plot_to_ps_test, a Fortran90 code which calls plot_to_ps(), which reads a text file of plot commands and creates a PostScript file.
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plot_to_ps, a Fortran90 code which reads simple text commands and creates a PostScript (PS) image;
123 is an attempt to make a plot of "1, 2, 3"
AREA_BASIS illustrates how the barycentric coordinates of a point in a triangle can be defined by the relative areas of subtriangles:
BILL_020 is a figure for page 20 of Bill's book, a plot of a typical linear basis function for a grid of triangular elements arranged in a hexagonal grid:
BILL_020_RECTANGLE is a version of BILL_020 in which the elements of interest are included in a rectangular grid.
BILL_055 is a figure for page 55 of Bill's book:
BILL_060 is a figure for page 60 of Bill's book:
BILL_061 is a figure for page 61 of Bill's book:
BURGERS_EQUATION is a 2D grid of points for a discretized Burgers equation, with red nodes for initial condition, green for boundaries, and gray for initially unknown:
CENTER_OF_MASS plots the center of mass of 6 weighted points:
CENTROID plots the centroid of 6 (equally weighted) points:
CHEBYSHEV illustrates the determination of the Chebyshev points.
CIRCLE is a plot of a circle:
CIRCLE* illustrates a continuation process for finding successive points on a circle.
CLIMB is an illustration for a trigonometry problem, without which, our students, upon hearing that a train climbed 1 mile up a slope, would draw a diagram in which the horizontal distance was 1 mile:
COMPONENTS_** illustrate the connected components algorithm.
CONVEX_COMBINATION illustrate two points can determine a line that is parameterized by combination coefficients that sum to 1. When the combination is "convex", the resulting point is between the two endpoints.
CONVEX_HULL illustrate the computation of the convex hull.
CRESCENT illustrates the construction of a crescent shape from two circles.
DIATOM fills in a region by plotting lots of points in it:
DOUBLE_CIRCLE is a plot of intersecting circles:
EGYPTIAN illustrates an odd fact about Egyptian mathematics:
FEM_MESH_1D illustrates the construction of nodes and elements for a 1D finite element mesh:
ELL illustrates the construction of nodes and elements for a 2D finite element mesh on an L-shaped region:
GRAPH_DIJKSTRA illustrates a graph used to demonstrate Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
GRAPH_DISCONNECTED illustrates a disconnected graph
GRAPH_MST illustrates a graph suitable for the minimum spanning tree problem, with 10 nodes and 17 links labeled with lengths.
GRAPH_MST2 illustrates a graph suitable for the minimum spanning tree problem, with 13 nodes and 21 links labeled with lengths.
GRAPH_MST_TREE illustrates one spanning tree for the GRAPH_MST graph.
GRAPH_MST_TREE_MINIMAL illustrates the minimal spanning tree for the GRAPH_MST graph.
GRAPH_PATHS is a graph on which we can ask the question of whether you can reach node A from node B.
GRAPH_SIMPLE illustrates a simple graph with 5 nodes and 4 links on a 3x3 bit of graph paper.
GRAPH_TSP illustrates a graph suitable for the minimum spanning tree problem or the traveling salesman problem, with 5 nodes and 10 links labeled with lengths.
GRID_CLIFF is a small finite element grid for Gene Cliff:
GRID_CLIFF2 illustrates how portions of the grid in GRID_CLIFF might be assigned to separate processors:
HEAT_EQUATION illustrates how a discretized version of the 1D time dependent heat equation might be set up and solved.
HISTOGRAM makes a histogram:
HORIZON illustrates the problem of determining the distance to the horizon:
HULL shows some points and their convex hull:
ICAM is a plan of the first floor of the Wright House.
LINE_DIST shows the computation of the distance of a point from a line.
LINE_PERP shows the projection value s for points perpendicular to a line.
LINE_POINTS shows how the formula p=p1+s*(p2-p1) defines a line.
MANHOLE illustrates the construction of a curve of constant width which is not a circle:
MAZE1 and MAZE2 illustrate a simple maze.
MUSEUM1 and MUSEUM2 illustrate the problem of visiting all the rooms in a museum.
POINT_LINE_ORIENTATION illustrates the problem of the relationship of a point to a line in 2D.
POINT_TRIANGLE_ORIENTATION illustrates the problem of the relationship of a point to a triangle in 2D.
POINTS is just some points on a grid:
POLYGON makes a outline cross:
POLYGON_FILL makes a gray-filled cross:
PRODUCT_GRIDS* shows a family of 2D product grids, for a talk on sparse grids.
PROTOTEIN was an example of a simplified model of a protein that can fold:
REFLECTOR is a plot used to illustrate the solution of a problem involving a "reflector". It illustrates the 'RADIUS' command:
SIXBYSIX_1 a 6 by six array of dots used to illustrate a talk involving a finite difference grid.
SIXBYSIX_2 a 6 by six array of dots used to illustrate a talk involving a finite difference grid.
SIXBYSIX_3 a 6 by six array of dots used to illustrate a talk involving a finite difference grid.
SIXBYSIX_4 a 6 by six array of dots used to illustrate a talk involving a finite difference grid.
SNAKE_POLYGON illustrates a polygon to be triangulated:
SPIRAL was an illustration of a spiral search on a grid:
SQUARE is a square, with a blue face, thick red lines, and dark gree vertices.
STAR is a plot of a star.
STOMACHION is a puzzle of Archimedes, involving 14 polygonal pieces that can be formed into a 12 by 12 square in 536 ways.
TANK is an illustration of the problem of determining the volume of a partially filled cylindrical tank:
TASKS1 shows how a sequential computer carries out 11 tasks, one at a time.
TASKS2 shows how an embarassingly parallel calculation looks.
TASKS3 shows how the tasks of Gauss elimination might look to a parallel computer.
TASKS4 shows how a task on a graph might look to a parallel computer.
TREES1 shows how 9 trees can make lots of lines of 3:
TREES2 shows how 16 trees can make lots of lines of 4:
TRIANGLE_CENTROID is a plot of a triangle which suggests how the centroid is computed.
TRIANGLE_DISTANCE illustrates the problem of determining the distance from a poiont to a (solid) triangle.
TRIANGLE_EXAMPLE1 is a plot of a triangle with the vertices labeled, used for an illustration in a discussion of triangles.
TRIANGLE_EXAMPLE2 is a plot of a triangle with the vertices labeled, used for an illustration in a discussion of triangles.
TRIANGLE_ORIENTATION shows how the sign of the three barycentric coordinates of a point determine the point's location relative to the triangle.
TRIANGULATION_01 is a triangulation which is not maximal because a node is unused.
TRIANGULATION_02 is a triangulation which is not maximal because a triangle is unused.
TRIANGULATION_03 is a triangulation which is maximal.
TRIANGULATION_04 is a triangulation which is not maximal because another line can be drawn, forming another triangle.
TSP_CROSSING illustrates how a portion of a proposed solution to the traveling salesman problem might exhibit a crossing.
TUTTE is the Tutte graph:
WEIGHT makes a line graph of someone's weight:
WORMS makes an illustration of some rectilinear worms on a grid: