Home License -- for personal use only. Not for government, academic, research, commercial, or other organizational use. 19-Jun-2024 09:36:37 boundary_word_equilateral_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7. Test boundary_word_equilateral(). boolean_to_string_test boolean_to_string() creates the string "True" or "False" based on a boolean value. This can be useful when printing boolean results. I isPrime? 1 False 2 True 3 True 4 False 5 True 6 False 7 True 8 False 9 False 10 False boolean_to_string_test Normal end of execution. boundary_hexiamond_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_hexiamond() returns the boundary word of a hexiamond. bat boundary word: "11004343" base point : [ 0, 0 ] crown boundary word: "11045342" base point : [ 1, 0 ] pistol boundary word: "01045332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] snake boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] boundary_hexiamond_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_is_legal_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_is_legal() checks whether a polyiamond boundary word is legal. Index Name Boundary Legal 1 bat "11004343" True 2 butterfly "11504423" True 3 club "11044532" True 4 crown "11045342" True 5 hexagon "105432" True 6 lobster "02055332" True 7 pistol "01045332" True 8 rhomboid "11104443" True 9 shoe "10205433" True 10 snake "01053432" True 11 sphinx "11154533" True 12 yacht "11053533" True boundary_is_legal_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_plot_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_plot() plots a polyiamond from its boundary word. Graphics saved as "boundary_plot_test.png" boundary_plot_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_print_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_print() prints a polyiamond from its boundary word. bat boundary word: "11004343" base point : [ 0, 0 ] crown boundary word: "11045342" base point : [ 1, 0 ] pistol boundary word: "01045332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] snake boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] boundary_print_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_range_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_range() finds the minimum and maximum I and J coordinates of a polyiamond drawn from its boundary word and starting at P. Name Imin Imax Jmin Jmax Pi Pj Word tiny 1 3 -1 1 1 0 "21553" bat 0 2 0 2 0 0 "11004343" butterfly 0 3 0 2 1 0 "11504423" club 0 3 0 2 1 0 "11044532" crown 0 3 0 2 1 0 "11045342" hexagon 0 2 0 2 1 0 "105432" lobster 0 2 0 3 1 0 "02055332" pistol 0 2 0 3 1 0 "01045332" rhomboid 0 3 0 1 0 0 "11104443" shoe 0 2 0 2 0 0 "10205433" snake 0 2 0 3 1 0 "01053432" sphinx 0 3 0 2 0 0 "11154533" yacht 0 2 0 2 0 0 "11053533" gort 0 5 0 5 0 0 "111110500043355343123443" boundary_range_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_reflect_test(): boundary_reflect() is given a polyiamond boundary word to reflect about the x, y, or xy axis. snake boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] reflection r = 1 boundary word: "54502123" base point : [ -1, 0 ] reflection r = 2 boundary word: "21235450" base point : [ 1, 0 ] reflection r = 3 boundary word: "34320105" base point : [ -1, 0 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_reflect_test.png" boundary_reflect_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_representative_test(): boundary_representative() is given a boundary word, and returns the representative of its equivalence class. bat: boundary word: "11004343" base point : [ 0, 0 ] bat representative: boundary word: "00434311" base point : [ 0, 0 ] butterfly: boundary word: "11504423" base point : [ 1, 0 ] butterfly representative: boundary word: "04423115" base point : [ 1, 0 ] club: boundary word: "11044532" base point : [ 1, 0 ] club representative: boundary word: "04453211" base point : [ 1, 0 ] crown: boundary word: "11045342" base point : [ 1, 0 ] crown representative: boundary word: "04534211" base point : [ 1, 0 ] hexagon: boundary word: "105432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] hexagon representative: boundary word: "054321" base point : [ 1, 0 ] lobster: boundary word: "02055332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] lobster representative: boundary word: "02055332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] pistol: boundary word: "01045332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] pistol representative: boundary word: "01045332" base point : [ 1, 0 ] rhomboid: boundary word: "11104443" base point : [ 0, 0 ] rhomboid representative: boundary word: "04443111" base point : [ 0, 0 ] shoe: boundary word: "10205433" base point : [ 0, 0 ] shoe representative: boundary word: "02054331" base point : [ 0, 0 ] snake: boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] snake representative: boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] sphinx: boundary word: "11154533" base point : [ 0, 0 ] sphinx representative: boundary word: "11154533" base point : [ 0, 0 ] yacht: boundary word: "11053533" base point : [ 0, 0 ] yacht representative: boundary word: "05353311" base point : [ 0, 0 ] boundary_representative_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_rotate_test(): boundary_rotate() rotates a polyiamond described by its boundary word. boundary_rotate_snake_0 boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_0.png" boundary_rotate_snake_60 boundary word: "12104543" base point : [ 1, -1 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_60.png" boundary_rotate_snake_120 boundary word: "23215054" base point : [ 0, -1 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_120.png" boundary_rotate_snake_180 boundary word: "34320105" base point : [ -1, 0 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_180.png" boundary_rotate_snake_240 boundary word: "45431210" base point : [ -1, 1 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_240.png" boundary_rotate_snake_300 boundary word: "50542321" base point : [ 0, 1 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_300.png" boundary_rotate_snake_360 boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] Graphics saved as "boundary_rotate_snake_360.png" boundary_rotate_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_snap_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_snap() snaps a polyiamond so that it has minimum I and J node coordinates of 0. Graphics saved as "boundary_snap_test.png" boundary_snap_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_sort_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_sort() is given a polyiamond boundary word and sorts it to have lexically smallest base point. hexagon boundary word (rotated) boundary word: "432105" base point : [ 5, 10 ] sorted hexagon boundary word boundary word: "321054" base point : [ 4, 9 ] snake boundary word boundary word: "01053432" base point : [ 1, 0 ] sorted snake boundary word boundary word: "32010534" base point : [ 0, 1 ] boundary_sort_test() Normal end of execution. boundary_to_edge_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_to_edge() converts a boundary word to an edge list. Gort: boundary word boundary word: "111110500043355343123443" base point : [ 0, 0 ] Gort: edge list 1: 0 0 2: 1 0 3: 2 0 4: 3 0 5: 4 0 6: 5 0 7: 5 1 8: 4 2 9: 4 3 10: 4 4 11: 4 5 12: 3 5 13: 3 4 14: 3 3 15: 2 4 16: 1 5 17: 1 4 18: 0 4 19: 0 3 20: 1 3 21: 2 2 22: 2 1 23: 1 1 24: 0 1 25: 0 0 boundary_to_edge_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_to_triangle_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_to_triangle() converts a boundary word to a triangle list. Gort boundary word boundary word: "111110500043355343123443" base point : [ 0, 0 ] Gort triangle list 1: 1 1 0 2: 1 1 1 3: 2 1 0 4: 2 1 1 5: 3 1 0 6: 3 1 1 7: 4 1 0 8: 4 1 1 9: 5 1 0 10: 5 1 1 11: 3 2 0 12: 3 2 1 13: 4 2 0 14: 4 2 1 15: 5 2 0 16: 2 3 1 17: 3 3 0 18: 3 3 1 19: 4 3 0 20: 4 3 1 21: 1 4 0 22: 1 4 1 23: 2 4 0 24: 2 4 1 25: 3 4 0 26: 4 4 0 27: 4 4 1 28: 2 5 0 29: 4 5 0 30: 4 5 1 boundary_to_triangle_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_to_vertex_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_to_vertex() converts a boundary word to a vertex list. Gort boundary word boundary word: "111110500043355343123443" base point : [ 0, 0 ] Gort vertex list 1: 0 0 2: 5 0 3: 5 1 4: 4 2 5: 4 5 6: 3 5 7: 3 3 8: 1 5 9: 1 4 10: 0 4 11: 0 3 12: 1 3 13: 2 2 14: 2 1 15: 0 1 boundary_to_vertex_test(): Normal end of execution. boundary_translate_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 boundary_translate() translates a polyiamond described by its boundary word. Graphics saved as "boundary_translate_test.png" boundary_translate_test(): Normal end of execution. grid_plot_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 grid_plot() plots a polyiamond grid from its boundary word. Graphics saved as "grid_plot_test.png" grid_plot_test(): Normal end of execution. vertex_plot_test(): vertex_plot() plots an object from its vertex list. Gort boundary word boundary word: "111110500043355343123443" base point : [ 0, 0 ] Gort vertex list 1: 0 0 2: 5 0 3: 5 1 4: 4 2 5: 4 5 6: 3 5 7: 3 3 8: 1 5 9: 1 4 10: 0 4 11: 0 3 12: 1 3 13: 2 2 14: 2 1 15: 0 1 Graphics saved as "vertex_plot_test.png" boundary_word_equilateral_test(): Normal end of execution. 19-Jun-2024 09:36:49