20 January 2020 01:01:48 PM LEBESGUE_TEST C version Test the LEBESGUE library. LEBESGUE_TEST01: Analyze Chebyshev1 points. Chebyshev1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 1.41421 2: 1.66667 3: 1.84776 4: 1.98885 5: 2.1044 6: 2.20221 7: 2.28702 8: 2.36186 9: 2.42883 10: 2.48943 Chebyshev1 points for N = 11 0: 0.989821 1: 0.909632 2: 0.75575 3: 0.540641 4: 0.281733 5: 2.83277e-16 6: -0.281733 7: -0.540641 8: -0.75575 9: -0.909632 10: -0.989821 Created graphics data file 'chebyshev1_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'chebyshev1_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST02: Analyze Chebyshev2 points. Chebyshev2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 1 2: 1.25 3: 1.66667 4: 1.79876 5: 1.98885 6: 2.08255 7: 2.20221 8: 2.27461 9: 2.36186 10: 2.42097 Chebyshev2 points for N = 11 0: -1 1: -0.951057 2: -0.809017 3: -0.587785 4: -0.309017 5: 6.12323e-17 6: 0.309017 7: 0.587785 8: 0.809017 9: 0.951057 10: 1 Created graphics data file 'chebyshev2_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'chebyshev2_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST03: Analyze Chebyshev3 points. Chebyshev3 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 2.23607 2: 3.49396 3: 4.75877 4: 6.02667 5: 7.29623 6: 8.56677 7: 9.83795 8: 11.1096 9: 12.3815 10: 13.6536 Chebyshev3 points for N = 11 0: -0.962917 1: -0.854419 2: -0.682553 3: -0.460065 4: -0.203456 5: 0.0682424 6: 0.33488 7: 0.57668 8: 0.775711 9: 0.917211 10: 0.990686 Created graphics data file 'chebyshev3_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'chebyshev3_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST04: Analyze Chebyshev4 points. Chebyshev4 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 2.23607 2: 3.49396 3: 4.75877 4: 6.02667 5: 7.29623 6: 8.56677 7: 9.83795 8: 11.1096 9: 12.3815 10: 13.6536 Chebyshev4 points for N = 11 0: -0.990686 1: -0.917211 2: -0.775711 3: -0.57668 4: -0.33488 5: -0.0682424 6: 0.203456 7: 0.460065 8: 0.682553 9: 0.854419 10: 0.962917 Created graphics data file 'chebyshev4_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'chebyshev4_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST05: Analyze Equidistant1 points. Equidistant1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 3 2: 7 3: 15 4: 31 5: 63 6: 127 7: 255 8: 511 9: 1023 10: 2047 Equidistant1 points for N = 11 0: -0.833333 1: -0.666667 2: -0.5 3: -0.333333 4: -0.166667 5: 0 6: 0.166667 7: 0.333333 8: 0.5 9: 0.666667 10: 0.833333 Created graphics data file 'equidistant1_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'equidistant1_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST06: Analyze Equidistant2 points. Equidistant2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 1 2: 1.25 3: 1.63112 4: 2.20782 5: 3.10628 6: 4.54872 7: 6.92945 8: 10.9444 9: 17.8449 10: 29.8907 Equidistant2 points for N = 11 0: -1 1: -0.8 2: -0.6 3: -0.4 4: -0.2 5: 0 6: 0.2 7: 0.4 8: 0.6 9: 0.8 10: 1 Created graphics data file 'equidistant2_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'equidistant2_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST07: Analyze Equidistant3 points. Equidistant3 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 2 2: 3.5 3: 6 4: 10.375 5: 18.25 6: 32.6875 7: 59.5 8: 109.773 9: 204.734 10: 385.16 Equidistant3 points for N = 11 0: -0.909091 1: -0.727273 2: -0.545455 3: -0.363636 4: -0.181818 5: 0 6: 0.181818 7: 0.363636 8: 0.545455 9: 0.727273 10: 0.909091 Created graphics data file 'equidistant3_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'equidistant3_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST08: Analyze Fejer1 points. Fejer1 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 1.41421 2: 1.66667 3: 1.84776 4: 1.98885 5: 2.1044 6: 2.20221 7: 2.28702 8: 2.36186 9: 2.42883 10: 2.48943 Fejer1 points for N = 11 0: -0.989821 1: -0.909632 2: -0.75575 3: -0.540641 4: -0.281733 5: 2.83277e-16 6: 0.281733 7: 0.540641 8: 0.75575 9: 0.909632 10: 0.989821 Created graphics data file 'fejer1_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'fejer1_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST09: Analyze Fejer2 points. Fejer2 Lebesgue constants for N = 1 to 11: 0: 1 1: 2 2: 3 3: 4 4: 5 5: 6 6: 7 7: 8 8: 9 9: 10 10: 11 Fejer2 points for N = 11 0: -0.965926 1: -0.866025 2: -0.707107 3: -0.5 4: -0.258819 5: 6.12323e-17 6: 0.258819 7: 0.5 8: 0.707107 9: 0.866025 10: 0.965926 Created graphics data file 'fejer2_data.txt' Created graphics command file 'fejer2_commands.txt' LEBESGUE_TEST Normal end of execution. 20 January 2020 01:01:48 PM