subroutine dpoly_val ( n, p, x, pval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! dpoly_val() evaluates a real polynomial. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomial. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) PCOF(0:N), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) X, the evaluation point. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk ) PVAL, the value of the polynomial at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n integer i real ( kind = rk ) p(0:n) real ( kind = rk ) pval real ( kind = rk ) x pval = p(0) do i = 1, n pval = pval + p(i) * x ** i end do return end subroutine dpoly_val_horner ( n, p, x, pval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DPOLY_VAL_HORNER evaluates a polynomial using Horner's method. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomial. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) PCOF(0:N), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) X, the evaluation point. ! ! Output, real ( kind = rk ) PVAL, the value of the polynomial at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n integer i real ( kind = rk ) p(0:n) real ( kind = rk ) pval real ( kind = rk ) x pval = p(n) do i = n - 1, 0, -1 pval = pval * x + p(i) end do return end subroutine dpoly2_roots ( p, r ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DPOLY2_ROOTS finds the roots of a quadratic polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The standard quadratic formula is used. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) PCOF(0:2), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Output, complex R(2), the roots of the polynomial. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: ck = kind ( ( 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 ) ) integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real ( kind = rk ) disc real ( kind = rk ) p(0:2) complex ( kind = ck ) r(2) if ( p(2) == 0.0D+00 ) then write ( *, * ) ' ' write ( *, * ) 'DPOLY2_ROOTS - Fatal error!' write ( *, * ) ' Quadratic coefficient is zero.' stop end if disc = p(1)**2 - 4.0D+00 * p(2) * p(0) if ( 0.0D+00 <= disc ) then r(1) = cmplx ( 0.5D+00 * ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) ) / p(2), 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) r(2) = cmplx ( 0.5D+00 * ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) ) / p(2), 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) else if ( disc < 0.0D+00 ) then r(1) = cmplx ( - 0.5D+00 * p(1) / p(2), 0.5D+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2), kind = ck ) r(2) = cmplx ( - 0.5D+00 * p(1) / p(2), - 0.5D+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2), kind = ck ) end if return end subroutine dpoly2_roots2 ( p, r, ierror ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! DPOLY2_ROOTS2 finds the roots of a quadratic polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An alternate form of the quadratic formula is used. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 December 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real ( kind = rk ) PCOF(0:2), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Output, double complex R(2), the roots of the polynomial. ! ! Output, integer IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error; ! 1, an error occurred. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: ck = kind ( ( 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 ) ) integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real ( kind = rk ) disc integer ierror real ( kind = rk ) p(0:2) complex ( kind = ck ) r(2) ierror = 0 if ( p(2) == 0.0D+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'DPOLY2_ROOTS2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Quadratic coefficient is zero.' stop end if disc = p(1)**2 - 4.0D+00 * p(2) * p(0) if ( 0.0D+00 <= disc ) then if ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) == 0.0D+00 ) then ierror = 1 r(1) = cmplx ( 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) else r(1) = cmplx ( 2.0D+00 * p(0) / ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) ), 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) end if if ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) == 0.0D+00 ) then ierror = 1 r(2) = cmplx ( 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) else r(2) = cmplx ( 2.0D+00 * p(0) / ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) ), 0.0D+00, kind = ck ) end if ! ! Need to revise this part of the calculation. ! else if ( disc < 0.0D+00 ) then r(1) = cmplx ( - 0.5D+00 * p(1) / p(2), + 0.5D+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2), kind = ck ) r(2) = cmplx ( - 0.5D+00 * p(1) / p(2), - 0.5D+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2), kind = ck ) end if return end function fmin ( ax, bx, f, tol ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! FMIN seeks a minimizer of a scalar function of a scalar variable. ! ! Discussion: ! ! FMIN seeks an approximation to the point where F attains a minimum on ! the interval (AX,BX). ! ! The method used is a combination of golden section search and ! successive parabolic interpolation. Convergence is never much ! slower than that for a Fibonacci search. If F has a continuous ! second derivative which is positive at the minimum (which is not ! at AX or BX), then