program main !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! channel() solves the channel flow problem using the finite element method. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This program solves a fluid flow problem on the unit square. ! ! The fluid flow problem is formulated in terms of primitive variables ! u, v, and p. ! ! This code tries to match a downstream profile by altering ! one parameter, the value of the inflow parameter at the mid-height ! of the channel. ! ! Piecewise linear functions on triangles approximate ! the pressure and quadratics on triangles approximate the velocity. ! This is the "Taylor-Hood" finite element basis. ! ! The primitive variable formulation of the Navier Stokes equations ! involves horizontal velocity U, ! vertical velocity V, and pressure P. The equations are: ! ! U dUdx + V dUdy + dPdx - mu*(ddU/dxdx + ddU/dydy) = F1 ! U dVdx + V dVdy + dPdy - mu*(ddV/dxdx + ddV/dydy) = F2 ! dUdx + dVdy = 0 ! ! When reformulated into finite element form, with PHI(i) being the I-th ! common basis function for U and V, and PSI(i) the I-th basis function ! for P, these equations become: ! ! Integral (U dUdx PHI(i) + V dUdy PHI(I) - P dPHI(i)/dx ! + mu (dUdx dPHI(i)/dx + dUdy dPHI(i)/dy) ) = ! Integral (F1 * PHI(i)) ! ! Integral (U dVdx PHI(i) + V dVdy PHI(I) - P dPHI(i)/dy ! + mu (dVdx dPHI(i)/dx + dVdy dPHI(i)/dy) ) = ! Integral (F2 * PHI(i)) ! ! Integral (dUdx PSI(i) + dVdx PSI(i)) = 0 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Journal: ! ! 4 September 1992 ! Added LONG to GDUMP output. ! ! 2 September 1992: ! Set g to zero before secant iteration. ! Made sure to update g BEFORE returning from NSTOKE. ! New code converges in 3 secant steps, 13 Newton steps, ! and 48 seconds. ! ! 27 August 1992: Corrected a mistake in XYDUMP that only occurred ! for NX <= NY. ! ! 26 August 1992: broke out SETLIN, SETQUD and SETBAS for ! similarity with BUMP. ! ! 22 August 1992: Moved bandwidth calculations to SETBAN, mainly for ! the benefit of the BUMP computation. ! ! 20 August 1992: Moved linear system setup and solve out of NSTOKE, ! merged it with solvlin, and called it "LINSYS". ! ! 19 August 1992. After I changed the real ( kind = 8 ) of the matrix ! A in NSTOKE from (MAXROW,NEQN) to (NROW,NEQN) I found performance ! was degraded. The time went up from about 47 seconds to 57 seconds! ! (I made other, also theoretically harmless changes at the same time). ! Changing back to MAXROW brought the time down to 50 seconds. What's ! going on? This is definitely a performance problem in LAPACK! ! ! 18 August 1992, the residual calculation has been healed, somehow! ! That means that I can, if I wish, think about a jacobian. ! ! 13 August 1992, the way that the last pressure was set to 1 was not ! working properly. I don't know why, but I changed the code so that ! the last pressure was set to zero, and the contour plots smoothed out, ! and the secant iteration converged in three steps, rather than four. ! So I'm also dropping the entire "PRESET" routine, which forced the ! average pressure to zero. What's the point? Perhaps that's important ! when you're modifying the grid, though. So I won't actually delete ! the code. ! ! 11 August 1992, the original scheme for the last pressure equation ! does NOT force the average pressure to be zero. If you don't ! believe me, repeat the calculation of PMEAN after the adjustment. ! I've fixed that. ! ! Variables ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) A(MAXROW,MAXEQN), the banded matrix ! used in NSTOKE and SOLVLIN. It is stored according to ! LINPACK/LAPACK general band storage mode. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) AREA(NELEMN), contains the area of each ! element. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) F(MAXEQN). After the call to NSTOKE, ! F contains the solution to the current Navier Stokes problem. ! ! character*30 FILEG, the filename of the graphics data file ! to be dumped for the DISPLAY program. ! ! character*30 FILEU, the filename of the graphics UV data file ! to be dumped for the PLOT3D program. ! ! character*30 FILEX, the filename of the graphics XY data file ! to be dumped for the PLOT3D program. ! ! real ( kind = 8 ) G(MAXEQN). After the call to SOLVLIN, ! G contains the sensitivities. ! ! integer INDX(NP,2), records, for each node, whether ! any velocity unknowns are associated with the node. ! INDX(I,1) records information for horizontal velocities. ! If it is 0, then no unknown is associated with the ! node, and a zero horizontal velocity is assumed. ! If it is -1, then no unknown is associated with the ! node, but a velocity is specified via the UBDRY routine ! If it is positive, then the value is the index in the ! F and G arrays of the unknown coefficient. ! INDX(I,2) records information for vertical velocities. ! If it is 0, then no unknown is associated with the ! node, and a zero vertical velocity is assumed. ! If it is positive, then the value is the index in the ! F and G arrays of the unknown coefficient. ! ! integer INSC(NP), records, for each node, whether an ! unknown pressure is associated with the node. ! If INSC(I) is zero, then no unknown is associated with the ! node, and a pressure of 0 is assumed. ! If INSC(I) is positive, then the value is the index in the ! F and G arrays of the unknown coefficient. ! ! integer IOUNIT, the Fortran unit number for the file ! into which graphics data will be written. ! ! integer IPIVOT(MAXEQN), pivot information used by the linear ! solver. ! ! integer ISOTRI(NELEMN), records whether or not a given ! element is isometric or not. ! 0, element is not isometric. ! 1, element is isometric. ! ! Input, integer IVUNIT, the output unit to which the data is to ! be written. The data file is unformated. ! ! integer IWRITE, controls the amount of output produced by the ! program. ! 0, minimal output. ! 1, normal output, plus graphics data files created by GDUMP, UVDUMP ! and XYDUMP. ! 2, copious output. ! ! Input, integer IXUNIT, the output unit to which the data is to ! be written. The data file is unformated. ! ! LOGICAL LONG, ! .TRUE. if region is "long and thin", and ! .FALSE. if region is "tall and skinny". ! This determines how we number nodes, elements, and variables. ! ! integer MAXEQN, the maximum number of equations allowed. ! ! integer MAXNEW, the maximum number of Newton steps ! per iteration. ! ! integer MAXROW, the maximum row real ( kind = 8 ) of the ! coefficient matrix that is allowed. ! ! integer MAXSEC, the maximum number of secant steps allowed. ! ! integer MX, MX = 2*NX-1, the total number of grid points on ! the horizontal side of the region. ! ! integer MY, MY = 2*NY-1, the total number of grid points on ! the vertical side of the region. ! ! integer NELEMN, the number of elements used. ! ! integer NEQN, the number of equations or functions for ! the full system. ! ! integer NLBAND, the number of diagonals below the main ! diagonal of the matrix A which are nonzero. ! ! integer NNODES, the number of nodes per element, 6. ! ! integer NODE(NELEMN,6), records the global node numbers of the ! 6 nodes that make up each element. ! ! integer NODEX0, the lowest numbered node in the column of ! nodes where the profile is measured. ! ! integer NP, the number of nodes. ! ! integer NQUAD, the number of quadrature points, currently ! set to 3. ! ! integer NROW, the used row dimension of the coefficient ! matrix. ! ! integer NUMNEW, total number of Newton iterations taken in ! the NSTOKE routine during the entire run. ! ! integer NUMSEC, the number of secant steps taken. ! ! integer NX, the number of "main" grid points on the horizontal ! side of the region. ! ! integer NY, the number of "main" grid points on the vertical ! side of the region. ! ! real PHI(NELEMN,NQUAD,NNODES,3). Each entry of PHI contains ! the value of a quadratic basis function or its derivative, ! evaluated at a quadrature point. ! In particular, PHI(I,J,K,1) is the value of the quadratic basis ! function associated with local node K in element I, evaluatated ! at quadrature point J. ! PHI(I,J,K,2) is the X derivative of that same basis function, ! PHI(I,J,K,3) is the Y derivative of that same basis function. ! ! real PSI(NELEMN,NQUAD,NNODES). Each entry of PSI contains ! the value of a linear basis function evaluated at a ! quadrature point. ! PSI(I,J,K) is the value of the linear basis function associated ! with local node K in element I, evaluated at quadrature point J. ! ! real RES(MAXEQN), contains the residuals. ! ! real REYNLD, the value of the Reynolds number. In the ! program's system of units, viscosity = 1 / REYNLD. ! ! real RJPNEW, the derivative with respect to the ! parameter A of the functional J. ! ! real TARRAY(2), an array needed in order to store ! results of a call to the UNIX CPU timing routine ETIME. ! ! real TOLNEW, the convergence tolerance for the Newton ! iteration in NSTOKE. ! ! real TOLSEC, the convergence tolerance for the secant ! iteration in the main program. ! ! real XC(NP), XC(I) is the X coordinate of node I. ! ! real XLNGTH, the length of the region. ! ! real XM(NELEMN,NQUAD), XM(IT,I) is the X coordinate of the ! I-th quadrature point in element IT. ! ! real YC(NP), YC(I) is the Y coordinate of node I. ! ! YLNGTH real YLNGTH, the height of the region. ! ! real YM(NELEMN,NQUAD). YM(IT,I) is the Y coordinate of the ! I-th quadrature point in element IT. