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_1_2D integrates the function 1 over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = 0.5 * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ( X(I) + X(I-1) ) * ( Y(I) - Y(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Discussion: The integral of 1 over a polygon is the area of the polygon. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double POLYGON_1_2D, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_1_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of vertices must be at least 3.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value of N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result + 0.5 * ( x[i] + x[im1] ) * ( y[i] - y[im1] ); } return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_x_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_X_2D integrates the function X over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = (1/6) * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ( X(I)^2 + X(I) * X(I-1) + X(I-1)^2 ) * ( Y(I) - Y(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double POLYGON_X_2D, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_X_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of vertices must be at least 3.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value of N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result + ( x[i] * x[i] + x[i] * x[im1] + x[im1] * x[im1] ) * ( y[i] - y[im1] ); } result = result / 6.0; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_xx_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_XX_2D integrates the function X*X over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = (1/12) * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ( X(I)^3 + X(I)^2 * X(I-1) + X(I) * X(I-1)^2 + X(I-1)^3 ) * ( Y(I) - Y(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, Volume 96, Number 2, February 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double RESULT, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_XX_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of vertices must be at least 3.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value of N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result + ( x[i] * x[i] * x[i] + x[i] * x[i] * x[im1] + x[i] * x[im1] * x[im1] + x[im1] * x[im1] * x[im1] ) * ( y[i] - y[im1] ); } result = result / 12.0; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_xy_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_XY_2D integrates the function X*Y over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = (1/24) * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) ( Y(I) * ( 3 * X(I)**2 + 2 * X(I) * X(I-1) + X(I-1)**2 ) + Y(I-1) * ( X(I)**2 + 2 * X(I) * X(I-1) + 3 * X(I-1)**2 ) ) * ( Y(I) - Y(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, Volume 96, Number 2, February 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double POLYGON_XY_2D, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_XY_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of vertices must be at least 3.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value of N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result + ( y[i] * ( 3.0 * x[i] * x[i] + 2.0 * x[i] * x[im1] + x[im1] * x[im1] ) + y[im1] * ( x[i] * x[i] + 2.0 * x[i] * x[im1] + 3.0 * x[im1] * x[im1] ) ) * ( y[i] - y[im1] ); } result = result / 24.0; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_y_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_Y_2D integrates the function Y over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = (1/6) * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) - ( Y(I)^2 + Y(I) * Y(I-1) + Y(I-1)^2 ) * ( X(I) - X(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, Volume 96, Number 2, February 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double POLYGON_Y_2D, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_Y_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of vertices must be at least 3.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value of N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result - ( y[i] * y[i] + y[i] * y[im1] + y[im1] * y[im1] ) * ( x[i] - x[im1] ); } result = result / 6.0; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double polygon_yy_2d ( int n, double x[], double y[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLYGON_YY_2D integrates the function Y*Y over a polygon in 2D. Integration region: The polygon bounded by the points (X(1:N), Y(1:N)). Formula: INTEGRAL = (1/12) * sum ( 1 <= I <= N ) - ( Y(I)^3 + Y(I)^2 * Y(I-1) + Y(I) * Y(I-1)^2 + Y(I-1)^3 ) * ( X(I) - X(I-1) ) where X(0) and Y(0) should be replaced by X(N) and Y(N). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: SF Bockman, Generalizing the Formula for Areas of Polygons to Moments, American Mathematical Society Monthly, Volume 96, Number 2, February 1989, pages 131-132. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of vertices of the polygon. N should be at least 3 for a nonzero result. Input, double X[N], Y[N], the coordinates of the vertices of the polygon. These vertices should be given in counter-clockwise order. Output, double POLYGON_YY_2D, the value of the integral. */ { int i; int im1; double result; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "POLYGON_YY_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The number of polygonal vertices must be\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " at least 3, but the input polygon has N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( i == 0 ) { im1 = n - 1; } else { im1 = i - 1; } result = result - ( y[i] * y[i] * y[i] + y[i] * y[i] * y[im1] + y[i] * y[im1] * y[im1] + y[im1] * y[im1] * y[im1] ) * ( x[i] - x[im1] ); } result = result / 12.0; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o01_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O01_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 1 point degree 1 formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double quad; double result; double volume; double w; double x; double y; double z; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; x = 0.0; y = 0.0; z = 1.0 / 4.0; w = 1.0; quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o05_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O05_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 5 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O05_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 5; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[5] = { 0.21093750000000000000, 0.21093750000000000000, 0.21093750000000000000, 0.21093750000000000000, 0.15625000000000000000 }; double x[5] = { -0.48686449556014765641, 0.48686449556014765641, 0.48686449556014765641, -0.48686449556014765641, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double y[5] = { -0.48686449556014765641, -0.48686449556014765641, 0.48686449556014765641, 0.48686449556014765641, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double z[5] = { 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.70000000000000000000 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o06_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O06_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 6 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O06_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 6; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[6] = { 0.21000000000000000000, 0.21000000000000000000, 0.21000000000000000000, 0.21000000000000000000, 0.06000000000000000000, 0.10000000000000000000 }; double x[6] = { -0.48795003647426658968, 0.48795003647426658968, 0.48795003647426658968, -0.48795003647426658968, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double y[6] = { -0.48795003647426658968, -0.48795003647426658968, 0.48795003647426658968, 0.48795003647426658968, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double z[6] = { 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.16666666666666666667, 0.58333333333333333333, 0.75000000000000000000 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o08_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O08_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: An 8 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O08_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 8; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[8] = { 0.075589411559869072938, 0.075589411559869072938, 0.075589411559869072938, 0.075589411559869072938, 0.17441058844013092706, 0.17441058844013092706, 0.17441058844013092706, 0.17441058844013092706 }; double x[8] = { -0.26318405556971359557, 0.26318405556971359557, 0.26318405556971359557, -0.26318405556971359557, -0.50661630334978742377, 0.50661630334978742377, 0.50661630334978742377, -0.50661630334978742377 }; double y[8] = { -0.26318405556971359557, -0.26318405556971359557, 0.26318405556971359557, 0.26318405556971359557, -0.50661630334978742377, -0.50661630334978742377, 0.50661630334978742377, 0.50661630334978742377 }; double z[8] = { 0.54415184401122528880, 0.54415184401122528880, 0.54415184401122528880, 0.54415184401122528880, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o08b_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O08B_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: An 8 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O08B_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 8; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[8] = { 0.16438287736328777572, 0.16438287736328777572, 0.16438287736328777572, 0.16438287736328777572, 0.085617122636712224276, 0.085617122636712224276, 0.085617122636712224276, 0.085617122636712224276 }; double x[8] = { -0.51197009372656270107, 0.51197009372656270107, 0.51197009372656270107, -0.51197009372656270107, -0.28415447557052037456, 0.28415447557052037456, 0.28415447557052037456, -0.28415447557052037456 }; double y[8] = { -0.51197009372656270107, -0.51197009372656270107, 0.51197009372656270107, 0.51197009372656270107, -0.28415447557052037456, -0.28415447557052037456, 0.28415447557052037456, 0.28415447557052037456 }; double z[8] = { 0.11024490204163285720, 0.11024490204163285720, 0.11024490204163285720, 0.11024490204163285720, 0.518326526529795714229, 0.518326526529795714229, 0.518326526529795714229, 0.518326526529795714229 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o09_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O09_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 9 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O09_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 9; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[9] = { 0.13073389672275944791, 0.13073389672275944791, 0.13073389672275944791, 0.13073389672275944791, 0.10989110327724055209, 0.10989110327724055209, 0.10989110327724055209, 0.10989110327724055209, 0.03750000000000000000 }; double x[9] = { -0.52966422253852215131, 0.52966422253852215131, 0.52966422253852215131, -0.52966422253852215131, -0.34819753825720418039, 0.34819753825720418039, 0.34819753825720418039, -0.34819753825720418039, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double y[9] = { -0.52966422253852215131, -0.52966422253852215131, 0.52966422253852215131, 0.52966422253852215131, -0.34819753825720418039, -0.34819753825720418039, 0.34819753825720418039, 0.34819753825720418039, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double z[9] = { 0.08176876558246862335, 0.08176876558246862335, 0.08176876558246862335, 0.08176876558246862335, 0.400374091560388519511, 0.400374091560388519511, 0.400374091560388519511, 0.400374091560388519511, 0.83333333333333333333 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o13_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O13_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 13 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O13_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 13; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[13] = { 0.063061594202898550725, 0.063061594202898550725, 0.063061594202898550725, 0.063061594202898550725, 0.042101946815575556199, 0.042101946815575556199, 0.042101946815575556199, 0.042101946815575556199, 0.13172030707666776585, 0.13172030707666776585, 0.13172030707666776585, 0.13172030707666776585, 0.05246460761943250889 }; double x[13] = { -0.38510399211870384331, 0.38510399211870384331, 0.38510399211870384331, -0.38510399211870384331, -0.40345831960728204766, 0.40345831960728204766, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, -0.53157877436961973359, 0.53157877436961973359, 0.53157877436961973359, -0.53157877436961973359, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double y[13] = { -0.38510399211870384331, -0.38510399211870384331, 0.38510399211870384331, 0.38510399211870384331, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, -0.40345831960728204766, 0.40345831960728204766, -0.53157877436961973359, -0.53157877436961973359, 0.53157877436961973359, 0.53157877436961973359, 0.00000000000000000000 }; double z[13] = { 0.428571428571428571429, 0.428571428571428571429, 0.428571428571428571429, 0.428571428571428571429, 0.33928571428571428571, 0.33928571428571428571, 0.33928571428571428571, 0.33928571428571428571, 0.08496732026143790850, 0.08496732026143790850, 0.08496732026143790850, 0.08496732026143790850, 0.76219701803768503595 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o18_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O18_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: An 18 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O18_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 18; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[18] = { 0.023330065296255886709, 0.037328104474009418735, 0.023330065296255886709, 0.037328104474009418735, 0.059724967158415069975, 0.037328104474009418735, 0.023330065296255886709, 0.037328104474009418735, 0.023330065296255886709, 0.05383042853090460712, 0.08612868564944737139, 0.05383042853090460712, 0.08612868564944737139, 0.13780589703911579422, 0.08612868564944737139, 0.05383042853090460712, 0.08612868564944737139, 0.05383042853090460712 }; double x[18] = { -0.35309846330877704481, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.35309846330877704481, -0.35309846330877704481, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.35309846330877704481, -0.35309846330877704481, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.35309846330877704481, -0.67969709567986745790, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.67969709567986745790, -0.67969709567986745790, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.67969709567986745790, -0.67969709567986745790, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.67969709567986745790 }; double y[18] = { -0.35309846330877704481, -0.35309846330877704481, -0.35309846330877704481, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.35309846330877704481, 0.35309846330877704481, 0.35309846330877704481, -0.67969709567986745790, -0.67969709567986745790, -0.67969709567986745790, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.67969709567986745790, 0.67969709567986745790, 0.67969709567986745790 }; double z[18] = { 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.544151844011225288800, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787, 0.12251482265544137787 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o27_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O27_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: A 27 point formula is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Carlos Felippa, A compendium of FEM integration formulas for symbolic work, Engineering Computation, Volume 21, Number 8, 2004, pages 867-890. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O27_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 27; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[27] = { 0.036374157653908938268, 0.05819865224625430123, 0.036374157653908938268, 0.05819865224625430123, 0.09311784359400688197, 0.05819865224625430123, 0.036374157653908938268, 0.05819865224625430123, 0.036374157653908938268, 0.033853303069413431019, 0.054165284911061489631, 0.033853303069413431019, 0.054165284911061489631, 0.08666445585769838341, 0.054165284911061489631, 0.033853303069413431019, 0.054165284911061489631, 0.033853303069413431019, 0.006933033103838124540, 0.011092852966140999264, 0.006933033103838124540, 0.011092852966140999264, 0.017748564745825598822, 0.011092852966140999264, 0.006933033103838124540, 0.011092852966140999264, 0.006933033103838124540 }; double x[27] = { -0.7180557413198889387, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.7180557413198889387, -0.7180557413198889387, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.7180557413198889387, -0.7180557413198889387, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.7180557413198889387, -0.50580870785392503961, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.50580870785392503961, -0.50580870785392503961, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.50580870785392503961, -0.50580870785392503961, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.50580870785392503961, -0.22850430565396735360, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.22850430565396735360, -0.22850430565396735360, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.22850430565396735360, -0.22850430565396735360, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.22850430565396735360 }; double y[27] = { -0.7180557413198889387, -0.7180557413198889387, -0.7180557413198889387, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.7180557413198889387, 0.7180557413198889387, 0.7180557413198889387, -0.50580870785392503961, -0.50580870785392503961, -0.50580870785392503961, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.50580870785392503961, 0.50580870785392503961, 0.50580870785392503961, -0.22850430565396735360, -0.22850430565396735360, -0.22850430565396735360, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.00000000000000000000, 0.22850430565396735360, 0.22850430565396735360, 0.22850430565396735360 }; double z[27] = { 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.07299402407314973216, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.34700376603835188472, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312, 0.70500220988849838312 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_o48_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_O48_3D approximates an integral inside the unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: An 48 point degree 7 formula, Stroud CN:C2:7-1, is used. The (X,Y,Z) integration region can be represented as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. When Z is zero, the integration region is a square lying in the (X,Y) plane, centered at (0,0,0) with "radius" 1. As Z increases to 1, the radius of the square diminishes, and when Z reaches 1, the square has contracted to the single point (0,0,1). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_O48_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 48; double quad; double result; double volume; double w[48] = { 2.01241939442682455E-002, 2.01241939442682455E-002, 2.01241939442682455E-002, 2.01241939442682455E-002, 2.60351137043010779E-002, 2.60351137043010779E-002, 2.60351137043010779E-002, 2.60351137043010779E-002, 1.24557795239745531E-002, 1.24557795239745531E-002, 1.24557795239745531E-002, 1.24557795239745531E-002, 1.87873998794808156E-003, 1.87873998794808156E-003, 1.87873998794808156E-003, 1.87873998794808156E-003, 4.32957927807745280E-002, 4.32957927807745280E-002, 4.32957927807745280E-002, 4.32957927807745280E-002, 1.97463249834127288E-002, 1.97463249834127288E-002, 1.97463249834127288E-002, 1.97463249834127288E-002, 5.60127223523590526E-002, 5.60127223523590526E-002, 5.60127223523590526E-002, 5.60127223523590526E-002, 2.55462562927473852E-002, 2.55462562927473852E-002, 2.55462562927473852E-002, 2.55462562927473852E-002, 2.67977366291788643E-002, 2.67977366291788643E-002, 2.67977366291788643E-002, 2.67977366291788643E-002, 1.22218992265373354E-002, 1.22218992265373354E-002, 1.22218992265373354E-002, 1.22218992265373354E-002, 4.04197740453215038E-003, 4.04197740453215038E-003, 4.04197740453215038E-003, 4.04197740453215038E-003, 1.84346316995826843E-003, 1.84346316995826843E-003, 1.84346316995826843E-003, 1.84346316995826843E-003 }; double x[48] = { 0.88091731624450909E+00, -0.88091731624450909E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.70491874112648223E+00, -0.70491874112648223E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.44712732143189760E+00, -0.44712732143189760E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.18900486065123448E+00, -0.18900486065123448E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.36209733410322176E+00, -0.36209733410322176E+00, -0.36209733410322176E+00, 0.36209733410322176E+00, 0.76688932060387538E+00, -0.76688932060387538E+00, -0.76688932060387538E+00, 0.76688932060387538E+00, 0.28975386476618070E+00, -0.28975386476618070E+00, -0.28975386476618070E+00, 0.28975386476618070E+00, 0.61367241226233160E+00, -0.61367241226233160E+00, -0.61367241226233160E+00, 0.61367241226233160E+00, 0.18378979287798017E+00, -0.18378979287798017E+00, -0.18378979287798017E+00, 0.18378979287798017E+00, 0.38925011625173161E+00, -0.38925011625173161E+00, -0.38925011625173161E+00, 0.38925011625173161E+00, 7.76896479525748113E-02, -7.76896479525748113E-02, -7.76896479525748113E-02, 7.76896479525748113E-02, 0.16453962988669860E+00, -0.16453962988669860E+00, -0.16453962988669860E+00, 0.16453962988669860E+00 }; double y[48] = { 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.88091731624450909E+00, -0.88091731624450909E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.70491874112648223E+00, -0.70491874112648223E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.44712732143189760E+00, -0.44712732143189760E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.0000000000000000E+00, 0.18900486065123448E+00, -0.18900486065123448E+00, 0.36209733410322176E+00, 0.36209733410322176E+00, -0.36209733410322176E+00, -0.36209733410322176E+00, 0.76688932060387538E+00, 0.76688932060387538E+00, -0.76688932060387538E+00, -0.76688932060387538E+00, 0.28975386476618070E+00, 0.28975386476618070E+00, -0.28975386476618070E+00, -0.28975386476618070E+00, 0.61367241226233160E+00, 0.61367241226233160E+00, -0.61367241226233160E+00, -0.61367241226233160E+00, 0.18378979287798017E+00, 0.18378979287798017E+00, -0.18378979287798017E+00, -0.18378979287798017E+00, 0.38925011625173161E+00, 0.38925011625173161E+00, -0.38925011625173161E+00, -0.38925011625173161E+00, 7.76896479525748113E-02, 7.76896479525748113E-02, -7.76896479525748113E-02, -7.76896479525748113E-02, 0.16453962988669860E+00, 0.16453962988669860E+00, -0.16453962988669860E+00, -0.16453962988669860E+00 }; double z[48] = { 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 4.85005494469969989E-02, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.23860073755186201E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.51704729510436798E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00, 0.79585141789677305E+00 }; /* Quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + w[i] * func ( x[i], y[i], z[i] ); } /* Volume. */ volume = pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ); /* Result. */ result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_monomial_3d ( int alpha, int beta, int gamma ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_MONOMIAL_3D: monomial integral in a unit pyramid in 3D. Discussion: This function returns the value of the integral of X^ALPHA Y^BETA Z^GAMMA over the unit pyramid. The unit pyramid is defined as: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int ALPHA, BETA, GAMMA, the exponents of X, Y and Z in the monomial. Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_MONOMIAL_3D, the volume of the pyramid. */ { int i; int i_hi; double value; value = 0.0; if ( ( alpha % 2 ) == 0 && ( beta % 2 ) == 0 ) { i_hi = 2 + alpha + beta; for ( i = 0; i <= i_hi; i++ ) { value = value + r8_mop ( i ) * r8_choose ( i_hi, i ) / ( double ) ( i + gamma + 1 ); } value = value * 2.0 / ( double ) ( alpha + 1 ) * 2.0 / ( double ) ( beta + 1 ); } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_UNIT_VOLUME_3D: volume of a unit pyramid with square base in 3D. Integration region: - ( 1 - Z ) <= X <= 1 - Z - ( 1 - Z ) <= Y <= 1 - Z 0 <= Z <= 1. Discussion: The volume of this unit pyramid is 4/3. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double PYRAMID_UNIT_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the pyramid. */ { double volume; volume = 4.0 / 3.0; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double pyramid_volume_3d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: PYRAMID_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of a pyramid with square base in 3D. Integration region: - ( H - Z ) * R <= X <= ( H - Z ) * R - ( H - Z ) * R <= Y <= ( H - Z ) * R 0 <= Z <= H. Discussion: A pyramid with square base can be regarded as the upper half of a 3D octahedron. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the "radius" of the pyramid, that is, half the length of one of the sides of the square base. Input, double H, the height of the pyramid. Output, double PYRAMID_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the pyramid. */ { double value; value = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * h * r * r; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double qmdpt ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, int nsub ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: QMDPT carries out product midpoint quadrature for the unit cube in ND. Integration region: -1 <= X(1:N) <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the cube. Input, int NSUB, the number of subdivisions (in each dimension). Output, double QMDPT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int ihi; int *ix; int j; int more; double quad; double result; double volume; double w; double *x; w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( i4_power ( nsub, n ) ); quad = 0.0; more = 0; ihi = i4_power ( nsub, n ); ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < ihi; i++ ) { vec_lex_next ( n, nsub, ix, &more ); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = ( double ) ( 2 * ix[j] + 1 - nsub ) / ( double ) ( nsub ); } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); } volume = pow ( 2.0, n ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double qmult_1d ( double func ( double x ), double a, double b ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: QMULT_1D approximates an integral over an interval in 1D. Integration region: A <= X <= B. Discussion: A 16 point 31-st degree Gauss-Legendre formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X). Input, double A, B, the lower and upper limits of integration. Output, double QMULT_1D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int order = 16; double quad; double result; double volume; double *weight; double x; double *xtab; xtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab, weight ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = 0.5 * ( b - a ) * xtab[i] + 0.5 * ( a + b ); quad = quad + 0.5 * weight[i] * func ( x ); } volume = b - a; result = quad * volume; free ( xtab ); free ( weight ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double qmult_2d ( double func ( double x, double y ), double a, double b, double fup ( double x ), double flo ( double x ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: QMULT_2D approximates an integral with varying Y dimension in 2D. Integration region: A <= X <= B and FLO(X) <= Y <= FHI(X). Discussion: A 256 point product of two 16 point 31-st degree Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulas is used. This routine could easily be modified to use a different order product rule by changing the value of ORDER. Another easy change would allow the X and Y directions to use quadrature rules of different orders. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X,Y). Input, double A, B, the lower and upper limits of X integration. Input, double FUP ( double x ), double FLO ( double x ), the names of the user supplied functions which evaluate the upper and lower limits of the Y integration. */ { double c; double d; int i; int j; int order = 16; double quad; double w1; double w2; double *weight; double x; double *xtab; double y; xtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab, weight ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { w1 = 0.5 * ( b - a ) * weight[i]; x = 0.5 * ( b - a ) * xtab[i] + 0.5 * ( b + a ); c = flo ( x ); d = fup ( x ); for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { w2 = 0.5 * ( d - c ) * weight[j]; y = 0.5 * ( d - c ) * xtab[j] + 0.5 * ( d + c ); quad = quad + w1 * w2 * func ( x, y ); } } free ( xtab ); free ( weight ); return quad; } /******************************************************************************/ double qmult_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double a, double b, double fup1 ( double x ), double flo1 ( double x ), double fup2 ( double x, double y ), double flo2 ( double x, double y ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: QMULT_3D approximates an integral with varying Y and Z dimension in 3D. Integration region: A <= X <= B, and FLO(X) <= Y <= FHI(X), and FLO2(X,Y) <= Z <= FHI2(X,Y). Discussion: A 4096 point product of three 16 point 31-st degree Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulas is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied unction which evaluates F(X,Y,Z). Input, double A, B, the lower and upper limits of X integration. Input, double FUP1 ( double x ), double FLO1 ( double x ), the names of the user supplied functions which evaluate the upper and lower limits of the Y integration. Input, double FUP2 ( double x, double y ), double FLO2 ( double x, double y ), the names of the user supplied functions which evaluate the upper and lower limits of the Z integration. Output, double QMULT_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double c; double d; double e; double f; int i; int j; int k; int order = 16; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double w3; double *weight; double x; double *xtab; double y; double z; xtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab, weight ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = 0.5 * ( b - a ) * xtab[i] + 0.5 * ( b + a ); w1 = 0.5 * weight[i]; c = flo1 ( x ); d = fup1 ( x ); for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { w2 = 0.5 * ( d - c ) * weight[j]; y = 0.5 * ( d - c ) * xtab[j] + 0.5 * ( d + c ); e = flo2 ( x, y ); f = fup2 ( x, y ); for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { w3 = 0.5 * ( f - e ) * weight[k]; z = 0.5 * ( f - e ) * xtab[k] + 0.5 * ( f + e ); quad = quad + w1 * w2 * w3 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = b - a; result = quad * volume; free ( xtab ); free ( weight ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_asin ( double s ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_ASIN computes the arc sine function, with argument truncation. Discussion: If you call your system ASIN routine with an input argument that is outside the range [-1.0, 1.0 ], you may get an unpleasant surprise. In particular, you may get the value NaN returned. This routine truncates arguments outside the range, avoiding the problem. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 04 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double S, the argument. Output, double R8_ASIN, an angle whose sine is S. */ { double value; s = fmax ( s, -1.0 ); s = fmin ( s, +1.0 ); value = asin ( s ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_choose ( int n, int k ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_CHOOSE computes the binomial coefficient C(N,K) as an R8. Discussion: The value is calculated in such a way as to avoid overflow and roundoff. The calculation is done in R8 arithmetic. The formula used is: C(N,K) = N! / ( K! * (N-K)! ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: ML Wolfson, HV Wright, Algorithm 160: Combinatorial of M Things Taken N at a Time, Communications of the ACM, Volume 6, Number 4, April 1963, page 161. Parameters: Input, int N, K, the values of N and K. Output, double R8_CHOOSE, the number of combinations of N things taken K at a time. */ { int i; int mn; int mx; int value; mn = i4_min ( k, n - k ); if ( mn < 0 ) { value = 0.0; } else if ( mn == 0 ) { value = 1.0; } else { mx = i4_max ( k, n - k ); value = ( double ) ( mx + 1 ); for ( i = 2; i <= mn; i++ ) { value = ( value * ( double ) ( mx + i ) ) / ( double ) i; } } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_factorial ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_FACTORIAL computes the factorial of N. Discussion: factorial ( N ) = product ( 1 <= I <= N ) I Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 January 1999 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the argument of the factorial function. If N is less than 1, the function value is returned as 1. Output, double R8_FACTORIAL, the factorial of N. */ { int i; double value; value = 1.0; for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { value = value * ( double ) ( i ); } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_hyper_2f1 ( double a, double b, double c, double x ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_HYPER_2F1 evaluates the hypergeometric function 2F1(A,B,C,X). Discussion: A bug was corrected. A line which read c1 = - ( - 1.0, m ) * gc / ( gam * gbm * rm ); was corrected to read c1 = - pow ( - 1.0, m ) * gc / ( gam * gbm * rm ); JVB, 05 July 2009. A minor bug was corrected. The HW variable, used in several places as the "old" value of a quantity being iteratively improved, was not being initialized. JVB, 11 February 2008. The FORTRAN77 original version of this routine is copyrighted by Shanjie Zhang and Jianming Jin. However, they give permission to incorporate this routine into a user program provided that the copyright is acknowledged. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 July 2009 Author: Original FORTRAN77 version by Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin. C++ version by John Burkardt. Reference: Shanjie Zhang, Jianming Jin, Computation of Special Functions, Wiley, 1996, ISBN: 0-471-11963-6, LC: QA351.C45 Parameters: Input, double A, B, C, X, the arguments of the function. C must not be equal to a nonpositive integer. X < 1. Output, double R8_HYPER_2F1, the value of the function. */ { double a0; double aa; double bb; double c0; double c1; double el = 0.5772156649015329; double eps; double f0; double f1; double g0; double g1; double g2; double g3; double ga; double gabc; double gam; double gb; double gbm; double gc; double gca; double gcab; double gcb; double gm; double hf; double hw; int j; int k; int l0; int l1; int l2; int l3; int l4; int l5; int m; int nm; double pa; double pb; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double r; double r0; double r1; double rm; double rp; double sm; double sp; double sp0; double x1; l0 = ( c == ( int ) ( c ) ) && ( c < 0.0 ); l1 = ( 1.0 - x < 1.0E-15 ) && ( c - a - b <= 0.0 ); l2 = ( a == ( int ) ( a ) ) && ( a < 0.0 ); l3 = ( b == ( int ) ( b ) ) && ( b < 0.0 ); l4 = ( c - a == ( int ) ( c - a ) ) && ( c - a <= 0.0 ); l5 = ( c - b == ( int ) ( c - b ) ) && ( c - b <= 0.0 ); if ( l0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "R8_HYPER_2F1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The hypergeometric series is divergent.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " C is integral and negative.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " C = %f\n", c ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( l1 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "R8_HYPER_2F1 - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The hypergeometric series is divergent.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " 1 - X < 0, C - A - B <= 0\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " A = %f\n", a ); fprintf ( stderr, " B = %f\n", b ); fprintf ( stderr, " C = %f\n", c ); fprintf ( stderr, " X = %f\n", x ); exit ( 1 ); } if ( 0.95 < x ) { eps = 1.0E-08; } else { eps = 1.0E-15; } if ( x == 0.0 || a == 0.0 || b == 0.0 ) { hf = 1.0; return hf; } else if ( 1.0 - x == eps && 0.0 < c - a - b ) { gc = tgamma ( c ); gcab = tgamma ( c - a - b ); gca = tgamma ( c - a ); gcb = tgamma ( c - b ); hf = gc * gcab / ( gca * gcb ); return hf; } else if ( 1.0 + x <= eps && fabs ( c - a + b - 1.0 ) <= eps ) { g0 = sqrt ( pi ) * pow ( 2.0, - a ); g1 = tgamma ( c ); g2 = tgamma ( 1.0 + a / 2.0 - b ); g3 = tgamma ( 0.5 + 0.5 * a ); hf = g0 * g1 / ( g2 * g3 ); return hf; } else if ( l2 || l3 ) { if ( l2 ) { nm = ( int ) ( fabs ( a ) ); } if ( l3 ) { nm = ( int ) ( fabs ( b ) ); } hf = 1.0; r = 1.0; for ( k = 1; k <= nm; k++ ) { r = r * ( a + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( c + k - 1.0 ) ) * x; hf = hf + r; } return hf; } else if ( l4 || l5 ) { if ( l4 ) { nm = ( int ) ( fabs ( c - a ) ); } if ( l5 ) { nm = ( int ) ( fabs ( c - b ) ); } hf = 1.0; r = 1.0; for ( k = 1; k <= nm; k++ ) { r = r * ( c - a + k - 1.0 ) * ( c - b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( c + k - 1.0 ) ) * x; hf = hf + r; } hf = pow ( 1.0 - x, c - a - b ) * hf; return hf; } aa = a; bb = b; x1 = x; if ( x < 0.0 ) { x = x / ( x - 1.0 ); if ( a < c && b < a && 0.0 < b ) { a = bb; b = aa; } b = c - b; } if ( 0.75 <= x ) { gm = 0.0; if ( fabs ( c - a - b - ( int ) ( c - a - b ) ) < 1.0E-15 ) { m = ( int ) ( c - a - b ); ga = tgamma ( a ); gb = tgamma ( b ); gc = tgamma ( c ); gam = tgamma ( a + m ); gbm = tgamma ( b + m ); pa = r8_psi ( a ); pb = r8_psi ( b ); if ( m != 0 ) { gm = 1.0; } for ( j = 1; j <= abs ( m ) - 1; j++ ) { gm = gm * j; } rm = 1.0; for ( j = 1; j <= abs ( m ); j++ ) { rm = rm * j; } f0 = 1.0; r0 = 1.0;; r1 = 1.0; sp0 = 0.0;; sp = 0.0; if ( 0 <= m ) { c0 = gm * gc / ( gam * gbm ); c1 = - gc * pow ( x - 1.0, m ) / ( ga * gb * rm ); for ( k = 1; k <= m - 1; k++ ) { r0 = r0 * ( a + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( k - m ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); f0 = f0 + r0; } for ( k = 1; k <= m; k++ ) { sp0 = sp0 + 1.0 / ( a + k - 1.0 ) + 1.0 / ( b + k - 1.0 ) - 1.0 / ( double ) ( k ); } f1 = pa + pb + sp0 + 2.0 * el + log ( 1.0 - x ); hw = f1; for ( k = 1; k <= 250; k++ ) { sp = sp + ( 1.0 - a ) / ( k * ( a + k - 1.0 ) ) + ( 1.0 - b ) / ( k * ( b + k - 1.0 ) ); sm = 0.0; for ( j = 1; j <= m; j++ ) { sm = sm + ( 1.0 - a ) / ( ( j + k ) * ( a + j + k - 1.0 ) ) + 1.0 / ( b + j + k - 1.0 ); } rp = pa + pb + 2.0 * el + sp + sm + log ( 1.0 - x ); r1 = r1 * ( a + m + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + m + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( m + k ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); f1 = f1 + r1 * rp; if ( fabs ( f1 - hw ) < fabs ( f1 ) * eps ) { break; } hw = f1; } hf = f0 * c0 + f1 * c1; } else if ( m < 0 ) { m = - m; c0 = gm * gc / ( ga * gb * pow ( 1.0 - x, m ) ); c1 = - pow ( - 1.0, m ) * gc / ( gam * gbm * rm ); for ( k = 1; k <= m - 1; k++ ) { r0 = r0 * ( a - m + k - 1.0 ) * ( b - m + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( k - m ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); f0 = f0 + r0; } for ( k = 1; k <= m; k++ ) { sp0 = sp0 + 1.0 / ( double ) ( k ); } f1 = pa + pb - sp0 + 2.0 * el + log ( 1.0 - x ); hw = f1; for ( k = 1; k <= 250; k++ ) { sp = sp + ( 1.0 - a ) / ( k * ( a + k - 1.0 ) ) + ( 1.0 - b ) / ( k * ( b + k - 1.0 ) ); sm = 0.0; for ( j = 1; j <= m; j++ ) { sm = sm + 1.0 / ( double ) ( j + k ); } rp = pa + pb + 2.0 * el + sp - sm + log ( 1.0 - x ); r1 = r1 * ( a + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( m + k ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); f1 = f1 + r1 * rp; if ( fabs ( f1 - hw ) < fabs ( f1 ) * eps ) { break; } hw = f1; } hf = f0 * c0 + f1 * c1; } } else { ga = tgamma ( a ); gb = tgamma ( b ); gc = tgamma ( c ); gca = tgamma ( c - a ); gcb = tgamma ( c - b ); gcab = tgamma ( c - a - b ); gabc = tgamma ( a + b - c ); c0 = gc * gcab / ( gca * gcb ); c1 = gc * gabc / ( ga * gb ) * pow ( 1.0 - x, c - a - b ); hf = 0.0; hw = hf; r0 = c0; r1 = c1; for ( k = 1; k <= 250; k++ ) { r0 = r0 * ( a + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( a + b - c + k ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); r1 = r1 * ( c - a + k - 1.0 ) * ( c - b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( c - a - b + k ) ) * ( 1.0 - x ); hf = hf + r0 + r1; if ( fabs ( hf - hw ) < fabs ( hf ) * eps ) { break; } hw = hf; } hf = hf + c0 + c1; } } else { a0 = 1.0; if ( a < c && c < 2.0 * a && b < c && c < 2.0 * b ) { a0 = pow ( 1.0 - x, c - a - b ); a = c - a; b = c - b; } hf = 1.0; hw = hf; r = 1.0; for ( k = 1; k <= 250; k++ ) { r = r * ( a + k - 1.0 ) * ( b + k - 1.0 ) / ( k * ( c + k - 1.0 ) ) * x; hf = hf + r; if ( fabs ( hf - hw ) <= fabs ( hf ) * eps ) { break; } hw = hf; } hf = a0 * hf; } if ( x1 < 0.0 ) { x = x1; c0 = 1.0 / pow ( 1.0 - x, aa ); hf = c0 * hf; } a = aa; b = bb; if ( 120 < k ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "R8_HYPER_2F1 - Warning!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " A large number of iterations were needed.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The accuracy of the results should be checked.\n" ); } return hf; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_mop ( int i ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_MOP returns the I-th power of -1 as an R8 value. Discussion: An R8 is an double value. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 November 2007 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int I, the power of -1. Output, double R8_MOP, the I-th power of -1. */ { double value; if ( ( i % 2 ) == 0 ) { value = 1.0; } else { value = -1.0; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_psi ( double xx ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_PSI evaluates the function Psi(X). Discussion: This routine evaluates the logarithmic derivative of the Gamma function, PSI(X) = d/dX ( GAMMA(X) ) / GAMMA(X) = d/dX LN ( GAMMA(X) ) for real X, where either - XMAX1 < X < - XMIN, and X is not a negative integer, or XMIN < X. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 09 February 2008 Author: Original FORTRAN77 version by William Cody. C++ version by John Burkardt. Reference: William Cody, Anthony Strecok, Henry Thacher, Chebyshev Approximations for the Psi Function, Mathematics of Computation, Volume 27, Number 121, January 1973, pages 123-127. Parameters: Input, double XX, the argument of the function. Output, double R8_PSI, the value of the function. */ { double aug; double den; int i; int n; int nq; double one = 1.0; double p1[9] = { 4.5104681245762934160E-03, 5.4932855833000385356, 3.7646693175929276856E+02, 7.9525490849151998065E+03, 7.1451595818951933210E+04, 3.0655976301987365674E+05, 6.3606997788964458797E+05, 5.8041312783537569993E+05, 1.6585695029761022321E+05 }; double p2[7] = { -2.7103228277757834192, -1.5166271776896121383E+01, -1.9784554148719218667E+01, -8.8100958828312219821, -1.4479614616899842986, -7.3689600332394549911E-02, -6.5135387732718171306E-21 }; double piov4 = 0.78539816339744830962; double q1[8] = { 9.6141654774222358525E+01, 2.6287715790581193330E+03, 2.9862497022250277920E+04, 1.6206566091533671639E+05, 4.3487880712768329037E+05, 5.4256384537269993733E+05, 2.4242185002017985252E+05, 6.4155223783576225996E-08 }; double q2[6] = { 4.4992760373789365846E+01, 2.0240955312679931159E+02, 2.4736979003315290057E+02, 1.0742543875702278326E+02, 1.7463965060678569906E+01, 8.8427520398873480342E-01 }; double sgn; double upper; double value; double w; double x; double x01 = 187.0; double x01d = 128.0; double x02 = 6.9464496836234126266E-04; double xinf = 1.70E+38; double xlarge = 2.04E+15; double xmax1 = 3.60E+16; double xmin1 = 5.89E-39; double xsmall = 2.05E-09; double z; double zero = 0.0; x = xx; w = fabs ( x ); aug = zero; /* Check for valid arguments, then branch to appropriate algorithm. */ if ( xmax1 <= - x || w < xmin1 ) { if ( zero < x ) { value = - xinf; } else { value = xinf; } return value; } if ( x < 0.5 ) { /* X < 0.5, use reflection formula: psi(1-x) = psi(x) + pi * cot(pi*x) Use 1/X for PI*COTAN(PI*X) when XMIN1 < |X| <= XSMALL. */ if ( w <= xsmall ) { aug = - one / x; } /* Argument reduction for cotangent. */ else { if ( x < zero ) { sgn = piov4; } else { sgn = - piov4; } w = w - ( double ) ( ( int ) ( w ) ); nq = ( int ) ( w * 4.0 ); w = 4.0 * ( w - ( double ) ( nq ) * 0.25 ); /* W is now related to the fractional part of 4.0 * X. Adjust argument to correspond to values in the first quadrant and determine the sign. */ n = nq / 2; if ( n + n != nq ) { w = one - w; } z = piov4 * w; if ( ( n % 2 ) != 0 ) { sgn = - sgn; } /* Determine the final value for -pi * cotan(pi*x). */ n = ( nq + 1 ) / 2; if ( ( n % 2 ) == 0 ) { /* Check for singularity. */ if ( z == zero ) { if ( zero < x ) { value = -xinf; } else { value = xinf; } return value; } aug = sgn * ( 4.0 / tan ( z ) ); } else { aug = sgn * ( 4.0 * tan ( z ) ); } } x = one - x; } /* 0.5 <= X <= 3.0. */ if ( x <= 3.0 ) { den = x; upper = p1[0] * x; for ( i = 1; i <= 7; i++ ) { den = ( den + q1[i-1] ) * x; upper = ( upper + p1[i]) * x; } den = ( upper + p1[8] ) / ( den + q1[7] ); x = ( x - x01 / x01d ) - x02; value = den * x + aug; return value; } /* 3.0 < X. */ if ( x < xlarge ) { w = one / ( x * x ); den = w; upper = p2[0] * w; for ( i = 1; i <= 5; i++ ) { den = ( den + q2[i-1] ) * w; upper = ( upper + p2[i] ) * w; } aug = ( upper + p2[6] ) / ( den + q2[5] ) - 0.5 / x + aug; } value = aug + log ( x ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ void r8_swap ( double *x, double *y ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_SWAP switches two R8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 29 August 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input/output, double *X, *Y. On output, the values of X and Y have been interchanged. */ { double z; z = *x; *x = *y; *y = z; return; } /******************************************************************************/ void r8_swap3 ( double *x, double *y, double *z ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_SWAP3 swaps three R8's. Example: Input: X = 1, Y = 2, Z = 3 Output: X = 2, Y = 3, Z = 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input/output, double *X, *Y, *Z, three values to be swapped. */ { double w; w = *x; *x = *y; *y = *z; *z = w; return; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_uniform_01 ( int *seed ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_UNIFORM_01 is a unit pseudorandom R8. Discussion: This routine implements the recursion seed = 16807 * seed mod ( 2**31 - 1 ) unif = seed / ( 2**31 - 1 ) The integer arithmetic never requires more than 32 bits, including a sign bit. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 August 2004 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox, Linus Schrage, A Guide to Simulation, Springer Verlag, pages 201-202, 1983. Bennett Fox, Algorithm 647: Implementation and Relative Efficiency of Quasirandom Sequence Generators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 12, Number 4, pages 362-376, 1986. Parameters: Input/output, int *SEED, a seed for the random number generator. Output, double R8_UNIFORM_01, a new pseudorandom variate, strictly between 0 and 1. */ { int k; double r; k = *seed / 127773; *seed = 16807 * ( *seed - k * 127773 ) - k * 2836; if ( *seed < 0 ) { *seed = *seed + 2147483647; } r = ( double ) ( *seed ) * 4.656612875E-10; return r; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8ge_det ( int n, double a_lu[], int pivot[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8GE_DET computes the determinant of a matrix factored by R8GE_FA or R8GE_TRF. Discussion: The R8GE storage format is used for a "general" M by N matrix. A physical storage space is made for each logical entry. The two dimensional logical array is mapped to a vector, in which storage is by columns. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 March 2004 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart, LINPACK User's Guide, SIAM, 1979 Parameters: Input, int N, the order of the matrix. N must be positive. Input, double A_LU[N*N], the LU factors from R8GE_FA or R8GE_TRF. Input, int PIVOT[N], as computed by R8GE_FA or R8GE_TRF. Output, double R8GE_DET, the determinant of the matrix. */ { double det; int i; det = 1.0; for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) { det = det * a_lu[i-1+(i-1)*n]; if ( pivot[i-1] != i ) { det = -det; } } return det; } /******************************************************************************/ int r8ge_fa ( int n, double a[], int pivot[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8GE_FA performs a LINPACK-style PLU factorization of a R8GE matrix. Discussion: The R8GE storage format is used for a "general" M by N matrix. A physical storage space is made for each logical entry. The two dimensional logical array is mapped to a vector, in which storage is by columns. R8GE_FA is a simplified version of the LINPACK routine SGEFA. The two dimensional array is stored by columns in a one dimensional array. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 September 2003 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Jack Dongarra, Jim Bunch, Cleve Moler, Pete Stewart, LINPACK User's Guide, SIAM, 1979 Parameters: Input, int N, the order of the matrix. N must be positive. Input/output, double A[N*N], the matrix to be factored. On output, A contains an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers which were used to obtain it. The factorization can be written A = L * U, where L is a product of permutation and unit lower triangular matrices and U is upper triangular. Output, int PIVOT[N], a vector of pivot indices. Output, int R8GE_FA, singularity flag. 0, no singularity detected. nonzero, the factorization failed on the INFO-th step. */ { int i; int j; int k; int l; double t; /**/ for ( k = 1; k <= n-1; k++ ) { /* Find L, the index of the pivot row. */ l = k; for ( i = k+1; i <= n; i++ ) { if ( fabs ( a[l-1+(k-1)*n] ) < fabs ( a[i-1+(k-1)*n] ) ) { l = i; } } pivot[k-1] = l; /* If the pivot index is zero, the algorithm has failed. */ if ( a[l-1+(k-1)*n] == 0.