convergence is superlinear, and usually of the ! order of about 1.324.... ! ! The function F is never evaluated at two points closer together ! than EPS * ABS ( FMIN ) + (TOL/3), where EPS is approximately the ! square root of the relative machine precision. If F is a unimodal ! function and the computed values of F are always unimodal when ! separated by at least EPS * ABS ( XSTAR ) + (TOL/3), then FMIN ! approximates the abcissa of the global minimum of F on the ! interval AX, BX with an error less than 3 * EPS * ABS ( FMIN ) + TOL. ! If F is not unimodal, then FMIN may approximate a local, but ! perhaps non-global, minimum to the same accuracy. ! ! Reference: ! ! Richard Brent, ! Algorithms for Minimization without Derivatives, ! Prentice Hall, 1973. ! ! David Kahaner, Clever Moler, Steven Nash, ! Numerical Methods and Software, ! Prentice Hall, 1988. ! ! Parameters ! ! Input/output, real AX, BX. On input, the left and right ! endpoints of the initial interval. On output, the lower and upper bounds ! for the minimizer. ! ! Input, external F, a real function of the form ! function f ( x ) ! real f ! real x ! which evaluates F(X) for any X in the interval (AX,BX). ! ! Input, real TOL, the desired length of the interval of ! uncertainty of the final result ( >= 0.0) ! ! Output, real FMIN, the abcissa approximating the minimizer ! of f. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real a real ax real b real bx real c real d real e real eps real, external :: f real fmin real fu real fv real fw real fx real p real q real r real tol real tol1 real tol2 real u real v real w real x real xm c = 0.5E+00 * ( 3.0E+00 - sqrt ( 5.0E+00 ) ) ! ! C is the squared inverse of the golden ratio. ! ! EPS is the square root of the relative machine precision. ! eps = sqrt ( epsilon ( eps ) ) ! ! Initialization. ! a = ax b = bx v = a + c * ( b - a ) w = v x = v e = 0.0E+00 fx = f(x) fv = fx fw = fx ! ! Main loop starts here. ! 20 continue xm = 0.5E+00 * ( a + b ) tol1 = eps * abs ( x ) + tol / 3.0E+00 tol2 = 2.0E+00 * tol1 ! ! Check the stopping criterion. ! if ( abs ( x - xm ) <= ( tol2 - 0.5E+00 * ( b - a ) ) ) then fmin = x return end if ! ! Is golden-section necessary? ! if ( abs ( e ) <= tol1 ) then go to 40 end if ! ! Fit a parabola. ! r = ( x - w ) * ( fx - fv ) q = ( x - v ) * ( fx - fw ) p = ( x - v ) * q - ( x - w ) * r q = 2.0E+00 * ( q - r ) if ( q > 0.0E+00 ) then p = -p end if q = abs ( q ) r = e e = d ! ! Is a parabola acceptable? ! if ( abs ( 0.5E+00 * q * r ) <= abs ( p ) ) then go to 40 end if if ( p <= q * ( a - x ) ) then go to 40 end if if ( q * ( b - x ) <= p ) then go to 40 end if ! ! A parabolic interpolation step ! d = p / q u = x + d ! ! F must not be evaluated too close to AX or BX. ! if ( ( u - a ) < tol2 ) then d = sign ( tol1, xm - x ) end if if ( ( b - u ) < tol2 ) then d = sign ( tol1, xm - x ) end if go to 50 ! ! A golden-section step. ! 40 continue if ( xm <= x ) then e = a - x else e = b - x end if d = c * e ! ! F must not be evaluated too close to X. ! 50 continue if ( tol1 <= abs ( d ) ) then u = x + d end if if ( abs ( d ) < tol1 ) then u = x + sign ( tol1, d ) end if fu = f(u) ! ! Update a, b, v, w, and x ! if ( fu <= fx ) then if ( x <= u ) then a = x else b = x end if v = w fv = fw w = x fw = fx x = u fx = fu go to 20 end if if ( u < x ) then a = u else b = u end if if ( fu <= fw ) then go to 70 end if if ( w == x ) then go to 70 end if if ( fu <= fv ) then go to 80 end if if ( v == x ) then go to 80 end if if ( v == w ) then go to 80 end if go to 20 70 continue v = w fv = fw w = u fw = fu go to 20 80 continue v = u fv = fu go to 20 end function isamax ( n, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! ISAMAX finds the index of the vector element of maximum absolute value. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be examined. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of SX. ! ! Output, integer ISAMAX, the index of the element of SX of ! maximum absolute value. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer isamax integer ix integer n real samax real x(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then isamax = 0 else if ( n == 1 ) then isamax = 1 else if ( incx == 1 ) then isamax = 1 samax = abs ( x(1) ) do i = 2, n if ( samax < abs ( x(i) ) ) then isamax = i samax = abs ( x(i) ) end if end do else if ( 0 <= incx ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if isamax = 1 samax = abs ( x(ix) ) ix = ix + incx do i = 2, n if ( samax < abs ( x(ix) ) ) then isamax = i samax = abs ( x(ix) ) end if ix = ix + incx end do end if return end function lcm_12n ( n ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! LCM_12N computes the least common multiple of the integers 1 through N. ! ! Examples: ! ! N LCM_12N ! ! 1 1 ! 2 2 ! 3 3 ! 4 12 ! 5 60 ! 6 60 ! 7 420 ! 8 840 ! 9 2520 ! 10 2520 ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2001 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the value of N. ! ! Output, integer LCM_12N, the least common multiple of ! the integers 1 to N. