15-Jul-2024 21:35:02 midpoint_adaptive_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 6.4.0 Test midpoint_adaptive() on several ODE's. lotka_test(): midpoint_adaptive() solves lotka_ode(). A pair of ordinary differential equations for a population of predators and prey are solved using midpoint(). The exact solution shows periodic behavior, with a fixed period and amplitude. Steady state at r = 5000, f = 2000. mad_compute(): count = 1738 Graphics saved as "lotka_phase.png" Graphics saved as "lotka_solution.png" Graphics saved as "lotka_timestep.png" mad_stats(): Number of timesteps = 1739 Rejected time steps = 0 First time interval is [0,0.025] Final time interval is [19.9971,20.0097] Minimum timestep is 0.00631026 Maximum timestep is 0.0486252 midpoint_adaptive_test(): Normal end of execution. 15-Jul-2024 21:35:05