Sample Data for Graphics Demonstrations
FORTRAN77 programs which
illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed graphically.
These programs rely on the DISLIN package to set up the graphics output.
Some common plot types include:
animation, a sequential display of images which are meant
to suggest motion or evolution.
bar, a display of values y(1:n) in which every value
y(i) is represented by a bar of that height.
bar3d, a display of values z(1:m,1:n) over a 2D grid,
in which every value z(i,j) is represented by a bar of that height.
barh, a display of values x(1:n) in which every value
x(i) is represented by a horizontal bar of that length.
The horizontal format can be more suitable for labeling bars
when there are many of them.
binary_tree, a connected directed graph with no circuits,
in which each node has no more than 2 descendants.
contour fill, a display of values z(x,y) in which the values of
z are suggested by regions filled with color.
contour line, a display of values z(x,y) in which the values of
z are suggested by colored contour lines.
decision_tree, a connected directed graph with no circuits,
in which labeled nodes represent current states to be tested, and edges
represent the choice or decision to move from one state to another.
dendrogram, a connected directed graph with no circuits,
which generally has a single root node, and illustrates the
genealogy or relatedness of a set of objects.
digraph, a "directed graph", nodes (possibly with defined
locations, labels or colors), connected by directed edges
(possibly with defined weights, labels, colors or linestyles).
fill, a shape composed of polygons, each of which is
filled with a particular color.
graph, nodes (possibly with defined locations, labels or
colors), connected by undirected edges (possibly with defined weights,
labels, colors or linestyles).
histogram, a display of values x in which the x range
is divided into intervals, and the value y(i) represents the
number of x values in the i-th interval, and a bar plot of
intervals versus count is displayed.
plot, a display of a single curve defined by a sequence of
functional pairs (x,y(x)), or a function y=f(x) sampled over an
interval, or a sequence of related pairs (x,y).
plot3d, a 3D display of a single curve defined by a sequence of
triples (x(i),y(i),z(i)), or a parametric function (x(t),y(t),z(t))
sampled over an interval.
plots, several curves on a single display.
scatter, a display of unconnected pairs (x,y), whose
positions are indicated by markers.
scatter3d, a 3D display of unconnected triples (x,y,z), whose
positions are indicated by markers.
scatters, a scatter plot involving several distinct sets of
(x,y) pairs are displayed, distinguished by markers of different
size, shape or color.
subplots, a display involving two or more separate plots,
shown as a single figure.
surface, a 3D display of values z(x,y), represented
as a surface.
vector, a 2D display of vectors (u,v)(x,y), representing
a gradient field, an ODE direction field, or a flow of some kind.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
graphics_test programs are available in
a C version and
a C++ version and
a FORTRAN77 version and
a FORTRAN90 version and
a MATLAB version and
a Python version.
Related Data and Programs:
FORTRAN77 programs which
illustrate the use of DISLIN, a scientific graphics package, by Helmut Michels.
examples which
illustrate how various kinds of data can be processed and modified using
the ImageMagick program convert() and its related tools.
examples which
illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed
graphically using the interactive executable graphics program gnuplot().
examples which
illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed
graphically using the interactive executable graphics program grace().
examples which
illustrate how various kinds of data can be displayed and analyzed
graphically, using version 1 of the plotly() program from a browser.
Andrew Frank, Arthur Asuncion,
UCI Machine Learning Repository,,
School of Information and Computer Science,
University of California, Irvine, California.
Philipp Janert,
Gnuplot in Action: Understanding Data with Graphs,
Manning, 2010,
ISBN13: 978-1-933988-39-8,
LC: QA276.4.J37.
Wendy Martinez, Angel Martinez,
Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB,
Chapman and Hall / CRC, 2002,
ISBN: 1-58488-229-8,
LC: QA276.4.M272.
Helmut Michels,
The Data Plotting Software DISLIN - version 10.4,
Shaker Media GmbH, January 2010,
ISBN13: 978-3-86858-517-9.
Examples and Tests:
CIRCLE_INOUT depicts 500 pairs of (X,Y) data points in the unit square,
395 of which lie inside the unit circle, and 105 outside. If possible,
the "inside" points should be blue, the "outside" points red, and the
circle itself should also be drawn.
GEYSER contains the waiting time in minutes between
successive eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser. 299 values are
recorded. The data ranges from 43 to 108. It should be displayed in 14 bins
of width 5 from 40 to 110. The data comes from Martinez and Martinez.
LISSAJOUS records 1000 points on a Lissajous curve defined by
x=sin(3*t+pi/2), y=sin(4t). The curve is to be plotted and every tenth point marked.
LYNX records the yearly lynx harvest from 1821 to 1934.
The graph should plot the data points as circles, and connect consecutive
data points with straight line segments to suggest a curve.
ORBITAL records, on a 101x101 grid over [0,4*pi]x[0,4*pi], the minimum
distance between two planets given a pair of orbital angles. A contour
plot of this data is to be presented.
SCATTER_PLOT generates 500 pairs of (X,Y) data, which lie in the unit square,
and tend to cluster around (0.5,0.5).
SURFACE_GRID records, on a 41x41 grid over [-2,2]x[-2,+2], the values
z = exp(-(x^2+y^2)) * cos(0.25*x) * sin(y) * cos(2*(x^2+y^2)).
The data is to be plotted as a surface.
Last modified on 20 May 2011.