csparse_test02: Demonstration of the CSPARSE package. --- Matrix: 4-by-4, nnz: 12 (sym: 0: nnz 0), norm: 7.00e+00 blocks: 1 singletons: 0 structural rank: 4 QR natural time: 0.00 resid: 7.08e-17 QR amd(A'*A) time: 0.00 resid: 7.08e-17 LU natural time: 0.00 resid: 4.72e-17 LU amd(A+A') time: 0.00 resid: 2.36e-17 LU amd(S'*S) time: 0.00 resid: 4.72e-17 LU amd(A'*A) time: 0.00 resid: 4.72e-17 csparse_test02: Normal end of execution.