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer imult integer j integer lcm_12n integer n lcm_12n = 1 do i = 2, n imult = i do j = 1, i-1 if ( mod ( imult, i - j ) == 0 ) then imult = imult / ( i - j ) end if end do lcm_12n = lcm_12n * imult end do return end subroutine matrix_exponential_taylor ( n, a, a_exp ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! MAXTRIX_EXPONENTIAL_TAYLOR uses a Taylor series for the matrix exponential. ! ! Discussion: ! ! This is a simple method, but NOT recommended. It is easy to ! find examples for which this method fails. ! ! Successive terms in the Taylor series are added. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 04 April 2003 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Reference: ! ! Cleve Moler and Charles Van Loan, ! 19 Dubious Ways to Compute the Exponential of a Matrix, 25 Years Later, ! SIAM Review, ! Volume 45, Number 1, pages 3-49, March 2003. ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the order of the matrix. ! ! Input, real A(N,N), the matrix whose exponential is desired. ! ! Output, real A_EXP(N,N), a Taylor estimate for the matrix exponential. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n real a(n,n) real a_exp(n,n) real b_exp(n,n) real a_k(n,n) integer i integer k real, parameter :: tol = 0.0E+00 a_exp(1:n,1:n) = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n a_exp(i,i) = 1.0E+00 end do a_k(1:n,1:n) = a(1:n,1:n) k = 1 do b_exp(1:n,1:n) = a_exp(1:n,1:n) a_exp(1:n,1:n) = a_exp(1:n,1:n) + a_k(1:n,1:n) b_exp(1:n,1:n) = abs ( b_exp(1:n,1:n) - a_exp(1:n,1:n) ) if ( all ( b_exp(1:n,1:n) <= tol ) ) then exit end if k = k + 1 a_k(1:n,1:n) = matmul ( a_k(1:n,1:n), a(1:n,1:n) ) / real ( k ) end do return end subroutine rpoly_val ( n, p, x, pval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPOLY_VAL evaluates a real polynomial. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomial. ! ! Input, real PCOF(0:N), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Input, real X, the point at which the polynomial is to ! be evaluated. ! ! Output, real PVAL, the value of the polynomial at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n integer i real p(0:n) real pval real x pval = p(0) do i = 1, n pval = pval + p(i) * x**i end do return end subroutine rpoly_val_horner ( n, p, x, pval ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPOLY_VAL_HORNER evaluates a real polynomial using Horner's method. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the degree of the polynomial. ! ! Input, real PCOF(0:N), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X**I. ! ! Input, real X, the point at which the polynomial is to ! be evaluated. ! ! Output, real PVAL, the value of the polynomial at X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer n integer i real p(0:n) real pval real x pval = p(n) do i = n - 1, 0, -1 pval = pval * x + p(i) end do return end subroutine rpoly2_roots ( p, r ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPOLY2_ROOTS finds the roots of a quadratic polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! The standard quadratic formula is used. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 09 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real PCOF(0:2), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Output, complex R(2), the roots of the polynomial. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real disc real p(0:2) complex r(2) if ( p(2) == 0.0E+00 ) then write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPOLY2_ROOTS - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Quadratic coefficient is zero.' stop end if disc = p(1)**2 - 4.0E+00 * p(2) * p(0) if ( disc >= 0.0E+00 ) then r(1) = cmplx ( 0.5E+00 * ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) ) / p(2), 0.0E+00 ) r(2) = cmplx ( 0.5E+00 * ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) ) / p(2), 0.0E+00 ) else if ( disc < 0.0E+00 ) then r(1) = cmplx ( - 0.5E+00 * p(1) / p(2), 0.5E+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2) ) r(2) = cmplx ( - 0.5E+00 * p(1) / p(2), - 0.5E+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2) ) end if return end subroutine rpoly2_roots2 ( p, r, ierror ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RPOLY2_ROOTS2 finds the roots of a quadratic polynomial. ! ! Discussion: ! ! An alternate form of the quadratic formula is used. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 10 August 1999 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real PCOF(0:2), the polynomial coefficients. ! P(I) is the coefficient of X^I. ! ! Output, complex R(2), the roots of the polynomial. ! ! Output, integer IERROR, error flag. ! 0, no error; ! 1, an error occurred. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real disc integer ierror real p(0:2) complex r(2) ierror = 0 if ( p(2) == 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'RPOLY2_ROOTS2 - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Quadratic coefficient is zero.' stop end if disc = p(1)**2 - 4.0E+00 * p(2) * p(0) if ( disc >= 0.0E+00 ) then if ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) == 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 r(1) = cmplx ( 0.0E+00, 0.0E+00 ) else r(1) = cmplx ( 2.0E+00 * p(0) / ( - p(1) + sqrt ( disc ) ), 0.0E+00 ) end if if ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) == 0.0E+00 ) then ierror = 1 r(2) = cmplx ( 0.0E+00, 0.0E+00 ) else r(2) = cmplx ( 2.0E+00 * p(0) / ( - p(1) - sqrt ( disc ) ), 0.0E+00 ) end if ! ! Need to revise this part of the calculation. ! else if ( disc < 0.0E+00 ) then r(1) = cmplx ( - 0.5E+00 * p(1) / p(2), + 0.5E+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2) ) r(2) = cmplx ( - 0.5E+00 * p(1) / p(2), - 0.5E+00 * sqrt ( - disc ) / p(2) ) end if return end function rvec_norm2 ( n, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! RVEC_NORM2 computes the Euclidean norm of a vector. ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 01 June 2000 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector whose norm is to be computed. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Output, real SNRM2, the Euclidean norm of X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer ix integer n real samax real rvec_norm2 real stemp real x(*) real xmax if ( n <= 0 ) then rvec_norm2 = 0.0E+00 else xmax = samax ( n, x, incx ) if ( xmax == 0.0E+00 ) then rvec_norm2 = 0.0E+00 else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if stemp = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n stemp = stemp + ( x(ix) / xmax )**2 ix = ix + incx end do rvec_norm2 = xmax * sqrt ( stemp ) end if end if return end function samax ( n, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SAMAX returns the maximum absolute value of the entries in a vector. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be examined. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Output, real SAMAX, the maximum absolute value of an ! element of X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer ix integer n real samax real x(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then samax = 0.0E+00 else if ( n == 1 ) then samax = abs ( x(1) ) else if ( incx == 1 ) then samax = abs ( x(1) ) do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(i) ) > samax ) then samax = abs ( x(i) ) end if end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if samax = abs ( x(ix) ) ix = ix + incx do i = 2, n if ( abs ( x(ix) ) > samax ) then samax = abs ( x(ix) ) end if ix = ix + incx end do end if return end subroutine saxpy ( n, sa, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SAXPY adds a constant times one vector to another. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real SA, the multiplier. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be scaled and added to Y. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real Y(*), the vector to which a multiple ! of X is to be added. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive ! entries of Y. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real sa real x(*) real y(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( sa == 0.0E+00 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then y(1:n) = y(1:n) + sa * x(1:n) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n y(iy) = y(iy) + sa * x(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine scopy ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SCOPY copies one real vector into another. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real X(*), the vector to be copied into Y. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Output, real Y(*), the copy of X. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive ! elements of Y. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real x(*) real y(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then y(1:n) = x(1:n) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n y(iy) = x(ix) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end function sdot ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SDOT forms the dot product of two vectors. ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 June 2000 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input, real X(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Input, real Y(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive ! elements of Y. ! ! Output, real SDOT, the dot product of X and Y. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real sdot real stemp real x(*) real y(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then sdot = 0.0E+00 else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then sdot = dot_product ( x(1:n), y(1:n) ) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if stemp = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n stemp = stemp + x(ix) * y(iy) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do sdot = stemp end if return end function sdsdot ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SDSDOT forms the dot product of two vectors using higher precision. ! ! Modified: ! ! 02 June 2000 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input, real X(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Input, real Y(*), one of the vectors to be multiplied. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive ! elements of Y. ! ! Output, real SDSDOT, the dot product of X and Y. