RING_MPI: C/MPI version Measure time required to transmit data around a ring of processes The number of processes is 8 Timings based on 10 experiments N double precision values were sent in a ring transmission starting and ending at process 0 and using a total of 8 processes. N T min T ave T max 100 7.325e-06 2.84222e-05 0.000199651 1000 3.3278e-05 6.41092e-05 0.000160003 10000 0.00010493 0.000527927 0.00373136 100000 0.000910428 0.00126702 0.00236114 1000000 0.0120272 0.0140548 0.0270346 RING_MPI: Normal end of execution.