program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc stroud_rule_test() tests stroud_rule(). c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'stroud_rule_test():' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Fortran77 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Test stroud_rule().' call test01 ( ) call test02 ( ) call test03 ( ) call test04 ( ) call test045 ( ) call test05 ( ) call test052 ( ) call test054 ( ) call test07 ( ) call test08 ( ) call test085 ( ) call test09 ( ) call test10 ( ) call test11 ( ) call test12 ( ) call test13 ( ) call test14 ( ) call test15 ( ) call test16 ( ) call test163 ( ) call test165 ( ) call test167 ( ) call test17 ( ) call test18 ( ) call test19 ( ) call test20 ( ) call test205 ( ) call test207 ( ) call test2075 ( ) call test208 ( ) call test21 ( ) call test215 ( ) call test22 ( ) call test23 ( ) call test24 ( ) call test25 ( ) call test255 ( ) call test26 ( ) call test27 ( ) call test28 ( ) call test29 ( ) call test30 ( ) call test31 ( ) call test32 ( ) call test322 ( ) call test324 ( ) call test326 ( ) call test33 ( ) call test335 ( ) call test34 ( ) call test345 ( ) call test35 ( ) call test36 ( ) call test37 ( ) call test38 ( ) call test39 ( ) call test40 ( ) call test41 ( ) call test42 ( ) call test425 ( ) call test43 ( ) call test44 ( ) call test45 ( ) call test46 ( ) call test47 ( ) call test48 ( ) call test49 ( ) c c Terminate. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'stroud_rule_test():' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end subroutine test01 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST01 tests BALL_F1_ND, BALL_F3_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 3 ) double precision ball_volume_nd double precision center(n_max) double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision r save center data center / 1.0D+00, -1.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / r = 2.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST01' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals in a ball in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_F1_ND approximates the integral;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_F3_ND approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max do i = 1, n center(i) = dble ( i ) end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Ball center:' write ( *, '(2x,3f10.4)' ) center(1:n) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)') ' Ball radius = ', r write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Ball volume = ', & ball_volume_nd ( n, r ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule: F1 F3' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call ball_f1_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r, result1 ) call ball_f3_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2f14.8)' ) & function_nd_name(i), result1, result2 end do end do return end subroutine test02 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST02 tests BALL_MONOMIAL_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 3 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 4 ) double precision ball_monomial_nd double precision ball_volume_nd double precision center(dim_num) double precision mono_000_3d external mono_000_3d double precision mono_111_3d external mono_111_3d double precision mono_202_3d external mono_202_3d double precision mono_422_3d external mono_422_3d integer p(dim_num) double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision r character * ( 10 ) string integer test save center data center / 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / r = 2.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST02' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For the integral of a monomial in a ball in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_MONOMIAL_ND approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_F1_ND, which can handle general integrands,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' will be used for comparison.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', dim_num write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Ball radius = ', r write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Ball volume = ', & ball_volume_nd ( dim_num, r ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule: MONOMIAL F1' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num if ( test .eq. 1 ) then string = '1' p(1) = 0 p(2) = 0 p(3) = 0 call ball_f1_nd ( mono_000_3d, dim_num, center, r, result2 ) else if ( test .eq. 2 ) then string = 'xyz' p(1) = 1 p(2) = 1 p(3) = 1 call ball_f1_nd ( mono_111_3d, dim_num, center, r, result2 ) else if ( test .eq. 3 ) then string = 'x^2z^2' p(1) = 2 p(2) = 0 p(3) = 2 call ball_f1_nd ( mono_202_3d, dim_num, center, r, result2 ) else if ( test .eq. 4 ) then string = 'x^4y^2z^2' p(1) = 4 p(2) = 2 p(3) = 2 call ball_f1_nd ( mono_422_3d, dim_num, center, r, result2 ) end if result1 = ball_monomial_nd ( dim_num, p, r ) write ( *, '(2x,a10,2f14.8)' ) string, result1, result2 end do return end subroutine test03 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST03 tests BALL_UNIT_**_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision ball_unit_volume_nd character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST03' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals in the unit ball in 3D:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_UNIT_07_3D uses a formula of degree 7;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_UNIT_14_3D uses a formula of degree 14;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_UNIT_15_3D uses a formula of degree 15.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Unit ball volume = ', ball_unit_volume_nd ( 3 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Rule: #7 #14 #15' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call ball_unit_07_3d ( function_3d, result1 ) call ball_unit_14_3d ( function_3d, result2 ) call ball_unit_15_3d ( function_3d, result3 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & function_3d_name(i), result1, result2, result3 end do return end subroutine test04 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST04 tests BALL_UNIT_F1_ND, BALL_UNIT_F3_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 02 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 3 ) double precision ball_unit_volume_nd double precision func_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST04' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals inside the unit ball in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_UNIT_F1_ND approximates the integral;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_UNIT_F3_ND approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Unit ball volume = ', ball_unit_volume_nd ( n ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule: F1 F3' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call ball_unit_f1_nd ( function_nd, n, result1 ) call ball_unit_f3_nd ( function_nd, n, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2f14.8)' ) & function_nd_name(i), result1, result2 end do end do return end subroutine test045 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST045 tests BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 02 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision ball_unit_volume_3d double precision ball_unit_volume_nd integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 3 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST045' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' In 3 dimensions:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_3D gets the volume of the unit ball.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND will be called for comparison.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' N Volume Method' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,i3,f14.8,2x,a)' ) dim_num, & ball_unit_volume_3d ( ), 'BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_3D' write ( *, '(2x,i3,f14.8,2x,a)' ) dim_num, & ball_unit_volume_nd ( dim_num ), 'BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND' return end subroutine test05 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST05 tests BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 03 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision ball_unit_volume_nd integer dim_num write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST05' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND computes the volume ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of the unit ball in ND.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' N Volume' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do dim_num = 2, 10 write ( *, '(2x,i3,f14.8)' ) dim_num, & ball_unit_volume_nd ( dim_num ) end do return end subroutine test052 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST052 tests BALL_VOLUME_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 03 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision ball_volume_3d double precision ball_volume_nd integer i integer n parameter ( n = 3 ) double precision r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST052' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' In 3 dimensions:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of a unit ball.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' BALL_VOLUME_ND will be called for comparison.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' N R Volume Method' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' r = 1.0D+00 do i = 1, 3 write ( *, '(2x,i3,2f14.8,2x,a)' ) & n, r, ball_volume_3d ( r ), 'BALL_VOLUME_3D' write ( *, '(2x,i3,2f14.8,2x,a)' ) & n, r, ball_volume_nd ( n, r ), 'BALL_VOLUME_ND' r = r * 2.0D+00 end do return end subroutine test054 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST054 tests BALL_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 04 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision ball_volume_nd integer i integer n double precision r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST054' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_UNIT_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the unit ball in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' N R Volume' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, 10 r = 0.5D+00 do i = 1, 3 write ( *, '(2x,i3,2f14.8)' ) n, r, ball_volume_nd ( n, r ) r = r * 2.0D+00 end do end do return end subroutine test07 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST07 tests CIRCLE_ANNULUS. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 04 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 2 ) double precision area double precision center(dim_num) double precision center_test(dim_num,test_num) double precision circle_annulus_area_2d double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer num integer nr double precision radius1 double precision radius1_test(test_num) double precision radius2 double precision radius2_test(test_num) double precision result integer test save center_test save radius1_test save radius2_test data center_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data radius1_test / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data radius2_test / 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST07' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_ANNULUS estimates integrals ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in a circular annulus.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' F CENTER Radius1 Radius2 NR Result' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num do i = 1, dim_num center(i) = center_test(i,test) end do radius1 = radius1_test(test) radius2 = radius2_test(test) area = circle_annulus_area_2d ( radius1, radius2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a7,4f10.6,2x,f10.6)' ) & ' Area', center(1:dim_num), radius1, radius2, area num = function_2d_num ( ) do j = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', j ) do nr = 1, 4 call circle_annulus ( function_2d, center, radius1, & radius2, nr, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,4f10.6,i2,f10.6)' ) function_2d_name(j), & center(1), center(2), radius1, radius2, nr, result end do end do end do return end subroutine test08 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST08 tests CIRCLE_ANNULUS, CIRCLE_RT_SET, CIRCLE_RT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 05 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 3 ) double precision area double precision center(dim_num) double precision center_test(dim_num,test_num) double precision circle_annulus_area_2d double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer nc integer num integer nr integer nr2 integer nt double precision ra(5) double precision radius1 double precision radius1_test(test_num) double precision radius2 double precision radius2_test(test_num) double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 double precision rw(5) integer rule double precision ta(20) integer test double precision tw(20) double precision zw save center_test save radius1_test save radius2_test data center_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data radius1_test / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data radius2_test / 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 3.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST08' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_ANNULUS estimates integrals in a ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' circular annulus.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_RT_SET sets up a rule for a circle;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_RT_SUM applies the rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' RESULT1 = CIRCLE_ANNULUS result.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' RESULT2 = Difference of two CIRCLE_RT_SUM results.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' F CENTER Radius1' // & ' Radius2 Result1 Result2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num do i = 1, dim_num center(i) = center_test(i,test) end do radius1 = radius1_test(test) radius2 = radius2_test(test) area = circle_annulus_area_2d ( radius1, radius2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f11.5)' ) & ' Area', center(1:dim_num), radius1, radius2, area rule = 9 call circle_rt_size ( rule, nr2, nt, nc ) call circle_rt_set ( rule, nr2, nt, nc, ra, rw, ta, tw, zw ) num = function_2d_num ( ) do j = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', j ) nr = 5 call circle_annulus ( function_2d, center, radius1, radius2, & nr, result1 ) call circle_rt_sum ( function_2d, center, radius1, nr2, ra, & rw, nt, ta, tw, zw, result2 ) call circle_rt_sum ( function_2d, center, radius2, nr2, ra, & rw, nt, ta, tw, zw, result3 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,6f11.5)' ) function_2d_name(j), & center(1), center(2), & radius1, radius2, result1, result3 - result2 end do end do return end subroutine test085 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST085 tests CIRCLE_ANNULUS_AREA_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 05 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 3 ) double precision area double precision center(dim_num) double precision center_test(dim_num,test_num) double precision circle_annulus_area_2d integer i double precision radius1 double precision radius1_test(test_num) double precision radius2 double precision radius2_test(test_num) integer test save center_test save radius1_test save radius2_test data center_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data radius1_test / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data radius2_test / 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 3.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST085' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_ANNULUS_AREA_2D computes the area' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of a circular annulus.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CENTER Radius1 Radius2 Area' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num center(1:dim_num) = center_test(1:dim_num,test) radius1 = radius1_test(test) radius2 = radius2_test(test) area = circle_annulus_area_2d ( radius1, radius2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,5f11.5)' ) & center(1), center(2), radius1, radius2, area end do return end subroutine test09 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST09 tests CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR, CIRCLE_RT_SET, CIRCLE_RT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 06 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 4 ) double precision as1 double precision as2 double precision as3 double precision as4 double precision center(dim_num) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer j integer nc integer num integer nr integer nr2 integer nt double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision ra(5) double precision radius double precision radius1a double precision radius2a double precision radius1b double precision radius2b double precision radius1c double precision radius2c double precision radius1d double precision radius2d double precision result1 double precision result2 integer rule double precision rw(5) double precision ta(20) double precision theta1a double precision theta2a double precision theta1b double precision theta2b double precision theta1c double precision theta2c double precision theta1d double precision theta2d double precision tw(20) double precision zw nr = 5 rule = 9 call circle_rt_size ( rule, nr2, nt, nc ) call circle_rt_set ( rule, nr2, nt, nc, ra, rw, ta, tw, zw ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST09' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR estimates an integral in a ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' circular annulus sector.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SET sets an integration rule in a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SUM uses an integration rule in a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' To test CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR, we estimate an integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' over 4 annular sectors that make up the unit circle, ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and add to get RESULT1.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We will also estimate the integral over the unit circle' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' using CIRCLE_RT_SET and CIRCLE_RT_SUM to get RESULT2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' We will then compare RESULT1 and RESULT2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' CIRCLE_ANNULUS_SECTOR computations will use NR = ',nr write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SET/CIRCLE_RT_SUM will use rule ', rule write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' "RESULT1" is the sum of Annulus Sector calculations.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' "RESULT2" is for CIRCLE_RT_SET/CIRCLE_RT_SUM.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 radius = 1.0D+00 radius1a = 0.0D+00 radius2a = 0.25D+00 theta1a = 0.0D+00 theta2a = 0.5D+00 * pi radius1b = 0.0D+00 radius2b = 0.25D+00 theta1b = 0.5D+00 * pi theta2b = 2.0D+00 * pi radius1c = 0.25D+00 radius2c = 1.0D+00 theta1c = 0.0D+00 theta2c = 0.25D+00 * pi radius1d = 0.25D+00 radius2d = 1.0D+00 theta1d = 0.25D+00 * pi theta2d = 2.0D+00 * pi write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F Result1 Result2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do j = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', j ) call circle_annulus_sector ( function_2d, center, radius1a, & radius2a, theta1a, theta2a, nr, as1 ) call circle_annulus_sector ( function_2d, center, radius1b, & radius2b, theta1b, theta2b, nr, as2 ) call circle_annulus_sector ( function_2d, center, radius1c, & radius2c, theta1c, theta2c, nr, as3 ) call circle_annulus_sector ( function_2d, center, radius1d, & radius2d, theta1d, theta2d, nr, as4 ) result1 = as1 + as2 + as3 + as4 call circle_rt_sum ( function_2d, center, radius, nr2, ra, & rw, nt, ta, tw, zw, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2g14.6)' ) & function_2d_name(j), result1, result2 end do return end subroutine test10 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST10 tests CIRCLE_CUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 07 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) double precision center(2) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer num integer order double precision r double precision result(4) center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 r = 3.