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "R8GE_FA - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Zero pivot on step %d\n", k ); return k; } /* Interchange rows L and K if necessary. */ if ( l != k ) { t = a[l-1+(k-1)*n]; a[l-1+(k-1)*n] = a[k-1+(k-1)*n]; a[k-1+(k-1)*n] = t; } /* Normalize the values that lie below the pivot entry A(K,K). */ for ( i = k+1; i <= n; i++ ) { a[i-1+(k-1)*n] = -a[i-1+(k-1)*n] / a[k-1+(k-1)*n]; } /* Row elimination with column indexing. */ for ( j = k+1; j <= n; j++ ) { if ( l != k ) { t = a[l-1+(j-1)*n]; a[l-1+(j-1)*n] = a[k-1+(j-1)*n]; a[k-1+(j-1)*n] = t; } for ( i = k+1; i <= n; i++ ) { a[i-1+(j-1)*n] = a[i-1+(j-1)*n] + a[i-1+(k-1)*n] * a[k-1+(j-1)*n]; } } } pivot[n-1] = n; if ( a[n-1+(n-1)*n] == 0.0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "R8GE_FA - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Zero pivot on step %d\n", n ); return n; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8vec_dot_product ( int n, double a1[], double a2[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8VEC_DOT_PRODUCT computes the dot product of a pair of R8VEC's. Discussion: An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 July 2005 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of entries in the vectors. Input, double A1[N], A2[N], the two vectors to be considered. Output, double R8VEC_DOT_PRODUCT, the dot product of the vectors. */ { int i; double value; value = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { value = value + a1[i] * a2[i]; } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8vec_even_select ( int n, double xlo, double xhi, int ival ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8VEC_EVEN_SELECT returns the I-th of N evenly spaced values in [ XLO, XHI ]. Discussion: XVAL = ( (N-IVAL) * XLO + (IVAL-1) * XHI ) / ( N - 1 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 January 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of values. Input, double XLO, XHI, the low and high values. Input, int IVAL, the index of the desired point. IVAL is normally between 1 and N, but may be any integer value. Output, double R8VEC_EVEN_SELECT, the IVAL-th of N evenly spaced values between XLO and XHI. Unless N = 1, X(1) = XLO and X(N) = XHI. If N = 1, then X(1) = 0.5*(XLO+XHI). */ { double xval; if ( n == 1 ) { xval = 0.5 * ( xlo + xhi ); } else { xval = ( ( double ) ( n - ival ) * xlo + ( double ) ( ival - 1 ) * xhi ) / ( double ) ( n - 1 ); } return xval; } /******************************************************************************/ int r8vec_mirror_next ( int n, double a[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8VEC_MIRROR_NEXT steps through all sign variations of an R8VEC. Discussion: In normal use, the user would set every element of A to be positive. The routine will take the input value of A, and output a copy in which the signs of one or more entries have been changed. Repeatedly calling the routine with the output from the previous call will generate every distinct "variation" of A; that is, all possible sign variations. When the output variable DONE is TRUE (or equal to 1), then the output value of A_NEW is the last in the series. Note that A may have some zero values. The routine will essentially ignore such entries; more exactly, it will not stupidly assume that -0 is a proper "variation" of 0. Also, it is possible to call this routine with the signs of A set in any way you like. The routine will operate properly, but it will nonethess terminate when it reaches the value of A in which every nonzero entry has negative sign. More efficient algorithms using the Gray code seem to require internal memory in the routine, which is not one of MATLAB's strong points, or the passing back and forth of a "memory array", or the use of global variables, or unnatural demands on the user. This form of the routine is about as clean as I can make it. Example: Input Output --------- -------------- A A DONE --------- -------- ---- 1 2 3 -1 2 3 false -1 2 3 1 -2 3 false 1 -2 3 -1 -2 3 false -1 -2 3 1 2 -3 false 1 2 -3 -1 2 -3 false -1 2 -3 1 -2 -3 false 1 -2 -3 -1 -2 -3 false -1 -2 -3 1 2 3 true 1 0 3 -1 0 3 false -1 0 3 1 0 -3 false 1 0 -3 -1 0 -3 false -1 0 -3 1 0 3 true Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf, Combinatorial Algorithms, Academic Press, 1978, second edition, ISBN 0-12-519260-6. Parameters: Input, int N, the number of entries in the vector. Input/output, double A[N], a vector of real numbers. On output, some signs have been changed. Output, int R8VEC_MIRROR_NEXT, is TRUE if the input vector A was the last element in the series (every entry was nonpositive); the output vector is reset so that all entries are nonnegative, but presumably the ride is over. */ { int done; int i; int positive; /* Seek the first strictly positive entry of A. */ positive = -1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( 0.0 < a[i] ) { positive = i; break; } } /* If there is no strictly positive entry of A, there is no successor. */ if ( positive == -1 ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { a[i] = - a[i]; } done = 1; return done; } /* Otherwise, negate A up to the positive entry. */ for ( i = 0; i <= positive; i++ ) { a[i] = - a[i]; } done = 0; return done; } /******************************************************************************/ void r8vec_print ( int n, double a[], char *title ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC. Discussion: An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 08 April 2009 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of components of the vector. Input, double A[N], the vector to be printed. Input, char *TITLE, a title. */ { int i; fprintf ( stdout, "\n" ); fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", title ); fprintf ( stdout, "\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { fprintf ( stdout, " %8d: %14f\n", i, a[i] ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void r8vec_zero ( int n, double a[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8VEC_ZERO zeroes an R8VEC. Discussion: An R8VEC is a vector of R8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 03 July 2005 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the number of entries in the vector. Output, double A[N], a vector of zeroes. */ { int i; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { a[i] = 0.0; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double rectangle_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double a[3], double b[3] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: RECTANGLE_3D approximates an integral inside a rectangular block in 3D. Integration region: A(1) <= X <= B(1), and A(2) <= Y <= B(2), and A(3) <= Z <= B(3). Discussion: An 8 point third degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function. Input, double A[3], B[3], the lower and upper limits for X, Y and Z. Output, double RECTANGLE_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int k; double quad; double result; double sqr3; double volume; double w; double x; double y; double z; sqr3 = 1.0 / sqrt ( 3.0 ); w = 1.0 / 8.0; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { x = sqr3 * i4_power ( -1, i ); x = 0.5 * ( ( 1.0 - x ) * b[0] + ( 1.0 + x ) * a[0] ); for ( j = 1; j <= 2; j++ ) { y = sqr3 * i4_power ( -1, j ); y = 0.5 * ( ( 1.0 - y ) * b[1] + ( 1.0 + y ) * a[1] ); for ( k = 1; k <= 2; k++ ) { z = sqr3 * i4_power ( -1, k ); z = 0.5 * ( ( 1.0 - z ) * b[2] + ( 1.0 + z ) * a[2] ); quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = ( b[0] - a[0] ) * ( b[1] - a[1] ) * ( b[2] - a[2] ); result = volume * quad; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double rectangle_sub_2d ( double func ( double x, double y ), double xval[2], double yval[2], int nsub[2], int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: RECTANGLE_SUB_2D carries out a composite quadrature over a rectangle in 2D. Integration region: XVAL(1) <= X <= XVAL(2), and YVAL(1) <= Y <= YVAL(2). Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 22 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the function to be integrated. Input, double XVAL[2], the left and right X coordinates. Input, double YVAL[2], the lower and upper Y coordinates. Input, int NSUB[2], the number of subintervals to use in the X and Y directions. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double RECTANGLE_SUB_2D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double a[2]; double b[2]; int i; int j; int k; double quad_sub; double result; double result_sub; double volume; double volume_sub; double x; double xhi; double xlo; double y; double yhi; double ylo; a[0] = xval[0]; a[1] = yval[0]; b[0] = xval[1]; b[1] = yval[1]; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( a[i] == b[i] ) { result = 0.0; return result; } } for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( nsub[i] < 1 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "RECTANGLE_SUB_2D - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Nonpositive value of NSUB[%d] = %d\n", i, nsub[i] ); exit ( 1 ); } } /* Break up the X interval into NSUB(1) subintervals. */ volume = 0.0; result = 0.0; for ( i = 1; i <= nsub[0]; i++ ) { xlo = r8vec_even_select ( nsub[0]+1, a[0], b[0], i ); xhi = r8vec_even_select ( nsub[0]+1, a[0], b[0], i + 1 ); /* Break up the Y interval into NSUB(2) subintervals. */ for ( j = 1; j <= nsub[1]; j++ ) { ylo = r8vec_even_select ( nsub[1]+1, a[1], b[1], j ); yhi = r8vec_even_select ( nsub[1]+1, a[1], b[1], j+1 ); quad_sub = 0.0; for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { x = xlo + 0.5 * ( xtab[k] + 1.0 ) * ( xhi - xlo ); y = ylo + 0.5 * ( ytab[k] + 1.0 ) * ( yhi - ylo ); quad_sub = quad_sub + weight[k] * func ( x, y ) / 4.0; } volume_sub = ( xhi - xlo ) * ( yhi - ylo ); result_sub = quad_sub * volume_sub; volume = volume + volume_sub; result = result + result_sub; } } return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void rule_adjust ( double a, double b, double c, double d, int order, double x[], double w[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: RULE_ADJUST maps a quadrature rule from [A,B] to [C,D]. Discussion: Most quadrature rules are defined on a special interval, like [-1,1] or [0,1]. To integrate over an interval, the abscissas and weights must be adjusted. This can be done on the fly, or by calling this routine. If the weight function W(X) is not 1, then the W vector will require further adjustment by the user. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double A, B, the endpoints of the definition interval. Input, double C, D, the endpoints of the integration interval. Input, int ORDER, the number of abscissas and weights. Input/output, double X[ORDER], W[ORDER], the abscissas and weights. */ { int i; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x[i] = ( ( b - x[i] ) * c + ( x[i] - a ) * d ) / ( b - a ); } for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { w[i] = ( ( d - c ) / ( b - a ) ) * w[i]; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int s_len_trim ( char *s ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a string to the last nonblank. Discussion: It turns out that I also want to ignore the '\n' character! Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 05 October 2014 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, char *S, a pointer to a string. Output, int S_LEN_TRIM, the length of the string to the last nonblank. If S_LEN_TRIM is 0, then the string is entirely blank. */ { int n; char *t; n = strlen ( s ); t = s + strlen ( s ) - 1; while ( 0 < n ) { if ( *t != ' ' && *t != '\n' ) { return n; } t--; n--; } return n; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double v[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_ND approximates an integral inside a simplex in ND. Discussion: An N+1 point second degree formula is used. The integration region is the simplex bounded by the origin and a convex combination of N points. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which evaluates F(X). Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input/output, double V[N*(N+1)]. On input, each of the N+1 columns of V contains the N coordinates of one of the "corners" of the simplex in entries 1 through N, with the last column being left free. On output, V has been overwritten in the process of computing the volume of the simplex. Output, double SIMPLEX_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double c; int i; int j; double quad; double result; double s; double volume; double w; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); c = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) ); w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { s = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n + 1; i++ ) { s = s + v[i+j*n]; } x[j] = w * ( 1.0 - c ) * s; } quad = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j < n + 1; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = x[i] + c * v[i+j*n]; } quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = x[i] - c * v[i+j*n]; } } volume = simplex_volume_nd ( n, v ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_unit_01_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_UNIT_01_ND approximates an integral inside the unit simplex in ND. Integration region: 0 <= X(1:N), and sum ( X(1:N) ) <= 1. Discussion: A 1 point formula of degree 1 is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Axel Grundmann, Michael Moeller, Invariant Integration Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, April 1978, pages 282-290. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double coef = 1.0; int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n ); } quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); volume = simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_unit_03_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_UNIT_03_ND approximates an integral inside the unit simplex in ND. Integration region: 0 <= X(1:N), and sum ( X(1:N) ) <= 1. Discussion: An N+2 point formula of degree 3 is used. This is Stroud TN:3-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Axel Grundmann, Michael Moeller, Invariant Integration Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, April 1978, pages 282-290. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SIMPLEX_UNIT_03_ND, the approximate integral. */ { double a; double b; double coef; int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); } coef = -0.25 * ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 1 ) ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); a = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 3 ); b = 3.0 / ( double ) ( n + 3 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = a; } coef = 0.25 * ( double ) ( ( n + 3 ) * ( n + 3 ) ) / ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = b; quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); x[i] = a; } volume = simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_unit_05_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_ND approximates an integral inside the unit simplex in ND. Integration region: 0 <= X(1:N), and sum ( X(1:N) ) <= 1. Discussion: An N^2 + 3 N + 3 point formula of degree 5 is used. This is Stroud formula TN:5-1. (For N = 2, the number of points is actually only 7, and for N = 3, the number of points is actually only 15.) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, A Fifth Degree Integration Formula for the N-Simplex, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 6, Number 1, March 1969. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function is to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. For this routine, it must be the case that 2 <= N <= 16. Output, double SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double coef1[16] = { 0.0, 0.225, 0.118518518519, 0.0631521898883, 0.235714285714, 0.791575476992, 1.85798728021, 3.53666958042, 5.90844340844, 9.03765432098, 12.9758241758, 17.7645108738, 23.4375030259, 30.0224941950, 37.5423613501, 46.0161454949 }; double coef21[16] = { 0.0, 0.12593918054483, 0.0719370837790, 0.0470456145702, 0.0333009774677, 0.0248633014592, 0.0192679696358, 0.0153322153879, 0.0124316229901, 0.0102112988361, 0.00845730697460, 0.00703433430999, 0.00585330520067, 0.00485356735291, 0.00399261092720, 0.00323988713017 }; double coef22[16] = { 0.0, 0.13239415278851, 0.0690682072263, 0.0371530185868, -0.0719253160920, -0.264323879461, -0.537926779961, -0.886895605701, -1.30409181465, -1.78227048964, -2.31462336314, -2.89499045158, -3.51790849765, -4.17858310668, -4.87282884913, -5.59699944261 }; double coef31[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0529100529100, 0.0261368740713, 0.0499020181331, 0.0782233395867, 0.109041040862, 0.140874828568, 0.172735353396, 0.203992490408, 0.234263814181, 0.263332763315, 0.291091849264, 0.317504208212, 0.342577872069, 0.366348654344 }; double coef32[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0254485903613, 0.0165000982690, 0.0115218303668, 0.00850478779483, 0.00655297510968, 0.00522372456259, 0.00428017828134, 0.00358722367033, 0.00306362964360, 0.00265836687133, 0.00233816221525, 0.00208061510846, 0.00187022027571 }; int i; int j; double quad; double r1; double r2; double result; double s1; double s2; double u1; double u2; double v1; double v2; double volume; double *x; result = 0.0; if ( n < 2 || 16 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_ND - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Input spatial dimension N out of range.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; /* S1 */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); } quad = quad + coef1[n-1] * func ( n, x ); /* S21 */ r1 = ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) - sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 8 * n + 1 ); s1 = 1.0 - ( double ) ( n ) * r1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = r1; } for ( i = 0; i < n + 1; i++ ) { quad = quad + coef21[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( 0 < i ) { x[i-1] = r1; } if ( i < n ) { x[i] = s1; } } /* S22 */ r2 = ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) + sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 8 * n + 1 ); s2 = 1.0 - ( double ) ( n ) * r2; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = r2; } for ( i = 0; i < n + 1; i++ ) { quad = quad + coef22[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( 0 < i ) { x[i-1] = r2; } if ( i < n ) { x[i] = s2; } } /* S31 */ u1 = ( ( double ) ( n + 7 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 14 * n - 11 ); v1 = ( ( double ) ( 4 * n - 2 ) - ( double ) ( n - 1 ) * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 14 * n - 11 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = u1; } x[i] = v1; for ( j = i; j < n; j++ ) { if ( i < j - 1 ) { x[j-1] = u1; } x[j] = v1; quad = quad + coef31[n-1] * func ( n, x ); } } /* S32 */ u2 = ( ( double ) ( n + 7 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 14 * n - 11 ); v2 = ( ( double ) ( 4 * n - 2 ) + ( double ) ( n - 1 ) * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 14 * n - 11 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = u2; } x[i] = v2; for ( j = i; j < n; j++ ) { if ( i < j - 1 ) { x[j-1] = u2; } x[j] = v2; quad = quad + coef32[n-1] * func ( n, x ); } } volume = simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_unit_05_2_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_2_ND approximates an integral in the unit simplex in ND. Integration region: 0 <= X(1:N), and sum ( X(1:N) ) <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Axel Grundmann, Michael Moeller, Invariant Integration Formulas for the N-Simplex by Combinatorial Methods, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, April 1978, pages 282-290. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_2_ND, the approximate integral. */ { double a; double b; double coef; int i; int j; double quad; double result; double volume; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; /* Group 1 */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); } coef = ( double ) ( i4_power ( n + 1, 4 ) ) / ( double ) ( 32 * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 3 ) ); quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); /* Group 2 */ a = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 3 ); b = 3.0 / ( double ) ( n + 3 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = a; } coef = -( double ) ( i4_power ( n + 3, 4 ) ) / ( double ) ( 16 * ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = b; quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); x[i] = a; } /* Group 3 */ a = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 5 ); b = 5.0 / ( double ) ( n + 5 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = a; } coef = ( double ) ( i4_power ( n + 5, 4 ) ) / ( double ) ( 16 * ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 3 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = b; quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); x[i] = a; } /* Group 4 */ a = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n + 5 ); b = 3.0 / ( double ) ( n + 5 ); coef = ( double ) ( i4_power ( n + 5, 4 ) ) / ( double ) ( 16 * ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 3 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = a; } x[i] = b; quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = b; quad = quad + coef * func ( n, x ); x[j] = a; } } volume = simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_unit_volume_nd ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_UNIT_VOLUME_ND returns the volume of the unit simplex in ND. Integration region: 0 <= X(1:N), and sum ( X(1:N) ) <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 April 2013 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SIMPLEX_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the unit simplex. */ { double value; value = 1.0 / r8_factorial ( n ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double simplex_volume_nd ( int n, double v[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIMPLEX_VOLUME_ND returns the volume of a simplex in ND. Integration region: The simplex bounded by the origin and a convex combination of N points. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double V[N*(N+1)], the coordinates of the vertices. Output, double SIMPLEX_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the unit simplex. */ { double det; int i; int info; int j; int *pivot; double volume; double *w; w = ( double * ) malloc ( n * n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { w[i+j*n] = v[i+(j+1)*n] - v[i+0*n]; } } pivot = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); info = r8ge_fa ( n, w, pivot ); if ( info != 0 ) { volume = 0.0; } else { det = r8ge_det ( n, w, pivot ); /* Multiply by the volume of the unit simplex, which serves as a conversion factor between a parallelipiped and the simplex. */ volume = fabs ( det ) * simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ); } free ( pivot ); free ( w ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sin_power_int ( double a, double b, int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SIN_POWER_INT evaluates the sine power integral. Discussion: The function is defined by SIN_POWER_INT(A,B,N) = Integral ( A <= T <= B ) ( sin ( t ))^n dt The algorithm uses the following fact: Integral sin^n ( t ) = (1/n) * ( sin^(n-1)(t) * cos(t) + ( n-1 ) * Integral sin^(n-2) ( t ) dt ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 02 September 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters Input, double A, B, the limits of integration. Input, integer N, the power of the sine function. Output, double SIN_POWER_INT, the value of the integral. */ { double ca; double cb; int m; int mlo; double sa; double sb; double value; value = 0.0; if ( n < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "SIN_POWER_INT - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Power N < 0.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } sa = sin ( a ); sb = sin ( b ); ca = cos ( a ); cb = cos ( b ); if ( ( n % 2 ) == 0 ) { value = b - a; mlo = 2; } else { value = ca - cb; mlo = 3; } for ( m = mlo; m <= n; m = m + 2 ) { value = ( ( double ) ( m - 1 ) * value + pow ( sa, (m-1) ) * ca - pow ( sb, (m-1) ) * cb ) / ( double ) ( m ); } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_05_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double center[], double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_05_ND approximates an integral on the surface of a sphere in ND. Integration region: R1*R1 <= sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 <= R2*R2 Discussion: A 2*N+2^N points 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:5-2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 14 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double CENTER[N], the center of the sphere. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_05_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int iadd; int ihi; int *ix; int more; int ncard; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double *x; double x1; double x2; x1 = 1.0; x2 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); w1 = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) ); w2 = ( double ) ( n ) / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * i4_power ( 2, n ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i]; } quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] + r * x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] - r * x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i]; } more = 0; ihi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] - r * x2; } ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); for ( i = 0; i < ihi; i++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = center[iadd-1] - ( x[iadd-1] - center[iadd-1] ); } quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); } volume = sphere_area_nd ( n, r ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_07_1_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double center[], double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_07_1_ND approximates an integral on the surface of a sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 = R * R. Discussion: A 2^N + 2*N*N point 7th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:7-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double CENTER[N], the center of the sphere. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_07_1_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int iadd; int *ix; int j; int jhi; int more; int ncard; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double w3; double *x; double x1; double x2; double x3; ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i]; } w1 = ( double ) ( 8 - n ) / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); w2 = ( double ) ( n * n * n ) / ( double ) ( i4_power ( 2, n ) * n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); w3 = 4.0 / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); x1 = 1.0; x2 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); x3 = 1.0 / sqrt ( 2.0 ); quad = 0.0; /* First term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] + r * x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] - r * x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i]; } /* Second term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] - r * x2; } more = 0; jhi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( j = 0; j < jhi; j++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = center[iadd-1] - ( x[iadd-1] - center[iadd-1] ); } quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); } /* Third term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i]; } for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { x[i] = center[i] + r * x3; x[j] = center[j] + r * x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] - r * x3; x[j] = center[j] + r * x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] + r * x3; x[j] = center[j] - r * x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] - r * x3; x[j] = center[j] - r * x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i]; x[j] = center[j]; } } volume = sphere_area_nd ( n, r ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_area_3d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_AREA_3D computes the area of a sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_AREA_3D, the area of the sphere. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; value = 4.0 * pi * r * r; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_area_nd ( int n, double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_AREA_ND computes the area of a sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = R * R Discussion: N Area 2 2 * PI * R 3 4 * PI * R^2 4 2 * PI^2 * R^3 5 (8/3) * PI^2 * R^4 6 PI^3 * R^5 7 (16/15) * PI^3 * R^6 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 11 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_AREA_ND, the area of the sphere. */ { double value; value = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ) * pow ( r, n - 1 ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_area_2d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_AREA_2D computes the surface area of a spherical cap in 2D. Discussion: Draw any radius of the sphere and note the point P where the radius intersects the sphere. Consider the point on the radius line which is H units from P. Draw the circle that lies in the plane perpendicular to the radius, and which intersects the sphere. The circle divides the sphere into two pieces, and the corresponding disk divides the solid sphere into two pieces. The spherical cap is the part of the solid sphere that includes the point P. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "height" of the spherical cap. Output, double SPHERE_CAP_AREA_2D, the area of the spherical cap. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double theta; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { area = 2.0 * pi * r; } else { theta = 2.0 * r8_asin ( sqrt ( r * r - ( r - h ) * ( r - h ) ) / r ); area = r * theta; if ( r <= h ) { area = 2.0 * pi * r - area; } } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_area_3d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_AREA_3D computes the surface area of a spherical cap in 3D. Discussion: Draw any radius of the sphere and note the point P where the radius intersects the sphere. Consider the point on the radius line which is H units from P. Draw the circle that lies in the plane perpendicular to the radius, and which intersects the sphere. The circle divides the sphere into two pieces, and the corresponding disk divides the solid sphere into two pieces. The spherical cap is the part of the solid sphere that includes the point P. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "height" of the spherical cap. Output, double SPHERE_CAP_AREA_3D, the area of the spherical cap. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { area = 4.0 * pi * r * r; } else { area = 2.0 * pi * r * h; } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_area_nd ( int dim_num, double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND computes the area of a spherical cap in ND. Discussion: The spherical cap is a portion of the surface of the sphere: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = R * R which is no more than H units from the uppermost point on the sphere. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Thomas Ericson, Victor Zinoviev, Codes on Euclidean Spheres, Elsevier, 2001 QA166.7 E75 Parameters: Input, int DIM_NUM, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "thickness" of the spherical cap, which is normally between 0 and 2 * R. Output, double SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND, the area of the spherical cap. */ { double area; double haver_sine; int i; double theta; double ti; double tj; double tk; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { area = 0.0; return area; } if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { area = sphere_area_nd ( dim_num, r ); return area; } /* For cases where R < H < 2 * R, work with the complementary region. */ haver_sine = sqrt ( ( 2.0 * r - h ) * h ); theta = r8_asin ( haver_sine / r ); if ( dim_num < 1 ) { area = -1.0; } else if ( dim_num == 1 ) { area = 0.0; } else if ( dim_num == 2 ) { area = 2.0 * theta * r; } else { ti = theta; tj = ti; ti = 1.0 - cos ( theta ); for ( i = 2; i <= dim_num - 2; i++ ) { tk = tj; tj = ti; ti = ( ( double ) ( i - 1 ) * tk - cos ( theta ) * pow ( sin ( theta ), i - 1 ) ) / ( double ) ( i ); } area = sphere_k ( dim_num-1 ) * ti * pow ( r, dim_num - 1 ); } /* Adjust for cases where R < H < 2R. */ if ( r < h ) { area = sphere_area_nd ( dim_num, r ) - area; } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_volume_2d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_2D computes the volume of a spherical cap in 2D. Discussion: Draw any radius R of the circle and denote as P the point where the radius intersects the circle. Now consider the point Q which lies on the radius and which is H units from P. The line which is perpendicular to the radius R and passes through Q divides the circle into two pieces. The piece including the point P is the spherical (circular) cap of height (or thickness) H. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "height" of the spherical cap. Output, double VOLUME, the volume (area) of the spherical cap. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double theta; double volume; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { volume = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { volume = pi * r * r; } else { theta = 2.0 * r8_asin ( sqrt ( r * r - ( r - h ) * ( r - h ) ) / r ); volume = r * r * ( theta - sin ( theta ) ) / 2.0; if ( r < h ) { volume = pi * r * r - volume; } } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_volume_3d ( double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of a spherical cap in 3D. Discussion: Draw any radius of the sphere and note the point P where the radius intersects the sphere. Consider the point on the radius line which is H units from P. Draw the circle that lies in the plane perpendicular to the radius, and which intersects the sphere. The circle divides the sphere into two pieces, and the corresponding disk divides the solid sphere into two pieces. The part of the solid sphere that includes the point P is the spherical cap of height (or thickness) H. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "height" of the spherical cap. Output, double SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the spherical cap. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { volume = 0.0; } else if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { volume = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * pi * r * r * r; } else { volume = ( 1.0 / 3.0 ) * pi * h * h * ( 3.0 * r - h ); } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_cap_volume_nd ( int dim_num, double r, double h ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a spherical cap in ND. Discussion: The spherical cap is a portion of the surface and interior of the sphere: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) <= R * R which is no more than H units from some point P on the sphere. The algorithm proceeds from the observation that the N-dimensional sphere can be parameterized by a quantity RC that runs along the radius from the center to the point P. The value of RC at the base of the spherical cap is (R-H) and at P it is R. We intend to use RC as our integration parameeter. The volume of the spherical cap is then the integral, as RC goes from (R-H) to R, of the N-1 dimensional volume of the sphere of radius RS, where RC * RC + RS * RS = R * R. The volume of the N-1 dimensional sphere of radius RS is simply some constants times RS**(N-1). After factoring out the constant terms, and writing RC = R * cos ( T ), and RS = R * sin ( T ), and letting T_MAX = r8_asin ( sqrt ( ( 2.0D+00 * r - h ) * h / r ) ), the "interesting part" of our integral becomes constants * R^N * Integral ( T = 0 to T_MAX ) sin^N ( T ) dT The integral of sin**N ( T ) dT can be handled by recursion. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, integer ( kind = 4 ) DIM_NUM, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, double H, the "thickness" of the spherical cap, which is normally between 0 and 2 * R. Output, double SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the spherical cap. */ { double angle; double factor1; double factor2; double volume; double volume2; if ( h <= 0.0 ) { volume = 0.0; return volume; } if ( 2.0 * r <= h ) { volume = sphere_volume_nd ( dim_num, r ); return volume; } if ( dim_num < 1 ) { volume = -1.0; } else if ( dim_num == 1 ) { volume = h; } else { factor1 = sphere_unit_volume_nd ( dim_num - 1 ); angle = r8_asin ( sqrt ( ( 2.0 * r - h ) * h / r ) ); factor2 = sin_power_int ( 0.0, angle, dim_num ); volume = factor1 * factor2 * pow ( r, dim_num ); if ( r < h ) { volume2 = sphere_volume_nd ( dim_num, r ); volume = volume2 - volume; } } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_k ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_K computes a factor useful for spherical computations. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Thomas Ericson, Victor Zinoviev, Codes on Euclidean Spheres, Elsevier, 2001 QA166.7 E75 Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_K, the factor. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double value; if ( ( n % 2 ) == 0 ) { value = pow ( 2.0 * pi, n / 2 ); } else { value = 2.0 * pow ( 2.0 * pi, ( n - 1 ) / 2 ); } value = value / ( double ) ( i4_factorial2 ( n - 2 ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_monomial_int_nd ( int n, double r, int e[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_MONOMIAL_INT_ND integrates a monomial on the surface of a sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X^2 ) = R * R. Discussion: The sphere may have nonunit radius, but it must be centered at 0. The monomial is F(X) = X[0]^E[0] * X[1]^E[1] * ... * X[N-1]^E[N-1]. This routine is useful for testing the accuracy of quadrature rules on the sphere. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Philip Davis, Philip Rabinowitz, Methods of Numerical Integration, Second Edition, Dover, 2007, ISBN: 0486453391, LC: QA299.3.D28. Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Input, int E[N], the exponents of X, Y and Z in the monomial. Each exponent must be nonnegative. Output, double SPHERE_MONOMIAL_INT_ND, the integral. */ { int all_zero; int any_odd; int e_sum; int i; double integral; double pi = 3.141592653589793; integral = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( e[i] < 0 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "SPHERE_MONOMIAL_INT_ND - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " All exponents must be nonnegative.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } } all_zero = 1; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( e[i] != 0 ) { all_zero = 0; break; } } any_odd = 0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( ( e[i] % 2 ) == 1 ) { any_odd = 1; break; } } e_sum = 0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { e_sum = e_sum + e[i]; } if ( all_zero ) { integral = 2.0 * sqrt ( pow ( pi, n ) ) / tgamma ( 0.5 * ( double ) ( n ) ); } else if ( any_odd ) { integral = 0.0; } else { integral = 2.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { integral = integral * tgamma ( 0.5 * ( double ) ( e[i] + 1 ) ); } integral = integral / tgamma ( 0.5 * ( ( double ) ( e_sum + n ) ) ); } integral = integral * pow ( r, e_sum + 2 ); return integral; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_shell_03_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n, double center[], double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_SHELL_03_ND approximates an integral inside a spherical shell in ND. Integration region: R1*R1 <= sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 <= R2*R2. Discussion: An 2*N point 3-rd degree formula is used, Stroud number SN-Shell:3-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double CENTER[N], the center of the spheres. Input, double R1, R2, the inner and outer radiuses that define the spherical shell. Output, double SPHERE_SHELL_03_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double r; double result; double rho; double volume; double w; double *x; if ( r1 == r2 ) { result = 0.0; return result; } rho = r1 / r2; r = ( double ) ( n ) * ( 1.0 - pow ( rho, n + 2 ) ) / ( ( double ) ( n + 2 ) * ( 1.0 - pow ( rho, n ) ) ); r = sqrt ( r ); w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( 2 * n ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i]; } quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = center[i] + r * r2; quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i] - r * r2; quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); x[i] = center[i]; } volume = sphere_shell_volume_nd ( n, r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_shell_volume_nd ( int n, double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_SHELL_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a spherical shell in ND. Integration region: R1*R1 <= sum ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 <= R2*R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, double R1, R2, the radiuses of the inner and outer spheres. Output, double SPHERE_SHELL_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the spherical shell. */ { double volume; volume = ball_volume_nd ( n, r2 ) - ball_volume_nd ( n, r1 ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_03_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_03_ND: integral on the surface of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1. Discussion: A 2*N point 3rd degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:3-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_03_ND, the approximate integral. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double w; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } w = 1.0 / ( double ) ( 2 * n ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0; quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -1.0; quad = quad + w * func ( n, x ); x[i] = 0.0; } volume = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_04_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_04_ND: integral on the surface of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1. Discussion: A 2*N*N point 5th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:5-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_04_ND, the approximate integral. */ { int i; int j; double quad; double result; double s; double volume; double w1; double w2; double *x; x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } w1 = ( double ) ( 4 - n ) / ( double ) ( 2 * n * ( n + 2 ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -1.0; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = 0.0; } s = 1.0 / sqrt ( 2.0 ); w2 = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = s; for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = s; quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); x[j] = -s; quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); x[j] = 0.0; } x[i] = -s; for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = s; quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); x[j] = -s; quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); x[j] = 0.0; } x[i] = 0.0; } volume = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_05_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_05_ND: integral on surface of the unit sphere in ND. Discussion: The integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1. A 2*N+2^N points 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:5-2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_05_ND, the approximate integral. */ { int i; int iadd; int ihi; int *ix; int more; int ncard; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double *x; double x1; double x2; x1 = 1.0; x2 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); w1 = 1.0 / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) ); w2 = ( double ) ( n ) / ( double ) ( ( n + 2 ) * i4_power ( 2, n ) ); ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = 0.0; } more = 0; ihi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = -x2; } for ( i = 0; i < ihi; i++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); } volume = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_07_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_07_3D: integral on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1. Discussion: A 32 point 7-th degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_07_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; int i; int j; int k; int order1 = 2; int order2 = 4; int order3 = 4; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double volume; double weight1[2]; double weight2[4]; double weight3[4]; double x; double xtab1[2]; double xtab2[4]; double xtab3[4]; double y; double z; /* Set XTAB1 and WATE1. */ xtab1[0] = -1.0; xtab1[1] = 1.0; weight1[0] = 1.0; weight1[1] = 1.0; /* Set XTAB2 and WATE2. */ for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { angle = pi * ( double ) ( 2 * j + 1 ) / ( double ) ( 2 * order2 ); xtab2[j] = cos ( angle ); } for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { weight2[j] = 1.0 / ( double ) ( 4 * order2 ); } /* Set XTAB3 and WATE3. */ legendre_set ( order3, xtab3, weight3 ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order1; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < order3; k++ ) { x = xtab1[i] * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab2[j] * xtab2[j] ) * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] * xtab3[k] ); y = xtab1[i] * xtab2[j] * sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] * xtab3[k] ); z = xtab1[i] * xtab3[k]; quad = quad + weight1[i] * weight2[j] * weight3[k] * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = sphere_unit_area_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_07_1_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_07_1_ND approximates an integral on the surface of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1. Discussion: A 2**N + 2*N*N point 7th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:7-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_07_1_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int iadd; int *ix; int j; int jhi; int more; int ncard; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double w3; double *x; double x1; double x2; double x3; ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); w1 = ( double ) ( 8 - n ) / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); w2 = ( double ) ( n * n * n ) / ( double ) ( i4_power ( 2, n ) * n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); w3 = 4.0 / ( double ) ( n * ( n + 2 ) * ( n + 4 ) ); x1 = 1.0; x2 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); x3 = 1.0 / sqrt ( 2.0 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } quad = 0.0; /* First term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -x1; quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = 0.0; } /* Second term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = -x2; } more = 0; jhi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( j = 0; j < jhi; j++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); } /* Third term. */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { x[i] = x3; x[j] = x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -x3; x[j] = x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = x3; x[j] = -x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = -x3; x[j] = -x3; quad = quad + w3 * func ( n, x ); x[i] = 0.0; x[j] = 0.0; } } volume = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_07_2_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_07_2_ND approximates an integral on the surface of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1. Discussion: A 2^N * ( N + 1 ) point 7th degree formula is used, Stroud number UN:7-2. Some of the weights in this quadrature formula are negative. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_07_2_ND, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int iadd; int i; int *ix; int j; int jhi; int more; int ncard; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double *x; double x1; double x2; double x3; ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 0.0; } w1 = - ( double ) ( n * n ) / ( double ) ( i4_power ( 2, n + 3 ) * ( n + 2 ) ); w2 = ( double ) ( ( n + 4 ) * ( n + 4 ) ) / ( double ) ( i4_power ( 2, n + 3 ) * n * ( n + 2 ) ); x1 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); x2 = sqrt ( 5.0 / ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); x3 = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n + 4 ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = - x1; } more = 0; jhi = i4_power ( 2, n ); for ( j = 0; j < jhi; j++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = - x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + w1 * func ( n, x ); } for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = - x3; } x[i] = - x2; more = 0; for ( j = 0; j < jhi; j++ ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = - x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + w2 * func ( n, x ); } } volume = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * volume; free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_11_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_11_3D approximates an integral on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1. Discussion: A 50 point 11-th degree formula is used, Stroud number U3:11-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: AD McLaren, Mathematics of Computation, Volume 17, pages 361-383, 1963. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_11_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int k; int l; double quad; double result; double volume; double w1; double w2; double w3; double w4; double x; double y; double z; quad = 0.0; w1 = 9216.0 / 725760.0; x = 1.0; y = 0.0; z = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x = -x; for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { r8_swap3 ( &x, &y, &z ); quad = quad + w1 * func ( x, y, z ); } } w2 = 16384.0 / 725760.0; x = sqrt ( 0.5 ); y = sqrt ( 0.5 ); z = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x = -x; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { y = -y; for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { r8_swap3 ( &x, &y, &z ); quad = quad + w2 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } w3 = 15309.0 / 725760.0; x = sqrt ( 1.0 / 3.0 ); y = sqrt ( 1.0 / 3.0 ); z = sqrt ( 1.0 / 3.0 ); for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x = -x; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { y = -y; for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { z = -z; quad = quad + w3 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } w4 = 14641.0 / 725760.0; x = sqrt ( 1.0 / 11.0 ); y = sqrt ( 1.0 / 11.0 ); z = 3.0 * sqrt ( 1.0 / 11.0 ); for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x = -x; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { y = -y; for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ) { z = -z; for ( l = 0; l < 3; l++ ) { r8_swap3 ( &x, &y, &z ); quad = quad + w4 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } } volume = sphere_unit_area_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_11_nd ( double func ( int n, double x[] ), int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_11_ND approximates integrals on surface of unit sphere in ND. Discussion: The integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) = 1 An 2^N * ( N^2 + N + 1 ) point formula of degree 5 is used. (For N = 3, the number of points is actually only 56, and for N = 4, the number of points is actually only 240.) One element of COEF31 was changed from 0.0236339091329 to 0.0236639091329 by Stroud, when going from his paper to his later textbook. This correction was pointed out by David Wright, 16 February 2010. One element of COEF21 was incorrectly transcribed. The correct value of COEF21[6] is 0.0337329118818D+00, as pointed out by John Nolan, 23 April 2013. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 April 2013 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, A Fifth Degree Integration Formula for the N-Simplex, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Volume 6, Number 1, March 1969. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( int n, double x[] ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int N, the dimension of the space. For this routine, it must be the case that 3 <= N <= 16. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_11_ND, the approximate integral. */ { double area; double coef1[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.128571428571, 0.0518518518518, 0.0211979378646, 0.281250000000, 1.11934731935, 2.82751322751, 5.68266145619, 9.93785824515, 15.8196616478, 23.5285714285, 33.2409299392, 45.1113811729, 59.2754264177, 75.8518518518 }; double coef21[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.163795782462, 0.0967270533860, 0.0638253880175, 0.0452340041459, 0.0337329118818, 0.0261275095270, 0.0208331595340, 0.0169937111647, 0.0141147212492, 0.0118949128383, 0.0101424250926, 0.00873046796644, 0.00757257014768, 0.00660813369775 }; double coef22[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.126680408014, 0.0514210947621, 0.0213579471658, -0.108726067638, -0.371589499738, -0.786048144448, -1.36034060198, -2.09547695631, -2.98784764467, -4.03107480702, -5.21726499521, -6.53783099707, -7.98401677102, -9.54722261180 }; double coef31[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0592592592592, 0.0236639091329, 0.0525940190875, 0.0925052768546, 0.141316953438, 0.196818580052, 0.257027634179, 0.320299222258, 0.385326226441, 0.451098131789, 0.516849445559, 0.582010515746, 0.646165210110 }; double coef32[16] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0316246294890, 0.0207194729760, 0.0144303800811, 0.0105348984135, 0.00798435122193, 0.00623845929545, 0.00499896882962, 0.00409176297655, 0.00341037426698, 0.00288710646943, 0.00247745182907, 0.00215128820597 }; int i; int iadd; int *ix; int j; int k; int more; int ncard; double quad; double r1; double r2; double result; double s1; double s2; double u1; double u2; double v1; double v2; double *x; result = 0.0; if ( n < 3 || 16 < n ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "SPHERE_UNIT_11_ND - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Input spatial dimension N out of range.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " N = %d\n", n ); exit ( 1 ); } ix = ( int * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( int ) ); x = ( double * ) malloc ( n * sizeof ( double ) ); quad = 0.0; /* S1 */ for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { x[i] = 1.0 / sqrt ( ( double ) ( n ) ); } more = 0; for ( ; ; ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + coef1[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( !more ) { break; } } /* S21 */ r1 = ( ( double ) ( n + 6 ) - 4.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 ); r1 = sqrt ( r1 ); s1 = ( ( double ) ( 7 * n - 6 ) + ( double ) ( 4 * ( n - 1 ) ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 ); s1 = sqrt ( s1 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = r1; } x[i] = s1; more = 0; for ( ; ; ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + coef21[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( !more ) { break; } } } /* S22 */ r2 = ( ( double ) ( n + 6 ) + 4.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 ); r2 = sqrt ( r2 ); s2 = ( ( double ) ( 7 * n - 6 ) - ( double ) ( 4 * ( n - 1 ) ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 ); s2 = sqrt ( s2 ); for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { x[j] = r2; } x[i] = s2; more = 0; for ( ; ; ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + coef22[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( !more ) { break; } } } /* S31 */ u1 = ( ( double ) ( n + 12 ) + 8.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 ); u1 = sqrt ( u1 ); v1 = ( ( double ) ( 7 * n - 12 ) - ( double ) ( 4 * n - 8 ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 ); v1 = sqrt ( v1 ); for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) { x[k] = u1; } x[i] = v1; x[j] = v1; more = 0; for ( ; ; ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + coef31[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( !more ) { break; } } } } /* S32 */ u2 = ( ( double ) ( n + 12 ) - 8.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 ); u2 = sqrt ( u2 ); v2 = ( ( double ) ( 7 * n - 12 ) + ( double ) ( 4 * n - 8 ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( double ) ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 ); v2 = sqrt ( v2 ); for ( i = 0; i < n - 1; i++ ) { for ( j = i + 1; j < n; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < n; k++ ) { x[k] = u2; } x[i] = v2; x[j] = v2; more = 0; for ( ; ; ) { subset_gray_next ( n, ix, &more, &ncard, &iadd ); if ( iadd != 0 ) { x[iadd-1] = -x[iadd-1]; } quad = quad + coef32[n-1] * func ( n, x ); if ( !more ) { break; } } } } area = sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ); result = quad * area / pow ( 2.0, n ); free ( ix ); free ( x ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_14_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_14_3D: integral on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1. Discussion: A 72 point 14-th degree formula is used, Stroud number U3:14-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: AD McLaren, Mathematics of Computation, Volume 17, pages 361-383, 1963. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_14_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int k; double quad; double result; double temp; double volume; double w1; double w2; double x; double xtab[5] = { -0.151108275, 0.315838353, 0.346307112, -0.101808787, -0.409228403 }; double y; double ytab[5] = { 0.155240600, 0.257049387, 0.666277790, 0.817386065, 0.501547712 }; double z; double ztab[5] = { 0.976251323, 0.913330032, 0.660412970, 0.567022920, 0.762221757 }; quad = 0.0; w1 = 125.0 / 10080.0; x = 0.525731112; y = 0.850650808; z = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { x = -x; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { y = -y; for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { r8_swap3 ( &x, &y, &z ); quad = quad + w1 * func ( x, y, z ); } } } w2 = 143.0 / 10080.0; for ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { x = xtab[i]; y = ytab[i]; z = ztab[i]; for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { temp = x; x = z; z = -y; y = -temp; for ( k = 0; k < 3; k++ ) { r8_swap3 ( &x, &y, &z ); quad = quad + w2 * func ( x, y, z ); } y = -y; z = -z; quad = quad + w2 * func ( x, y, z ); } } volume = sphere_unit_area_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_15_3d ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ) ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_15_3D approximates an integral on the surface of the unit sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1. Discussion: A 128 point 15-th degree spherical product Gauss formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_15_3D, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; int i; int j; int k; int order = 8; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double volume; double *weight; double x; double *xtab; double y; double z; weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); xtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab, weight ); for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { weight[i] = weight[i] / 32.0; } quad = 0.0; for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < 16; k++ ) { angle = ( double ) ( k ) * pi / 8.0; x = sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab[j] * xtab[j] ) * cos ( angle ); y = sqrt ( 1.0 - xtab[j] * xtab[j] ) * sin ( angle ); z = xtab[j]; quad = quad + weight[j] * func ( x, y, z ); } } volume = sphere_unit_area_3d ( ); result = quad * volume; free ( weight ); free ( xtab ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_area_3d ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_3D computes the surface area of the unit sphere in 3D. Integration region: X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z = 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_3D, the area of the sphere. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; area = 4.0 * pi; return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_area_nd ( int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_ND computes the surface area of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 ) = R * R. Discussion: N Area 2 2 * PI 3 4 * PI 4 2 * PI^2 5 (8/3) * PI^2 6 PI^3 7 (16/15) * PI^3 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_ND, the area of the sphere. */ { double area; int i; int m; double pi = 3.141592653589793; if ( ( n % 2 ) == 0 ) { m = n / 2; area = 2.0 * pow ( pi, m ); for ( i = 1; i <= m - 1; i++ ) { area = area / ( double ) ( i ); } } else { m = ( n - 1 ) / 2; area = pow ( 2.0, n ) * pow ( pi, m ); for ( i = m + 1; i <= 2 * m; i++ ) { area = area / ( double ) ( i ); } } return area; } /******************************************************************************/ void sphere_unit_area_values ( int *n_data, int *n, double *area ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_VALUES returns some areas of the unit sphere in ND. Discussion: The formula for the surface area of the unit sphere in N dimensions is: Sphere_Unit_Area ( N ) = 2 * PI**(N/2) / Gamma ( N / 2 ) Some values of the function include: N Area 2 2 * PI 3 ( 4 / ) * PI 4 ( 2 / 1) * PI^2 5 ( 8 / 3) * PI^2 6 ( 1 / 1) * PI^3 7 (16 / 15) * PI^3 8 ( 1 / 3) * PI^4 9 (32 / 105) * PI^4 10 ( 1 / 12) * PI^5 For the unit sphere, Area(N) = N * Volume(N) In Mathematica, the function can be evaluated by: 2 * Pi^(n/2) / Gamma[n/2] Modified: 20 August 2004 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Stephen Wolfram, The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN: 0-521-64314-7, LC: QA76.95.W65. Parameters: Input/output, int *N_DATA. On input, if N_DATA is 0, the first test data is returned, and N_DATA is set to the index of the test data. On each subsequent call, N_DATA is incremented and that test data is returned. When there is no more test data, N_DATA is set to 0. Output, int *N, the spatial dimension. Output, double *AREA, the area of the unit sphere in that dimension. */ { # define N_MAX 20 double area_vec[N_MAX] = { 0.2000000000000000E+01, 0.6283185307179586E+01, 0.1256637061435917E+02, 0.1973920880217872E+02, 0.2631894506957162E+02, 0.3100627668029982E+02, 0.3307336179231981E+02, 0.3246969701133415E+02, 0.2968658012464836E+02, 0.2550164039877345E+02, 0.2072514267328890E+02, 0.1602315322625507E+02, 0.1183817381218268E+02, 0.8389703410491089E+01, 0.5721649212349567E+01, 0.3765290085742291E+01, 0.2396678817591364E+01, 0.1478625959000308E+01, 0.8858104195716824E+00, 0.5161378278002812E+00 }; int n_vec[N_MAX] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }; if ( *n_data < 0 ) { *n_data = 0; } *n_data = *n_data + 1; if ( N_MAX < *n_data ) { *n_data = 0; *n = 0; *area = 0.0; } else { *n = n_vec[*n_data-1]; *area = area_vec[*n_data-1]; } return; # undef N_MAX } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_monomial_nd ( int n, int p[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_MONOMIAL_ND integrates a monomial on the surface of the unit sphere in ND. Integration region: sum ( X(1:N)^2 ) == 1 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 07 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Gerald Folland, How to Integrate a Polynomial Over a Sphere, American Mathematical Monthly, Volume 108, May 2001, pages 446-448. Parameters: Input, int N, the dimension of the space. Input, int P[N], the exponents of X(1) through X(N) in the monomial. The exponents P(N) must be nonnegative. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_MONOMIAL_ND, the integral of X1**P(1)*X2**P(2)*...*XN**P(N) over the unit sphere. */ { double arg1; double arg2; int i; double temp; double value; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { if ( p[i] % 2 == 1 ) { value = 0.0; return value; } } temp = 0.0; arg2 = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { arg1 = ( double ) ( p[i] + 1 ) / 2.0; temp = temp + lgamma ( arg1 ); arg2 = arg2 + arg1; } temp = temp - lgamma ( arg2 ); value = 2.0 * exp ( temp ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_unit_volume_nd ( int dim_num ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a unit sphere in ND. Discussion: The unit sphere in ND satisfies: sum ( 1 <= I <= DIM_NUM ) X(I) * X(I) = 1 Results for the first few values of DIM_NUM are: DIM_NUM Volume 1 2 2 1 * PI 3 ( 4 / 3) * PI 4 ( 1 / 2) * PI^2 5 ( 8 / 15) * PI^2 6 ( 1 / 6) * PI^3 7 (16 / 105) * PI^3 8 ( 1 / 24) * PI^4 9 (32 / 945) * PI^4 10 ( 1 / 120) * PI^5 For the unit sphere, Volume(DIM_NUM) = 2 * PI * Volume(DIM_NUM-2)/ DIM_NUM Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int DIM_NUM, the dimension of the space. Output, double SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the sphere. */ { int i; int m; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; if ( ( dim_num % 2 ) == 0 ) { m = dim_num / 2; volume = pow ( pi, m ); for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ ) { volume = volume / ( double ) ( i ); } } else { m = ( dim_num - 1 ) / 2; volume = pow ( pi, m ) * pow ( 2.0, dim_num ); for ( i = m + 1; i <= 2 * m + 1; i++ ) { volume = volume / ( double ) ( i ); } } return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ void sphere_unit_volume_values ( int *n_data, int *n, double *volume ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_VALUES returns some volumes of the unit sphere in ND. Discussion: The formula for the volume of the unit sphere in N dimensions is Volume(N) = 2 * PI**(N/2) / ( N * Gamma ( N / 2 ) ) This function satisfies the relationships: Volume(N) = 2 * PI * Volume(N-2) / N Volume(N) = Area(N) / N Some values of the function include: N Volume 1 1 2 1 * PI 3 ( 4 / 3) * PI 4 ( 1 / 2) * PI^2 5 ( 8 / 15) * PI^2 6 ( 1 / 6) * PI^3 7 (16 / 105) * PI^3 8 ( 1 / 24) * PI^4 9 (32 / 945) * PI^4 10 ( 1 / 120) * PI^5 In Mathematica, the function can be evaluated by: 2 * Pi^(n/2) / ( n * Gamma[n/2] ) Modified: 21 August 2004 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Stephen Wolfram, The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1999, ISBN: 0-521-64314-7, LC: QA76.95.W65. Parameters: Input/output, int *N_DATA. On input, if N_DATA is 0, the first test data is returned, and N_DATA is set to the index of the test data. On each subsequent call, N_DATA is incremented and that test data is returned. When there is no more test data, N_DATA is set to 0. Output, int *N, the spatial dimension. Output, double *VOLUME, the volume of the unit sphere in that dimension. */ { # define N_MAX 20 int n_vec[N_MAX] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 }; double volume_vec[N_MAX] = { 0.2000000000000000E+01, 0.3141592653589793E+01, 0.4188790204786391E+01, 0.4934802200544679E+01, 0.5263789013914325E+01, 0.5167712780049970E+01, 0.4724765970331401E+01, 0.4058712126416768E+01, 0.3298508902738707E+01, 0.2550164039877345E+01, 0.1884103879389900E+01, 0.1335262768854589E+01, 0.9106287547832831E+00, 0.5992645293207921E+00, 0.3814432808233045E+00, 0.2353306303588932E+00, 0.1409811069171390E+00, 0.8214588661112823E-01, 0.4662160103008855E-01, 0.2580689139001406E-01 }; if ( *n_data < 0 ) { *n_data = 0; } *n_data = *n_data + 1; if ( N_MAX < *n_data ) { *n_data = 0; *n = 0; *volume = 0.0; } else { *n = n_vec[*n_data-1]; *volume = volume_vec[*n_data-1]; } return; # undef N_MAX } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_volume_2d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_VOLUME_2D computes the volume of an implicit sphere in 2D. Discussion: An implicit sphere in 2D satisfies the equation: sum ( ( P(1:DIM_NUM) - CENTER(1:DIM_NUM) )^2 ) = R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_VOLUME_2D, the volume of the sphere. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; volume = pi * r * r; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_volume_3d ( double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of an implicit sphere in 3D. Discussion: An implicit sphere in 3D satisfies the equation: sum ( ( P(1:DIM_NUM) - CENTER(1:DIM_NUM) )^2 ) = R * R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the sphere. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; volume = ( 4.0 / 3.0 ) * pi * r * r * r; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double sphere_volume_nd ( int dim_num, double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SPHERE_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of an implicit sphere in ND. Discussion: An implicit sphere in ND satisfies the equation: sum ( ( X(1:N) - CENTER(1:N) )^2 ) = R * R where R is the radius and CENTER is the center. Results for the first few values of N are: DIM_NUM Volume - ----------------------- 2 PI * R^2 3 (4/3) * PI * R^3 4 (1/2) * PI^2 * R^4 5 (8/15) * PI^2 * R^5 6 (1/6) * PI^3 * R^6 7 (16/105) * PI^3 * R^7 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int DIM_NUM, the dimension of the space. Input, double R, the radius of the sphere. Output, double SPHERE_VOLUME_ND, the volume of the sphere. */ { double volume; volume = pow ( r, dim_num ) * sphere_unit_volume_nd ( dim_num ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double square_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double center[2], double r, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SQUARE_SUM carries out a quadrature rule over a square. Integration region: abs ( X - CENTER(1) ) <= R and abs ( Y - CENTER(2) ) <= R Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the function to be integrated. Input, double CENTER[2], the center of the square. Input, double R, the radius of the square. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas of the rule. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double SQUARE_SUM, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = center[0] + r * xtab[i]; y = center[1] + r * ytab[i]; quad = quad + 0.25 * weight[i] * func ( x, y ); } volume = 4.0 * r * r; result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void square_unit_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SQUARE_UNIT_SET sets quadrature weights and abscissas in the unit square. Discussion; To get the value of ORDER associated with a given rule, call SQUARE_UNIT_SIZE first. Integration region: -1 <= X <= 1, and -1 <= Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 23 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Gilbert Strang, George Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, Cambridge, 1973, ISBN: 096140888X, LC: TA335.S77. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule number. 1, order 1, degree 1 rule. 2, order 4, degree 3, rule. 3, order 9, degree 5 rule. 4, order 12 degree 7 rule, Stroud number C2:7-1. 5, order 13 degree 7 rule, Stroud number C2:7-3. 6, order 64 degree 15 product rule. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights. */ { double a; double c; int i; int j; int k; int order2 = 8; double r; double s; double t; double w1; double w2; double w3; double *weight2; double *xtab2; double z; if ( rule == 1 ) { weight[0] = 4.0; xtab[0] = 0.0; ytab[0] = 0.0; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { a = 1.0; s = 1.0 / sqrt ( 3.0 ); xtab[0] = - s; xtab[1] = s; xtab[2] = - s; xtab[3] = s; ytab[0] = - s; ytab[1] = - s; ytab[2] = s; ytab[3] = s; weight[0] = a; weight[1] = a; weight[2] = a; weight[3] = a; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { s = sqrt ( 0.6 ); z = 0.0; w1 = 64.0 / 81.0; w2 = 25.0 / 81.0; w3 = 40.0 / 81.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = - s; xtab[2] = s; xtab[3] = - s; xtab[4] = s; xtab[5] = z; xtab[6] = - s; xtab[7] = s; xtab[8] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = - s; ytab[2] = - s; ytab[3] = s; ytab[4] = s; ytab[5] = - s; ytab[6] = z; ytab[7] = z; ytab[8] = s; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w2; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w3; weight[8] = w3; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { r = sqrt ( 6.0 / 7.0 ); c = 3.0 * sqrt ( 583.0 ); s = sqrt ( ( 114.0 - c ) / 287.0 ); t = sqrt ( ( 114.0 + c ) / 287.0 ); w1 = 4.0 * 49.0 / 810.0; w2 = 4.0 * ( 178981.0 + 923.0 * c ) / 1888920.0; w3 = 4.0 * ( 178981.0 - 923.0 * c ) / 1888920.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = r; xtab[1] = z; xtab[2] = - r; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = s; xtab[5] = - s; xtab[6] = - s; xtab[7] = s; xtab[8] = t; xtab[9] = - t; xtab[10] = - t; xtab[11] = t; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = r; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = - r; ytab[4] = s; ytab[5] = s; ytab[6] = - s; ytab[7] = - s; ytab[8] = t; ytab[9] = t; ytab[10] = - t; ytab[11] = - t; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w1; weight[2] = w1; weight[3] = w1; weight[4] = w2; weight[5] = w2; weight[6] = w2; weight[7] = w2; weight[8] = w3; weight[9] = w3; weight[10] = w3; weight[11] = w3; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { r = sqrt ( 12.0 / 35.0 ); c = 3.0 * sqrt ( 186.0 ); s = sqrt ( ( 93.0 + c ) / 155.0 ); t = sqrt ( ( 93.0 - c ) / 155.0 ); w1 = 8.0 / 162.0; w2 = 98.0 / 162.0; w3 = 31.0 / 162.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = r; xtab[2] = - r; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = z; xtab[5] = s; xtab[6] = s; xtab[7] = - s; xtab[8] = - s; xtab[9] = t; xtab[10] = t; xtab[11] = - t; xtab[12] = - t; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = z; ytab[3] = r; ytab[4] = - r; ytab[5] = t; ytab[6] = - t; ytab[7] = t; ytab[8] = - t; ytab[9] = s; ytab[10] = - s; ytab[11] = s; ytab[12] = - s; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w2; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w3; weight[8] = w3; weight[9] = w3; weight[10] = w3; weight[11] = w3; weight[12] = w3; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { xtab2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order2 * sizeof ( double ) ); weight2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order2 * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order2, xtab2, weight2 ); k = 0; for ( i = 0; i < order2; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { xtab[k] = xtab2[i]; ytab[k] = xtab2[j]; weight[k] = weight2[i] * weight2[j]; k = k + 1; } } free ( xtab2 ); free ( weight2 ); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "SQUARE_UNIT_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RULE = %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int square_unit_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SQUARE_UNIT_SIZE sizes a quadrature rule in the unit square. Integration region: -1 <= X <= 1, and -1 <= Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Gilbert Strang, George Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, Cambridge, 1973, ISBN: 096140888X, LC: TA335.S77. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the rule number. 