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: nx = 21 integer, parameter :: ny = 7 integer, parameter :: maxrow = 27*ny integer, parameter :: nelemn = 2*(nx-1)*(ny-1) integer, parameter :: mx = 2*nx-1 integer, parameter :: my = 2*ny-1 integer, parameter :: np = mx*my integer, parameter :: maxeqn = 2*mx*my+nx*ny integer, parameter :: nnodes = 6 integer, parameter :: nquad = 3 real ( kind = 8 ) a(maxrow,maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) a2 real ( kind = 8 ) abound real ( kind = 8 ) anew real ( kind = 8 ) aold real ( kind = 8 ) area(nelemn) real ( kind = 8 ) dcda(my) real ( kind = 8 ) f(maxeqn) character ( len = 30 ) fileg character ( len = 30 ) fileu character ( len = 30 ) filex real ( kind = 8 ) g(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) gr(my,my) integer i integer iline(my) integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer iounit integer ipivot(maxeqn) integer isotri(nelemn) integer iter integer ivunit integer iwrite integer ixunit integer j logical long integer maxnew integer maxsec integer nband integer neqn integer nlband integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer nodex0 integer npara integer nrow integer numnew integer numsec real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) psi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) r(my) real ( kind = 8 ) res(maxeqn) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rjpnew real ( kind = 8 ) rjpold real ( kind = 8 ) temp real ( kind = 8 ) test real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) tolsec real ( kind = 8 ) ui(my) real ( kind = 8 ) unew(my) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xlngth real ( kind = 8 ) xm(nelemn,nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ylngth real ( kind = 8 ) ym(nelemn,nquad) call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'channel():' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Fortran90 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Channel flow control problem' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Last modified:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' 4 September 1992.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Flow control problem:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Inflow controlled by one parameter.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Velocities measured along vertical line.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Try to match specified velocity profile.' ! ! Set input data ! fileg = 'display.txt' fileu = 'uv.txt' filex = 'xy.txt' iounit = 2 ivunit = 4 iwrite = 2 ixunit = 3 maxnew = 10 maxsec = 8 npara = 1 numnew = 0 numsec = 0 reynld = 1.0D+00 rjpnew = 0.0D+00 tolnew = 1.0D-04 tolsec = 1.0D-06 xlngth = 10.0D+00 ylngth = 3.0D+00 write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'NX = ', nx write (*,*) 'NY = ', ny write (*,*) 'Number of elements = ', nelemn write (*,*) 'Reynolds number = ', reynld write (*,*) 'Secant tolerance = ', tolsec write (*,*) 'Newton tolerance = ', tolnew write (*,*) ' ' ! ! SETGRD constructs grid, numbers unknowns, calculates areas, ! and points for midpoint quadrature rule. ! call setgrd (indx, insc, isotri, iwrite, long, maxeqn, mx, my, & nelemn, neqn, nnodes, node, np, nx, ny ) ! ! Compute the bandwidth ! call setban(indx,insc,maxrow,nband,nelemn,nlband,nnodes, & node,np,nrow) ! ! Record variable numbers along profile sampling line. ! call setlin(iline,indx,iwrite,long,mx,my,nodex0,np, & nx,ny,xlngth) ! ! Set the coordinates of grid points. ! call setxy(iwrite,long,mx,my,np,nx,ny,xc,xlngth,yc,ylngth) ! ! Set quadrature points ! call setqud(area,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,nquad,xc,xm,yc,ym) ! ! Evaluate basis functions at quadrature points ! call setbas(nelemn,nnodes,node,np,nquad,phi,psi,xc,xm,yc,ym) ! ! NSTOKE now solves the Navier Stokes problem for an inflow ! parameter of 1.0. ! para = 1.0D+00 write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Solve Navier Stokes problem with parameter = ',para write (*,*) 'for profile at x = ', xc(nodex0) g(1:neqn) = 1.0D+00 call nstoke (a,area,f,g,indx,insc,ipivot,iwrite, & maxnew,maxrow,nelemn,neqn,nlband,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,nrow,numnew,para,phi,psi,reynld,tolnew,yc) ! ! RESID computes the residual at the given solution ! if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then call resid (area,f,indx,insc,iwrite,nelemn,neqn, & nnodes,node,np,nquad,para,phi,psi,res,reynld,yc) end if ! ! GETG computes the internal velocity profile at X = XC(NODEX0), which will ! be used to measure the goodness-of-fit of the later solutions. ! call getg ( f, iline, my, neqn, ui ) if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'U profile:' write (*,*) ' ' write (*,'(5g14.6)') ui(1:my) end if ! ! GRAM generates the Gram matrix GR and the vector ! R = line integral of ui*phi ! call gram (gr,iline,indx,iwrite,my,nelemn,nnodes,node, & nodex0,np,para,r,ui,xc,yc) ! ! GDUMP dumps information for graphics display by DISPLAY. ! if ( .false. ) then write (*,*) 'Writing graphics data to file '//fileg call delete(fileg) open (unit = iounit,file=fileg,form='formatted',status='new', & err = 50) rjpnew = 0.0D+00 call gdump (f,indx,insc,iounit,isotri,long,nelemn,neqn, & nnodes,node,np,npara,nx,ny,para,reynld,rjpnew,xc,yc) end if ! ! Write the XY data to a file. ! if ( .false. ) then call delete(filex) open(unit = ixunit,file=filex,form='formatted',status='new') call xy_plot3d (ixunit,long,np,nx,ny,xc,yc) close(unit = ixunit) else call delete ( filex ) open ( unit = ixunit, file = filex, form = 'formatted', & status = 'new') call xy_table ( ixunit, np, xc, yc ) close ( unit = ixunit ) end if ! ! Write the velocity data to a file. ! if ( .false. ) then call delete(fileu) open(unit = ivunit,file=fileu,form='formatted',status='new') call uv_plot3d (f,indx,insc,ivunit,long,mx,my, & nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node,np,para,a,reynld,yc) close(unit = ivunit) else call delete(fileu) open(unit = ivunit,file=fileu,form='formatted',status='new') call uv_table ( f, indx, ivunit, neqn, np, para, yc ) close(unit = ivunit) end if ! ! Destroy information about true solution ! f(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 g(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Secant iteration loop ! aold = 0.0D+00 rjpold = 0.0D+00 anew = 0.1D+00 do iter = 1, maxsec numsec = numsec+1 write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Secant iteration ',iter ! ! Solve for unew at new value of parameter anew ! write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Solving Navier Stokes problem for parameter = ',anew ! ! Use solution F at previous value of parameter for starting point. ! call dcopy(neqn,f,1,g,1) para = anew call nstoke (a,area,f,g,indx,insc,ipivot,iwrite, & maxnew,maxrow,nelemn,neqn,nlband,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,nrow,numnew,para,phi,psi,reynld,tolnew,yc) ! ! Get velocity profile ! call getg ( f, iline, my, neqn, unew ) if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Velocity profile:' write (*,*) ' ' write (*,'(5g14.6)') unew(1:my) end if ! ! Solve linear system for du/da ! para = anew abound = 1.0D+00 call linsys (a,area,g,f,indx,insc,ipivot, & maxrow,nelemn,neqn,nlband,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,nrow,para,abound,phi,psi,reynld,yc) ! ! Output in DCDA ! call getg ( g, iline, my, neqn, dcda ) if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Sensitivities:' write (*,*) ' ' write (*,'(5g14.6)') dcda(1:my) end if ! ! Evaluate J prime at current value of parameter where J is ! functional to be minimized. ! ! JPRIME = 2.0 * DCDA(I) * (GR(I,J)*UNEW(J)-R(I)) ! rjpnew = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, my temp = -r(i) do j = 1, my temp = temp + gr(i,j) * unew(j) end do rjpnew = rjpnew + 2.0D+00 * dcda(i) * temp end do write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'Parameter = ',anew,' J prime = ',rjpnew ! ! Dump information for graphics ! if ( .false. ) then para = anew call gdump (f,indx,insc,iounit,isotri,long,nelemn,neqn, & nnodes,node,np,npara,nx,ny,para,reynld,rjpnew,xc,yc) end if ! ! Update the estimate of the parameter using the secant step ! if (iter == 1) then a2 = 0.5D+00 else a2 = aold-rjpold*(anew-aold)/(rjpnew-rjpold) end if aold = anew anew = a2 rjpold = rjpnew test = abs(anew-aold)/abs(anew) write (*,*) 'New value of parameter = ',anew write(*,*)'Convergence test = ',test if (abs(anew-aold) < abs(anew)*tolsec) then write (*,*) 'Secant iteration converged.' go to 40 end if end do write (*,*) 'Secant iteration failed to converge.' 