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST10' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_CUM approximates an integral over a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' We use radius R = ', r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and center:' write ( *, '(a,2g14.6)' ) ' CENTER = ', center(1), center(2) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Order: 2 4 ' & // '8 16' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do j = 1, 4 order = 2**j call circle_cum ( function_2d, center, r, order, result(j) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) function_2d_name(i), result(1), & result(2), result(3), result(4) end do return end subroutine test11 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST11 tests LENS_HALF_AREA_2D, CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D, CIRCLE_TRIANGLE_AREA_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 08 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision area1 double precision area2 double precision area3 double precision lens_half_area_2d double precision circle_sector_area_2d double precision circle_triangle_area_2d integer i double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision r double precision theta1 double precision theta2 r = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST11' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' LENS_HALF_AREA_2D computes the area of a' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' circular half lens, defined by joining the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' endpoints of a circular arc.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D computes the area of' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' a circular sector, defined by joining the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' endpoints of a circular arc to the center.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_TRIANGLE_AREA_2D computes the signed' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' area of a triangle, defined by joining the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' endpoints of a circular arc and the center.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' R Theta1 Theta2 ' // & 'Sector Triangle Half Lens' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, 12 theta1 = 0.0D+00 theta2 = real ( i, kind = 8 ) * 2.0D+00 * pi / 12.0D+00 area1 = circle_sector_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) area2 = circle_triangle_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) area3 = lens_half_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) write ( *, '(2x,f9.3,f9.3,4f14.8)' ) & r, theta1, theta2, area1, area2, area3 end do return end subroutine test12 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST12 tests LENS_HALF_AREA_2D, LENS_HALF_H_AREA_2D, LENS_HALF_W_AREA_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 08 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision area1 double precision area2 double precision area3 double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision h integer i double precision lens_half_area_2d double precision lens_half_h_area_2d double precision lens_half_w_area_2d double precision r double precision theta1 double precision theta2 double precision w r = 50.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST12' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For the area of a circular half lens,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' LENS_HALF_AREA_2D uses two angles;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' LENS_HALF_H_AREA_2D works from the height;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' LENS_HALF_W_AREA_2D works from the width.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' The circle has radius R = ', r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' THETA1 THETA2 H W Area(THETA) Area(H) Area(W)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, 12 theta1 = 0.0D+00 theta2 = dble ( i ) * 2.0D+00 * pi / 12.0D+00 w = 2.0D+00 * r * sin ( 0.5D+00 * ( theta2 - theta1 ) ) h = r * ( 1.0D+00 - cos ( 0.5D+00 * ( theta2 - theta1 ) ) ) area1 = lens_half_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) area2 = lens_half_h_area_2d ( r, h ) area3 = lens_half_w_area_2d ( r, w ) write ( *, '(2x,4f6.2,3f10.4)' ) & theta1, theta2, h, w, area1, area2, area3 end do return end subroutine test13 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST13 tests CIRCLE_SECTOR, CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 09 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer nrlo parameter ( nrlo = 1 ) integer nrhi parameter ( nrhi = 5 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 4 ) double precision area double precision center(dim_num) double precision center_test(dim_num,test_num) double precision circle_sector_area_2d double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer num integer nr double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision radius double precision radius_test(test_num) double precision result(nrlo:nrhi) integer test double precision theta1 double precision theta1_test(test_num) double precision theta2 double precision theta2_test(test_num) save center_test save radius_test save theta1_test save theta2_test data center_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data radius_test / & 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 4.0D+00, 8.0D+00 / data theta1_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data theta2_test / & 2.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 0.5D+00, 0.25D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST13' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_SECTOR_AREA_2D computes the area ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of a circular sector.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_SECTOR estimates an integral ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in a circular sector.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The user can specify NR, the number of radial values' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' used to approximated the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' In this test, computations will use values of NR' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' from ', nrlo write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' to ', nrhi write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num center(1) = center_test(1,test) center(2) = center_test(2,test) radius = radius_test(test) theta1 = theta1_test(test) * pi theta2 = theta2_test(test) * pi area = circle_sector_area_2d ( radius, theta1, theta2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CENTER RADIUS THETA1 THETA2 Area' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(6f8.4)' ) & center(1), center(2), radius, theta1, theta2, area write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a7,14(6x,i2,6x))' ) ' F ', & ( nr, nr = nrlo, nrhi ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do j = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', j ) do nr = nrlo, nrhi call circle_sector ( function_2d, center, radius, theta1, & theta2, nr, result(nr) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5g14.6)' ) & function_2d_name(j), result(nrlo:nrhi) end do end do return end subroutine test14 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST14 tests CIRCLE_SECTOR, CIRCLE_RT_SET, CIRCLE_RT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 09 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 4 ) double precision area1 double precision area2 double precision area3 double precision center(dim_num) double precision center_test(dim_num,test_num) double precision circle_area_2d double precision circle_sector_area_2d double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer nc integer num integer nr integer nr2 integer nt double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision ra(5) double precision radius double precision radius_test(test_num) double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision resulta double precision resultb integer rule double precision rw(5) double precision ta(20) integer test double precision theta1 double precision theta1_test(test_num) double precision theta2 double precision theta2_test(test_num) double precision theta3 double precision tw(20) double precision zw save center_test save radius_test save theta1_test save theta2_test data center_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data radius_test / & 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 4.0D+00, 8.0D+00 / data theta1_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data theta2_test / & 2.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 0.5D+00, 0.25D+00 / nr = 5 rule = 9 call circle_rt_size ( rule, nr2, nt, nc ) call circle_rt_set ( rule, nr2, nt, nc, ra, rw, ta, tw, zw ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST14' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_SECTOR estimates integrals in a circular sector.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SET sets an integration rule in a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SUM uses an integration rule in a circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' To test CIRCLE_SECTOR, we estimate an integral over' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a sector, and over its complement and add the results' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' to get RESULT1.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We also estimate the integral over the whole circle' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' using CIRCLE_RT_SET and CIRCLE_RT_SUM to get RESULT2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' We will then compare RESULT1 and RESULT2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' CIRCLE_SECTOR computations will use NR = ', nr write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SET/CIRCLE_RT_SUM will use rule ', rule write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' "Sector1" and "Sector2" are the CIRCLE_SECTOR' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' computations' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' for the sector and its complement.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' "Sum" is the sum of Sector1 and Sector2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' "Circle" is the computation for ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_RT_SET + CIRCLE_RT_SUM.