1, a 1 point 1st degree rule. 2, a 4 point 3rd degree rule. 3, a 9 point 5th degree rule. 4, a 12 point 7-th degree rule, Stroud number C2:7-1. 5, a 13 point 7-th degree rule, Stroud number C2:7-3. 6, a 64 point 15-th degree product rule. Output, int SQUARE_UNIT_SIZE, the order of the rule. */ { int order; if ( rule == 1 ) { order = 1; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { order = 4; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { order = 9; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { order = 12; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { order = 13; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { order = 64; } else { order = - 1; } return order; } /******************************************************************************/ double square_unit_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SQUARE_UNIT_SUM carries out a quadrature rule over the unit square. Integration region: -1 <= X <= 1, and -1 <= Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the function to be integrated. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights. Output, double SQUARE_UNIT_SUM, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( xtab[i], ytab[i] ) / 4.0; } volume = 1.0; result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void subset_gray_next ( int n, int a[], int *more, int *ncard, int *iadd ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SUBSET_GRAY_NEXT generates all subsets of a set of order N, one at a time. Discussion: It generates the subsets one at a time, by adding or subtracting exactly one element on each step. The user should set MORE = .FALSE. and the value of N before the first call. On return, the user may examine A which contains the definition of the new subset, and must check .MORE., because as soon as it is .FALSE. on return, all the subsets have been generated and the user probably should cease calling. The first set returned is the empty set. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 02 May 2003 Author: FORTRAN77 original version by Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf. C++ version by John Burkardt Reference: Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf, Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition, Academic Press, 1978, ISBN: 0-12-519260-6, LC: QA164.N54. Parameters: Input, int N, the order of the total set from which subsets will be drawn. Input/output, int A[N]. On each return, the Gray code for the newly generated subset. A[I] = 0 if element I is in the subset, 1 otherwise. Input/output, int *MORE. Set this variable FALSE before the first call. Normally, MORE will be returned TRUE but once all the subsets have been generated, MORE will be reset FALSE on return and you should stop calling the program. Input/output, int *NCARD, the cardinality of the set returned, which may be any value between 0 (the empty set) and N (the whole set). Output, int *IADD, the element which was added or removed to the previous subset to generate the current one. Exception: the empty set is returned on the first call, and IADD is set to -1.*/ { int i; /* First set returned is the empty set. */ if ( !(*more) ) { for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { a[i] = 0; } *iadd = 0; *ncard = 0; *more = 1; } else { *iadd = 1; if ( ( *ncard % 2 ) != 0 ) { for ( ; ; ) { *iadd = *iadd + 1; if ( a[*iadd-2] != 0 ) { break; } } } a[*iadd-1] = 1 - a[*iadd-1]; *ncard = *ncard + 2 * a[*iadd-1] - 1; /* Last set returned is the singleton A(N). */ if ( *ncard == a[n-1] ) { *more = 0; } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_07 ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double x[], double y[], double z[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_07 approximates an integral inside a tetrahedron in 3D. Integration region: Points inside a tetrahedron whose four corners are given. Discussion: A 64 point 7-th degree conical product Gauss formula is used, Stroud number T3:7-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Arthur Stroud, Don Secrest, Gaussian Quadrature Formulas, Prentice Hall, 1966, pages 42-43, LC: QA299.4G3S7 Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double X[4], Y[4], Z[4], the coordinates of the vertices. Output, double TETRAQ_07, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int k; int order = 4; double quad; double result; double t; double u; double v; double volume; double w; double weight1[4]; double weight2[4] = { 0.1355069134, 0.2034645680, 0.1298475476, 0.0311809709 }; double weight3[4] = { 0.1108884156, 0.1434587898, 0.0686338872, 0.0103522407 }; double xtab1[4]; double xtab2[4] = { 0.0571041961, 0.2768430136, 0.5835904324, 0.8602401357 }; double xtab3[4] = { 0.0485005495, 0.2386007376, 0.5170472951, 0.7958514179 }; double xval; double yval; double zval; /* Get the Gauss-Legendre weights and abscissas for [-1,1]. */ legendre_set ( order, xtab1, weight1 ); /* Adjust the rule for the interval [0,1]. */ a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = 1.0; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order, xtab1, weight1 ); /* Carry out the quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { /* Compute the barycentric coordinates of the point in the unit triangle. */ t = xtab3[k]; u = xtab2[j] * ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] ); v = xtab1[i] * ( 1.0 - xtab2[j] ) * ( 1.0 - xtab3[k] ); w = 1.0 - t - u - v; /* Compute the corresponding point in the triangle. */ xval = t * x[0] + u * x[1] + v * x[2] + w * x[3]; yval = t * y[0] + u * y[1] + v * y[2] + w * y[3]; zval = t * z[0] + u * z[1] + v * z[2] + w * z[3]; quad = quad + 6.0 * weight1[i] * weight2[j] * weight3[k] * func ( xval, yval, zval ); } } } volume = tetra_volume ( x, y, z ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_sum ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double x[4], double y[4], double z[4], int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double ztab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_SUM carries out a quadrature rule in a tetrahedron in 3D. Integration region: A tetrahedron whose vertices are specified. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function which is to be integrated. Input, double X[4], Y[4], Z[4], the vertices. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], ZTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights. Output, double TETRA_SUM, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double xval; double yval; double zval; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { xval = xtab[i] * x[0] + ytab[i] * x[1] + ztab[i] * x[2] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] - ztab[i] ) * x[3]; yval = xtab[i] * y[0] + ytab[i] * y[1] + ztab[i] * y[2] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] - ztab[i] ) * y[3]; zval = xtab[i] * z[0] + ytab[i] * z[1] + ztab[i] * z[2] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] - ztab[i] ) * z[3]; quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( xval, yval, zval ); } volume = tetra_volume ( x, y, z ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_tproduct ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), int order, double x[4], double y[4], double z[4] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_TPRODUCT approximates an integral in a tetrahedron in 3D. Discussion: Integration is carried out over the points inside an arbitrary tetrahedron whose four vertices are given. An ORDER**3 point (2*ORDER-1)-th degree triangular product Gauss-Legendre rule is used. With ORDER = 8, this routine is equivalent to the routine TETR15 in the reference, page 367. Thanks to Joerg Behrens, jbehren@gwdg.de, for numerous suggestions and corrections. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 20 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int ORDER, the order of the basic quadrature rules. ORDER should be between 1 and 9. Input, double X[4], Y[4], Z[4], the vertices of the tetrahedron. Output, double TETRA_TPRODUCT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int k; double quad; double result; double volume; double *weight0; double *weight1; double *weight2; double *xtab0; double *xtab1; double *xtab2; double xval; double yval; double zval; if ( order < 1 || 9 < order ) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "TETRA_TPRODUCT - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The quadrature rule orders must be between 1 and 9.\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " The input value was ORDER = %d\n", order ); exit ( 1 ); } /* Get the Gauss-Legendre ORDER point rules on [-1,1] for integrating F(X), X * F(X), X * X * F(X). */ xtab0 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); xtab1 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); xtab2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight0 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight1 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight2 = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, xtab0, weight0 ); legendre_set_x1 ( order, xtab1, weight1 ); legendre_set_x2 ( order, xtab2, weight2 ); /* Adjust the rules from [-1,1] to [0,1]. */ a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = 1.0; rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order, xtab0, weight0 ); rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order, xtab1, weight1 ); rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order, xtab2, weight2 ); /* For rules with a weight function that is not 1, the weight vectors require further adjustment. */ for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { weight1[i] = weight1[i] / 2.0; } for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { weight2[i] = weight2[i] / 4.0; } /* Carry out the quadrature. */ quad = 0.0; for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { xval = x[0] + ( ( ( x[3] - x[2] ) * xtab0[i] + ( x[2] - x[1] ) ) * xtab1[j] + ( x[1] - x[0] ) ) * xtab2[k]; yval = y[0] + ( ( ( y[3] - y[2] ) * xtab0[i] + ( y[2] - y[1] ) ) * xtab1[j] + ( y[1] - y[0] ) ) * xtab2[k]; zval = z[0] + ( ( ( z[3] - z[2] ) * xtab0[i] + ( z[2] - z[1] ) ) * xtab1[j] + ( z[1] - z[0] ) ) * xtab2[k]; quad = quad + 6.0 * weight0[i] * weight1[j] * weight2[k] * func ( xval, yval, zval ); } } } /* Compute the volume of the tetrahedron. */ volume = tetra_volume ( x, y, z ); result = quad * volume; free ( xtab0 ); free ( xtab1 ); free ( xtab2 ); free ( weight0 ); free ( weight1 ); free ( weight2 ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void tetra_unit_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double ztab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_UNIT_SET sets quadrature weights and abscissas in the unit tetrahedron. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and 0 <= Z, and X + Y + Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Hermann Engels, Numerical Quadrature and Cubature, Academic Press, 1980, ISBN: 012238850X, LC: QA299.3E5. Patrick Keast, Moderate Degree Tetrahedral Quadrature Formulas, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 55, Number 3, May 1986, pages 339-348. Olgierd Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method, Sixth Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005, ISBN: 0750663200, LC: TA640.2.Z54 Parameters: Input, int RULE, the index of the rule. 1, order 1, precision 0, Newton Cotes formula #0, Zienkiewicz #1. 2, order 4, precision 1, Newton Cotes formula #1. 3, order 4, precision 2, Zienkiewicz #2. 4, order 10, precision 2, Newton Cotes formula #2 5, order 5, precision 3, Zienkiewicz #3. 6, order 8, precision 3, Newton Cotes formula #3. 7, order 35, precision 4, Newton Cotes formula #4. 8, order 11, precision 4, a Keast rule. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], ZTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double f; double g; double h; double z; /* Newton Cotes #0. */ if ( rule == 1 ) { xtab[0] = 0.25; ytab[0] = 0.25; ztab[0] = 0.25; weight[0] = 1.0; } /* Newton Cotes #1. */ else if ( rule == 2 ) { a = 1.0; b = 1.0 / 4.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = z; ztab[0] = z; ztab[1] = z; ztab[2] = z; ztab[3] = a; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; } /* Zienkiewicz #2. */ else if ( rule == 3 ) { a = 0.5854101966249685; b = 0.1381966011250105; c = 0.25; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = b; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = b; ztab[0] = b; ztab[1] = b; ztab[2] = a; ztab[3] = b; weight[0] = c; weight[1] = c; weight[2] = c; weight[3] = c; } /* Newton Cotes #2. */ else if ( rule == 4 ) { a = 1.0; b = 0.5; c = -1.0 / 20.0; d = 4.0 / 20.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = b; xtab[5] = z; xtab[6] = z; xtab[7] = b; xtab[8] = b; xtab[9] = z; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = z; ytab[5] = b; ytab[6] = z; ytab[7] = b; ytab[8] = z; ytab[9] = b; ztab[0] = z; ztab[1] = z; ztab[2] = z; ztab[3] = a; ztab[4] = z; ztab[5] = z; ztab[6] = b; ztab[7] = z; ztab[8] = b; ztab[9] = b; weight[0] = c; weight[1] = c; weight[2] = c; weight[3] = c; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = d; weight[6] = d; weight[7] = d; weight[8] = d; weight[9] = d; } /* Zienkiewicz #3. */ else if ( rule == 5 ) { a = 1.0 / 6.0; b = 0.25; c = 0.5; d = -0.8; e = 0.45; xtab[0] = b; xtab[1] = c; xtab[2] = a; xtab[3] = a; xtab[4] = a; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = c; ytab[3] = a; ytab[4] = a; ztab[0] = b; ztab[1] = a; ztab[2] = a; ztab[3] = c; ztab[4] = a; weight[0] = d; weight[1] = e; weight[2] = e; weight[3] = e; weight[4] = e; } /* Newton Cotes #3. (This is actually formally a 20 point rule, but with 12 zero coefficients.) */ else if ( rule == 6 ) { a = 1.0; b = 1.0 / 40.0; c = 1.0 / 3.0; d = 9.0 / 40.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = c; xtab[5] = c; xtab[6] = z; xtab[7] = c; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = z; ytab[6] = c; ytab[7] = c; ztab[0] = z; ztab[1] = z; ztab[2] = z; ztab[3] = a; ztab[4] = z; ztab[5] = c; ztab[6] = c; ztab[7] = c; weight[0] = b; weight[1] = b; weight[2] = b; weight[3] = b; weight[4] = d; weight[5] = d; weight[6] = d; weight[7] = d; } /* Newton Cotes #4. */ else if ( rule == 7 ) { a = 0.25; b = 0.50; c = 0.75; d = 1.00; e = -5.0 / 420.0; f = -12.0 / 420.0; g = 16.0 / 420.0; h = 128.0 / 420.0; z = 0.0; xtab[0] = z; xtab[1] = d; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = a; xtab[5] = z; xtab[6] = z; xtab[7] = c; xtab[8] = c; xtab[9] = c; xtab[10] = z; xtab[11] = a; xtab[12] = z; xtab[13] = z; xtab[14] = a; xtab[15] = z; xtab[16] = b; xtab[17] = z; xtab[18] = z; xtab[19] = b; xtab[20] = b; xtab[21] = z; xtab[22] = a; xtab[23] = b; xtab[24] = a; xtab[25] = a; xtab[26] = b; xtab[27] = z; xtab[28] = b; xtab[29] = z; xtab[30] = a; xtab[31] = a; xtab[32] = z; xtab[33] = a; xtab[34] = a; ytab[0] = z; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = d; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = z; ytab[5] = a; ytab[6] = z; ytab[7] = z; ytab[8] = a; ytab[9] = z; ytab[10] = c; ytab[11] = c; ytab[12] = c; ytab[13] = z; ytab[14] = z; ytab[15] = a; ytab[16] = z; ytab[17] = b; ytab[18] = z; ytab[19] = b; ytab[20] = z; ytab[21] = b; ytab[22] = a; ytab[23] = a; ytab[24] = b; ytab[25] = z; ytab[26] = z; ytab[27] = a; ytab[28] = a; ytab[29] = b; ytab[30] = b; ytab[31] = z; ytab[32] = a; ytab[33] = a; ytab[34] = a; ztab[0] = z; ztab[1] = z; ztab[2] = z; ztab[3] = d; ztab[4] = z; ztab[5] = z; ztab[6] = a; ztab[7] = z; ztab[8] = z; ztab[9] = a; ztab[10] = z; ztab[11] = z; ztab[12] = a; ztab[13] = c; ztab[14] = c; ztab[15] = c; ztab[16] = z; ztab[17] = z; ztab[18] = b; ztab[19] = z; ztab[20] = b; ztab[21] = b; ztab[22] = z; ztab[23] = z; ztab[24] = z; ztab[25] = a; ztab[26] = a; ztab[27] = a; ztab[28] = a; ztab[29] = a; ztab[30] = a; ztab[31] = b; ztab[32] = b; ztab[33] = b; ztab[34] = a; weight[0] = e; weight[1] = e; weight[2] = e; weight[3] = e; weight[4] = g; weight[5] = g; weight[6] = g; weight[7] = g; weight[8] = g; weight[9] = g; weight[10] = g; weight[11] = g; weight[12] = g; weight[13] = g; weight[14] = g; weight[15] = g; weight[16] = f; weight[17] = f; weight[18] = f; weight[19] = f; weight[20] = f; weight[21] = f; weight[22] = g; weight[23] = g; weight[24] = g; weight[25] = g; weight[26] = g; weight[27] = g; weight[28] = g; weight[29] = g; weight[30] = g; weight[31] = g; weight[32] = g; weight[33] = g; weight[34] = h; } /* Keast Rule of order 11 */ else if ( rule == 8 ) { a = 0.25; b = 11.0 / 14.0; c = 1.0 / 14.0; d = 0.25 * ( 1.0 + sqrt ( 5.0 / 14.0 ) ); e = 0.25 * ( 1.0 - sqrt ( 5.0 / 14.0 ) ); f = -74.0 / 5625.0; g = 343.0 / 45000.0; h = 56.0 / 2250.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = c; xtab[5] = d; xtab[6] = d; xtab[7] = d; xtab[8] = e; xtab[9] = e; xtab[10] = e; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = e; ytab[8] = d; ytab[9] = d; ytab[10] = e; ztab[0] = a; ztab[1] = c; ztab[2] = c; ztab[3] = b; ztab[4] = c; ztab[5] = e; ztab[6] = d; ztab[7] = e; ztab[8] = d; ztab[9] = e; ztab[10] = d; weight[0] = f; weight[1] = g; weight[2] = g; weight[3] = g; weight[4] = g; weight[5] = h; weight[6] = h; weight[7] = h; weight[8] = h; weight[9] = h; weight[10] = h; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "TETRA_UNIT_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RULE = %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int tetra_unit_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_UNIT_SIZE sizes quadrature weights and abscissas in the unit tetrahedron. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and 0 <= Z, and X + Y + Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Hermann Engels, Numerical Quadrature and Cubature, Academic Press, 1980, ISBN: 012238850X, LC: QA299.3E5. Patrick Keast, Moderate Degree Tetrahedral Quadrature Formulas, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Volume 55, Number 3, May 1986, pages 339-348. Olgierd Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method, Sixth Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005, ISBN: 0750663200, LC: TA640.2.Z54 Parameters: Input, int RULE, the index of the rule. 1, order 1, precision 0, Newton Cotes formula #0, Zienkiewicz #1. 2, order 4, precision 1, Newton Cotes formula #1. 3, order 4, precision 2, Zienkiewicz #2. 4, order 10, precision 2, Newton Cotes formula #2 5, order 5, precision 3, Zienkiewicz #3. 6, order 8, precision 3, Newton Cotes formula #3. 7, order 35, precision 4, Newton Cotes formula #4. 8, order 11, precision 4, a Keast rule. Output, int TETRA_UNIT_SET, the order of the rule. */ { int order; /* Newton Cotes #0. */ if ( rule == 1 ) { order = 1; } /* Newton Cotes #1. */ else if ( rule == 2 ) { order = 4; } /* Zienkiewicz #2. */ else if ( rule == 3 ) { order = 4; } /* Newton Cotes #2. */ else if ( rule == 4 ) { order = 10; } /* Zienkiewicz #3. */ else if ( rule == 5 ) { order = 5; } /* Newton Cotes #3. (This is actually formally a 20 point rule, but with 12 zero coefficients//) */ else if ( rule == 6 ) { order = 8; } /* Newton Cotes #4. */ else if ( rule == 7 ) { order = 35; } /* Keast Rule of order 11 */ else if ( rule == 8 ) { order = 11; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "TETRA_UNIT_SIZE - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RULE = %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return order; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_unit_sum ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double ztab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_UNIT_SUM carries out a quadrature rule in the unit tetrahedron in 3D. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and 0 <= Z, and X + Y + Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], ZTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( xtab[i], ytab[i], ztab[i] ); } volume = tetra_unit_volume ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_unit_volume ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_UNIT_VOLUME returns the volume of the unit tetrahedron. Discussion: The integration region is: 0 <= X, 0 <= Y, 0 <= Z, X + Y + Z <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double TETRA_UNIT_VOLUME, the volume. */ { double volume; volume = 1.0 / 6.0; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double tetra_volume ( double x[4], double y[4], double z[4] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TETRA_VOLUME computes the volume of a tetrahedron. Integration region: Points inside a tetrahedron whose four vertices are given. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double X[4], Y[4], Z[4], the vertices. Output, double TETRA_VOLUME, the volume of the tetrahedron. */ { double volume; volume = parallelipiped_volume_3d ( x, y, z ); volume = volume * tetra_unit_volume ( ); return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ void timestamp ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. Example: 31 May 2001 09:45:54 AM Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 24 September 2003 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: None */ { # define TIME_SIZE 40 static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE]; const struct tm *tm; time_t now; now = time ( NULL ); tm = localtime ( &now ); strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm ); fprintf ( stdout, "%s\n", time_buffer ); return; # undef TIME_SIZE } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_1 ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2, int n ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_1 approximates an integral on the surface of a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z*Z = R2 * R2. Discussion: An (N+1)*(N+2) point N-th degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Input, int N, defines the degree of the formula used to approximate the integral. Output, double TORUS_1, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; double ct1; int i; int j; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double st1; double u; double volume; double w; double x; double y; double z; w = 1.0 / ( r1 * ( double ) ( ( n + 1 ) * ( n + 2 ) ) ); quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < n + 1; i++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i + 1 ) / ( double ) ( n + 1 ); ct1 = cos ( angle ); st1 = sin ( angle ); for ( j = 0; j < n + 2; j++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( j + 1 ) / ( double ) ( n + 2 ); u = r1 + r2 * cos ( angle ); x = u * ct1; y = u * st1; z = r2 * sin ( angle ); quad = quad + w * u * func ( x, y, z ); } } volume = torus_area_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_14s ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_14S approximates an integral inside a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z*Z <= R2 * R2. Discussion: A 960 point 14-th degree formula is used. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user function which is to be integrated. Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_14S, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; double ct; double cth; int i; int j; int n; int order = 4; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double r[4] = { 0.263499230, 0.574464514, 0.818529487, 0.964659606 }; double result; double st; double sth; double u; double volume; double weight[4] = { 0.086963711, 0.163036289, 0.163036289, 0.086963711 }; double x; double y; double z; quad = 0.0; for ( n = 1; n <= 15; n++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( n ) / 15.0; cth = cos ( angle ); sth = sin ( angle ); for ( i = 1; i <= 16; i++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i ) / 16.0; ct = cos ( angle ); st = sin ( angle ); for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { u = r1 + r[j] * ct * r2; x = u * cth; y = u * sth; z = r[j] * st * r2; quad = quad + u * weight[j] * func ( x, y, z ) / ( 120.0 * r1 ); } } } volume = torus_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_5s2 ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_5S2 approximates an integral inside a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z*Z <= R2 * R2. Discussion: A 24 point, 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number TOR3-S2:5-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_5S2, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; double cs; int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double sn; double u1; double u2; double u3; double volume; double w; double x; double y; double z; w = 1.0 / 24.0; quad = 0.0; u1 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 + 0.5 * r2 * r2 ); u2 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 + sqrt ( 2.0 ) * r1 * r2 + r2 * r2 ); u3 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 - sqrt ( 2.0 ) * r1 * r2 + r2 * r2 ); for ( i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( i ) / 6.0; cs = cos ( angle ); sn = sin ( angle ); x = u1 * cs; y = u1 * sn; z = r2 / sqrt ( 2.0 ); quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); x = u1 * cs; y = u1 * sn; z = -r2 / sqrt ( 2.0 ); quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); x = u2 * cs; y = u2 * sn; z = 0.0; quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); x = u3 * cs; y = u3 * sn; z = 0.0; quad = quad + w * func ( x, y, z ); } volume = torus_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_6s2 ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_6S2 approximates an integral inside a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z*Z <= R2 * R2. Discussion: An 84 point 6-th degree formula is used, Stroud number TOR3-S2:6-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2007 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user defined function to be integrated. Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_6S2, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double cth; int i; int j; int k; int n; int order = 2; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double s[2] = { 0.322914992, 0.644171310 }; double sth; double u; double v; double volume; double w; double weight[2] = { 0.387077796, 0.165609800 }; double x; double y; double z; w = 1.0 / ( 7.0 * r1 * pi ); quad = 0.0; for ( n = 1; n <= 7; n++ ) { u = 0.5 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) * r2; cth = cos ( 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( n ) / 7.0 ); sth = sin ( 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( n ) / 7.0 ); for ( i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { u = -u; x = ( r1 + u ) * cth; y = ( r1 + u ) * sth; z = 0.0; quad = quad + 0.232710567 * w * ( r1 + u ) * func ( x, y, z ); x = r1 * cth; y = r1 * sth; z = u; quad = quad + 0.232710567 * w * r1 * func ( x, y, z ); } for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { u = s[k] * r2; v = u; for ( i = 1; i <= 2; i++ ) { u = -u; for ( j = 1; j <= 2; j++ ) { v = -v; x = ( r1 + u ) * cth; y = ( r1 + u ) * sth; z = v; quad = quad + weight[k] * w * ( r1 + u ) * func ( x, y, z ); } } } } volume = torus_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_area_3d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_AREA_3D returns the area of a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z*Z = R2*R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 12 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_AREA_3D, the area of the torus. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; area = 4.0 * pi * pi * r1 * r2; return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_square_14c ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_SQUARE_14C approximates an integral in a "square" torus in 3D. Discussion: A 14-th degree 960 point formula is used. Integration region: R1 - R2 <= SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) <= R1 + R2, and -R2 <= Z <= R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double R1, R2, the radii that define the torus. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double angle; double cth; int i; int j; int n; int order = 8; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double *rtab; double sth; double u; double volume; double w; double *weight; double x; double y; double z; rtab = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); weight = ( double * ) malloc ( order * sizeof ( double ) ); legendre_set ( order, rtab, weight ); w = 1.0 / ( 60.0 * r1 ); quad = 0.0; for ( n = 1; n <= 15; n++ ) { angle = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) ( n ) / 15.0; cth = cos ( angle ); sth = sin ( angle ); for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { u = r1 + rtab[i] * r2; x = u * cth; y = u * sth; for ( j = 0; j < order; j++ ) { z = rtab[j] * r2; quad = quad + u * w * weight[i] * weight[j] * func ( x, y, z ); } } } volume = torus_square_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; free ( rtab ); free ( weight ); return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_square_5c2 ( double func ( double x, double y, double z ), double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_SQUARE_5C2 approximates an integral in a "square" torus in 3D. Integration region: R1 - R2 <= SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) <= R1 + R2, and -R2 <= Z <= R2. Discussion: A 24 point 5-th degree formula is used, Stroud number TOR3-C2:5-1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double R1, the primary radius of the torus. Input, double R2, one-half the length of a side of the square cross-section. Output, double TORUS_SQUARE_5C2, the approximate integral of the function. */ { double b1 = 5.0 / 108.0; double b2 = 4.0 / 108.0; double cs; int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double quad; double result; double sn; double u1; double u2; double u3; double v; double volume; double x; double y; double z; quad = 0.0; u1 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 + r2 * r2 ); v = r2 * sqrt ( 0.6 ); u2 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 - sqrt ( 3.0 ) * r1 * r2 + r2 * r2 ); u3 = sqrt ( r1 * r1 + sqrt ( 3.0 ) * r1 * r2 + r2 * r2 ); for ( i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) { cs = cos ( ( double ) ( i ) * pi / 3.0 ); sn = sin ( ( double ) ( i ) * pi / 3.0 ); x = u1 * cs; y = u1 * sn; z = v; quad = quad + b1 * func ( x, y, z ); z = -v; quad = quad + b1 * func ( x, y, z ); x = u2 * cs; y = u2 * sn; z = 0.0; quad = quad + b2 * func ( x, y, z ); x = u3 * cs; y = u3 * sn; z = 0.0; quad = quad + b2 * func ( x, y, z ); } volume = torus_square_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_square_area_3d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_SQUARE_AREA_3D returns the area of a square torus in 3D. Integration region: R1 - R2 <= SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) <= R1 + R2, and -R2 <= Z <= R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_SQUARE_AREA_3D, the area of the torus. */ { double area; double pi = 3.141592653589793; area = 16.0 * pi * r1 * r2; return area; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_square_volume_3d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_SQUARE_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of a square torus in 3D. Integration region: R1 - R2 <= SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) <= R1 + R2, and -R2 <= Z <= R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_SQUARE_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the torus. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; volume = 8.0 * pi * r1 * r2 * r2; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double torus_volume_3d ( double r1, double r2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TORUS_VOLUME_3D returns the volume of a torus in 3D. Integration region: ( SQRT ( X*X + Y*Y ) - R1 )^2 + Z * Z = R2 * R2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R1, R2, the two radii that define the torus. Output, double TORUS_VOLUME_3D, the volume of the torus. */ { double pi = 3.141592653589793; double volume; volume = 2.0 * pi * pi * r1 * r2 * r2; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ void triangle_rule_adjust ( double xval[3], double yval[3], int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[], double xtab2[], double ytab2[], double weight2[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_RULE_ADJUST adjusts a unit quadrature rule to an arbitrary triangle. Integration region: (X,Y) = ALPHA * (X1,Y1) + BETA * (X2,Y2) + ( 1 - ALPHA - BETA ) * (X3,Y3) and 0 <= ALPHA <= 1 - BETA and 0 <= BETA <= 1 - ALPHA Discussion: This routine accepts as input abscissas and weights appropriate for quadrature in the unit triangle, and returns abscissas and weights appropriate for quadrature in a given triangle. Once this routine has been called, an integral over the given triangle can be approximated as: QUAD = sum ( 1 <= I <= ORDER ) WTAB2(I) * FUNC ( XTAB2(I), YTAB2(I) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 16 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double XVAL[3], YVAL[3], the coordinates of the nodes. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas for the unit triangle. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights for the unit triangle. Output, double XTAB2[ORDER], YTAB2[ORDER], the adjusted abscissas. Output, double WEIGHT2[ORDER], the adjusted weights. */ { int i; double volume; volume = triangle_volume ( xval, yval ); for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { xtab2[i] = xtab[i] * xval[0] + ytab[i] * xval[1] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] ) * xval[2]; ytab2[i] = xtab[i] * yval[0] + ytab[i] * yval[1] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] ) * yval[2]; weight2[i] = weight[i] * 2.0 * volume; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_sub ( double func ( double x, double y ), double xval[3], double yval[], int nsub, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_SUB carries out quadrature over subdivisions of a triangular region. Integration region: (X,Y) = ALPHA * ( XVAL[0], YVAL[0] ) + BETA * ( XVAL[1], YVAL[1] ) + ( 1 - ALPHA - BETA ) * ( XVAL[2], YVAL[2] ) and 0 <= ALPHA <= 1 - BETA and 0 <= BETA <= 1 - ALPHA Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double XVAL[3], YVAL[3], the coordinates of the triangle vertices. Input, int NSUB, the number of subdivisions of each side of the input triangle to be made. NSUB = 1 means no subdivisions are made. NSUB = 3 means that each side of the triangle is subdivided into three portions, and that the original triangle is subdivided into NSUB * NSUB triangles. NSUB must be at least 1. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double TRIANGLE_SUB, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; int j; int k; double quad; double result; double temp1; double temp2; double volume; double x; double x1; double x2; double x3; double y; double y1; double y2; double y3; /* Initialize RESULT, the approximate integral. */ result = 0.0; /* NSUB must be positive. */ if ( nsub <= 0 ) { return result; } /* Initialize QUAD, the quadrature sum. */ quad = 0.0; /* The sub-triangles can be grouped into NSUB strips. */ for ( i = 1; i <= nsub; i++ ) { temp1 = 0.0; temp2 = ( double ) ( i ) / ( double ) ( nsub ); x2 = xval[1] + temp1 * ( xval[2] - xval[1] ) + temp2 * ( xval[0] - xval[1] ); y2 = yval[1] + temp1 * ( yval[2] - yval[1] ) + temp2 * ( yval[0] - yval[1] ); temp1 = 0.0; temp2 = ( double ) ( i - 1 ) / ( double ) ( nsub ); x3 = xval[1] + temp1 * ( xval[2] - xval[1] ) + temp2 * ( xval[0] - xval[1] ); y3 = yval[1] + temp1 * ( yval[2] - yval[1] ) + temp2 * ( yval[0] - yval[1] ); /* There are 2*I-1 triangles in strip number I. The next triangle in the strip shares two nodes with the previous one. Compute its corners, (X1,Y1), (X2,Y2), (X3,Y3). */ for ( j = 1; j <= 2 * i - 1; j++ ) { x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = x3; y2 = y3; temp1 = ( double ) ( ( ( j + 1 ) / 2 ) ) / ( double ) ( nsub ); temp2 = ( double ) ( ( i - 1 - ( j / 2 ) ) ) / ( double ) ( nsub ); x3 = xval[1] + temp1 * ( xval[2] - xval[1] ) + temp2 * ( xval[0] - xval[1] ); y3 = yval[1] + temp1 * ( yval[2] - yval[1] ) + temp2 * ( yval[0] - yval[1] ); /* Now integrate over the triangle, mapping the points ( XTAB(K), YTAB(K) ) into the triangle. */ for ( k = 0; k < order; k++ ) { x = x2 + xtab[k] * ( x3 - x2 ) + ytab[k] * ( x1 - x2 ); y = y2 + xtab[k] * ( y3 - y2 ) + ytab[k] * ( y1 - y2 ); quad = quad + weight[k] * func ( x, y ); } } } volume = triangle_volume ( xval, yval ) / ( double ) ( nsub * nsub ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), double xval[3], double yval[3], int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_SUM carries out a unit quadrature rule in an arbitrary triangle. Integration region: (X,Y) = ALPHA * (X1,Y1) + BETA * (X2,Y2) + ( 1 - ALPHA - BETA ) * (X3,Y3) and 0 <= ALPHA <= 1 - BETA and 0 <= BETA <= 1 - ALPHA Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 17 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y, double z ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, double XVAL[3], YVAL[3], the coordinates of the nodes. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; double x; double y; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { x = xtab[i] * xval[0] + ytab[i] * xval[1] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] ) * xval[2]; y = xtab[i] * yval[0] + ytab[i] * yval[1] + ( 1.0 - xtab[i] - ytab[i] ) * yval[2]; quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( x, y ); } volume = triangle_volume ( xval, yval ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_sum_adjusted ( double func ( double x, double y ), int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_SUM_ADJUSTED uses an adjusted quadrature rule in a triangle. Integration region: (X,Y) = ALPHA * (X1,Y1) + BETA * (X2,Y2) + ( 1 - ALPHA - BETA ) * (X3,Y3) and 0 <= ALPHA <= 1 - BETA and 0 <= BETA <= 1 - ALPHA Discussion: It is assumed that a quadrature rule approprate for the unit triangle was generated, and then adjusted to a particular triangle by calling TRIANGLE_RULE_ADJUST. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double TRIANGLE_SUM_ADJUSTED, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double result; result = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { result = result + weight[i] * func ( xtab[i], ytab[i] ); } return result; } /******************************************************************************/ void triangle_unit_product_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_UNIT_PRODUCT_SET sets a product rule on the unit triangle. Discussion: For a given order of accuracy, a product rule on a triangle usually uses more points than necessary. That is, there is usually a rule of the same order that uses fewer points. However, one advantage of product rules is that a rule of any desired order can be generated automatically. The integration region is: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and X + Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 April 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the order of the 1D rule. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; int i; int j; int k; int order0; int order1; double *weight0; double *weight1; double *xtab0; double *xtab1; weight0 = ( double * ) malloc ( rule * sizeof ( double ) ); weight1 = ( double * ) malloc ( rule * sizeof ( double ) ); xtab0 = ( double * ) malloc ( rule * sizeof ( double ) ); xtab1 = ( double * ) malloc ( rule * sizeof ( double ) ); a = -1.0; b = +1.0; c = 0.0; d = +1.0; order0 = rule; legendre_set ( order0, xtab0, weight0 ); rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order0, xtab0, weight0 ); order1 = rule; legendre_set_x1 ( order1, xtab1, weight1 ); rule_adjust ( a, b, c, d, order1, xtab1, weight1 ); k = 0; for ( j = 0; j < order1; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < order0; i++ ) { xtab[k] = 1.0 - xtab1[j]; ytab[k] = xtab0[i] * xtab1[j]; weight[k] = weight0[i] * weight1[j]; k = k + 1; } } free ( weight0 ); free ( weight1 ); free ( xtab0 ); free ( xtab1 ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ int triangle_unit_product_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_UNIT_PRODUCT_SIZE sizes a product rule on the unit triangle. Discussion: The integration region is: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and X + Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 08 April 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Parameters: Input, int RULE, the order of the 1D rule. Input, int TRIANGLE_UNIT_PRODUCT_SIZE, the order of the rule. */ { int order; order = rule * rule; return order; } /******************************************************************************/ void triangle_unit_set ( int rule, int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET sets a quadrature rule in the unit triangle. Discussion: The user is responsible for determining the value of ORDER, and appropriately dimensioning the arrays XTAB, YTAB and WEIGHT so that they can accommodate the data. The value of ORDER for each rule can be found by invoking the function TRIANGLE_RULE_SIZE. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and X + Y <= 1. Graph: ^ 1 | * | |\ Y | | \ | | \ 0 | *---* +-------> 0 X 1 The rules are accessed by an index number, RULE. The indices, and the descriptions of the corresponding rules, are: 1, ORDER = 1, precision 1, Zienkiewicz #1. 2, ORDER = 2, precision 1, (the "vertex rule"). 3, ORDER = 3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #1. 4, ORDER = 3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #2, Zienkiewicz #2. 5, ORDER = 4, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #3, Zienkiewicz #3. 6, ORDER = 6, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #4. 7, ORDER = 6, precision 3, Stroud formula T2:3-1. 8, ORDER = 6, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #5. 9, ORDER = 7, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #6. 10, ORDER = 7, precision 5, Strang and Fix formula #7, Stroud formula T2:5-1, Zienkiewicz #4, Schwarz Table 2.2. 11, ORDER = 9, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #8. 12, ORDER = 12, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #9. 13, ORDER = 13, precision 7, Strang and Fix formula #10. Note that there is a typographical error in Strang and Fix which lists the value of the XSI(3) component of the last generator point as 0.4869... when it should be 0.04869... 14, ORDER = 7, precision 3. 15, ORDER = 16, precision 7, conical product Gauss, Stroud formula T2:7-1. 16, ORDER = 64, precision 15, triangular product Gauss rule. 17, ORDER = 19, precision 8, from CUBTRI, ACM TOMS #584. 18, ORDER = 19, precision 9, from TRIEX, ACM TOMS #612. 19, ORDER = 28, precision 11, from TRIEX, ACM TOMS #612. 20, ORDER = 37, precision 13, from ACM TOMS #706. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Jarle Berntsen, Terje Espelid, Algorithm 706, DCUTRI: an algorithm for adaptive cubature over a collection of triangles, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 18, Number 3, September 1992, pages 329-342. Elise deDoncker, Ian Robinson, Algorithm 612: Integration over a Triangle Using Nonlinear Extrapolation, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 10, Number 1, March 1984, pages 17-22. Dirk Laurie, Algorithm 584, CUBTRI, Automatic Cubature Over a Triangle, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 8, Number 2, 1982, pages 210-218. James Lyness, Dennis Jespersen, Moderate Degree Symmetric Quadrature Rules for the Triangle, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 15, Number 1, February 1975, pages 19-32. Hans Rudolf Schwarz, Finite Element Methods, Academic Press, 1988, ISBN: 0126330107, LC: TA347.F5.S3313. Gilbert Strang, George Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, Cambridge, 1973, ISBN: 096140888X, LC: TA335.S77. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Olgierd Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method, Sixth Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005, ISBN: 0750663200, LC: TA640.2.Z54 Parameters: Input, int RULE, the index of the rule. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Output, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Output, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. */ { double a; double b; double c; double d; double e; double f; double g; double h; int i; int j; int k; int order2; double p; double q; double r; double s; double t; double u; double v; double w; double w1; double w2; double w3; double w4; double w5; double w6; double w7; double w8; double w9; double weight1[8]; double weight2[8]; double wx; double x; double xtab1[8]; double xtab2[8]; double y; double z; /* 1 point, precision 1. */ if ( rule == 1 ) { xtab[0] = 0.33333333333333333333; ytab[0] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[0] = 1.00000000000000000000; } /* 3 points, precision 1, the "vertex rule". */ else if ( rule == 2 ) { xtab[0] = 1.00000000000000000000; xtab[1] = 0.00000000000000000000; xtab[2] = 0.00000000000000000000; ytab[0] = 0.00000000000000000000; ytab[1] = 1.00000000000000000000; ytab[2] = 0.00000000000000000000; weight[0] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[1] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[2] = 0.33333333333333333333; } /* 3 points, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #1. */ else if ( rule == 3 ) { xtab[0] = 0.66666666666666666667; xtab[1] = 0.16666666666666666667; xtab[2] = 0.16666666666666666667; ytab[0] = 0.16666666666666666667; ytab[1] = 0.66666666666666666667; ytab[2] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[0] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[1] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[2] = 0.33333333333333333333; } /* 3 points, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #2. */ else if ( rule == 4 ) { xtab[0] = 0.50000000000000000000; xtab[1] = 0.50000000000000000000; xtab[2] = 0.00000000000000000000; ytab[0] = 0.00000000000000000000; ytab[1] = 0.50000000000000000000; ytab[2] = 0.50000000000000000000; weight[0] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[1] = 0.33333333333333333333; weight[2] = 0.33333333333333333333; } /* 4 points, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #3. */ else if ( rule == 5 ) { a = 6.0 / 30.0; b = 10.0 / 30.0; c = 18.0 / 30.0; d = 25.0 / 48.0; e = -27.0 / 48.0; xtab[0] = b; xtab[1] = c; xtab[2] = a; xtab[3] = a; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = c; ytab[3] = a; weight[0] = e; weight[1] = d; weight[2] = d; weight[3] = d; } /* 6 points, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #4. */ else if ( rule == 6 ) { a = 0.659027622374092; b = 0.231933368553031; c = 0.109039009072877; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = c; xtab[5] = c; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = a; ytab[5] = b; weight[0] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[1] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[2] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[3] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[4] = 0.16666666666666666667; weight[5] = 0.16666666666666666667; } /* 6 points, precision 3, Stroud T2:3-1. */ else if ( rule == 7 ) { a = 0.0; b = 0.5; c = 2.0 / 3.0; d = 1.0 / 6.0; v = 1.0 / 30.0; w = 3.0 / 10.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = d; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = d; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = d; weight[0] = v; weight[1] = v; weight[2] = v; weight[3] = w; weight[4] = w; weight[5] = w; } /* 6 points, precision 4, Strang and Fix, formula #5. */ else if ( rule == 8 ) { a = 0.816847572980459; b = 0.091576213509771; c = 0.108103018168070; d = 0.445948490915965; v = 0.109951743655322; w = 0.223381589678011; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = d; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = d; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = d; weight[0] = v; weight[1] = v; weight[2] = v; weight[3] = w; weight[4] = w; weight[5] = w; } /* 7 points, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #6. */ else if ( rule == 9 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; c = 0.736712498968435; d = 0.237932366472434; e = 0.025355134551932; v = 0.375000000000000; w = 0.104166666666667; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = c; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = d; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = d; ytab[2] = e; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = c; ytab[6] = d; weight[0] = v; weight[1] = w; weight[2] = w; weight[3] = w; weight[4] = w; weight[5] = w; weight[6] = w; } /* 7 points, precision 5, Strang and Fix formula #7, Stroud T2:5-1 */ else if ( rule == 10 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = ( 9.0 + 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; c = ( 6.0 - sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; d = ( 9.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; e = ( 6.0 + sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; u = 0.225; v = ( 155.0 - sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 1200.0; w = ( 155.0 + sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 1200.