27 May 2024 08:10:35 PM gl_fast_rule_test(): C version. Test gl_fast_rule(). This program shows examples for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature rules computed with GLPair(l, k) l is the number of nodes in the rule k is the index of the node that will be computed. The computation is based on the following paper: Ignace Bogaert, Iteration-Free Computation of Gauss-Legendre Quadrature Nodes and Weights SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 36, Number 3, 2014, pages A1008-1026 The main features of this software are: * Speed: due to the simple formulas and the O(1) complexity computation of individual Gauss-Legendre quadrature nodes and weights. This also makes it perfectly compatible with parallel computing paradigms such as multithreading and MPI. * Accuracy: the error on the nodes and weights is within a few ulps (see the paper for details). besseljzero_test(): besseljzero() returns the K-th zero of J0(X). K X(K) J0(X(K)) 1 2.404825557695773 -5.553876295239997e-17 2 5.520078110286311 -2.666015572788445e-17 3 8.653727912911013 -7.918276418867505e-17 4 11.79153443901428 -6.555381838919634e-17 5 14.93091770848779 -1.46146319162768e-16 6 18.07106396791092 1.814218851436404e-16 7 21.21163662987926 8.563933302065787e-17 8 24.3524715307493 -1.482500997739738e-16 9 27.49347913204025 2.464784048700305e-16 10 30.63460646843198 7.771557167225001e-17 11 33.77582021357357 1.9955872370097e-16 12 36.91709835366404 1.216959173717813e-16 13 40.05842576462824 -3.371047515291648e-17 14 43.19979171317673 -1.038624839785532e-16 15 46.34118837166181 -1.063547056574846e-16 16 49.48260989739781 -2.70195583599277e-16 17 52.624051841115 -1.931321298301444e-16 18 55.76551075501998 2.401031991630749e-16 19 58.90698392608094 1.957403252890847e-16 20 62.04846919022717 -3.592012798817341e-16 21 65.18996480020687 -5.397507550382613e-16 22 68.33146932985679 -1.044094141724201e-15 23 71.47298160359372 8.969618703197079e-16 24 74.61450064370183 -6.362846801653335e-16 25 77.75602563038805 2.612731316835445e-16 26 80.89755587113763 -1.136841709423886e-16 27 84.03909077693818 7.803197674310891e-16 28 87.18062984364116 2.553684088322987e-16 29 90.32217263721049 -4.479426639094836e-16 30 93.46371878194476 -9.024658571874119e-16 BESSELJ1SQUARED_TEST: BESSELJ1SQUARED returns the square of the Bessel J1(X) function at the K-th zero of J0(X). K X(K) J1(X(K))^2 BESSELJ1SQUARED 1 2.404825557695773 0.2695141239419168 0.2695141239419169 2 5.520078110286311 0.1157801385822037 0.1157801385822037 3 8.653727912911013 0.07368635113640823 0.07368635113640822 4 11.79153443901428 0.05403757319811629 0.05403757319811628 5 14.93091770848779 0.04266142901724309 0.04266142901724309 6 18.07106396791092 0.0352421034909961 0.0352421034909961 7 21.21163662987926 0.03002107010305466 0.03002107010305467 8 24.3524715307493 0.02614739149530809 0.02614739149530809 9 27.49347913204025 0.02315912182469139 0.02315912182469139 10 30.63460646843198 0.02078382912226786 0.02078382912226786 11 33.77582021357357 0.01885045066931767 0.01885045066931767 12 36.91709835366404 0.01724615756966501 0.01724615756966501 13 40.05842576462824 0.0158935181059236 0.0158935181059236 14 43.19979171317673 0.01473762609647219 0.01473762609647219 15 46.34118837166181 0.01373846514538712 0.01373846514538712 16 49.48260989739781 0.01286618173761513 0.01286618173761513 17 52.624051841115 0.0120980515486268 0.0120980515486268 18 55.76551075501998 0.0114164712244916 0.01141647122449161 19 58.90698392608094 0.0108075927911802 0.0108075927911802 20 62.04846919022717 0.01026037292628077 0.01026037292628076 21 65.18996480020687 0.009765897139791053 0.009765897139791051 22 68.33146932985679 0.009316890387627164 0.009316890387627166 23 71.47298160359372 0.008907356754001993 0.008907356754001991 24 74.61450064370183 0.008532310161358081 0.008532310161358083 25 77.75602563038805 0.008187570362708153 0.008187570362708157 26 80.89755587113763 0.007869606469720767 0.007869606469720769 27 84.03909077693818 0.007575415577297654 0.007575415577297647 28 