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do test = 1, test_num center(1) = center_test(1,test) center(2) = center_test(2,test) radius = radius_test(test) theta1 = theta1_test(test) * pi theta2 = theta2_test(test) * pi theta3 = theta2 + 2.0D+00 * pi - ( theta2 - theta1 ) area1 = circle_sector_area_2d ( radius, theta1, theta2 ) area2 = circle_sector_area_2d ( radius, theta2, theta3 ) area3 = circle_area_2d ( radius ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CENTER RADIUS THETA1 THETA2' // & ' Area1 Area2 Circle' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(8f9.4)' ) center(1), center(2), radius, theta1, & theta2, area1, area2, area3 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F Sector1 Sector2' // & ' Sum Circle' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do j = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', j ) call circle_sector ( function_2d, center, radius, theta1, & theta2, nr, resulta ) call circle_sector ( function_2d, center, radius, theta2, & theta3, nr, resultb ) result1 = resulta + resultb call circle_rt_sum ( function_2d, center, radius, nr2, ra, & rw, nt, ta, tw, zw, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,4g14.6)' ) function_2d_name(j), resulta, & resultb, result1, result2 end do end do return end subroutine test15 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST15 tests CIRCLE_RT_SET and CIRCLE_RT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 10 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 9 ) integer nr_max parameter ( nr_max = 5 ) integer nt_max parameter ( nt_max = 20 ) double precision center(dim_num) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer nc integer num integer nr integer nt double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision r parameter ( r = 1.0D+00 ) double precision ra(nr_max) double precision result(rule_max) double precision rw(nr_max) integer rule double precision ta(nt_max) double precision tw(nt_max) double precision zw save center data center / 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST15' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For R, Theta product rules on the unit circle,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_RT_SET sets a rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CIRCLE_RT_SUM uses the rule in an arbitrary circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' We use a radius ', r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and center:' write ( *, '(a,2g14.6)' ) ' CENTER = ', center(1), center(2) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a7,7x,5(i7,7x))' ) & 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call circle_rt_size ( rule, nr, nt, nc ) call circle_rt_set ( rule, nr, nt, nc, ra, rw, ta, tw, zw ) call circle_rt_sum ( function_2d, center, r, nr, ra, rw, & nt, ta, tw, zw, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test16 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST16 tests CIRCLE_XY_SET and CIRCLE_XY_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 10 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 64 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 13 ) double precision center(2) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision r double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision ytab(order_max) center(1) = 1.0D+00 center(2) = 1.0D+00 r = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST16' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_XY_SET sets a quadrature rule ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' for the unit circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CIRCLE_XY_SUM evaluates the quadrature rule' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in an arbitrary circle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' We use a radius ', r write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and center:' write ( *, '(a,2g14.6)' ) ' CENTER = ', center(1), center(2) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a7,7x,5(i7,7x))' ) 'Rule: ', & ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call circle_xy_size ( rule, order ) call circle_xy_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call circle_xy_sum ( function_2d, center, r, order, xtab, & ytab, weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test163 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST163 tests the rules for CN with Gegenbauer weight on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 11 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 5 ) double precision alpha double precision alpha_test(test_num) integer expon(6) integer i integer n integer test save alpha_test data alpha_test / & - 0.5D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.5D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.5D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST163' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of quadrature rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CN_GEG, that is, the hypercube [-1,+1]^N, with the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' weight W(ALPHA;X) = product ( 1 <= I <= N )' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' (1-X(I)^2)^ALPHA' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X(1)^E(1) * X(2)^E(2) * ... X(N)^E(N)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, 6 do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do call cn_geg_test ( n, alpha, expon ) end do do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 1 call cn_geg_test ( n, alpha, expon ) end do if ( 2 .le. n ) then do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 1 expon(2) = 1 call cn_geg_test ( n, alpha, expon ) end do end if do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 2 call cn_geg_test ( n, alpha, expon ) end do end do return end subroutine cn_geg_test ( n, alpha, expon ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CN_GEG_TEST tests the rules for CN with Gegenbauer weight on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 11 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision alpha double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i integer i4vec_sum integer o integer option integer p double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision quad double precision r8_gamma double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(2*n) double precision volume_1d double precision w(2*n) double precision x(n,2*n) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' ALPHA = ', alpha write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', ( expon(i), i = 1, n ) d = i4vec_sum ( n, expon ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call cn_geg_monomial_integral ( n, alpha, expon, exact ) p = 0 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_geg_00_1_size ( n, alpha, o ) call cn_geg_00_1 ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_GEG_00_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 1 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_geg_01_1_size ( n, alpha, o ) call cn_geg_01_1 ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_GEG_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_geg_02_xiu_size ( n, alpha, o ) call cn_geg_02_xiu ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_GEG_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = 1.0D+00 delta0 = 0.0D+00 c1 = 1.0D+00 / ( 2.0D+00 * alpha + 3.0D+00 ) volume_1d = sqrt ( pi ) * r8_gamma ( alpha + 1.0D+00 ) & / r8_gamma ( alpha + 1.5D+00 ) call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if p = 3 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_geg_03_xiu_size ( n, alpha, o ) call cn_geg_03_xiu ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = dot_product ( w(1:o), v(1:o) ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_GEG_03_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test165 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST165 tests the rules for CN with Jacobi weight on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 12 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 4 ) double precision alpha double precision alpha_test(test_num) double precision beta double precision beta_test(test_num) integer expon(6) integer i integer n integer test save alpha_test save beta_test data alpha_test / & 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.5D+00 / data beta_test / & 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 1.5D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST165' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of quadrature rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CN_JAC, that is, the hypercube [-1,+1]^N, with the' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' weight W(ALPHA,BETA;X) = product ( 1 <= I <= N )' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' (1-X(I))^ALPHA (1+X(I))^BETA' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X(1)^E(1) * X(2)^E(2) * ... X(N)^E(N)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, 6 do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) beta = beta_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do call cn_jac_test ( n, alpha, beta, expon ) end do do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) beta = beta_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 1 call cn_jac_test ( n, alpha, beta, expon ) end do if ( 2 .le. n ) then do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) beta = beta_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 1 expon(2) = 1 call cn_jac_test ( n, alpha, beta, expon ) end do end if do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) beta = beta_test(test) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 2 call cn_jac_test ( n, alpha, beta, expon ) end do end do return end subroutine cn_jac_test ( n, alpha, beta, expon ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CN_JAC_TEST tests the rules for CN with Jacobi weight on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 12 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision alpha double precision beta double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i4vec_sum integer o integer option integer p double precision quad double precision r8_gamma double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(n+1) double precision volume_1d double precision w(n+1) double precision x(n,n+1) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' ALPHA = ', alpha write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' BETA = ', beta write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', expon(1:n) d = i4vec_sum ( n, expon ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call