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) real ( kind = rk ) dsdot integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer n real sdsdot real x(*) real y(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then dsdot = 0.0D+00 else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then dsdot = dot_product ( dble ( x(1:n) ), dble ( y(1:n) ) ) else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( 0 <= incy ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if dsdot = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, n dsdot = dsdot + dble ( x(ix) ) * dble ( y(iy) ) ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if sdsdot = sngl ( dsdot ) return end subroutine sgedi ( a, lda, n, ipvt, det, work, job ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SGEDI: determinant and inverse of a matrix factored by SGECO or SGEFA. ! ! Discussion: ! ! A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains ! a zero on the diagonal and the inverse is requested. ! It will not occur if the subroutines are called correctly ! and if SGECO has set RCOND > 0.0E+00 or SGEFA has set INFO == 0. ! ! Reference: ! ! Dongarra, Moler, Bunch and Stewart, ! LINPACK User's Guide, ! SIAM, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), ! 3600 University City Science Center, ! Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2688. ! ISBN 0-89871-172-X ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A(LDA,N), on input, the factored matrix. ! as output by SGECO or SGEFA. On output, contains the inverse ! matrix if requested. ! ! Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of the array A. ! ! Input, integer N, the order of the matrix A. ! ! Input, integer IPVT(N), the pivot vector from SGECO or SGEFA. ! ! Workspace, real WORK(N). ! ! Output, real DET(2), the determinant of original matrix if ! requested. determinant = DET(1) * 10.0^DET(2) ! with 1.0E+00 <= abs ( DET(1) ) < 10.0E+00 ! or DET(1) == 0.0E+00. ! ! Input, integer JOB, specifies what is to be computed. ! 11, both determinant and inverse. ! 01, inverse only. ! 10, determinant only. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer lda integer n real a(lda,n) real det(2) integer i integer ipvt(n) integer j integer job integer k integer l real t real, parameter :: ten = 10.0E+00 real work(n) ! ! Compute the determinant. ! if ( job / 10 /= 0 ) then det(1) = 1.0E+00 det(2) = 0.0E+00 do i = 1, n if ( ipvt(i) /= i ) then det(1) = - det(1) end if det(1) = a(i,i) * det(1) if ( det(1) == 0.0E+00 ) then exit end if do while ( abs ( det(1) ) < 1.0E+00 ) det(1) = ten * det(1) det(2) = det(2) - 1.0E+00 end do do while ( abs ( det(1) ) >= ten ) det(1) = det(1) / ten det(2) = det(2) + 1.0E+00 end do end do end if ! ! Compute inverse(U). ! if ( mod ( job, 10 ) /= 0 ) then do k = 1, n a(k,k) = 1.0E+00 / a(k,k) t = - a(k,k) call sscal ( k-1, t, a(1,k), 1 ) do j = k+1, n t = a(k,j) a(k,j) = 0.0E+00 call saxpy ( k, t, a(1,k), 1, a(1,j), 1 ) end do end do ! ! Form inverse(U) * inverse(L). ! do k = n-1, 1, -1 do i = k+1, n work(i) = a(i,k) a(i,k) = 0.0E+00 end do do j = k+1, n t = work(j) call saxpy ( n, t, a(1,j), 1, a(1,k), 1 ) end do l = ipvt(k) if ( l /= k ) then call sswap ( n, a(1,k), 1, a(1,l), 1 ) end if end do end if return end subroutine sgefa ( a, lda, n, ipvt, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SGEFA factors a real matrix. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 March 2001 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A(LDA,N). ! On intput, the matrix to be factored. ! On output, an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers used to ! obtain it. The factorization can be written A=L*U, where L is a product ! of permutation and unit lower triangular matrices, and U is upper ! triangular. ! ! Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of A. ! ! Input, integer N, the order of the matrix A. ! ! Output, integer IPVT(N), the pivot indices. ! ! Output, integer INFO, singularity indicator. ! 0, normal value. ! K, if U(K,K) == 0. This is not an error condition for this subroutine, ! but it does indicate that SGESL or SGEDI will divide by zero if called. ! Use RCOND in SGECO for a reliable indication of singularity. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer lda integer n real a(lda,n) integer info integer ipvt(n) integer isamax integer j integer k integer l real t ! ! Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. ! info = 0 do k = 1, n - 1 ! ! Find L = pivot index. ! l = isamax ( n-k+1, a(k,k), 1 ) + k - 1 ipvt(k) = l ! ! Zero pivot implies this column already triangularized. ! if ( a(l,k) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = k cycle end if ! ! Interchange if necessary. ! if ( l /= k ) then t = a(l,k) a(l,k) = a(k,k) a(k,k) = t end if ! ! Compute multipliers. ! t = -1.0E+00 / a(k,k) call sscal ( n-k, t, a(k+1,k), 1 ) ! ! Row elimination with column indexing. ! do j = k+1, n t = a(l,j) if ( l /= k ) then a(l,j) = a(k,j) a(k,j) = t end if call saxpy ( n-k, t, a(k+1,k), 1, a(k+1,j), 1 ) end do end do ipvt(n) = n if ( a(n,n) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = n end if return end subroutine sgesl ( a, lda, n, ipvt, b, job ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SGESL solves a real general linear system A * X = B. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SGESL can solve either of the systems A * X = B or transpose ( A ) * X = B. ! ! The system matrix must have been factored by SGECO or SGEFA. ! ! A division by zero will occur if the input factor contains a ! zero on the diagonal. Technically this indicates singularity ! but it is often caused by improper arguments or improper ! setting of LDA. It will not occur if the subroutines are ! called correctly and if SGECO has set RCOND > 0.0E+00 ! or SGEFA has set INFO == 0. ! ! Modified: ! ! 