The Literal Puzzle
bad + comparison: dis-par-age
bad + saying: male-dict-ion
black + humor: melan-choly
body + eater: sarco-phagus
bone + break: ossi-frage => "osprey"
flesh + tearing: sarca-zein => "sarcasm"
from + hang + out + cut: ap-pend-ec(to)-tomy
good + doer: bene-factor
high + name: acro-nym
nose + twisting: nas(o)-turtium (I guess someone didn't
like the smell!);
rock + oil: petr(os)-oleum
spiral + wing: helic(o)-opter
together + born: co-gnate, words that have a common
origin or etymology;
together + strike: con-flict
tongue + time: glotto-chronology, the science of estimating the
age and evolution of human languages;
water + maker: hydro-gen
Last revised on 08 June 2006.