
fem1d_sample_test, a Fortran90 code which calls fem1d_sample(), which can evaluate a finite element function of a 1D argument.


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Related Data and codes:

fem1d_sample, a Fortran90 code which samples a scalar or vector function of one variable, modeled by the finite element method (FEM), and returns interpolated values at sample points.

Source Code:

P1 is FEM data for the vector function f(x)=[ 1, x, x^2], on a grid of 11 evenly spaced nodes from -5 to 5, using piecewise constant basis functions.

P2 is FEM data for the vector function f(x)=[ 1, x, x^2], on a grid of 11 evenly spaced nodes from -5 to 5, using piecewise linear basis functions.

Last revised on 07 July 2020.