07 March 2001 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real A(LDA,N), the output from SGECO or SGEFA. ! ! Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of A. ! ! Input, integer N, the order of the matrix A. ! ! Input, integer IPVT(N), the pivot vector from SGECO or SGEFA. ! ! Input/output, real B(N). ! On input, the right hand side vector. ! On output, the solution vector. ! ! Input, integer JOB. ! 0, solve A * X = B; ! nonzero, solve A' * X = B. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer lda integer n real a(lda,n) real b(n) integer ipvt(n) integer job integer k integer l real sdot real t ! ! Solve A * X = B. ! if ( job == 0 ) then do k = 1, n-1 l = ipvt(k) t = b(l) if ( l /= k ) then b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if call saxpy ( n-k, t, a(k+1,k), 1, b(k+1), 1 ) end do do k = n, 1, -1 b(k) = b(k) / a(k,k) t = -b(k) call saxpy ( k-1, t, a(1,k), 1, b(1), 1 ) end do else ! ! Solve A' * X = B. ! do k = 1, n t = sdot ( k-1, a(1,k), 1, b(1), 1 ) b(k) = ( b(k) - t ) / a(k,k) end do do k = n-1, 1, -1 b(k) = b(k) + sdot ( n-k, a(k+1,k), 1, b(k+1), 1 ) l = ipvt(k) if ( l /= k ) then t = b(l) b(l) = b(k) b(k) = t end if end do end if return end subroutine sqrdc ( a, lda, n, p, qraux, jpvt, work, job ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SQRDC computes the QR factorization of a real rectangular matrix. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SQRDC uses Householder transformations. ! ! Column pivoting based on the 2-norms of the reduced columns may be ! performed at the user's option. ! ! Reference: ! ! Dongarra, Moler, Bunch and Stewart, ! LINPACK User's Guide, ! SIAM, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), ! 3600 University City Science Center, ! Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2688. ! ISBN 0-89871-172-X ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input/output, real A(LDA,P). On input, the N by P matrix ! whose decomposition is to be computed. On output, A contains in ! its upper triangle the upper triangular matrix R of the QR ! factorization. Below its diagonal A contains information from ! which the orthogonal part of the decomposition can be recovered. ! Note that if pivoting has been requested, the decomposition is not that ! of the original matrix A but that of A with its columns permuted ! as described by JPVT. ! ! Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of the array A. ! LDA must be at least N. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of rows of the matrix A. ! ! Input, integer P, the number of columns of the matrix A. ! ! Output, real QRAUX(P), contains further information required ! to recover the orthogonal part of the decomposition. ! ! Input/output, integer JPVT(P). On input, JPVT contains ! integers that control the selection of the pivot columns. The K-th ! column A(*,K) of A is placed in one of three classes according to the ! value of JPVT(K). ! > 0, then A(K) is an initial column. ! = 0, then A(K) is a free column. ! < 0, then A(K) is a final column. ! Before the decomposition is computed, initial columns are moved to ! the beginning of the array A and final columns to the end. Both ! initial and final columns are frozen in place during the computation ! and only free columns are moved. At the K-th stage of the ! reduction, if A(*,K) is occupied by a free column it is interchanged ! with the free column of largest reduced norm. JPVT is not referenced ! if JOB == 0. On output, JPVT(K) contains the index of the column of the ! original matrix that has been interchanged into the K-th column, if ! pivoting was requested. ! ! Workspace, real WORK(P). WORK is not referenced if JOB == 0. ! ! Input, integer JOB, initiates column pivoting. ! 0, no pivoting is done. ! nonzero, pivoting is done. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer lda integer n integer p real a(lda,p) integer jpvt(p) real qraux(p) real work(p) integer j integer job integer jp integer l integer lup integer maxj real maxnrm real nrmxl integer pl integer pu real sdot real rvec_norm2 logical swapj real t real tt pl = 1 pu = 0 ! ! If pivoting is requested, rearrange the columns. ! if ( job /= 0 ) then do j = 1, p swapj = jpvt(j) > 0 if ( jpvt(j) < 0 ) then jpvt(j) = - j else jpvt(j) = j end if if ( swapj ) then if ( j /= pl ) then call sswap ( n, a(1,pl), 1, a(1,j), 1 ) end if jpvt(j) = jpvt(pl) jpvt(pl) = j pl = pl + 1 end if end do pu = p do j = p, 1, -1 if ( jpvt(j) < 0 ) then jpvt(j) = - jpvt(j) if ( j /= pu ) then call sswap ( n, a(1,pu), 1, a(1,j), 1 ) jp = jpvt(pu) jpvt(pu) = jpvt(j) jpvt(j) = jp end if pu = pu - 1 end if end do end if ! ! Compute the norms of the free columns. ! do j = pl, pu qraux(j) = rvec_norm2 ( n, a(1,j), 1 ) end do work(pl:pu) = qraux(pl:pu) ! ! Perform the Householder reduction of A. ! lup = min ( n, p ) do l = 1, lup ! ! Bring the column of largest norm into the pivot position. ! if ( l >= pl .and. l < pu ) then maxnrm = 0.0E+00 maxj = l do j = l, pu if ( qraux(j) > maxnrm ) then maxnrm = qraux(j) maxj = j end if end do if ( maxj /= l ) then call sswap ( n, a(1,l), 1, a(1,maxj), 1 ) qraux(maxj) = qraux(l) work(maxj) = work(l) jp = jpvt(maxj) jpvt(maxj) = jpvt(l) jpvt(l) = jp end if end if ! ! Compute the Householder transformation for column L. ! qraux(l) = 