19 January 2020 11:34:59 AM FILUM_TEST: C version Test the FILUM library. TEST03 FILE_COLUMN_COUNT counts the columns in a file. It is assumed that the file contains a number of lines, with each line containing the same number of words. The task is to determine the number of words in a line, that is, the number of "columns" of text. Examining the file:"filum_prb_4by5.txt". FILE_COLUMN_COUNT - Fatal error! Could not open the input file: "filum_prb_4by5.txt" Number of columns: -1 TEST06 FILE_EXIST reports whether a file 'exists'. Exist? File_name 0 filum_prb.c 0 filum.c 0 raisin.txt 0 make.money.fast TEST14 FILENAME_INC increments a string Input Output file???.dat (File name not incrementable. Quit loop!) file072.dat file073.dat file073.dat file074.dat file074.dat file075.dat file075.dat file076.dat 2cat9.dat 3cat0.dat 3cat0.dat 3cat1.dat 3cat1.dat 3cat2.dat 3cat2.dat 3cat3.dat fred98.txt fred99.txt fred99.txt fred00.txt fred00.txt fred01.txt fred01.txt fred02.txt TEST22 FILE_ROW_COUNT counts the lines in a file. Examining file "filum_prb_test.txt". FILE_ROW_COUNT - Fatal error! Could not open the input file: "filum_prb_test.txt" Number of lines: -1 FILUM_TEST: Normal end of execution. 19 January 2020 11:34:59 AM