40 continue write (*,*)'Number of secant steps = ', numsec write (*,*)'Number of Newton steps = ', numnew ! ! Close graphics file ! if ( .false. ) then close ( unit = iounit ) end if ! ! Terminate. ! write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'CHANNEL:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop ! ! Error opening graphics file ! 50 continue write (*,*) 'CHANNEL could not open the graphics file!' stop end function bsp ( xq, yq, it, iq, id, nelemn, nnodes, node, np, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! BSP evaluates the linear basis functions associated with pressure. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) bsp real ( kind = 8 ) d integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 integer id integer iq integer iq1 integer iq2 integer iq3 integer it integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xq real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yq iq1 = iq iq2 = mod(iq,3)+1 iq3 = mod(iq+1,3)+1 i1 = node(it,iq1) i2 = node(it,iq2) i3 = node(it,iq3) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) if (id == 1) then bsp = 1.0+((yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(xq-xc(i1))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(yq-yc(i1)))/d else if (id == 2) then bsp = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))/d else if (id == 3) then bsp = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))/d else write (*,*) 'BSP - fatal error!' write (*,*) 'unknown value of id = ',id stop end if return end subroutine daxpy ( n, da, dx, incx, dy, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DAXPY computes constant times a vector plus a vector. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! Jack Dongarra ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*),dy(*),da integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,n ! if ( n <= 0)return if (da == 0.0d+00 ) return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for unequal increments or equal increments ! not equal to 1 ! ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx < 0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dy(iy) + da*dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return ! ! code for both increments equal to 1 ! ! ! clean-up loop ! 20 m = mod(n,4) if ( m == 0 ) go to 40 do 30 i = 1,m dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) 30 continue if ( n < 4 ) return 40 continue do i = m+1, n, 4 dy(i) = dy(i) + da*dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dy(i + 1) + da*dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dy(i + 2) + da*dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dy(i + 3) + da*dx(i + 3) end do return end subroutine dcopy ( n, dx, incx, dy, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DCOPY copies a vector, x, to a vector, y. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! Jack Dongarra ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*),dy(*) integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,n if ( n <= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for unequal increments or equal increments ! not equal to 1 ! ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx < 0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dy(iy) = dx(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do return ! ! code for both increments equal to 1 ! ! ! clean-up loop ! 20 m = mod(n,7) if ( m == 0 ) go to 40 dy(1:m) = dx(1:m) if ( n < 7 ) return 40 continue do i = m+1, n ,7 dy(i) = dx(i) dy(i + 1) = dx(i + 1) dy(i + 2) = dx(i + 2) dy(i + 3) = dx(i + 3) dy(i + 4) = dx(i + 4) dy(i + 5) = dx(i + 5) dy(i + 6) = dx(i + 6) end do return end function ddot ( n, dx, incx, dy, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! Jack Dongarra ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) ddot real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*),dy(*),dtemp integer i,incx,incy,ix,iy,m,n ddot = 0.0d+00 dtemp = 0.0d+00 if ( n <= 0)return if ( incx == 1.and.incy == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for unequal increments or equal increments ! not equal to 1 ! ix = 1 iy = 1 if ( incx < 0)ix = (-n+1)*incx + 1 if ( incy < 0)iy = (-n+1)*incy + 1 do i = 1,n dtemp = dtemp + dx(ix)*dy(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do ddot = dtemp return ! ! code for both increments equal to 1 ! ! ! clean-up loop ! 20 m = mod(n,5) if ( m == 0 ) go to 40 do i = 1,m dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) end do if ( n < 5 ) go to 60 40 continue do i = m+1, n, 5 dtemp = dtemp + dx(i)*dy(i) + dx(i + 1)*dy(i + 1) + & dx(i + 2)*dy(i + 2) + dx(i + 3)*dy(i + 3) + dx(i + 4)*dy(i + 4) end do 60 ddot = dtemp return end subroutine delete ( filnam ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DELETE deletes a file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! character ( len = * ) filnam integer ios open (unit = 99,file=filnam,status='old', iostat = ios ) if ( ios /= 0 ) then return end if close (unit = 99,status='delete', iostat = ios) return end subroutine dgbfa ( abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGBFA factors a band matrix by elimination. ! ! Discussion: ! ! dgbfa is usually called by dgbco, but it can be called ! directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! Cleve Moler ! ! Parameters: ! ! on entry ! ! abd real ( kind = 8 )(lda, n) ! contains the matrix in band storage. the columns ! of the matrix are stored in the columns of abd and ! the diagonals of the matrix are stored in rows ! ml+1 through 2*ml+mu+1 of abd . ! see the comments below for details. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! 2*ml + mu + 1 <= LDA. ! ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! 0 <= ml < n . ! ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! 0 <= mu < n . ! more efficient if ml <= mu . ! on return ! ! abd an upper triangular matrix in band storage and ! the multipliers which were used to obtain it. ! the factorization can be written a = l*u where ! l is a product of permutation and unit lower ! triangular matrices and u is upper triangular. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! an integer vector of pivot indices. ! ! info integer ! = 0 normal value. ! = k if u(k,k) == 0.0D+00 . this is not an error ! condition for this subroutine, but it does ! indicate that dgbsl will divide by zero if ! called. use rcond in dgbco for a reliable ! indication of singularity. ! ! band storage ! ! if a is a band matrix, the following program segment ! will set up the input. ! ! ml = (band width below the diagonal) ! mu = (band width above the diagonal) ! m = ml + mu + 1 ! do j = 1, n ! i1 = max ( 1, j-mu ) ! i2 = min ( n, j+ml ) ! do i = i1, i2 ! k = i - j + m ! abd(k,j) = a(i,j) ! end do ! end do ! ! this uses rows ml+1 through 2*ml+mu+1 of abd . ! in addition, the first ml rows in abd are used for ! elements generated during the triangularization. ! the total number of rows needed in abd is 2*ml+mu+1 . ! the ml+mu by ml+mu upper left triangle and the ! ml by ml lower right triangle are not referenced. ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. ! integer lda integer n real ( kind = 8 ) abd(lda,n) integer i integer i0 integer info integer ipvt(n) integer idamax integer j integer j0 integer j1 integer ju integer jz integer k integer l integer lm integer m integer ml integer mm integer mu real ( kind = 8 ) t m = ml + mu + 1 info = 0 ! ! Zero initial fill-in columns. ! j0 = mu + 2 j1 = min ( n, m ) - 1 do jz = j0, j1 i0 = m + 1 - jz do i = i0, ml abd(i,jz) = 0.0D+00 end do end do jz = j1 ju = 0 ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. ! do k = 1, n-1 ! ! Zero next fill-in column. ! jz = jz + 1 if ( jz <= n ) then abd(1:ml,jz) = 0.0D+00 end if ! ! Find L = pivot index. ! lm = min ( ml, n-k ) l = idamax ( lm+1, abd(m,k), 1 ) + m - 1 ipvt(k) = l + k - m ! ! Zero pivot implies this column already triangularized. ! if ( abd(l,k) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = k ! ! Interchange if necessary. ! else if ( l /= m ) then t = abd(l,k) abd(l,k) = abd(m,k) abd(m,k) = t end if ! ! Compute multipliers. ! t = -1.0D+00 / abd(m,k) call dscal ( lm, t, abd(m+1,k), 1 ) ! ! Row elimination with column indexing. ! ju = min ( max ( ju, mu+ipvt(k) ), n ) mm = m do j = k+1, ju l = l - 1 mm = mm - 1 t = abd(l,j) if ( l /= mm ) then abd(l,j) = abd(mm,j) abd(mm,j) = t end if call daxpy ( lm, t, abd(m+1,k), 1, abd(mm+1,j), 1 ) end do end if end do ipvt(n) = n if ( abd(m,n) == 0.0D+00 ) then info = n end if return end subroutine dgbsl ( abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, b, job ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DGBSL solves a banded system factored by DGBFA. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SGBSL can solve either a * x = b or trans(a) * x = b. ! ! Parameters: ! ! on entry ! ! abd real ( kind = 8 )(lda, n) ! the output from dgbco or dgbfa. ! ! lda integer ! the leading dimension of the array abd . ! ! n integer ! the order of the original matrix. ! ! ml integer ! number of diagonals below the main diagonal. ! ! mu integer ! number of diagonals above the main diagonal. ! ! ipvt integer(n) ! the pivot vector from dgbco or dgbfa. ! ! b real ( kind = 8 )(n) ! the right hand side vector. ! ! job integer ! = 0 to solve a*x = b , ! = nonzero to solve trans(a)*x = b , where ! trans(a) is the transpose. ! ! on return ! ! b the solution vector x . ! ! error condition ! ! a division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a ! zero on the diagonal. technically this indicates singularity ! but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper ! setting of lda . it will not occur if the subroutines are ! called correctly and if dgbco has set 0.0 < RCOND ! or dgbfa has set info == 0 . ! ! to compute inverse(a) * c where c is a matrix ! with p columns ! call dgbco ( abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, rcond, z ) ! if (rcond is too small) go to ... ! do j = 1, p ! call dgbsl ( abd, lda, n, ml, mu, ipvt, c(1,j), 0 ) ! end do ! ! linpack. this version dated 08/14/78 . ! cleve moler, university of new mexico, argonne national lab. ! integer lda integer n real ( kind = 8 ) abd(lda,n) real ( kind = 8 ) b(n) integer ipvt(n) integer job integer k integer l integer la integer lb integer lm integer m integer ml integer mu real ( kind = 8 ) ddot real ( kind = 8 ) t m = mu + ml + 1 ! ! JOB = 0, Solve a * x = b. ! ! First solve l*y = b. ! if ( job == 0 ) then if ( 0 < ml ) then do k = 1, n-1 lm = min ( ml, n-k ) l = ipvt(k) t = b(l) if ( l /= k ) then b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if call daxpy ( lm, t, abd(m+1,k), 1, b(k+1), 1 ) end do end if ! ! Now solve u*x = y. ! do k = n, 1, -1 b(k) = b(k) / abd(m,k) lm = min ( k, m ) - 1 la = m - lm lb = k - lm t = -b(k) call daxpy ( lm, t, abd(la,k), 1, b(lb), 1 ) end do ! ! JOB nonzero, solve trans(a) * x = b. ! ! First solve trans(u)*y = b. ! else do k = 1, n lm = min ( k, m ) - 1 la = m - lm lb = k - lm t = ddot ( lm, abd(la,k), 1, b(lb), 1 ) b(k) = ( b(k) - t ) / abd(m,k) end do ! ! Now solve trans(l)*x = y ! if ( 0 < ml ) then do k = n-1, 1, -1 lm = min ( ml, n-k ) b(k) = b(k) + ddot ( lm, abd(m+1,k), 1, b(k+1), 1 ) l = ipvt(k) if ( l /= k ) then t = b(l) b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if end do end if end if return end subroutine dscal ( n, da, dx, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DSCAL scales a vector by a constant. ! ! uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one. ! jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78. ! modified 3/93 to return if incx <= 0. ! modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*) ! ! Parameters: ! real ( kind = 8 ) da,dx(*) integer i,incx,m,n,nincx ! if ( n <= 0 .or. incx <= 0 )return if ( incx == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for increment not equal to 1 ! nincx = n*incx do i = 1,nincx,incx dx(i) = da*dx(i) end do return ! ! code for increment equal to 1 ! ! ! clean-up loop ! 20 continue m = mod(n,5) if ( m == 0 ) go to 40 dx(1:m) = da*dx(1:m) if ( n < 5 ) return 40 continue do i = m+1,n,5 dx(i) = da*dx(i) dx(i + 1) = da*dx(i + 1) dx(i + 2) = da*dx(i + 2) dx(i + 3) = da*dx(i + 3) dx(i + 4) = da*dx(i + 4) end do return end subroutine gdump (f,indx,insc,iounit,isotri,long,nelemn,neqn, & nnodes,node,np,npara,nx,ny,para,reynld,rjpnew,xc,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GDUMP writes information to a file. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The information can be used to create ! graphics images. In order to keep things simple, exactly one ! value, real or integer, is written per record. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer NPARA, the number of parameters. Fixed at 1 ! for now. ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PARA(MAXPAR), the parameters. ! integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) fval integer i integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer iounit integer, save :: iset = 0 integer isotri(nelemn) integer j logical long integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer npara integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rjpnew real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) iset = iset+1 write(iounit,*)long write (iounit,*) nelemn write (iounit,*) np write (iounit,*) npara write (iounit,*) nx write (iounit,*) ny ! ! Pressures ! do i = 1, np j = insc(i) if (j <= 0) then fval = 0.0D+00 else fval = f(j) end if write (iounit,*) fval end do ! ! Horizontal velocities, U ! do i = 1, np j = indx(i,1) if (j == 0) then fval = 0.0D+00 else if (j < 0) then fval = ubdry(yc(i),para) else fval = f(j) end if write (iounit,*) fval end do ! ! Vertical velocities, V ! do i = 1, np j = indx(i,2) if (j <= 0) then fval = 0.0D+00 else fval = f(j) end if write (iounit,*) fval end do do i = 1, np write (iounit,*) indx(i,1) write (iounit,*) indx(i,2) end do do i = 1, np write (iounit,*) insc(i) end do do i = 1, nelemn write (iounit,*) isotri(i) end do do i = 1, nelemn do j = 1, 6 write (iounit,*) node(i,j) end do end do write (iounit,*) para write (iounit,*) reynld write (iounit,*) rjpnew do i = 1, np write (iounit,*) xc(i) end do do i = 1, np write (iounit,*) yc(i) end do write (*,*) 'GDUMP wrote data set ',iset,' to file.' return end subroutine getg ( f, iline, my, neqn, u ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GETG outputs field values along the profile line X = XZERO. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer neqn integer my real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) integer iline(my) integer j integer k real ( kind = 8 ) u(my) do j = 1, my k = iline(j) if ( 0 < k ) then u(j) = f(k) else u(j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do return end subroutine gram ( gr, iline, indx, iwrite, my, nelemn, nnodes, node, & nodex0, np, para, r, ui, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! GRAM computes the Gram matrix, GR(I,J) = INTEGRAL PHI(I)*PHI(J). ! ! and the vector R(I) = INTEGRAL UI*PHI(I). ! ! The integrals are computed along the line where the profile is ! specified. The three point Gauss quadrature rule is used for the ! line integral. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer my integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bbb real ( kind = 8 ) bbx real ( kind = 8 ) bby real ( kind = 8 ) bma2 real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by real ( kind = 8 ) gr(my,my) integer i integer igetl integer ii integer iline(my) integer indx(np,2) integer ip integer ipp integer iq integer iqq integer iquad integer it integer iun integer iwrite integer j integer jj integer k integer kk integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer nodex0 real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) r(my) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) ui(my) real ( kind = 8 ) uiqdpt real ( kind = 8 ) wt(3) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xzero real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yq(3) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ! ! Input values for 3 point Gauss quadrature ! wt(1) = 5.0D+00 / 9.0D+00 wt(2) = 8.0D+00 / 9.0D+00 wt(3) = wt(1) yq(1) = -0.7745966692D+00 yq(2) = 0.0D+00 yq(3) = -yq(1) ! ! zero arrays ! r(1:my) = 0.0D+00 gr(1:my,1:my) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Compute line integral by looping over intervals along line ! using three point Gauss quadrature ! xzero = xc(nodex0) do 70 it = 1, nelemn ! ! Check to see if we are in a triangle with a side along line ! x = xzero. If not, skip out ! k = node(it,1) kk = node(it,2) if ( 1.0D-04 < abs(xc(k)-xzero) ) then cycle end if if ( 1.0D-04 < abs(xc(kk)-xzero) ) then cycle end if do 60 iquad = 1, 3 bma2 = (yc(kk)-yc(k))/2.0 ar = bma2*wt(iquad) x = xzero y = yc(k)+bma2*(yq(iquad)+1.0D+00 ) ! ! Compute u internal at quadrature points ! uiqdpt = 0 do 30 iq = 1, nnodes if ( 4 < iq ) go to 30 if (iq == 3) go to 30 call qbf (x,y,it,iq,bb,bx,by,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,xc,yc) ip = node(it,iq) iun = indx(ip,1) if ( 0 < iun ) then ii = igetl(iun,iline,my) uiqdpt = uiqdpt+bb*ui(ii) else if (iun < 0) then ubc = ubdry(yc(ip),para) uiqdpt = uiqdpt+bb*ubc end if 30 continue ! ! Only loop over nodes lying on line x = xzero ! do 50 iq = 1, nnodes if ( iq == == == 4 ) then ip = node(it,iq) call qbf (x,y,it,iq,bb,bx,by,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,xc,yc) i = indx(ip,1) if (i <= 0) go to 50 ii = igetl(i,iline,my) r(ii) = r(ii)+bb*uiqdpt*ar do iqq = 1, nnodes if ( iqq == 1.or.iqq == 2.or.iqq == 4 ) then ipp = node(it,iqq) call qbf (x,y,it,iqq,bbb,bbx,bby,nelemn,nnodes, & node,np,xc,yc) j = indx(ipp,1) if (j /= 0) then jj = igetl(j,iline,my) gr(ii,jj) = gr(ii,jj)+bb*bbb*ar end if end if end do end if 50 continue 60 continue 70 continue if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Gram matrix:' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,my do j = 1,my write(*,*)i,j,gr(i,j) end do end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'R vector:' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,my write(*,*)i,r(i) end do end if return end function idamax ( n, dx, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IDAMAX finds the index of element having max. absolute value. ! ! jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78. ! modified 3/93 to return if incx <= 0. ! modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*) ! ! Parameters: ! integer idamax real ( kind = 8 ) dmax real ( kind = 8 ) dx(*) integer i,incx,ix,n idamax = 0 if ( n < 1 .or. incx <= 0 ) return idamax = 1 if ( n == 1)return if ( incx == 1)go to 20 ! ! code for increment not equal to 1 ! ix = 1 dmax = dabs(dx(1)) ix = ix + incx do i = 2,n if ( dabs(dx(ix)) <= dmax) go to 5 idamax = i dmax = dabs(dx(ix)) 5 ix = ix + incx end do return ! ! code for increment equal to 1 ! 20 continue dmax = abs ( dx(1) ) do i = 2,n if ( dmax < abs ( dx(i) ) ) then idamax = i dmax = abs ( dx(i) ) end if end do return end function igetl ( k, iline, my ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! IGETL gets the local unknown number along the profile line. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer my integer igetl integer iline(my) integer j integer k do j = 1, my if (iline(j) == k) then igetl = j return end if end do write ( *, * ) ' ' write (*,*) 'IGETL - fatal error!' write (*,*) ' Unable to get local unknown number for ' write (*,*) ' Global variable number ',k igetl = 0 stop end subroutine linsys ( a, area, f, g, indx, insc, ipivot, maxrow, nelemn, & neqn, nlband, nnodes, node, np, nquad, nrow, para1, para2, phi, psi, & reynld, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LINSYS sets up and solves the linear system. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The G array contains the previous solution. ! ! The F array contains the right hand side initially and then the ! current solution. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 February 2006 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer maxrow integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad integer nrow real ( kind = 8 ) a(maxrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(nelemn) real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bbb real ( kind = 8 ) bbbl real ( kind = 8 ) bbl real ( kind = 8 ) bbx real ( kind = 8 ) bby real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ihor integer indx(np,2) integer info integer insc(np) integer ioff integer ip integer ipivot(neqn) integer ipp integer iprs integer iq integer iqq integer iquad integer it integer iuse integer iver integer j integer job integer jp integer ju integer jv integer nlband integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) para1 real ( kind = 8 ) para2 real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) psi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) un(2) real ( kind = 8 ) unx(2) real ( kind = 8 ) uny(2) real ( kind = 8 ) uu real ( kind = 8 ) visc real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) ioff = nlband + nlband + 1 visc = 1.0D+00 / reynld f(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 a(1:nrow,1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! For each element, ! do it = 1, nelemn ar = area(it) / 3.0D+00 ! ! and for each quadrature point in the element, ! do iquad = 1, nquad ! ! Evaluate velocities at quadrature point ! call uval (g,indx,iquad,it,nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,para1,phi,un,unx,uny,yc) ! ! For each basis function, ! do iq = 1, nnodes ip = node(it,iq) bb = phi(it,iquad,iq,1) bx = phi(it,iquad,iq,2) by = phi(it,iquad,iq,3) bbl = psi(it,iquad,iq) ihor = indx(ip,1) iver = indx(ip,2) iprs = insc(ip) if ( 0 < ihor ) then f(ihor) = f(ihor)+ar*bb*(un(1)*unx(1)+un(2)*uny(1)) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then f(iver) = f(iver)+ar*bb*(un(1)*unx(2)+un(2)*uny(2)) end if ! ! For another basis function, ! do iqq = 1, nnodes ipp = node(it,iqq) bbb = phi(it,iquad,iqq,1) bbx = phi(it,iquad,iqq,2) bby = phi(it,iquad,iqq,3) bbbl = psi(it,iquad,iqq) ju = indx(ipp,1) jv = indx(ipp,2) jp = insc(ipp) ! ! Horizontal velocity variable ! if ( 0 < ju ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then iuse = ihor-ju+ioff a(iuse,ju) = a(iuse,ju)+ar*(visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & + bb*(bbb*unx(1)+bbx*un(1)+bby*un(2))) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then iuse = iver-ju+ioff a(iuse,ju) = a(iuse,ju)+ar*bb*bbb*unx(2) end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then iuse = iprs-ju+ioff a(iuse,ju) = a(iuse,ju)+ar*bbx*bbl end if else if ( ju < 0 ) then uu = ubdry(yc(ipp),para2) if ( 0 < ihor ) then f(ihor) = f(ihor)-ar*uu*(visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & + bb*(bbb*unx(1)+bbx*un(1)+bby*un(2))) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then f(iver) = f(iver)-ar*uu*bb*bbb*unx(2) end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then f(iprs) = f(iprs)-ar*uu*bbx*bbl end if end if ! ! Vertical velocity variable ! if ( 0 < jv ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then iuse = ihor-jv+ioff a(iuse,jv) = a(iuse,jv)+ar*bb*bbb*uny(1) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then iuse = iver-jv+ioff a(iuse,jv) = a(iuse,jv)+ar*(visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & +bb*(bbb*uny(2)+bby*un(2)+bbx*un(1))) end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then iuse = iprs-jv+ioff a(iuse,jv) = a(iuse,jv)+ar*bby*bbl end if end if ! ! Pressure variable ! if ( 0 < jp ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then iuse = ihor-jp+ioff a(iuse,jp) = a(iuse,jp)-ar*bx*bbbl end if if ( 0 < iver ) then iuse = iver-jp+ioff a(iuse,jp) = a(iuse,jp)-ar*by*bbbl end if end if end do end do end do end do ! ! To avoid singularity of the pressure system, the last pressure ! is simply assigned a value of 0. ! f(neqn) = 0.0D+00 do j = neqn-nlband, neqn-1 i = neqn-j+ioff a(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end do a(ioff,neqn) = 1.0D+00 ! ! Factor the matrix ! call dgbfa ( a, maxrow, neqn, nlband, nlband, ipivot, info ) if ( info /= 0 ) then write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'LINSYS - fatal error!' write (*,*) 'DGBFA returns INFO = ',info stop end if ! ! Solve the linear system ! job = 0 call dgbsl ( a, maxrow, neqn, nlband, nlband, ipivot, f, job ) return end subroutine nstoke (a,area,f,g,indx,insc,ipivot,iwrite,maxnew,maxrow, & nelemn,neqn,nlband,nnodes,node,np,nquad,nrow,numnew,para,phi,psi, & reynld,tolnew,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! NSTOKE solves the Navier Stokes equation using Taylor-Hood elements. ! ! The G array contains the previous iterate. ! ! The F array contains the right hand side initially and then the ! current iterate. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer maxrow integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad integer nrow real ( kind = 8 ) a(maxrow,neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) area(nelemn) double precision diff real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer idamax integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer ipivot(neqn) integer iter integer iwrite integer maxnew integer nlband integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer numnew real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) psi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) tolnew real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) do iter = 1, maxnew numnew = numnew + 1 call linsys (a,area,f,g,indx,insc,ipivot, & maxrow,nelemn,neqn,nlband,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,nrow,para,para,phi,psi,reynld,yc) ! ! Check for convergence ! g(1:neqn) = g(1:neqn) - f(1:neqn) diff = abs ( g(idamax(neqn,g,1)) ) if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)'NSTOKE iteration ',iter,' Mnorm = ',diff end if g(1:neqn) = f(1:neqn) if ( diff <= tolnew ) then write (*,*) 'Navier Stokes iteration converged in ', & iter,' iterations.' return end if end do write (*,*) 'Navier Stokes solution did not converge!' return end subroutine pval (g,insc,long,mx,my,nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node,np,press) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! PVAL computes a table of pressures. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer insc(np) integer ip integer iq integer it integer ivar integer j logical long integer mx integer my integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) press(mx,my) press(1:mx,1:my) = 0.0D+00 ! ! Read the pressures where they are computed. ! These are "(odd, odd)" points. ! do it = 1, nelemn do iq = 1, 3 ip = node(it,iq) ivar = insc(ip) if ( long ) then i = ((ip-1)/my)+1 j = mod(ip-1,my)+1 else i = mod(ip-1,mx)+1 j = ((ip-1)/mx)+1 end if if ( 0 < ivar ) then press(i,j) = g(ivar) else press(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end if end do end do ! ! Interpolate the pressures at points (even, odd) and (odd, even). ! do i = 2,mx-1,2 do j = 1,my,2 press(i,j) = 0.5D+00*(press(i-1,j)+press(i+1,j)) end do end do do j = 2,my-1,2 do i = 1,mx,2 press(i,j) = 0.5D+00*(press(i,j-1)+press(i,j+1)) end do end do ! ! Interpolate the pressures at points (even,even). ! do j = 2,my-1,2 do i = 2,mx-1,2 press(i,j) = 0.5D+00*(press(i-1,j-1)+press(i+1,j+1)) end do end do return end subroutine qbf (x,y,it,in,bb,bx,by,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,xc,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! QBF evaluates a quadratic basis function in a triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by real ( kind = 8 ) c real ( kind = 8 ) d integer i1 integer i2 integer i3 integer in integer in1 integer in2 integer in3 integer inn integer it integer j1 integer j2 integer j3 integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) s real ( kind = 8 ) t real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) if (in <= 3) then in1 = in in2 = mod(in,3)+1 in3 = mod(in+1,3)+1 i1 = node(it,in1) i2 = node(it,in2) i3 = node(it,in3) d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) t = 1.0+((yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(x-xc(i1))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(y-yc(i1)))/d bb = t*(2.0D+00*t-1.0D+00) bx = (yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d by = (xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(4.0D+00*t-1.0D+00)/d else inn = in-3 in1 = inn in2 = mod(inn,3)+1 in3 = mod(inn+1,3)+1 i1 = node(it,in1) i2 = node(it,in2) i3 = node(it,in3) j1 = i2 j2 = i3 j3 = i1 d = (xc(i2)-xc(i1))*(yc(i3)-yc(i1))-(xc(i3)-xc(i1))*(yc(i2)-yc(i1)) c = (xc(j2)-xc(j1))*(yc(j3)-yc(j1))-(xc(j3)-xc(j1))*(yc(j2)-yc(j1)) t = 1.0D+00+((yc(i2)-yc(i3))*(x-xc(i1))+(xc(i3)-xc(i2))*(y-yc(i1)))/d s = 1.0D+00+((yc(j2)-yc(j3))*(x-xc(j1))+(xc(j3)-xc(j2))*(y-yc(j1)))/c bb = 4.0D+00*s*t bx = 4.0D+00*(t*(yc(j2)-yc(j3))/c+s*(yc(i2)-yc(i3))/d) by = 4.0D+00*(t*(xc(j3)-xc(j2))/c+s*(xc(i3)-xc(i2))/d) end if return end subroutine resid (area,g,indx,insc,iwrite,nelemn,neqn,nnodes, & node,np,nquad,para,phi,psi,res,reynld,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RESID computes the residual. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The G array contains the current iterate. ! ! The RES array will contain the value of the residual. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad real ( kind = 8 ) aijpu real ( kind = 8 ) aijpv real ( kind = 8 ) aijup real ( kind = 8 ) aijuu real ( kind = 8 ) aijuv real ( kind = 8 ) aijvp real ( kind = 8 ) aijvu real ( kind = 8 ) aijvv real ( kind = 8 ) ar real ( kind = 8 ) area(nelemn) real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bbb real ( kind = 8 ) bbbl real ( kind = 8 ) bbl real ( kind = 8 ) bbx real ( kind = 8 ) bby real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer i integer ibad integer ihor integer imax integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer ip integer ipp integer iprs integer iq integer iqq integer iquad integer it integer iver integer iwrite integer j integer jp integer ju integer jv integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) psi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) res(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) rmax real ( kind = 8 ) test real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) un(2) real ( kind = 8 ) unx(2) real ( kind = 8 ) uny(2) real ( kind = 8 ) uu real ( kind = 8 ) visc real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) visc = 1.0D+00 / reynld res(1:neqn) = 0.0D+00 ! ! For each element, ! do 90 it = 1, nelemn ar = area(it) / 3.0D+00 ! ! and for each quadrature point in the element, ! do 80 iquad = 1, nquad ! ! Evaluate velocities at quadrature point ! call uval (g,indx,iquad,it,nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node, & np,nquad,para,phi,un,unx,uny,yc) ! ! For each basis function, ! do 70 iq = 1, nnodes ip = node(it,iq) bb = phi(it,iquad,iq,1) bx = phi(it,iquad,iq,2) by = phi(it,iquad,iq,3) bbl = psi(it,iquad,iq) iprs = insc(ip) ihor = indx(ip,1) iver = indx(ip,2) if ( 0 < ihor ) then res(ihor) = res(ihor)+(un(1)*unx(1)+un(2)*uny(1))*bb*ar end if if ( 0 < iver ) then res(iver) = res(iver)+(un(1)*unx(2)+un(2)*uny(2))*bb*ar end if ! ! For another basis function, ! do iqq = 1, nnodes ipp = node(it,iqq) bbb = phi(it,iquad,iqq,1) bbx = phi(it,iquad,iqq,2) bby = phi(it,iquad,iqq,3) bbbl = psi(it,iquad,iqq) ju = indx(ipp,1) jv = indx(ipp,2) jp = insc(ipp) if ( 0 < ju ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then aijuu = visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & + bb*(bbb*unx(1)+bbx*un(1)+bby*un(2)) res(ihor) = res(ihor)+aijuu*ar*g(ju) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then aijvu = bb*bbb*unx(2) res(iver) = res(iver)+aijvu*ar*g(ju) end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then aijpu = bbx*bbl res(iprs) = res(iprs)+aijpu*ar*g(ju) end if else if ( ju < 0 ) then uu = ubdry(yc(ipp),para) if ( 0 < ihor ) then aijuu = visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & + bb*(bbb*unx(1)+bbx*un(1)+bby*un(2)) res(ihor) = res(ihor)+ar*aijuu*uu end if if ( 0 < iver ) then aijvu = bb*bbb*unx(2) res(iver) = res(iver)+ar*aijvu*uu end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then aijpu = bbx*bbl res(iprs) = res(iprs)+ar*aijpu*uu end if end if if ( 0 < jv ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then aijuv = bb*bbb*uny(1) res(ihor) = res(ihor)+aijuv*ar*g(jv) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then aijvv = visc*(by*bby+bx*bbx) & +bb*(bbb*uny(2)+bby*un(2)+bbx*un(1)) res(iver) = res(iver)+aijvv*ar*g(jv) end if if ( 0 < iprs ) then aijpv = bby*bbl res(iprs) = res(iprs)+aijpv*ar*g(jv) end if end if if ( 0 < jp ) then if ( 0 < ihor ) then aijup = -bx*bbbl res(ihor) = res(ihor)+aijup*ar*g(jp) end if if ( 0 < iver ) then aijvp = -by*bbbl res(iver) = res(iver)+aijvp*ar*g(jp) end if end if end do 70 continue 80 continue 90 continue res(neqn) = g(neqn) rmax = 0.0D+00 imax = 0 ibad = 0 do i = 1,neqn test = abs(res(i)) if ( rmax < test ) then rmax = test imax = i end if if ( 1.0D-03 < test ) then ibad = ibad+1 end if end do if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'RESIDUAL INFORMATION:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Worst residual is number ',IMAX write(*,*)'of magnitude ',RMAX write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'Number of "bad" residuals is ',IBAD,' out of ',NEQN write(*,*)' ' end if if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)'Raw residuals:' write(*,*)' ' i = 0 do j = 1,np if ( 0 < indx(j,1) ) then i = i+1 if ( abs(res(i)) <= 1.0D-03 ) then write(*,'(1x,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'U',i,j,res(i) else write(*,'(a1,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'*','U',i,j,res(i) end if end if if ( 0 < indx(j,2) ) then i = i+1 if ( abs(res(i)) <= 1.0D-03 ) then write(*,'(1x,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'V',i,j,res(i) else write(*,'(a1,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'*','V',i,j,res(i) end if end if if ( 0 < insc(j) ) then i = i+1 if ( abs(res(i)) <= 1.0D-03 ) then write(*,'(1x,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'P',i,j,res(i) else write(*,'(a1,a1,2i5,g14.6)')'*','P',i,j,res(i) end if end if end do end if return end subroutine setban(indx,insc,maxrow,nband,nelemn,nlband,nnodes, & node,np,nrow) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETBAN computes the half band width. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np integer i integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer ip integer ipp integer iq integer iqq integer it integer iuk integer iukk integer j integer maxrow integer nband integer nlband integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer nrow nlband = 0 do it = 1, nelemn do iq = 1, nnodes ip = node(it,iq) do iuk = 1, 3 if (iuk == 3) then i = insc(ip) else i = indx(ip,iuk) end if if ( 0 < i ) then do iqq = 1, nnodes ipp = node(it,iqq) do iukk = 1, 3 if (iukk == 3) then j = insc(ipp) else j = indx(ipp,iukk) end if nlband = max(nlband,j-i) end do end do end if end do end do end do nband = nlband+nlband+1 nrow = nlband+nlband+nlband+1 write (*,*) 'Lower bandwidth = ',nlband write (*,*) 'Total bandwidth = ',nband write (*,*) 'NROW = ',nrow if ( maxrow < nrow ) then write(*,*)'SETBAN - NROW is too large!' write(*,*)'The maximum allowed is ',maxrow stop end if return end subroutine setbas(nelemn,nnodes,node,np,nquad,phi,psi,xc,xm,yc,ym) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETBAS computes the basis functions at each integration point. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bsp real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by integer iq integer it integer j integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) psi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) x real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xm(nelemn,nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) y real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ym(nelemn,nquad) do it = 1,nelemn do j = 1,nquad x = xm(it,j) y = ym(it,j) do iq = 1,6 psi(it,j,iq) = bsp(x,y,it,iq,1,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,xc,yc) call qbf(x,y,it,iq,bb,bx,by,nelemn,nnodes,node,np,xc,yc) phi(it,j,iq,1) = bb phi(it,j,iq,2) = bx phi(it,j,iq,3) = by end do end do end do return end subroutine setgrd (indx,insc,isotri,iwrite,long,maxeqn,mx,my, & nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node,np,nx,ny) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETGRD sets up the grid for the problem.. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer my integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np integer i integer ic integer icnt integer ielemn integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer ip integer ip1 integer ip2 integer isotri(nelemn) integer it integer iwrite integer jc integer jcnt logical long integer maxeqn integer mx integer neqn integer node(nelemn,nnodes) integer nx integer ny ! ! Determine whether region is long or skinny. This will determine ! how we number the nodes and elements. ! if ( ny < nx ) then long = .true. write(*,*)'Using vertical ordering.' else long = .false. write(*,*)'Using horizontal ordering.' end if ! ! Set parameters for Taylor Hood element ! write (*,*) ' ' write (*,*) 'SETGRD: Taylor Hood element' ! ! Construct grid coordinates, elements, and ordering of unknowns ! neqn = 0 ielemn = 0 do ip = 1,np if ( long ) then ic = ((ip-1)/my)+1 jc = mod((ip-1),my)+1 else ic = mod((ip-1),mx)+1 jc = ((ip-1)/mx)+1 end if icnt = mod(ic,2) jcnt = mod(jc,2) ! ! If both the row count and the column count are odd, ! and we're not in the last row or top column, ! then we can define two new triangular elements based at the node. ! ! For horizontal ordering, ! given the following arrangement of nodes, for instance: ! ! 21 22 23 24 25 ! 16 17 18 19 20 ! 11 12 13 14 15 ! 06 07 08 09 10 ! 01 02 03 04 05 ! ! when we arrive at node 13, we will define ! ! element 7: (13, 23, 25, 18, 24, 19) ! element 8: (13, 25, 15, 19, 20, 14) ! ! ! For vertical ordering, ! given the following arrangement of nodes, for instance: ! ! 05 10 15 20 25 ! 04 09 14 19 24 ! 03 08 13 18 23 ! 02 07 12 17 22 ! 01 06 11 16 21 ! ! when we arrive at node 13, we will define ! ! element 7: (13, 25, 23, 19, 24, 18) ! element 8: (13, 15, 25, 14, 20, 19) ! if ( (icnt == 1.and.jcnt.eq.1).and. & (ic /= mx).and.(jc /= my) ) then if ( long ) then ip1 = ip+my ip2 = ip+my+my ielemn = ielemn+1 node(ielemn,1) = ip node(ielemn,2) = ip2+2 node(ielemn,3) = ip2 node(ielemn,4) = ip1+1 node(ielemn,5) = ip2+1 node(ielemn,6) = ip1 isotri(ielemn) = 0 ielemn = ielemn+1 node(ielemn,1) = ip node(ielemn,2) = ip+2 node(ielemn,3) = ip2+2 node(ielemn,4) = ip+1 node(ielemn,5) = ip1+2 node(ielemn,6) = ip1+1 isotri(ielemn) = 0 else ip1 = ip+mx ip2 = ip+mx+mx ielemn = ielemn+1 node(ielemn,1) = ip node(ielemn,2) = ip2 node(ielemn,3) = ip2+2 node(ielemn,4) = ip1 node(ielemn,5) = ip2+1 node(ielemn,6) = ip1+1 isotri(ielemn) = 0 ielemn = ielemn+1 node(ielemn,1) = ip node(ielemn,2) = ip2+2 node(ielemn,3) = ip+2 node(ielemn,4) = ip1+1 node(ielemn,5) = ip1+2 node(ielemn,6) = ip+1 isotri(ielemn) = 0 end if end if ! ! Consider whether velocity unknowns should be associated with this node. ! ! If we are in column 1, horizontal velocities are specified, and ! vertical velocities are zero. ! if ( ic == 1.and.1 < jc.and.jc < my ) then indx(ip,1) = -1 indx(ip,2) = 0 ! ! If we are in column MX, horizontal velocities are unknown, and ! vertical velocities are zero. ! else if ( ic == mx.and.1 < jc.and.jc < my ) then neqn = neqn+1 indx(ip,1) = neqn indx(ip,2) = 0 ! ! Otherwise, if we are in row 1 or row MY, both horizontal and ! vertical velocities are zero. ! else if ( jc == 1.or.jc == my ) then indx(ip,1) = 0 indx(ip,2) = 0 ! ! Otherwise, we are at an interior node ! else neqn = neqn+2 indx(ip,1) = neqn-1 indx(ip,2) = neqn end if ! ! Consider whether a pressure unknown should be associated with this node. ! The answer is yes if both nodes are odd. ! if (jcnt == 1.and.icnt == 1) then neqn = neqn+1 insc(ip) = neqn else insc(ip) = 0 end if end do ! ! If debugging is requested, print out data. ! if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' I INDX 1 & 2, INSC' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,np write (*,'(2xi6,2x,i6,2x,i6,2x,i6)') i,indx(i,1:2),insc(i) end do write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' IT NODE(IT,1:6)' write(*,*)' ' do it = 1,nelemn write (*,'(7i6)') it, node(it,1:6) end do end if write (*,*) 'Number of unknowns = ',neqn if ( maxeqn < neqn ) then write(*,*)'SETGRD - Too many unknowns!' write(*,*)'The maximum allowed is MAXEQN = ',maxeqn write(*,*)'This problem requires NEQN = ',neqn stop end if return end subroutine setlin(iline,indx,iwrite,long,mx,my,nodex0,np, & nx,ny,xlngth) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETLIN gets the unknown indices along the profile line. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer my integer np integer i integer iline(my) integer indx(np,2) integer ip integer itemp integer iwrite logical long integer mx integer nodex0 integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) xlngth ! ! Determine the number of a node on the profile line ! itemp = nint((2.0D+00*(nx-1)*9.0D+00)/xlngth) if ( long ) then nodex0 = itemp*(2*ny-1)+1 else nodex0 = itemp+1 end if do i = 1, my if ( long ) then ip = nodex0+(i-1) else ip = nodex0+mx*(i-1) end if iline(i) = indx(ip,1) end do if ( 1 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)' ' write (*,*) 'SETLIN: unknown numbers along line:' write(*,*)' ' write (*,'(1X,15I5)') (iline(i),i = 1,my) write(*,*)' ' end if return end subroutine setqud ( area, nelemn, nnodes, node, np, nquad, xc, xm, yc, ym ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETQUD sets midpoint quadrature rule information. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad real ( kind = 8 ) area(nelemn) integer ip1 integer ip2 integer ip3 integer it integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) x1 real ( kind = 8 ) x2 real ( kind = 8 ) x3 real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xm(nelemn,nquad) real ( kind = 8 ) y1 real ( kind = 8 ) y2 real ( kind = 8 ) y3 real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ym(nelemn,nquad) do it = 1, nelemn ip1 = node(it,1) ip2 = node(it,2) ip3 = node(it,3) x1 = xc(ip1) x2 = xc(ip2) x3 = xc(ip3) y1 = yc(ip1) y2 = yc(ip2) y3 = yc(ip3) xm(it,1) = 0.5D+00*(x1+x2) xm(it,2) = 0.5D+00*(x2+x3) xm(it,3) = 0.5D+00*(x3+x1) ym(it,1) = 0.5D+00*(y1+y2) ym(it,2) = 0.5D+00*(y2+y3) ym(it,3) = 0.5D+00*(y3+y1) area(it) = 0.5D+00*abs((y1+y2)*(x2-x1)+(y2+y3)*(x3-x2) & +(y3+y1)*(x1-x3)) end do return end subroutine setxy(iwrite,long,mx,my,np,nx,ny,xc,xlngth,yc,ylngth) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SETXY sets the X, Y coordinates of grid points. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer np integer i integer ic integer ip integer iwrite integer jc logical long integer mx integer my integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) xlngth real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) ylngth ! ! Construct grid coordinates ! do ip = 1,np if ( long ) then ic = ((ip-1)/my)+1 jc = mod((ip-1),my)+1 else ic = mod((ip-1),mx)+1 jc = ((ip-1)/mx)+1 end if xc(ip) = (ic-1)*xlngth/(2*nx-2) yc(ip) = (jc-1)*ylngth/(2*ny-2) end do if ( 2 <= iwrite ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' I XC YC' write(*,*)' ' do i = 1,np write (*,'(i5,2f12.5)')i,xc(i),yc(i) end do end if return end subroutine timestamp ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer d integer h integer m integer mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer n integer s integer values(8) integer y call date_and_time ( values = values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end function ubdry ( y, para ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UBDRY sets the parabolic inflow in terms of the value of the parameter. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) y ubdry = 4.0D+00 * para * y * ( 3.0D+00 - y ) / 9.0D+00 return end subroutine uval ( g, indx, iquad, it, nelemn, neqn, nnodes, node, np, nquad, & para, phi, un, unx, uny, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UVAL evaluates the velocities at a given point in a particular triangle. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np integer nquad real ( kind = 8 ) bb real ( kind = 8 ) bx real ( kind = 8 ) by real ( kind = 8 ) g(neqn) integer indx(np,2) integer ip integer iq integer iquad integer it integer iuk integer iun integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) phi(nelemn,nquad,nnodes,3) real ( kind = 8 ) ubc real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) un(2) real ( kind = 8 ) unx(2) real ( kind = 8 ) uny(2) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) un(1:2) = 0.0D+00 uny(1:2) = 0.0D+00 unx(1:2) = 0.0D+00 do iq = 1, nnodes ip = node(it,iq) bb = phi(it,iquad,iq,1) bx = phi(it,iquad,iq,2) by = phi(it,iquad,iq,3) do iuk = 1, 2 iun = indx(ip,iuk) if ( 0 < iun ) then un(iuk) = un(iuk) + bb * g(iun) unx(iuk) = unx(iuk) + bx * g(iun) uny(iuk) = uny(iuk) + by * g(iun) else if ( iun < 0 ) then ip = node(it,iq) ubc = ubdry(yc(ip),para) un(iuk) = un(iuk) + bb * ubc unx(iuk) = unx(iuk) + bx * ubc uny(iuk) = uny(iuk) + by * ubc end if end do end do return end subroutine uv_plot3d (f,indx,insc,ivunit,long,mx,my, & nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node,np,para,press,reynld,yc) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UV_PLOT3D creates a velocity file for use by PLOT3D. ! ! Given the following set of nodes: ! ! A B C ! D E F ! G H I ! ! the file will have the form: ! ! D, U(G), V(G), P ! D, U(H), V(H), P ! D, U(I), V(I), P ! D, U(D), V(D), P ! D, U(E), V(E), P ! D, U(F), V(F), P ! D, U(A), V(A), P ! D, U(B), V(B), P ! D, U(C), V(C), P ! ! Here both D and P are set to 1 for now, representing dummy values ! of density and pressure. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = 8 ) PARA, the value of the parameter. ! ! Workspace, real ( kind = 8 ) PRESS(MX,MY), used to hold the ! computed pressures. ! implicit none integer nelemn integer neqn integer nnodes integer np real ( kind = 8 ) alpha real ( kind = 8 ) dval real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) real ( kind = 8 ) fsmach integer i integer ii integer indx(np,2) integer insc(np) integer ip integer, save :: iset = 0 integer ivunit integer j integer k logical long integer mx integer my integer node(nelemn,nnodes) real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) press(mx,my) real ( kind = 8 ) reynld real ( kind = 8 ) time real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) vval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) iset = iset+1 dval = 1.0D+00 fsmach = 1.0D+00 alpha = 1.0D+00 time = 1.0D+00 call pval (f,insc,long,mx,my,nelemn,neqn,nnodes,node,np,press) ! ! If NY < NX, then nodes with a constant Y value are numbered consecutively. ! if ( long ) then write(ivunit,'(2I5)')mx,my write(ivunit,'(4G15.5)')fsmach,alpha,reynld,time do ii = 1,4 do j = 1,my do i = 1,mx ip = (i-1)*my+j if ( ii == 1 ) then write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')dval else if ( ii == 2 ) then k = indx(ip,1) if (k == 0) then uval = 0.0 else if (k < 0) then uval = ubdry(yc(ip),para) else uval = f(k) end if write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')uval else if ( ii == 3 ) then k = indx(ip,2) if (k == 0) then vval = 0.0D+00 else vval = f(k) end if write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')vval else write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')press(i,j) end if end do end do end do ! ! If NX < NY, then nodes with a constant X value are numbered consecutively. ! else write(ivunit,'(2I5)')mx,my write(ivunit,'(4G15.5)')fsmach,alpha,reynld,time do ii = 1,4 do i = 1,mx do j = 1,my if ( ii == 1 ) then write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')dval else if ( ii == 2 ) then ip = (i-1)*my+j k = indx(ip,1) if (k == 0) then uval = 0.0D+00 else if (k < 0) then uval = ubdry(yc(i),para) else uval = f(k) end if write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')uval else if ( ii == 3 ) then k = indx(ip,2) if (k == 0) then vval = 0.0D+00 else vval = f(k) end if write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')vval else write(ivunit,'(G15.5)')press(i,j) end if end do end do end do end if write (*,*) 'UV_PLOT3D wrote data set ',iset,' to file.' return end subroutine uv_table ( f, indx, ivunit, neqn, np, para, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! UV_TABLE creates a velocity table file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 February 2006 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer neqn integer np real ( kind = 8 ) f(neqn) integer indx(np,2) integer ip integer ivunit integer k real ( kind = 8 ) para real ( kind = 8 ) ubdry real ( kind = 8 ) uval real ( kind = 8 ) vval real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) do ip = 1, np k = indx(ip,1) if ( k == 0 ) then uval = 0.0D+00 else if ( k < 0 ) then uval = ubdry ( yc(ip), para ) else uval = f(k) end if k = indx(ip,2) if ( k == 0 ) then vval = 0.0D+00 else vval = f(k) end if write ( ivunit, '(2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) uval, vval end do return end subroutine xy_plot3d ( ixunit, long, np, nx, ny, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XY_PLOT3D creates a grid file for use by PLOT3D. ! ! Given the following set of nodes: ! ! A B C ! D E F ! G H I ! ! the file will have the form: ! ! X(G), X(H), X(I), X(D), X(E), X(F), X(A), X(B), X(C), ! Y(G), Y(H), Y(I), Y(D), Y(E), Y(F), Y(A), Y(B), Y(C). ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 20 January 2007 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer np integer i integer ip integer, save :: iset = 0 integer ixunit integer j logical long integer mx integer my integer nx integer ny real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) iset = iset+1 mx = 2*nx-1 my = 2*ny-1 ! ! If NY < NX, then nodes with a constant Y value are numbered consecutively. ! if ( long ) then write(ixunit,'(2I15)')mx,my do i = 1,my do j = 1,mx ip = (j-1)*my+i write(ixunit,'(G15.5)')xc(ip) end do end do do i = 1,my do j = 1,mx ip = (j-1)*my+i write(ixunit,'(G15.5)')yc(ip) end do end do ! ! If NX < NY, then nodes with a constant X value are numbered consecutively. ! else write(ixunit,'(2I15)')my,mx do j = 1,mx do i = 1,my ip = (j-1)*my+i write(ixunit,'(G15.5)')xc(ip) end do end do do j = 1,mx do i = 1,my ip = (j-1)*my+i write(ixunit,'(G15.5)')yc(ip) end do end do end if write (*,*) 'XYDUMP wrote data set ',iset,' to file.' return end subroutine xy_table ( ixunit, np, xc, yc ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! XY_TABLE creates an XY table file. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 28 February 2006 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! implicit none integer np integer ip integer ixunit real ( kind = 8 ) xc(np) real ( kind = 8 ) yc(np) do ip = 1, np write ( ixunit, '(2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) xc(ip), yc(ip) end do return end