0.0E+00 if ( l /= n ) then nrmxl = rvec_norm2 ( n-l+1, a(l,l), 1 ) if ( nrmxl /= 0.0E+00 ) then if ( a(l,l) /= 0.0E+00 ) then nrmxl = sign ( nrmxl, a(l,l) ) end if call sscal ( n-l+1, 1.0E+00 / nrmxl, a(l,l), 1 ) a(l,l) = 1.0E+00 + a(l,l) ! ! Apply the transformation to the remaining columns, updating the norms. ! do j = l + 1, p t = - sdot ( n-l+1, a(l,l), 1, a(l,j), 1 ) / a(l,l) call saxpy ( n-l+1, t, a(l,l), 1, a(l,j), 1 ) if ( j >= pl .and. j <= pu ) then if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then tt = 1.0E+00 - ( abs ( a(l,j) ) / qraux(j) )**2 tt = max ( tt, 0.0E+00 ) t = tt tt = 1.0E+00 + 0.05E+00 * tt * ( qraux(j) / work(j) )**2 if ( tt /= 1.0E+00 ) then qraux(j) = qraux(j) * sqrt ( t ) else qraux(j) = rvec_norm2 ( n-l, a(l+1,j), 1 ) work(j) = qraux(j) end if end if end if end do ! ! Save the transformation. ! qraux(l) = a(l,l) a(l,l) = - nrmxl end if end if end do return end subroutine sqrsl ( a, lda, n, k, qraux, y, qy, qty, b, rsd, ab, job, info ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SQRSL computes transformations, projections, and least squares solutions. ! ! Discussion: ! ! SQRSL requires the output of SQRDC. ! ! For K <= min(N,P), let AK be the matrix ! ! AK = ( A(JPVT(1)), A(JPVT(2)), ..., A(JPVT(K)) ) ! ! formed from columns JPVT(1), ..., JPVT(K) of the original ! N by P matrix A that was input to SQRDC. If no pivoting was ! done, AK consists of the first K columns of A in their ! original order. SQRDC produces a factored orthogonal matrix Q ! and an upper triangular matrix R such that ! ! AK = Q * (R) ! (0) ! ! This information is contained in coded form in the arrays ! A and QRAUX. ! ! The parameters QY, QTY, B, RSD, and AB are not referenced ! if their computation is not requested and in this case ! can be replaced by dummy variables in the calling program. ! To save storage, the user may in some cases use the same ! array for different parameters in the calling sequence. A ! frequently occuring example is when one wishes to compute ! any of B, RSD, or AB and does not need Y or QTY. In this ! case one may identify Y, QTY, and one of B, RSD, or AB, while ! providing separate arrays for anything else that is to be ! computed. ! ! Thus the calling sequence ! ! call sqrsl ( a, lda, n, k, qraux, y, dum, y, b, y, dum, 110, info ) ! ! will result in the computation of B and RSD, with RSD ! overwriting Y. More generally, each item in the following ! list contains groups of permissible identifications for ! a single calling sequence. ! ! 1. (Y,QTY,B) (RSD) (AB) (QY) ! ! 2. (Y,QTY,RSD) (B) (AB) (QY) ! ! 3. (Y,QTY,AB) (B) (RSD) (QY) ! ! 4. (Y,QY) (QTY,B) (RSD) (AB) ! ! 5. (Y,QY) (QTY,RSD) (B) (AB) ! ! 6. (Y,QY) (QTY,AB) (B) (RSD) ! ! In any group the value returned in the array allocated to ! the group corresponds to the last member of the group. ! ! Reference: ! ! Dongarra, Moler, Bunch and Stewart, ! LINPACK User's Guide, ! SIAM, (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), ! 3600 University City Science Center, ! Philadelphia, PA, 19104-2688. ! ISBN 0-89871-172-X ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, real A(LDA,P), contains the output of SQRDC. ! ! Input, integer LDA, the leading dimension of the array A. ! ! Input, integer N, the number of rows of the matrix AK. It ! must have the same value as N in SQRDC. ! ! Input, integer K, the number of columns of the matrix AK. K ! must not be greater than min(N,P), where P is the same as in the ! calling sequence to SQRDC. ! ! Input, real QRAUX(P), the auxiliary output from SQRDC. ! ! Input, real Y(N), a vector to be manipulated by SQRSL. ! ! Output, real QY(N), contains Q * Y, if requested. ! ! Output, real QTY(N), contains Q' * Y, if requested. ! ! Output, real B(K), the solution of the least squares problem ! minimize norm2 ( Y - AK * B), ! if its computation has been requested. Note that if pivoting was ! requested in SQRDC, the J-th component of B will be associated with ! column JPVT(J) of the original matrix A that was input into SQRDC. ! ! Output, real RSD(N), the least squares residual Y - AK * B, ! if its computation has been requested. RSD is also the orthogonal ! projection of Y onto the orthogonal complement of the column space ! of AK. ! ! Output, real AB(N), the least squares approximation Ak * B, ! if its computation has been requested. AB is also the orthogonal ! projection of Y onto the column space of A. ! ! Input, integer JOB, specifies what is to be computed. JOB has ! the decimal expansion ABCDE, with the following meaning: ! ! if A /= 0, compute QY. ! if B /= 0, compute QTY. ! if C /= 0, compute QTY and B. ! if D /= 0, compute QTY and RSD. ! if E /= 0, compute QTY and AB. ! ! Note that a request to compute B, RSD, or AB automatically triggers ! the computation of QTY, for which an array must be provided in the ! calling sequence. ! ! Output, integer INFO, is zero unless the computation of B has ! been requested and R is exactly singular. In this case, INFO is the ! index of the first zero diagonal element of R, and B is left unaltered. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer k integer lda integer n real a(lda,*) real ab(n) real b(k) logical cab logical cb logical cqty logical cqy logical cr integer info integer j integer jj integer job integer ju integer kp1 real qraux(*) real qty(n) real qy(n) real rsd(n) real sdot real t real temp real y(n) ! ! set info flag. ! info = 0 ! ! Determine what is to be computed. ! cqy = job / 10000 /= 0 cqty = mod ( job, 10000 ) /= 0 cb = mod ( job, 1000 ) / 100 /= 0 cr = mod ( job, 100 ) / 10 /= 0 cab = mod ( job, 10 ) /= 0 ju = min ( k, n-1 ) ! ! Special action when N = 1. ! if ( ju == 0 ) then if ( cqy ) then qy(1) = y(1) end if if ( cqty ) then qty(1) = y(1) end if if ( cab ) then ab(1) = y(1) end if if ( cb ) then if ( a(1,1) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = 1 else b(1) = y(1) / a(1,1) end if end if if ( cr ) then rsd(1) = 0.0E+00 end if return end if ! ! Set up to compute QY or QTY. ! if ( cqy ) then qy(1:n) = y(1:n) end if if ( cqty ) then qty(1:n) = y(1:n) end if ! ! Compute QY. ! if ( cqy ) then do jj = 1, ju j = ju - jj + 1 if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then temp = a(j,j) a(j,j) = qraux(j) t = - sdot ( n-j+1, a(j,j), 1, qy(j), 1 ) / a(j,j) call saxpy ( n-j+1, t, a(j,j), 1, qy(j), 1 ) a(j,j) = temp end if end do end if ! ! Compute Q'*Y. ! if ( cqty ) then do j = 1, ju if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then temp = a(j,j) a(j,j) = qraux(j) t = - sdot ( n-j+1, a(j,j), 1, qty(j), 1 ) / a(j,j) call saxpy ( n-j+1, t, a(j,j), 1, qty(j), 1 ) a(j,j) = temp end if end do end if ! ! Set up to compute B, RSD, or AB. ! if ( cb ) then b(1:k) = qty(1:k) end if kp1 = k + 1 if ( cab ) then ab(1:k) = qty(1:k) end if if ( cr .and. k < n ) then rsd(k+1:n) = qty(k+1:n) end if if ( cab .and. k+1 <= n ) then ab(k+1:n) = 0.0E+00 end if if ( cr ) then rsd(1:k) = 0.0E+00 end if ! ! Compute B. ! if ( cb ) then do jj = 1, k j = k - jj + 1 if ( a(j,j) == 0.0E+00 ) then info = j exit end if b(j) = b(j)/a(j,j) if ( j /= 1 ) then t = -b(j) call saxpy ( j-1, t, a(1,j), 1, b, 1 ) end if end do end if if ( cr .or. cab ) then ! ! Compute RSD or AB as required. ! do jj = 1, ju j = ju - jj + 1 if ( qraux(j) /= 0.0E+00 ) then temp = a(j,j) a(j,j) = qraux(j) if ( cr ) then t = - sdot ( n-j+1, a(j,j), 1, rsd(j), 1 ) / a(j,j) call saxpy ( n-j+1, t, a(j,j), 1, rsd(j), 1 ) end if if ( cab ) then t = - sdot ( n-j+1, a(j,j), 1, ab(j), 1 ) / a(j,j) call saxpy ( n-j+1, t, a(j,j), 1, ab(j), 1 ) end if a(j,j) = temp end if end do end if return end subroutine sscal ( n, sa, x, incx ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SSCAL scales a vector by a constant. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vector. ! ! Input, real SA, the multiplier. ! ! Input/output, real X(*), the vector to be scaled. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer ix integer m integer n real sa real x(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 5 ) do i = 1, m x(i) = sa * x(i) end do do i = m+1, n, 5 x(i) = sa * x(i) x(i+1) = sa * x(i+1) x(i+2) = sa * x(i+2) x(i+3) = sa * x(i+3) x(i+4) = sa * x(i+4) end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if do i = 1, n x(ix) = sa * x(ix) ix = ix + incx end do end if return end subroutine sswap ( n, x, incx, y, incy ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! SSWAP interchanges two vectors. ! ! Modified: ! ! 08 April 1999 ! ! Parameters: ! ! Input, integer N, the number of entries in the vectors. ! ! Input/output, real X(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer INCX, the increment between successive ! entries of X. ! ! Input/output, real Y(*), one of the vectors to swap. ! ! Input, integer INCY, the increment between successive ! elements of Y. ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) integer i integer incx integer incy integer ix integer iy integer m integer n real stemp real x(*) real y(*) if ( n <= 0 ) then else if ( incx == 1 .and. incy == 1 ) then m = mod ( n, 3 ) do i = 1, m stemp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = stemp end do do i = m+1, n, 3 stemp = x(i) x(i) = y(i) y(i) = stemp stemp = x(i + 1) x(i + 1) = y(i + 1) y(i + 1) = stemp stemp = x(i + 2) x(i + 2) = y(i + 2) y(i + 2) = stemp end do else if ( incx >= 0 ) then ix = 1 else ix = ( - n + 1 ) * incx + 1 end if if ( incy >= 0 ) then iy = 1 else iy = ( - n + 1 ) * incy + 1 end if do i = 1, n stemp = x(ix) x(ix) = y(iy) y(iy) = stemp ix = ix + incx iy = iy + incy end do end if return end subroutine timestamp ( ) !*****************************************************************************80 ! !! TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. ! ! Example: ! ! 31 May 2001 9:45:54.872 AM ! ! Licensing: ! ! This code is distributed under the MIT license. ! ! Modified: ! ! 18 May 2013 ! ! Author: ! ! John Burkardt ! ! Parameters: ! ! None ! implicit none integer, parameter :: rk = kind ( 1.0D+00 ) character ( len = 8 ) ampm integer d integer h integer m integer mm character ( len = 9 ), parameter, dimension(12) :: month = (/ & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' /) integer n integer s integer values(8) integer y call date_and_time ( values = values ) y = values(1) m = values(2) d = values(3) h = values(5) n = values(6) s = values(7) mm = values(8) if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h < 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h == 12 ) then if ( n == 0 .and. s == 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, trim ( month(m) ), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, trim ( ampm ) return end