cn_jac_monomial_integral ( n, alpha, beta, expon, exact ) p = 0 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_jac_00_1_size ( n, alpha, beta, o ) call cn_jac_00_1 ( n, alpha, beta, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_JAC_00_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 1 if ( d <= p ) then call cn_jac_01_1_size ( n, alpha, beta, o ) call cn_jac_01_1 ( n, alpha, beta, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_JAC_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_jac_02_xiu_size ( n, alpha, beta, o ) call cn_jac_02_xiu ( n, alpha, beta, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_JAC_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = ( alpha + beta + 2.0D+00 ) / 2.0D+00 delta0 = ( alpha - beta ) / 2.0D+00 c1 = 2.0D+00 * ( alpha + 1.0D+00 ) * ( beta + 1.0D+00 ) & / ( alpha + beta + 3.0D+00 ) / ( alpha + beta + 2.0D+00 ) volume_1d = 2.0D+00 ** ( alpha + beta + 1.0D+00 ) & * r8_gamma ( alpha + 1.0D+00 ) * r8_gamma ( beta + 1.0D+00 ) & / ( alpha + beta + 1.0D+00 ) & / r8_gamma ( alpha + beta + 1.0D+00 ) call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test167 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST167 tests the rules for CN with Legendre weight on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 12 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer expon(6) integer i integer n write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST167' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of quadrature rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CN_LEG, that is, the hypercube [-1,+1]^N, with the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Legendre weight W(X) = 1' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X(1)^E(1) * X(2)^E(2) * ... X(N)^E(N)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, 6 do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 1 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) if ( 2 .le. n ) then do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 1 expon(2) = 1 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) end if do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 2 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 3 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 4 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) if ( 2 .le. n ) then do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 3 expon(2) = 2 call cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) end if end do return end subroutine cn_leg_test ( n, expon ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CN_LEG_TEST tests the rules for CN with Legendre weight on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 12 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i integer o integer option integer p double precision quad double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(2*n*n+n+2) double precision volume_1d double precision w(2*n*n+n+2) double precision x(n,2*n*n+n+2) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', ( expon(i), i = 1, n ) d = sum ( expon(1:n) ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call cn_leg_monomial_integral ( n, expon, exact ) p = 1 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_leg_01_1_size ( n, o ) call cn_leg_01_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_leg_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) call cn_leg_02_xiu ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = 1.0D+00 delta0 = 0.0D+00 c1 = 1.0D+00 / 3.0D+00 volume_1d = 2.0D+00 call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if p = 3 if ( d .le. p ) then call cn_leg_03_1_size ( n, o ) call cn_leg_03_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_03_1: ', o, quad, err call cn_leg_03_xiu_size ( n, o ) call cn_leg_03_xiu ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_03_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if p = 5 if ( d .le. p ) then if ( 4 .le. n .and. n .le. 6 ) then call cn_leg_05_1_size ( n, o ) option = 1 call cn_leg_05_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_05_1(1):', o, quad, err end if if ( 4 .le. n .and. n .le. 5 ) then call cn_leg_05_1_size ( n, o ) option = 2 call cn_leg_05_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_05_1(2):', o, quad, err end if if ( 2 .le. n ) then call cn_leg_05_2_size ( n, o ) call cn_leg_05_2 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' CN_LEG_05_2: ', o, quad, err end if end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test17 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST17 tests CONE_UNIT_3D, CONE_VOLUME_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 13 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision cone_volume_3d character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d double precision h integer i integer num double precision r double precision result h = 1.0D+00 r = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST17' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' CONE_UNIT_3D approximates integrals in a unit cone.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', cone_volume_3d ( r, h ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) CONE_3D' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call cone_unit_3d ( function_3d, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,f14.8)' ) function_3d_name(i), result end do return end subroutine test18 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST18 tests CUBE_SHELL_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 13 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 4 ) integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 2 ) double precision cube_shell_volume_nd double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision r1 double precision r1_test(test_num) double precision r2 double precision r2_test(test_num) double precision result integer test save r1_test save r2_test data r1_test / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data r2_test / 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST18' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CUBE_SHELL_ND approximates integrals in a' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' cubical shell in ND.' do test = 1, test_num r1 = r1_test(test) r2 = r2_test(test) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Inner radius = ', r1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Outer radius = ', r2 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', & cube_shell_volume_nd ( n, r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) CUBE_SHELL_ND' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call cube_shell_nd ( function_nd, n, r1, r2, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,f14.8)' ) function_nd_name(i), result end do end do end do return end subroutine test19 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST19 tests CUBE_UNIT_3D, QMULT_3D, RECTANGLE_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 13 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision a1 double precision a(3) double precision b1 double precision b(3) double precision fl18 external fl18 double precision fl28 external fl28 character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision fu18 external fu18 double precision fu28 external fu28 double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer n parameter ( n = 3 ) integer num double precision qmult_3d double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 a1 = -1.0D+00 b1 = +1.0D+00 a(1) = -1.0D+00 a(2) = -1.0D+00 a(3) = -1.0D+00 b(1) = 1.0D+00 b(2) = 1.0D+00 b(3) = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST19' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CUBE_UNIT_3D approximates integrals ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in the unit cube in 3D.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' QMULT_3D approximates triple integrals.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' RECTANGLE_3D approximates integrals ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in a rectangular block.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' F(X) CUBE_UNIT_3D QMULT_3D RECTANGLE_3D' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call cube_unit_3d ( function_3d, result1 ) result2 = qmult_3d ( function_3d, a1, b1, fu18, fl18, fu28, & fl28 ) call rectangle_3d ( function_3d, a, b, result3 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,3f14.8)' ) function_3d_name(i), & result1, result2, result3 end do return end subroutine test20 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST20 tests CUBE_UNIT_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 13 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer max_k parameter ( max_k = 10 ) integer max_test parameter ( max_test = 2 ) double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer i_test integer k integer khi integer klo integer k_max integer k_test(max_test) integer n integer n_test(max_test) integer num double precision qa(max_k) double precision qb(max_k) save k_test save n_test data k_test / 10, 5 / data n_test / 2, 3 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST20' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' CUBE_UNIT_ND approximates integrals inside ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the unit cube in ND.' do i_test = 1, max_test n = n_test(i_test) k_max = k_test(i_test) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Value of K = ', k_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) CUBE_UNIT_ND' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call cube_unit_nd ( function_nd, qa, qb, n, k_max ) do klo = 1, k_max, 5 khi = min ( klo + 4, k_max ) if ( klo .eq. 1 ) then write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) function_nd_name(i), & ( qa(k), k = klo, khi ) else write ( *, '(2x,7x,5f14.8)' ) ( qa(k), k = klo, khi ) end if end do do klo = 1, k_max, 5 khi = min ( klo + 4, k_max ) write ( *, '(2x,7x,5f14.8)' ) ( qa(k), k = klo, khi ) end do end do end do return end subroutine test205 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST205 tests ELLIPSE_AREA_2D, ELLIPSE_CIRCUMFERENCE_2D, ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 14 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision area double precision r8_uniform_01 double precision e double precision ellipse_area_2d double precision ellipse_circumference_2d double precision ellipse_eccentricity_2d integer i double precision p double precision r1 double precision r2 integer seed seed = 123456789 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST205' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' ELLIPSE_AREA_2D returns the area of an ellipse.