30 June 2024 9:19:33.750 AM bvls_test(): Fortran90 version Test bvls(). TEST01 M = 2, N = 2, UNBND = 0.10000E+07 Bounds: 1.00000 3.00000 2.00000 4.00000 Matrix A: 0.668989 0.132133 0.668737 0.207587 RHS B: 0.328668 0.402746 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 0 Solution vector, X: 1.00000 3.00000 Variable index INDEX: 1 2 Residual R = B - A*X: -0.736721 -0.888751 Residual norm = 1.1544 Residual norm from BVLS = 1.1544 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: -1.08720 -0.281838 Dual vector from BVLS: W -1.08720 -0.281838 TEST02 M = 2, N = 4, UNBND = 0.10000E+07 Bounds: 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 Matrix A: 0.892592 0.429935E-01 0.382830 0.688001 0.485777 0.449943 0.512521 0.305677 RHS B: 0.430661 0.874036 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 2 Solution vector, X: 0.410252 1.49962 0.00000 0.00000 Variable index INDEX: 1 2 3 4 Residual R = B - A*X: 0.555112E-16 0.00000 Residual norm = 0.55511E-16 Residual norm from BVLS = 0.0000 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: 0.495488E-16 0.238662E-17 0.212513E-16 0.381917E-16 Dual vector from BVLS: W 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 TEST03 M = 4, N = 2, UNBND = 0.10000E+07 Bounds: 0.00000 -100.000 100.000 100.000 Matrix A: 0.826293 0.646879 0.779622 0.912950 0.755024 0.117257 0.357232 0.655257 RHS B: 0.469890 0.351617 0.119102 0.902570E-01 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 2 Solution vector, X: 0.258221 0.172834 Variable index INDEX: 1 2 Residual R = B - A*X: 0.144721 -0.748623E-02 -0.961274E-01 -0.115238 Residual norm = 0.20862 Residual norm from BVLS = 0.20862 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: -0.111022E-15 -0.971445E-16 Dual vector from BVLS: W 0.00000 0.00000 TEST04 M = 5, N = 10, UNBND = 0.10000E+07 Bounds: 0.00000 -0.399400 -1.00000 -0.300000 21.0000 0.00000 -0.399400 1.00000 -0.200000 22.0000 -4.00000 45.0000 100.000 -0.179769+309 -1.00000 -3.00000 46.0000 101.000 0.179769+309 1.00000 Matrix A: 0.256293E-01 0.585471 0.922448 0.323857 0.557385 0.363543 0.593800 0.476922 0.175761E-01 0.787592 0.873548 0.254283 0.508596 0.236954 0.311467 0.705751 0.558457 0.959138 0.188055 0.261598 0.281299 0.237426 0.167207 0.466734 0.658550 0.656413 0.548140 0.886949 0.596619 0.684222 0.965301 0.510860 0.756670 0.660823 0.729514 0.699677 0.899115 0.416694 0.492438 0.725758 0.521704E-01 0.737257 0.773966 0.787725 0.734402 0.706100 0.144569 0.188537 0.410903 0.376360E-01 RHS B: 0.169864 0.445763 0.208189 0.959998E-01 0.957447 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 1 Solution vector, X: 0.00000 -0.399400 -1.00000 -0.200000 22.0000 -4.00000 45.0000 100.000 -159.582 -1.00000 Variable index INDEX: 9 6 10 4 3 5 7 8 2 1 Residual R = B - A*X: -25.7130 -4.77301 -6.00724 11.6374 29.9003 Residual norm = 41.827 Residual norm from BVLS = 41.827 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: 8.98222 -5.81789 -12.8891 6.30925 2.77286 -3.96918 -9.03145 -14.2766 -0.145106E-12 -15.7633 Dual vector from BVLS: W 0.00000 0.00000 -12.8891 6.30925 2.77286 -3.96918 -9.03145 -14.2766 0.00000 -15.7633 TEST05 M = 10, N = 5, UNBND = 0.10000E+07 Bounds: 0.00000 -1.00000 0.00000 0.300000 0.480000E-01 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.400000 0.490000E-01 Matrix A: 0.983293E-01 0.304943 0.823938 0.597711 0.116819 0.810719 0.545249 0.700071 0.832718 0.643685 0.436086 0.587893 0.406747 0.618927 0.493489E-01 0.751715 0.331653 0.201468 0.457046 0.534141 0.797606 0.742493 0.343319 0.801608 0.648632 0.416198 0.179880 0.146110 0.189100 0.260301 0.937906 0.950239 0.561613 0.664453 0.401086 0.335946 0.562974 0.290086 0.301591 0.433771 0.122447 0.933442 0.790995E-01 0.627914 0.871113 0.807874 0.756304 0.548391E-01 0.817936 0.321528 RHS B: 0.572403 0.113904 0.350138 0.223924 0.468206 0.427161 0.537003 0.114959 0.200170 0.981781E-01 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 2 Solution vector, X: 0.00000 -0.487122E-01 0.347431 0.300000 0.480000E-01 Variable index INDEX: 3 2 1 4 5 Residual R = B - A*X: 0.116075 -0.383475 0.494124E-01 0.733049E-02 0.113478 0.315936 0.169581 -0.697010E-01 -0.120295E-01 -0.144848 Residual norm = 0.57485 Residual norm from BVLS = 0.57485 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: -0.332715E-01 -0.333067E-15 -0.305311E-15 -0.996771E-01 -0.903481E-01 Dual vector from BVLS: W -0.332715E-01 0.00000 0.00000 -0.996771E-01 -0.903481E-01 TEST06 M = 6, N = 4, UNBND = 999.00 Bounds: -100.000 -0.179769+309 -0.179769+309 -0.179769+309 100.000 0.179769+309 0.179769+309 0.179769+309 Matrix A: 0.292330 0.780470 0.254574 0.616741 0.929196 0.181743E-01 0.764811 0.116963 0.939124 0.414134 0.851258 0.318755 0.510464 0.259348 0.720461 0.158563 0.155406E-01 0.626472 0.882566 0.672438 0.770752 0.838663 0.414372 0.173514 RHS B: 0.186364 0.932403 0.216698 0.592204 0.347038 0.163015 BVLS_REPORT: Number of components not at constraints = 4 Solution vector, X: 0.321858 -0.447454 0.463977 0.331223 Variable index INDEX: 1 2 3 4 Residual R = B - A*X: 0.119105 0.247871 -0.400803 0.157157 -0.986389E-02 0.404747E-01 Residual norm = 0.51255 Residual norm from BVLS = 0.51255 Dual vector: W = (A')*R: -0.444089E-15 -0.152656E-15 -0.333067E-15 -0.159595E-15 Dual vector from BVLS: W 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 bvls_test(): Normal end of execution. 30 June 2024 9:19:33.750 AM