87.18062984364116 0.007302427631477638 0.007302427631477641 29 90.32217263721049 0.00704843015099036 0.007048430150990362 30 93.46371878194476 0.006811508131014088 0.006811508131014086 GLPAIR_TEST: integral ( 0 <= x <= 1 ) ln(x) dx. Nodes Estimate 1 -0.6931471805599453 10 -0.9942637022162132 100 -0.999937487322451 1000 -0.9999993692484898 10000 -0.9999999936868078 100000 -0.9999999999368618 1000000 -0.9999999999993812 Exact -1.0 GLPAIRS_TEST: integral ( -1 <= x <= 1 ) cos(1000 x) dx Nodes Estimate 500 -0.2538816332422891 520 0.001592120992016894 540 0.001653759028178655 560 0.001653759081049293 580 0.001653759081048709 600 0.001653759081066151 Exact 0.001653759081064005 GLPAIRTABULATED_TEST: integral ( -1 <= x <= 1 ) exp(x) dx Nodes Estimate 1 2 2 2.342696087909731 3 2.350336928680011 4 2.350402092156377 5 2.350402386462826 6 2.350402387286034 7 2.350402387287601 8 2.350402387287603 9 2.350402387287603 Exact 2.350402387287603 LEGENDRE_THETA_TEST: LEGENDRE_THETA returns the K-th theta value for a Gauss Legendre rule of order L. Gauss Legendre rule of order 1 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 1.5708 6.12323e-17 Gauss Legendre rule of order 2 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.18628 -0.57735 2 0.955317 0.57735 Gauss Legendre rule of order 3 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.45687 -0.774597 2 1.5708 6.12323e-17 3 0.684719 0.774597 Gauss Legendre rule of order 4 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.6083 -0.861136 2 1.91769 -0.339981 3 1.2239 0.339981 4 0.533296 0.861136 Gauss Legendre rule of order 5 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.70496 -0.90618 2 2.13942 -0.538469 3 1.5708 6.12323e-17 4 1.00218 0.538469 5 0.436635 0.90618 Gauss Legendre rule of order 6 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.77199 -0.93247 2 2.29323 -0.661209 3 1.81174 -0.238619 4 1.32985 0.238619 5 0.848367 0.661209 6 0.369607 0.93247 Gauss Legendre rule of order 7 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.82119 -0.949108 2 2.40615 -0.741531 3 1.9887 -0.405845 4 1.5708 6.12323e-17 5 1.15289 0.405845 6 0.735447 0.741531 7 0.320405 0.949108 Gauss Legendre rule of order 8 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.85884 -0.96029 2 2.49256 -0.796666 3 2.12414 -0.525532 4 1.75528 -0.183435 5 1.38632 0.183435 6 1.01746 0.525532 7 0.649037 0.796666 8 0.282757 0.96029 Gauss Legendre rule of order 9 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.88857 -0.96816 2 2.56081 -0.836031 3 2.23112 -0.613371 4 1.90102 -0.324253 5 1.5708 6.12323e-17 6 1.24057 0.324253 7 0.910474 0.613371 8 0.580787 0.836031 9 0.253022 0.96816 Gauss Legendre rule of order 10 K Theta Cos(Theta) 1 2.91265 -0.973907 2 2.61607 -0.865063 3 2.31775 -0.67941 4 2.01905 -0.433395 5 1.72023 -0.148874 6 1.42137 0.148874 7 1.12254 0.433395 8 0.823839 0.67941 9 0.52552 0.865063 10 0.228944 0.973907 LEGENDRE_WEIGHT_TEST: LEGENDRE_WEIGHT returns the K-th weight for a Gauss Legendre rule of order L. Gauss Legendre rule of order 1 K Weight 1 2 Gauss Legendre rule of order 2 K Weight 1 1 2 1 Gauss Legendre rule of order 3 K Weight 1 0.555556 2 0.888889 3 0.555556 Gauss Legendre rule of order 4 K Weight 1 0.347855 2 0.652145 3 0.652145 4 0.347855 Gauss Legendre rule of order 5 K Weight 1 0.236927 2 0.478629 3 0.568889 4 0.478629 5 0.236927 Gauss Legendre rule of order 6 K Weight 1 0.171324 2 0.360762 3 0.467914 4 0.467914 5 0.360762 6 0.171324 Gauss Legendre rule of order 7 K Weight 1 0.129485 2 0.279705 3 0.38183 4 0.417959 5 0.38183 6 0.279705 7 0.129485 Gauss Legendre rule of order 8 K Weight 1 0.101229 2 0.222381 3 0.313707 4 0.362684 5 0.362684 6 0.313707 7 0.222381 8 0.101229 Gauss Legendre rule of order 9 K Weight 1 0.0812744 2 0.180648 3 0.260611 4 0.312347 5 0.330239 6 0.312347 7 0.260611 8 0.180648 9 0.0812744 Gauss Legendre rule of order 10 K Weight 1 0.0666713 2 0.149451 3 0.219086 4 0.269267 5 0.295524 6 0.295524 7 0.269267 8 0.219086 9 0.149451 10 0.0666713 gl_fast_rule_test(): Normal end of execution. 27 May 2024 08:10:35 PM