Home License -- for personal use only. Not for government, academic, research, commercial, or other organizational use. 17-Sep-2024 18:15:32 smolyak_display_test(): MATLAB/Octave version (R2021b) Update 7 Test smolyak_display(). SMOLYAK_DISPLAY MATLAB version Illustrate the "construction" of the exactness diagram of a Smolyak grid. FAMILY = cc GROWTH = e LEVEL = 3 Sparse grid exactness will be 7 Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_-0x2.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_-1x1.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_-2x0.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_+0x3.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_+1x2.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_+2x1.png" Graphics saved as "cc_e_3_+3x0.png" SMOLYAK_DISPLAY Normal end of execution. smolyak_display_test(): Normal end of execution. 17-Sep-2024 18:16:15