15 July 2024 09:26:59 PM midpoint_adaptive_test(): C++ version midpoint_adaptive() solves ODE's using an adaptive version of the midpoint method. lotka_test(): A pair of ordinary differential equations for a population of predators and prey are solved using midpoint(). Steady state at r = 5000, f = 2000. Graphics data stored in 'lotka_phase_data.txt'. Plot commands stored in 'lotka_phase_commands.txt' Solution data stored in 'lotka_solution_data.txt'. Solution plot commands stored in 'lotka_solution_commands.txt'. Time step data stored in 'lotka_timestamp_data.txt'. Timestep plot commands stored in 'lotka_timestep_commands.txt'. mad_stats(): Number of timesteps n = 401 Number of rejected steps 0 Number of fsolve failures 0 First time interval: [0,0.025] Final time interval: [4.4848,4.49701] Minimum timestep is 0.0063645 Maximum timestep is 0.0481506 midpoint_adaptive_test(): Normal end of execution. 15 July 2024 09:26:59 PM