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ELLIPSE_ECCENTRICITY_2D returns the ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' eccentricity of an ellipse.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ELLIPSE_CIRCUMFERENCE_2D returns the ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' circumference of an ellipse.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' R1 R2 E Circum Area' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, 5 if ( i .eq. 1 ) then r1 = 25.0D+00 r2 = 20.0D+00 else r1 = r8_uniform_01 ( seed ) r2 = r8_uniform_01 ( seed ) end if e = ellipse_eccentricity_2d ( r1, r2 ) p = ellipse_circumference_2d ( r1, r2 ) area = ellipse_area_2d ( r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(2x,5f10.4)' ) r1, r2, e, p, area end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' (For the first example, ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the eccentricity should be 0.6,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' the circumference should be about 141.8).' return end subroutine test207 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST207 tests the Stroud EN_R2 rules on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 26 January 2010 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 7 ) integer alpha(n_max) integer i integer n write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST207' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of Stroud rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' EN_R2, that is, all of N-dimensional space, with the' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' weight function W(X) = exp ( - X1^2 - X2^2 ... -XN^2 )' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X1^ALPHA1 * X2^ALPHA2 * ... XN^ALPHAN' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, n_max do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do alpha(1) = 2 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do alpha(2) = 4 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do i = mod ( 3 - 1, n ) + 1 alpha(i) = 6 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do alpha(1) = 2 alpha(2) = 4 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do i = mod ( 4 - 1, n ) + 1 alpha(i) = 8 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 0 end do i = mod ( 5 - 1, n ) + 1 alpha(i) = 10 call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = i end do call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) do i = 1, n alpha(i) = 2 end do call en_r2_test ( n, alpha ) end do return end subroutine en_r2_test ( n, expon ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EN_R2_TEST tests the Stroud EN_R2 rules on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 15 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n c c I happen to know that O_MAX will be 1024 for the set of N values c I am using. I should have written O_MAX as a function of N. c integer o_max parameter ( o_max = 1024 ) double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i integer o integer option integer p double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision quad double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(o_max) double precision volume_1d double precision w(o_max) double precision x(n,o_max) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', ( expon(i), i = 1, n ) d = sum ( expon(1:n) ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call en_r2_monomial_integral ( n, expon, exact ) p = 1 if ( d .le. p ) then call en_r2_01_1_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_01_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call en_r2_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_02_xiu ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = 2.0D+00 delta0 = 0.0D+00 c1 = 1.0D+00 volume_1d = sqrt ( pi ) call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if p = 3 if ( d .le. p ) then call en_r2_03_1_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_03_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_03_1: ', o, quad, err call en_r2_03_2_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_03_2 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_03_2: ', o, quad, err call en_r2_03_xiu_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_03_xiu ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_03_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if p = 5 if ( d .le. p ) then if ( 2 .le. n .and. n .le. 7 ) then option = 1 call en_r2_05_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_05_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_1(1):', o, quad, err if ( n .eq. 3 .or. n .eq. 5 .or. n .eq. 6 ) then option = 2 call en_r2_05_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_05_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_1(2):', o, quad, err end if end if call en_r2_05_2_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_05_2 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_2: ', o, quad, err if ( 3 .le. n ) then call en_r2_05_3_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_05_3 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_3: ', o, quad, err end if call en_r2_05_4_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_05_4 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_4: ', o, quad, err call en_r2_05_5_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_05_5 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_5: ', o, quad, err if ( 5 .le. n ) then call en_r2_05_6_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_05_6 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_05_6: ', o, quad, err end if end if p = 7 if ( d .le. p ) then if ( n .eq. 3 .or. n .eq. 4 .or. n .eq. 6 .or. n .eq. 7 ) then option = 1 call en_r2_07_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_07_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_07_1(1):', o, quad, err end if if ( n .eq. 3 .or. n .eq. 4 ) then option = 2 call en_r2_07_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_07_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_07_1(2):', o, quad, err end if if ( 3 .le. n ) then call en_r2_07_2_size ( n, o ) call en_r2_07_2 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_07_2: ', o, quad, err end if if ( 3 .le. n .and. n .le. 6 ) then option = 1 call en_r2_07_3_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_07_3 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_07_3(1):', o, quad, err option = 2 call en_r2_07_3_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_07_3 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_07_3(2):', o, quad, err end if end if p = 9 if ( d .le. p ) then if ( 3 .le. n .and. n .le. 6 ) then option = 1 call en_r2_09_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_09_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_09_1(1):', o, quad, err option = 2 call en_r2_09_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_09_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_09_1(2):', o, quad, err end if end if p = 11 if ( d .le. p ) then if ( 3 .le. n .and. n .le. 5 ) then option = 1 call en_r2_11_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_11_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_11_1(1):', o, quad, err option = 2 call en_r2_11_1_size ( n, option, o ) call en_r2_11_1 ( n, option, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EN_R2_11_1(2):', o, quad, err end if end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test2075 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST2075 tests the rules for EPN with GLG weight on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 5 ) double precision alpha double precision alpha_test(test_num) integer expon(6) integer i integer n integer test save alpha_test data alpha_test / & - 0.5D+00, 0.0D+00, 0.5D+00, 1.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST2075' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of quadrature rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' EPN_GLG, that is, the positive half space [0,+oo)^N, with' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' weight W(ALPHA;X) = product ( 1 <= I <= N ) ' & // 'X(I)^ALPHA exp ( -X(I) )' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X(1)^E(1) * X(2)^E(2) * ... X(N)^E(N)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, 6 do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) call epn_glg_test ( n, expon, alpha ) end do do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 1 do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) call epn_glg_test ( n, expon, alpha ) end do if ( 2 .le. n ) then do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 1 expon(2) = 1 do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) call epn_glg_test ( n, expon, alpha ) end do end if do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 2 do test = 1, test_num alpha = alpha_test(test) call epn_glg_test ( n, expon, alpha ) end do end do return end subroutine epn_glg_test ( n, expon, alpha ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EPN_GLG_TEST tests the rules for EPN with GLG weight on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision alpha double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i integer i4vec_sum integer o integer option integer p double precision quad double precision r8_gamma double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(n+1) double precision volume_1d double precision w(n+1) double precision x(n,n+1) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' ALPHA = ', alpha write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', ( expon(i), i = 1, n ) d = i4vec_sum ( n, expon ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call epn_glg_monomial_integral ( n, expon, alpha, exact ) p = 0 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_glg_00_1_size ( n, alpha, o ) call epn_glg_00_1 ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_GLG_00_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 1 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_glg_01_1_size ( n, alpha, o ) call epn_glg_01_1 ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_GLG_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_glg_02_xiu_size ( n, alpha, o ) call epn_glg_02_xiu ( n, alpha, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_GLG_02_XIU:', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = - 1.0D+00 delta0 = alpha + 1.0D+00 c1 = - alpha - 1.0D+00 volume_1d = r8_gamma ( 1.0D+00 + alpha ) call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test208 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST208 tests the rules for EPN with Laguerre weight on monomials. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 15 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer expon(6) integer i integer n integer test write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST208' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Demonstrate the use of quadrature rules for the region' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' EPN_LAG, that is, the positive half space [0,+oo)^N, with' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' weight W(X) = product ( 1 <= I <= N ) exp ( -X(I) )' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We use the formulas to integrate various monomials of' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' the form X(1)^E(1) * X(2)^E(2) * ... X(N)^E(N)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and compare to the exact integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The precision of each formula is known, and we only use' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' a formula if its precision indicates it should be able to' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' produce an exact result.' do n = 1, 6 do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do call epn_lag_test ( n, expon ) do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(n) = 1 call epn_lag_test ( n, expon ) if ( 2 .le. n ) then do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 1 expon(2) = 1 call epn_lag_test ( n, expon ) end if do i = 1, n expon(i) = 0 end do expon(1) = 2 call epn_lag_test ( n, expon ) end do return end subroutine epn_lag_test ( n, expon ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EPN_LAG_TEST tests the rules for EPN with Laguerre weight on a monomial. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 15 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision c1 integer d double precision delta0 double precision err double precision exact integer expon(n) double precision gamma0 integer i integer i4vec_sum integer o integer option integer p double precision quad double precision r8vec_dot_product double precision v(n+1) double precision volume_1d double precision w(n+1) double precision x(n,n+1) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' N = ', n write ( *, '(a,10i4)' ) ' EXPON = ', ( expon(i), i = 1, n ) d = i4vec_sum ( n, expon ) write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' Degree = ', d write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call epn_lag_monomial_integral ( n, expon, exact ) p = 0 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_lag_00_1_size ( n, o ) call epn_lag_00_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_LAG_00_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 1 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_lag_01_1_size ( n, o ) call epn_lag_01_1 ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_LAG_01_1: ', o, quad, err end if p = 2 if ( d .le. p ) then call epn_lag_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) call epn_lag_02_xiu ( n, o, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EPN_LAG_02_XIU:', o, quad, err call gw_02_xiu_size ( n, o ) gamma0 = - 1.0D+00 delta0 = 1.0D+00 c1 = - 1.0D+00 volume_1d = 1.0D+00 call gw_02_xiu ( n, o, gamma0, delta0, c1, volume_1d, x, w ) call monomial_value ( n, o, x, expon, v ) quad = r8vec_dot_product ( o, w, v ) err = abs ( quad - exact ) write ( *, '(a,2x,i6,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' GW_02_XIU: ', o, quad, err end if write ( *, '(a,2x,6x,2x,g14.6)' ) & ' EXACT: ', exact return end subroutine test21 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST21 tests HEXAGON_UNIT_SET and HEXAGON_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 7 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 4 ) double precision center(dim_num) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer i2 integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision rad double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision ytab(order_max) save center data center / 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / rad = 2.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST21' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' HEXAGON_UNIT_SET sets a quadrature rule' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' for the unit hexagon.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' HEXAGON_SUM evaluates the quadrature rule' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in an arbitrary hexagon.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' We use a radius ', rad write ( *, '(a)' ) ' and center:' write ( *, '(a,2g14.6)' ) & ' CENTER = ', ( center(i), i = 1, dim_num ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5i6)' ) 'Rule: ', & ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call hexagon_unit_size ( rule, order ) call hexagon_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call hexagon_sum ( function_2d, center, rad, order, xtab, & ytab, weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) function_2d_name(i), & ( result(i2), i2 = ilo, ihi ) end do end do return end subroutine test215 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST215 tests LENS_HALF_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) double precision area double precision center(dim_num) double precision f_1_2d external f_1_2d double precision f_x_2d external f_x_2d double precision f_r_2d external f_r_2d integer i integer i_max double precision lens_half_2d double precision lens_half_area_2d integer order double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision r double precision theta1 double precision theta2 double precision value save center data center / 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / i_max = 8 r = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST215' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' LENS_HALF_2D approximates an integral within a' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' circular half lens, defined by joining the endpoints' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of a circular arc.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Integrate F(X,Y) = 1' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' R Theta1 Theta2 ' // & 'Area Order Integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, i_max theta1 = 0.0D+00 theta2 = dble ( i ) * 2.0D+00 * pi / dble ( i_max ) area = lens_half_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do order = 2, 16, 2 value = lens_half_2d ( f_1_2d, center, r, theta1, theta2, & order ) write ( *, '(4g14.6,i8,g14.6)' ) & r, theta1, theta2, area, order, value end do end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Integrate F(X,Y) = X' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' R Theta1 Theta2 ' // & 'Area Order Integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, i_max theta1 = 0.0D+00 theta2 = dble ( i ) * 2.0D+00 * pi / dble ( i_max ) area = lens_half_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do order = 2, 16, 2 value = lens_half_2d ( f_x_2d, center, r, theta1, theta2, & order ) write ( *, '(4g14.6,i8,g14.6)' ) r, theta1, theta2, area, & order, value end do end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Integrate F(X,Y) = R' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' R Theta1 Theta2 ' // & 'Area Order Integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, i_max theta1 = 0.0D+00 theta2 = dble ( i ) * 2.0D+00 * pi / dble ( i_max ) area = lens_half_area_2d ( r, theta1, theta2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do order = 2, 16, 2 value = lens_half_2d ( f_r_2d, center, r, theta1, theta2, & order ) write ( *, '(4g14.6,i8,g14.6)' ) r, theta1, theta2, area, & order, value end do end do return end subroutine test22 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST22 tests OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 3 ) double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer j integer n integer num double precision result(3) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST22' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' OCTAHEDRON_UNIT_ND approximates integrals in a unit' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' octahedron in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) N = 1 N = 2 N = 3 ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) do n = 1, n_max call octahedron_unit_nd ( function_nd, n, result(n) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,3f14.8)' ) & function_nd_name(i), ( result(j), j = 1 , n_max ) end do return end subroutine test23 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST23 tests PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 4 ) integer i integer n double precision parallelipiped_volume_nd double precision v(n_max,n_max+1) double precision volume write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST23' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' PARALLELIPIPED_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' parallelipiped in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n c c Set the values of the parallelipiped. c call setsim ( n, v ) call r8mat_print ( n, n + 1, v, ' Parallelipiped vertices' ) volume = parallelipiped_volume_nd ( n, v ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume is ', volume end do return end subroutine test24 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST24 tests POLYGON_**_2D; c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer npts parameter ( npts = 4 ) character * ( 4 ) name double precision result double precision x(npts) double precision y(npts) save x save y data x / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / data y / 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST24' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For a polygon in 2D:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_1_2D integrates 1' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_X_2D integrates X' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_Y_2D integrates Y' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_XX_2D integrates X^2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_XY_2D