17 June 2024 9:02:44.942 AM STEAM_INTERACT: FORTRAN90 version Interactive queries of the NBS/NRC Steam Table Program. Enter option 1, table for given density and temperature 2, table for given pressure and temperature 3, saturation table for given temperature 4, saturation table for given pressure 7, reset error tolerance and iteration max. 0, to quit. Compute table for given density and temperature. Enter the density in grams/cubic centimeter, greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 1.90000 Specified density is 1.00000 Enter the temperature in degrees Kelvin, greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 647.000 Specified temperature is 300.000 Temperature and density input. A = -5.3476139 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 1515.7944 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.21978791 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 0.91477820 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 4.1620952 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 4.1072049 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 1.0000000 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 2267.3313 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.64408688 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -1.0000000 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 0.28407268E-03 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 78.094018 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 853.27081 MPa s (viscosity) G = 2.4696194 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 119.66117 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 613.78717 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 7.8172344 MPa (pressure) PR = 5.7860355 1 (Prandtl number) S = 0.39063850 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 111.84394 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 1.0000000 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Call PSAT Liquid phase: A = -5.3611999 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 428.41820 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.21996152 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 0.92018465 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 4.1833893 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 4.1322136 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.99652354 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 2227.8154 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.61432555 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -1.0069893 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 0.27767978E-03 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 77.781199 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 854.43190 MPa s (viscosity) G = -5.3576522 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 112.49234 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 610.25299 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 0.35354029E-02 MPa (pressure) PR = 1.0033178 1 (Prandtl number) S = 0.39283329 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 112.48879 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 1.0034886 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Vapor phase: A = -143.60663 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 428.41820 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = 188.75642 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = -356.49587 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 1.8886556 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 1.4201787 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.25575120E-04 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 138.01492 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.11873101E-04 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -0.15288491E+10 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 131.52332 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 1.0001939 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 9.9192021 MPa s (viscosity) G = -5.3706098 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 2549.6295 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 18.672007 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 0.35354029E-02 MPa (pressure) PR = 1.0033178 1 (Prandtl number) S = 8.5166669 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 2411.3935 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 39100.500 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Enter option 1, table for given density and temperature 2, table for given pressure and temperature 3, saturation table for given temperature 4, saturation table for given pressure 7, reset error tolerance and iteration max. 0, to quit. Compute table for given pressure and temperature. Enter the pressure in MPa greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 22.0000 Specified pressure is 7.81723 Enter the temperature in degrees Kelvin greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 647.000 Specified temperature is 300.000 Pressure and temperature were input. A = -5.3476139 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 1515.7944 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.21978791 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 0.91477820 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 4.1620952 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 4.1072049 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 1.0000000 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 2267.3313 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.64408688 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -1.0000000 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 0.28407268E-03 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 78.094018 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 853.27081 MPa s (viscosity) G = 2.4696190 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 119.66117 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 613.78717 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 7.8172340 MPa (pressure) PR = 5.7860355 1 (Prandtl number) S = 0.39063850 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 111.84394 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 1.0000000 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Enter option 1, table for given density and temperature 2, table for given pressure and temperature 3, saturation table for given temperature 4, saturation table for given pressure 7, reset error tolerance and iteration max. 0, to quit. Compute saturation table for given temperature. Enter the temperature in degrees Kelvin greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 647.126 The specified temperature is 300.000 Saturated liquid properties as function of temperature. A = -5.3611999 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 428.41820 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.21996152 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 0.92018465 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 4.1833893 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 4.1322136 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.99652354 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 2227.8154 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.61432555 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -1.0069893 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 0.27767978E-03 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 77.781199 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 854.43190 MPa s (viscosity) G = -5.3576522 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 112.49234 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 610.25299 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 0.35354029E-02 MPa (pressure) PR = 1.0033178 1 (Prandtl number) S = 0.39283329 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 112.48879 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 1.0034886 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Saturated vapor properties as a function of temperature. A = -143.60663 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 428.41820 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = 188.75642 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = -356.49587 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 1.8886556 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 1.4201787 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.25575120E-04 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 138.01492 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = 0.11873101E-04 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -0.15288491E+10 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = 131.52332 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 1.0001939 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 9.9192021 MPa s (viscosity) G = -5.3706098 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = 2549.6295 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 18.672007 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 0.35354029E-02 MPa (pressure) PR = 1.0033178 1 (Prandtl number) S = 8.5166669 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = 2411.3935 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 39100.500 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Enter option 1, table for given density and temperature 2, table for given pressure and temperature 3, saturation table for given temperature 4, saturation table for given pressure 7, reset error tolerance and iteration max. 0, to quit. Compute saturation table for given pressure. Enter the pressure in MPa greater than 0.00000 and less than or equal to 22.0550 Specified pressure is P = 7.81723 VISCOSITY - Warning (once only)! The input density RHO should be no more than 1.05000 The input value was RHO = 1.26119 Saturated liquid properties as a function of pressure. A = -3165.1580 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 3576.3325 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.11347806E-01 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 9.1630784 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 807.47577 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 625.63844 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.32204509 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 14332.548 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = -30.016447 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -9.6419890 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = -0.20193077E-01 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 14.813553 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 36.711313 MPa s (viscosity) G = 657.78670 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = -23118.537 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 0.12950538E+11 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 1231.1606 MPa (pressure) PR = -2.8482899 1 (Prandtl number) S = -79.254412 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = -26941.482 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 3.1051552 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Saturated vapor properties as a function of pressure. A = -3166.2283 KJ/kg (Helmholtz function) C = 3572.9593 M/s (speed of sound) CJTH = -0.11345378E-01 K/MPa (Joule-Thomson coefficient) CJTT = 9.1599613 CM3/g (Isothermal Joule-Thomson coefficient) CP = 807.37385 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant pressure) CV = 625.83922 KJ/(kg K) (Specific heat at constant volume) RHO = 0.32195491 g/CM3 (density) DPDR = 14335.570 MPa CM3/g (D Pressure/D Density) DPDT = -29.986215 MPa/K (D Pressure/D Temperature) DVDR = -9.6473914 CM6/g2 (d Specific Volume/d Density) DVDT = -0.20179788E-01 CM3/(g K) (d Specific Volume/ d T) EPS = 14.807077 1 (static dielectric constant) ETA = 36.658162 MPa s (viscosity) G = 653.77217 KJ/kg (Gibbs specific energy) H = -23130.380 KJ/kg (enthalpy) LAMBDA = 0.12985395E+11 mW/(m K) (thermal conductivity) P = 1229.8680 MPa (pressure) PR = -2.8338303 1 (Prandtl number) S = -79.280506 KJ/(kg K) (entropy) SIGMA = 71.689849 Pa M (surface tension) T = 300.00000 K (temperature) U = -26950.380 KJ/kg (internal energy) V = 3.1060250 CM3/g (specific volume) VIR = -62.143888 CM3/g (second virial coefficient) Enter option 1, table for given density and temperature 2, table for given pressure and temperature 3, saturation table for given temperature 4, saturation table for given pressure 7, reset error tolerance and iteration max. 0, to quit. Shutdown request STEAM_INTERACT: Normal end of execution. 17 June 2024 9:02:44.950 AM