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; weight[0] = u; weight[1] = v; weight[2] = v; weight[3] = v; weight[4] = w; weight[5] = w; weight[6] = w; } /* 9 points, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #8. */ else if ( rule == 11 ) { a = 0.124949503233232; b = 0.437525248383384; c = 0.797112651860071; d = 0.165409927389841; e = 0.037477420750088; u = 0.205950504760887; v = 0.063691414286223; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = c; xtab[5] = d; xtab[6] = d; xtab[7] = e; xtab[8] = e; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = d; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = c; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = c; ytab[8] = d; weight[0] = u; weight[1] = u; weight[2] = u; weight[3] = v; weight[4] = v; weight[5] = v; weight[6] = v; weight[7] = v; weight[8] = v; } /* 12 points, precision 6, Strang and Fix, formula #9. */ else if ( rule == 12 ) { a = 0.873821971016996; b = 0.063089014491502; c = 0.501426509658179; d = 0.249286745170910; e = 0.636502499121399; f = 0.310352451033785; g = 0.053145049844816; u = 0.050844906370207; v = 0.116786275726379; w = 0.082851075618374; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = d; xtab[6] = e; xtab[7] = e; xtab[8] = f; xtab[9] = f; xtab[10] = g; xtab[11] = g; ytab[0] = b; ytab[1] = a; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = d; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = f; ytab[7] = g; ytab[8] = e; ytab[9] = g; ytab[10] = e; ytab[11] = f; weight[0] = u; weight[1] = u; weight[2] = u; weight[3] = v; weight[4] = v; weight[5] = v; weight[6] = w; weight[7] = w; weight[8] = w; weight[9] = w; weight[10] = w; weight[11] = w; } /* 13 points, precision 7, Strang and Fix, formula #10. Note that there is a typographical error in Strang and Fix which lists the value of the XSI[2] component of the last generator point as 0.4869... when it should be 0.04869... */ else if ( rule == 13 ) { h = 1.0 / 3.0; a = 0.479308067841923; b = 0.260345966079038; c = 0.869739794195568; d = 0.065130102902216; e = 0.638444188569809; f = 0.312865496004875; g = 0.048690315425316; w = -0.149570044467670; t = 0.175615257433204; u = 0.053347235608839; v = 0.077113760890257; xtab[0] = h; xtab[1] = a; xtab[2] = b; xtab[3] = b; xtab[4] = c; xtab[5] = d; xtab[6] = d; xtab[7] = e; xtab[8] = e; xtab[9] = f; xtab[10] = f; xtab[11] = g; xtab[12] = g; ytab[0] = h; ytab[1] = b; ytab[2] = a; ytab[3] = b; ytab[4] = d; ytab[5] = c; ytab[6] = d; ytab[7] = f; ytab[8] = g; ytab[9] = e; ytab[10] = g; ytab[11] = e; ytab[12] = f; weight[0] = w; weight[1] = t; weight[2] = t; weight[3] = t; weight[4] = u; weight[5] = u; weight[6] = u; weight[7] = v; weight[8] = v; weight[9] = v; weight[10] = v; weight[11] = v; weight[12] = v; } /* 7 points, precision 3. */ else if ( rule == 14 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = 1.0; c = 0.5; z = 0.0; u = 27.0 / 60.0; v = 3.0 / 60.0; w = 8.0 / 60.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = z; xtab[3] = z; xtab[4] = z; xtab[5] = c; xtab[6] = c; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = z; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = z; ytab[4] = c; ytab[5] = z; ytab[6] = c; weight[0] = u; weight[1] = v; weight[2] = v; weight[3] = v; weight[4] = w; weight[5] = w; weight[6] = w; } /* 16 points, precision 5, Stroud T2:7-1. */ else if ( rule == 15 ) { /* Legendre rule of order 4. */ order2 = 4; xtab[0] = - 0.861136311594052575223946488893; xtab[1] = - 0.339981043584856264802665759103; xtab[2] = 0.339981043584856264802665759103; xtab[3] = 0.861136311594052575223946488893; weight1[0] = 0.347854845137453857373063949222; weight1[1] = 0.652145154862546142626936050778; weight1[2] = 0.652145154862546142626936050778; weight1[3] = 0.347854845137453857373063949222; for ( i = 0; i < order2; i++ ) { xtab1[i] = 0.5 * ( xtab1[i] + 1.0 ); } weight2[0] = 0.1355069134; weight2[1] = 0.2034645680; weight2[2] = 0.1298475476; weight2[3] = 0.0311809709; xtab2[0] = 0.0571041961; xtab2[1] = 0.2768430136; xtab2[2] = 0.5835904324; xtab2[3] = 0.8602401357; k = 0; for ( i = 0; i < order2; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { xtab[k] = xtab2[j]; ytab[k] = xtab1[i] * ( 1.0 - xtab2[j] ); weight[k] = weight1[i] * weight2[j]; k = k + 1; } } } /* 64 points, precision 15. */ else if ( rule == 16 ) { /* Legendre rule of order 8. */ order2 = 8; xtab1[0] = -0.960289856497536231683560868569; xtab1[1] = -0.796666477413626739591553936476; xtab1[2] = -0.525532409916328985817739049189; xtab1[3] = -0.183434642495649804939476142360; xtab1[4] = 0.183434642495649804939476142360; xtab1[5] = 0.525532409916328985817739049189; xtab1[6] = 0.796666477413626739591553936476; xtab1[7] = 0.960289856497536231683560868569; weight1[0] = 0.101228536290376259152531354310; weight1[1] = 0.222381034453374470544355994426; weight1[2] = 0.313706645877887287337962201987; weight1[3] = 0.362683783378361982965150449277; weight1[4] = 0.362683783378361982965150449277; weight1[5] = 0.313706645877887287337962201987; weight1[6] = 0.222381034453374470544355994426; weight1[7] = 0.101228536290376259152531354310; weight2[0] = 0.00329519144; weight2[1] = 0.01784290266; weight2[2] = 0.04543931950; weight2[3] = 0.07919959949; weight2[4] = 0.10604735944; weight2[5] = 0.11250579947; weight2[6] = 0.09111902364; weight2[7] = 0.04455080436; xtab2[0] = 0.04463395529; xtab2[1] = 0.14436625704; xtab2[2] = 0.28682475714; xtab2[3] = 0.45481331520; xtab2[4] = 0.62806783542; xtab2[5] = 0.78569152060; xtab2[6] = 0.90867639210; xtab2[7] = 0.98222008485; k = 0; for ( i = 0; i < order2; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < order2; j++ ) { xtab[k] = 1.0 - xtab2[j]; ytab[k] = 0.5 * ( 1.0 + xtab1[i] ) * xtab2[j]; weight[k] = weight1[i] * weight2[j]; k = k + 1; } } } /* 19 points, precision 8, from CUBTRI. */ else if ( rule == 17 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = ( 9.0 + 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; c = ( 6.0 - sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; d = ( 9.0 - 2.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; e = ( 6.0 + sqrt ( 15.0 ) ) / 21.0; f = ( 40.0 - 10.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) + 10.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) + 2.0 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; g = ( 25.0 + 5.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) - sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; p = ( 40.0 + 10.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) + 10.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) - 2.0 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; q = ( 25.0 - 5.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) + sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; r = ( 40.0 + 10.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) ) / 90.0; s = ( 25.0 + 5.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) - sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; t = ( 25.0 - 5.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 5.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) + sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 90.0; w1 = ( 7137.0 - 1800.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) ) / 62720.0; w2 = -9301697.0 / 4695040.0 - 13517313.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) / 23475200.0 + 764885.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) / 939008.0 + 198763.0 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) / 939008.0; w2 = w2 / 3.0; w3 = -9301697.0 / 4695040.0 + 13517313.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) / 23475200.0 + 764885.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) / 939008.0 - 198763.0 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) / 939008.0; w3 = w3 / 3.0; w4 = ( 102791225.0 - 23876225.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 34500875.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) + 9914825.0 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 59157504.0; w4 = w4 / 3.0; w5 = ( 102791225.0 + 23876225.0 * sqrt ( 15.0 ) - 34500875.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) - 9914825 * sqrt ( 105.0 ) ) / 59157504.0; w5 = w5 / 3.0; w6 = ( 11075.0 - 3500.0 * sqrt ( 7.0 ) ) / 8064.0; w6 = w6 / 6.0; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; xtab[7] = f; xtab[8] = g; xtab[9] = g; xtab[10] = p; xtab[11] = q; xtab[12] = q; xtab[13] = r; xtab[14] = r; xtab[15] = s; xtab[16] = s; xtab[17] = t; xtab[18] = t; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = g; ytab[8] = f; ytab[9] = g; ytab[10] = q; ytab[11] = p; ytab[12] = q; ytab[13] = s; ytab[14] = t; ytab[15] = r; ytab[16] = t; ytab[17] = r; ytab[18] = s; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; weight[9] = w4; weight[10] = w5; weight[11] = w5; weight[12] = w5; weight[13] = w6; weight[14] = w6; weight[15] = w6; weight[16] = w6; weight[17] = w6; weight[18] = w6; } /* 19 points, precision 9. Lyness and Jesperson. */ else if ( rule == 18 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = 0.02063496160252593; c = 0.4896825191987370; d = 0.1258208170141290; e = 0.4370895914929355; f = 0.6235929287619356; g = 0.1882035356190322; r = 0.9105409732110941; s = 0.04472951339445297; t = 0.7411985987844980; u = 0.03683841205473626; v = 0.22196298916076574; w1 = 0.09713579628279610; w2 = 0.03133470022713983; w3 = 0.07782754100477543; w4 = 0.07964773892720910; w5 = 0.02557767565869810; w6 = 0.04328353937728940; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; xtab[7] = f; xtab[8] = g; xtab[9] = g; xtab[10] = r; xtab[11] = s; xtab[12] = s; xtab[13] = t; xtab[14] = t; xtab[15] = u; xtab[16] = u; xtab[17] = v; xtab[18] = v; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = g; ytab[8] = f; ytab[9] = s; ytab[10] = r; ytab[11] = s; ytab[12] = u; ytab[13] = v; ytab[14] = t; ytab[15] = t; ytab[16] = v; ytab[17] = t; ytab[18] = u; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; weight[9] = w4; weight[10] = w5; weight[11] = w5; weight[12] = w5; weight[13] = w6; weight[14] = w6; weight[15] = w6; weight[16] = w6; weight[17] = w6; weight[18] = w6; } /* 28 points, precision 11. Lyness and Jesperson. */ else if ( rule == 19 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = 0.9480217181434233; c = 0.02598914092828833; d = 0.8114249947041546; e = 0.09428750264792270; f = 0.01072644996557060; g = 0.4946367750172147; p = 0.5853132347709715; q = 0.2073433826145142; r = 0.1221843885990187; s = 0.4389078057004907; t = 0.6779376548825902; u = 0.04484167758913055; v = 0.27722066752827925; w = 0.8588702812826364; x = 0.0; y = 0.1411297187173636; w1 = 0.08797730116222190; w2 = 0.008744311553736190; w3 = 0.03808157199393533; w4 = 0.01885544805613125; w5 = 0.07215969754474100; w6 = 0.06932913870553720; w7 = 0.04105631542928860; w8 = 0.007362383783300573; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; xtab[7] = f; xtab[8] = g; xtab[9] = g; xtab[10] = p; xtab[11] = q; xtab[12] = q; xtab[13] = r; xtab[14] = s; xtab[15] = s; xtab[16] = t; xtab[17] = t; xtab[18] = u; xtab[19] = u; xtab[20] = v; xtab[21] = v; xtab[22] = w; xtab[23] = w; xtab[24] = x; xtab[25] = x; xtab[26] = y; xtab[27] = y; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = g; ytab[8] = f; ytab[9] = g; ytab[10] = q; ytab[11] = p; ytab[12] = q; ytab[13] = s; ytab[14] = r; ytab[15] = s; ytab[16] = u; ytab[17] = v; ytab[18] = t; ytab[19] = v; ytab[20] = t; ytab[21] = u; ytab[22] = x; ytab[23] = y; ytab[24] = w; ytab[25] = y; ytab[26] = w; ytab[27] = x; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; weight[9] = w4; weight[10] = w5; weight[11] = w5; weight[12] = w5; weight[13] = w6; weight[14] = w6; weight[15] = w6; weight[16] = w7; weight[17] = w7; weight[18] = w7; weight[19] = w7; weight[20] = w7; weight[21] = w7; weight[22] = w8; weight[23] = w8; weight[24] = w8; weight[25] = w8; weight[26] = w8; weight[27] = w8; } /* 37 points, precision 13. */ else if ( rule == 20 ) { a = 1.0 / 3.0; b = 0.950275662924105565450352089520; c = 0.024862168537947217274823955239; d = 0.171614914923835347556304795551; e = 0.414192542538082326221847602214; f = 0.539412243677190440263092985511; g = 0.230293878161404779868453507244; w1 = 0.051739766065744133555179145422; w2 = 0.008007799555564801597804123460; w3 = 0.046868898981821644823226732071; w4 = 0.046590940183976487960361770070; w5 = 0.031016943313796381407646220131; w6 = 0.010791612736631273623178240136; w7 = 0.032195534242431618819414482205; w8 = 0.015445834210701583817692900053; w9 = 0.017822989923178661888748319485; wx = 0.037038683681384627918546472190; xtab[0] = a; xtab[1] = b; xtab[2] = c; xtab[3] = c; xtab[4] = d; xtab[5] = e; xtab[6] = e; xtab[7] = f; xtab[8] = g; xtab[9] = g; ytab[0] = a; ytab[1] = c; ytab[2] = b; ytab[3] = c; ytab[4] = e; ytab[5] = d; ytab[6] = e; ytab[7] = g; ytab[8] = f; ytab[9] = g; weight[0] = w1; weight[1] = w2; weight[2] = w2; weight[3] = w2; weight[4] = w3; weight[5] = w3; weight[6] = w3; weight[7] = w4; weight[8] = w4; weight[9] = w4; weight[10] = w5; weight[11] = w5; weight[12] = w5; weight[13] = w6; weight[14] = w6; weight[15] = w6; weight[16] = w7; weight[17] = w7; weight[18] = w7; weight[19] = w8; weight[20] = w8; weight[21] = w8; weight[22] = w8; weight[23] = w8; weight[24] = w8; weight[25] = w9; weight[26] = w9; weight[27] = w9; weight[28] = w9; weight[29] = w9; weight[30] = w9; weight[31] = wx; weight[32] = wx; weight[33] = wx; weight[34] = wx; weight[35] = wx; weight[36] = wx; a = 0.772160036676532561750285570113; b = 0.113919981661733719124857214943; xtab[10] = a; ytab[10] = b; xtab[11] = b; ytab[11] = a; xtab[12] = b; ytab[12] = b; a = 0.009085399949835353883572964740; b = 0.495457300025082323058213517632; xtab[13] = a; ytab[13] = b; xtab[14] = b; ytab[14] = a; xtab[15] = b; ytab[15] = b; a = 0.062277290305886993497083640527; b = 0.468861354847056503251458179727; xtab[16] = a; ytab[16] = b; xtab[17] = b; ytab[17] = a; xtab[18] = b; ytab[18] = b; a = 0.022076289653624405142446876931; b = 0.851306504174348550389457672223; c = 0.126617206172027096933163647918263; xtab[19] = a; ytab[19] = b; xtab[20] = a; ytab[20] = c; xtab[21] = b; ytab[21] = a; xtab[22] = b; ytab[22] = c; xtab[23] = c; ytab[23] = a; xtab[24] = c; ytab[24] = b; a = 0.018620522802520968955913511549; b = 0.689441970728591295496647976487; c = 0.291937506468887771754472382212953; xtab[25] = a; ytab[25] = b; xtab[26] = a; ytab[26] = c; xtab[27] = b; ytab[27] = a; xtab[28] = b; ytab[28] = c; xtab[29] = c; ytab[29] = a; xtab[30] = c; ytab[30] = b; a = 0.096506481292159228736516560903; b = 0.635867859433872768286976979827; c = 0.267625659273967961282458816185681; xtab[31] = a; ytab[31] = b; xtab[32] = a; ytab[32] = c; xtab[33] = b; ytab[33] = a; xtab[34] = b; ytab[34] = c; xtab[35] = c; ytab[35] = a; xtab[36] = c; ytab[36] = b; } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, "TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET - Fatal error!\n" ); fprintf ( stderr, " Illegal value of RULE = %d\n", rule ); exit ( 1 ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ int triangle_unit_size ( int rule ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_UNIT_SIZE returns the "size" of a unit triangle quadrature rule. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 18 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Jarle Berntsen, Terje Espelid, Algorithm 706, DCUTRI: an algorithm for adaptive cubature over a collection of triangles, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 18, Number 3, September 1992, pages 329-342. Elise deDoncker, Ian Robinson, Algorithm 612: Integration over a Triangle Using Nonlinear Extrapolation, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 10, Number 1, March 1984, pages 17-22. DP Laurie, Algorithm 584, CUBTRI, Automatic Cubature Over a Triangle, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 8, Number 2, 1982, pages 210-218. James Lyness, Dennis Jespersen, Moderate Degree Symmetric Quadrature Rules for the Triangle, Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, Volume 15, Number 1, February 1975, pages 19-32. Hans Rudolf Schwarz, Methode der Finiten Elemente, Teubner Studienbuecher, 1980, ISBN: 3-519-02349-0. Gilbert Strang, George Fix, An Analysis of the Finite Element Method, Prentice Hall, 1973, page 184, ISBN: 096140888X, LC: TA335.S77. Arthur Stroud, Approximate Calculation of Multiple Integrals, Prentice Hall, 1971, ISBN: 0130438936, LC: QA311.S85. Olgierd Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method, Sixth Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005, ISBN: 0750663200, TA640.2.Z54 Parameters: Input, int RULE, the index of the rule. 1, ORDER = 1, precision 1, Zienkiewicz #1. 2, ORDER = 2, precision 1, (the "vertex rule"). 3, ORDER = 3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #1. 4, ORDER = 3, precision 2, Strang and Fix formula #2, Zienkiewicz #2. 5, ORDER = 4, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #3, Zienkiewicz #3. 6, ORDER = 6, precision 3, Strang and Fix formula #4. 7, ORDER = 6, precision 3, Stroud formula T2:3-1. 8, ORDER = 6, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #5. 9, ORDER = 7, precision 4, Strang and Fix formula #6. 10, ORDER = 7, precision 5, Strang and Fix formula #7, Stroud formula T2:5-1, Zienkiewicz #4, Schwarz Table 2.2. 11, ORDER = 9, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #8. 12, ORDER = 12, precision 6, Strang and Fix formula #9. 13, ORDER = 13, precision 7, Strang and Fix formula #10. 14, ORDER = 7, precision ?. 15, ORDER = 16, precision 7, conical product Gauss, Stroud formula T2:7-1. 16, ORDER = 64, precision 15, triangular product Gauss rule. 17, ORDER = 19, precision 8, from CUBTRI, ACM TOMS #584. 18, ORDER = 19, precision 9, from TRIEX, Lyness and Jespersen. 19, ORDER = 28, precision 11, from TRIEX, Lyness and Jespersen. 20, ORDER = 37, precision 13, from ACM TOMS #706. Output, int TRIANGLE_UNIT_SIZE, the order of the rule. */ { int size; if ( rule == 1 ) { size = 1; } else if ( rule == 2 ) { size = 3; } else if ( rule == 3 ) { size = 3; } else if ( rule == 4 ) { size = 3; } else if ( rule == 5 ) { size = 4; } else if ( rule == 6 ) { size = 6; } else if ( rule == 7 ) { size = 6; } else if ( rule == 8 ) { size = 6; } else if ( rule == 9 ) { size = 7; } else if ( rule == 10 ) { size = 7; } else if ( rule == 11 ) { size = 9; } else if ( rule == 12 ) { size = 12; } else if ( rule == 13 ) { size = 13; } else if ( rule == 14 ) { size = 7; } else if ( rule == 15 ) { size = 16; } else if ( rule == 16 ) { size = 64; } else if ( rule == 17 ) { size = 19; } else if ( rule == 18 ) { size = 19; } else if ( rule == 19 ) { size = 28; } else if ( rule == 20 ) { size = 37; } else { size = -1; } return size; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_unit_sum ( double func ( double x, double y ), int order, double xtab[], double ytab[], double weight[] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* // TRIANGLE_UNIT_SUM carries out a quadrature rule in the unit triangle. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and X + Y <= 1. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 15 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double FUNC ( double x, double y ), the name of the user supplied function to be integrated. Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule. Input, double XTAB[ORDER], YTAB[ORDER], the abscissas. Input, double WEIGHT[ORDER], the weights of the rule. Output, double RESULT, the approximate integral of the function. */ { int i; double quad; double result; double volume; quad = 0.0; for ( i = 0; i < order; i++ ) { quad = quad + weight[i] * func ( xtab[i], ytab[i] ); } volume = triangle_unit_volume ( ); result = quad * volume; return result; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_unit_volume ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_UNIT_VOLUME returns the "volume" of the unit triangle in 2D. Integration region: 0 <= X, and 0 <= Y, and X + Y <= 1. Discussion: The "volume" of a triangle is usually called its area. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 13 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, double TRIANGLE_UNIT_VOLUME, the volume of the unit triangle. */ { double volume; volume = 1.0 / 2.0; return volume; } /******************************************************************************/ double triangle_volume ( double x[3], double y[3] ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TRIANGLE_VOLUME returns the "volume" of a triangle in 2D. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 10 March 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double X[3], Y[3], the vertices of the triangle. Output, double TRIANGLE_VOLUME, the volume of the triangle. */ { double value; value = 0.5 * fabs ( x[0] * ( y[1] - y[2] ) + x[1] * ( y[2] - y[0] ) + x[2] * ( y[0] - y[1] ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even ( int nt ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN computes an evenly spaced set of angles between 0 and 2*PI. Discussion: The computation realizes that 0 = 2 * PI. Example: NT = 4 T = ( 0, PI/2, PI, 3*PI/2 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Output, double TVEC[NT], the evenly spaced angles, in radians. */ { int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double *t; if ( nt < 1 ) { return NULL; } t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( double ) ( 2 * ( i - 1 ) ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even2 ( int nt ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN2 computes evenly spaced angles between 0 and 2*PI. Discussion: The computation realizes that 0 = 2 * PI. The values are equally spaced in the circle, do not include 0, and are symmetric about 0. Example: NT = 4 T = ( PI/4, 3*PI/4, 5*PI/4, 7*PI/4 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Output, double TVEC[NT], the evenly spaced angles, in radians. */ { int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double *t; if ( nt < 1 ) { return NULL; } t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( double ) ( 2 * i - 1 ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt ); } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even3 ( int nt ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN3 computes an evenly spaced set of angles between 0 and 2*PI. Discussion: The angles begin with 0 and end with 2*PI. Example: NT = 4 T = ( 0, 2*PI/3, 4*PI/3 2*PI ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Output, double TVEC[NT], the evenly spaced angles, in radians. */ { int i; double pi = 3.141592653589793; double *t; if ( nt < 1 ) { return NULL; } t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); if ( nt == 1 ) { t[0] = pi; } else { for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( double ) ( 2 * ( i - 1 ) ) * pi / ( double ) ( nt - 1 ); } } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even_bracket ( int nt, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET computes evenly spaced angles between THETA1 and THETA2. Example: NT = 4 THETA1 = 30 THETA2 = 90 T = ( 30, 50, 70, 90 ) Discussion: The interval between THETA1 and THETA2 is divided into NT-1 subintervals. The angles returned are the breakpoints of these subintervals, including THETA1 and THETA2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the limiting angles. Output, double TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET[NT], the evenly spaced angles. */ { int i; double *t; if ( nt < 1 ) { return NULL; } t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); if ( nt == 1 ) { t[0] = ( theta1 + theta2 ) / 2.0; } else { for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( ( double ) ( nt - i ) * theta1 + ( double ) ( i - 1 ) * theta2 ) / ( double ) ( nt - 1 ); } } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even_bracket2 ( int nt, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET2 computes evenly spaced angles from THETA1 to THETA2. Discussion: The interval between THETA1 and THETA2 is divided into NT+1 subintervals. The angles returned are the internal NT breakpoints of the subintervals. Example: NT = 5 THETA1 = 30 THETA2 = 90 T = ( 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the limiting angles. Output, double TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET2[NT], the evenly spaced angles. */ { int i; double *t; if ( nt < 1 ) { return NULL; } t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( ( double ) ( nt + 1 - i ) * theta1 + ( double ) ( i ) * theta2 ) / ( double ) ( nt + 1 ); } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ double *tvec_even_bracket3 ( int nt, double theta1, double theta2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET3 computes evenly spaced angles from THETA1 to THETA2. Discussion: The interval between THETA1 and THETA2 is divided into NT subintervals. The angles returned are the midpoints of each subinterval. Example: NT = 3 THETA1 = 30 THETA2 = 90 T = ( 40, 60, 80 ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 19 April 2004 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int NT, the number of values to compute. Input, double THETA1, THETA2, the limiting angles. Output, double TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET3[NT], the evenly spaced angles. */ { int i; double *t; t = ( double * ) malloc ( nt * sizeof ( double ) ); for ( i = 1; i <= nt; i++ ) { t[i-1] = ( ( double ) ( 2 * nt - 2 * i + 1 ) * theta1 + ( double ) ( 2 * i - 1 ) * theta2 ) / ( double ) ( 2 * nt ); } return t; } /******************************************************************************/ void vec_lex_next ( int dim_num, int base, int a[], int *more ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: VEC_LEX_NEXT generates vectors in lex order. Discussion: The vectors are produced in lexical order, starting with (0,0,...,0), (0,0,...,1), ... (BASE-1,BASE-1,...,BASE-1). Examples: DIM_NUM = 2, BASE = 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 2 2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the MIT license. Modified: 25 May 2007 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, int DIM_NUM, the size of the vectors to be used. Input, int BASE, the base to be used. BASE = 2 will give vectors of 0's and 1's, for instance. Output, int A[DIM_NUM], the next vector. Input/output, int *MORE. Set this variable false before the first call. On return, MORE is TRUE if another vector has been computed. If MORE is returned FALSE, ignore the output vector and stop calling the routine. */ { int i; if ( !( *more ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < dim_num; i++ ) { a[i] = 0; } *more = 1; } else { for ( i = dim_num - 1; 0 <= i; i-- ) { a[i] = a[i] + 1; if ( a[i] < base ) { return; } a[i] = 0; } *more = 0; } return; }