28 February 2022 08:49:44 AM annulus_rule_test(): GCC version 7.5.0 Test annulus_rule(). annulus_area_test(): annulus_area() computes the area of an annulus with center = (CX,CY) and inner radius R1, outer radius R2. ( CX CY ) R1 R2 Area (-2.815817, 4.563176) 0.829509 1.391205 3.918712 (-0.846929,-4.338813) 0.257578 0.367535 0.215938 (-4.561710, 1.339657) 0.061727 0.511266 0.809220 (-0.986937, 2.546735) 0.797287 0.799125 0.009220 ( 3.975041,-1.492477) 0.094545 0.108162 0.008672 ( 3.590969, 3.408475) 0.123104 0.130616 0.005988 (-2.396970, 4.124837) 0.113664 0.465293 0.639558 ( 3.228873,-2.328677) 0.692066 1.253729 3.433385 ( 3.612158,-0.462062) 0.911977 1.509894 4.549270 (-3.110453, 2.614921) 0.396988 0.582303 0.570125 annulus_rule_compute_test(): test annulus_rule_compute(). W, X, Y for annulus quadrature: 0 0.0545415 0.578382 0 1 0.0872665 0.790569 0 2 0.0545415 0.956804 0 3 0.0545415 0.500894 0.289191 4 0.0872665 0.684653 0.395285 5 0.0545415 0.828617 0.478402 6 0.0545415 0.289191 0.500894 7 0.0872665 0.395285 0.684653 8 0.0545415 0.478402 0.828617 9 0.0545415 3.54157e-17 0.578382 10 0.0872665 4.84084e-17 0.790569 11 0.0545415 5.85873e-17 0.956804 12 0.0545415 -0.289191 0.500894 13 0.0872665 -0.395285 0.684653 14 0.0545415 -0.478402 0.828617 15 0.0545415 -0.500894 0.289191 16 0.0872665 -0.684653 0.395285 17 0.0545415 -0.828617 0.478402 18 0.0545415 -0.578382 7.08314e-17 19 0.0872665 -0.790569 9.68168e-17 20 0.0545415 -0.956804 1.17175e-16 21 0.0545415 -0.500894 -0.289191 22 0.0872665 -0.684653 -0.395285 23 0.0545415 -0.828617 -0.478402 24 0.0545415 -0.289191 -0.500894 25 0.0872665 -0.395285 -0.684653 26 0.0545415 -0.478402 -0.828617 27 0.0545415 -1.06247e-16 -0.578382 28 0.0872665 -1.45225e-16 -0.790569 29 0.0545415 -1.75762e-16 -0.956804 30 0.0545415 0.289191 -0.500894 31 0.0872665 0.395285 -0.684653 32 0.0545415 0.478402 -0.828617 33 0.0545415 0.500894 -0.289191 34 0.0872665 0.684653 -0.395285 35 0.0545415 0.828617 -0.478402 annulus_rule_monomial_test(): annulus_rule_compute() supplies a quadrature rule for the annulus with center (0,0), inner radius 0, outer radius 1. NR NT 1 X^2 Y^2 X^4 X^2Y^2 Y^4 X^6 4 16 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 8 32 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 16 64 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 32 128 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 64 256 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 Exact 3.14159 0.785398 0.785398 0.392699 0.1309 0.392699 0.245437 annulus_rule_monomial_test(): annulus_rule_compute() supplies a quadrature rule for the annulus with center (1,0), inner radius 0.5, outer radius 1. NR NT 1 X^2 Y^2 X^4 X^2Y^2 Y^4 X^6 4 16 2.35619 3.09251 0.736311 7.16062 0.865165 0.386563 19.4438 8 32 2.35619 3.09251 0.736311 7.16062 0.865165 0.386563 19.4438 16 64 2.35619 3.09251 0.736311 7.16062 0.865165 0.386563 19.4438 32 128 2.35619 3.09251 0.736311 7.16062 0.865165 0.386563 19.4438 64 256 2.35619 3.09251 0.736311 7.16062 0.865165 0.386563 19.4438 annulus_rule_monomial_test(): annulus_rule_compute() supplies a quadrature rule for the annulus with center (1,0), inner radius 0, outer radius 1. NR NT 1 X^2 Y^2 X^4 X^2Y^2 Y^4 X^6 4 16 3.14159 3.92699 0.785398 8.24668 0.916298 0.392699 21.0585 8 32 3.14159 3.92699 0.785398 8.24668 0.916298 0.392699 21.0585 16 64 3.14159 3.92699 0.785398 8.24668 0.916298 0.392699 21.0585 32 128 3.14159 3.92699 0.785398 8.24668 0.916298 0.392699 21.0585 64 256 3.14159 3.92699 0.785398 8.24668 0.916298 0.392699 21.0585 annulus_rule_test(): Normal end of execution. 28 February 2022 08:49:44 AM