
for_loop, BASH codes which illustrate the use of the FOR loop.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Source Code:

for_loop_alphabet shows how a FOR loop can be used to a range of alphabetic characters, such as A to Z.

for_loop_numeric shows how a FOR loop can be used to repeat a set of commands with a variable set to each numeric value in a list.

for_loop_range shows how a FOR loop can be used to repeat a set of commands with a variable set to each numeric value in a range.

for_loop_skip shows how a FOR loop can be used to repeat a set of commands with a variable set to each numeric value in a range, with a skip between successive values.

for_loop_string shows how a FOR loop can be used to process a list of string items. In this case, we simply want to say happy birthday to John and Bob and Mary, but in a real application, we might want to carry out a sequence of operations to /usr/work/$USER and to /usr/home/$USER and to /usr/temp/$USER.

for_loop_stdout shows how a FOR loop can be used to process the items returned as the standard output of a command such as "ls".

Last revised on 16 December 2020.