21 January 2020 08:14:01 AM prime_TEST C version Test the prime library. TEST01 Call PRIME_NUMBER to count the primes from 1 to N. N Pi Time 1 0 0.000001 2 1 0.000001 4 2 0.000001 8 4 0.000001 16 6 0.000001 32 11 0.000001 64 18 0.000003 128 31 0.000006 256 54 0.000020 512 97 0.000066 1024 172 0.000247 2048 309 0.000780 4096 564 0.002839 8192 1028 0.010289 16384 1900 0.034524 32768 3512 0.125086 65536 6542 0.468796 131072 12251 1.757007 TEST01 Call PRIME_NUMBER to count the primes from 1 to N. N Pi Time 5 3 0.000000 50 15 0.000002 500 95 0.000056 5000 669 0.003628 50000 5133 0.279038 500000 41538 23.669618 prime_TEST Normal end of execution. 21 January 2020 08:14:27 AM