integrates X*Y' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' POLYGON_YY_2D integrates Y^2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X,Y) Integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' name = '1' call polygon_1_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result name = 'X' call polygon_x_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result name = 'Y' call polygon_y_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result name = 'X^2' call polygon_xx_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result name = 'XY' call polygon_xy_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result name = 'Y^2' call polygon_yy_2d ( npts, x, y, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a4,4x,g14.6)' ) name, result return end subroutine test25 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST25 tests PYRAMID_UNIT_O**_3D, PYRAMID_VOLUME_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer num parameter ( num = 23 ) integer rule_num parameter ( rule_num = 10 ) character * ( 7 ) column_label(num) character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer j integer jhi integer jlo double precision pyramid_unit_volume_3d double precision result(rule_num,num) integer order(rule_num) save order data order / 1, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 13, 18, 27, 48 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST25' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For the unit pyramid, we approximate integrals with:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O01_3D, a 1 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O05_3D, a 5 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O06_3D, a 6 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O08_3D, an 8 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O08b_3D, an 8 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O09_3D, a 9 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O13_3D, a 13 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O18_3D, a 18 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O27_3D, a 27 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' PYRAMID_UNIT_O48_3D, a 48 point rule.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' PYRAMID_UNIT_VOLUME_3D computes volume of a unit pyramid.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do j = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', j ) column_label(j) = function_3d_name(j) call pyramid_unit_o01_3d ( function_3d, result(1,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o05_3d ( function_3d, result(2,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o06_3d ( function_3d, result(3,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o08_3d ( function_3d, result(4,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o08b_3d ( function_3d, result(5,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o09_3d ( function_3d, result(6,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o13_3d ( function_3d, result(7,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o18_3d ( function_3d, result(8,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o27_3d ( function_3d, result(9,j) ) call pyramid_unit_o48_3d ( function_3d, result(10,j) ) end do do jlo = 1, num, 5 jhi = min ( jlo + 4, num ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a5,3x,a7,7x,a7,7x,a7,7x,a7,7x,a7)' ) & 'Order', ( column_label(j), j = jlo, jhi ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, rule_num write ( *, '(2x,i5,5g14.6)' ) & order(i), ( result(i,j), j = jlo, jhi ) end do end do return end subroutine test255 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST255 tests PYRAMID_UNIT_MONOMIAL_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer alpha integer beta integer degree_max integer gamma double precision pyramid_unit_monomial_3d double precision pyramid_unit_volume_3d double precision value degree_max = 4 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST255' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For the unit pyramid,' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' PYRAMID_UNIT_MONOMIAL_3D returns the exact value of the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' integral of X^ALPHA Y^BETA Z^GAMMA' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', pyramid_unit_volume_3d ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ALPHA BETA GAMMA INTEGRAL' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do alpha = 0, degree_max do beta = 0, degree_max - alpha do gamma = 0, degree_max - alpha - beta value = pyramid_unit_monomial_3d ( alpha, beta, gamma ) write ( *, '(2x,i8,2x,i8,2x,i8,2x,g14.6)' ) & alpha, beta, gamma, value end do end do end do return end subroutine test26 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST26 tests QMULT_1D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision a double precision b character * ( 7 ) function_1d_name double precision function_1d external function_1d integer function_1d_num integer i integer num double precision qmult_1d double precision result a = -1.0D+00 b = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST26' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' QMULT_1D approximates an integral on a' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' one-dimensional interval.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' We use the interval:' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' A = ', a write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' B = ', b write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) QMULT_1D' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_1d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_1d_set ( 'SET', i ) result = qmult_1d ( function_1d, a, b ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,f14.8)' ) function_1d_name ( i ), result end do return end subroutine test27 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST27 tests SIMPLEX_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 4 ) double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision result double precision v(n_max,n_max+1) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST27' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' SIMPLEX_ND approximates integrals inside an' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' arbitrary simplex in ND.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n c c Restore values of simplex. c call setsim ( n, v ) call r8mat_print ( n, n + 1, v, ' Simplex vertices:' ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) SIMPLEX_ND' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call simplex_nd ( function_nd, n, v, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,f14.8)' ) function_nd_name(i), result call setsim ( n, v ) end do end do return end subroutine test28 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST28 tests SIMPLEX_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 4 ) integer i integer n double precision simplex_volume_nd double precision v(n_max,n_max+1) double precision volume write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST28' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SIMPLEX_VOLUME_ND computes the volume of a simplex' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n c c Set the values of the simplex. c call setsim ( n, v ) call r8mat_print ( n, n + 1, v, ' Simplex vertices:' ) volume = simplex_volume_nd ( n, v ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume is ', volume end do return end subroutine test29 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST29 tests SIMPLEX_UNIT_**_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer i integer n double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 double precision result4 double precision simplex_unit_volume_nd double precision volume write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST29' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For integrals in the unit simplex in ND,' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SIMPLEX_UNIT_01_ND uses a formula of degree 1.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SIMPLEX_UNIT_03_ND uses a formula of degree 3.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_ND uses a formula of degree 5.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SIMPLEX_UNIT_05_2_ND uses a formula of degree 5.' do i = 1, 6 call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Check the integral of ', function_nd_name ( i ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' N Volume #1 #3' & // ' #5 #5.2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 2, 16 call simplex_unit_01_nd ( function_nd, n, result1 ) call simplex_unit_03_nd ( function_nd, n, result2 ) call simplex_unit_05_nd ( function_nd, n, result3 ) call simplex_unit_05_2_nd ( function_nd, n, result4 ) volume = simplex_unit_volume_nd ( n ) write ( *, & '(2x,i2,2x,g13.5,2x,g13.5,2x,g13.5,2x,g13.5,2x,g13.5)' ) & n, volume, result1, result2, result3, result4 end do end do return end subroutine test30 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST30 tests SPHERE_UNIT_**_3D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 double precision result4 double precision sphere_unit_area_nd write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST30' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals on the unit sphere in 3D:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_07_3D uses a formula of degree 7.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_11_3D uses a formula of degree 11.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_14_3D uses a formula of degree 14.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_15_3D uses a formula of degree 15.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Unit sphere area = ', sphere_unit_area_nd ( 3 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' F(X) S3S07 S3S11 S3S14' // & ' S3S15 ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call sphere_unit_07_3d ( function_3d, result1 ) call sphere_unit_11_3d ( function_3d, result2 ) call sphere_unit_14_3d ( function_3d, result3 ) call sphere_unit_15_3d ( function_3d, result4 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,4f14.8)' ) & function_3d_name(i), result1, result2, result3, result4 end do return end subroutine test31 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST31 tests SPHERE_UNIT_**_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 double precision result4 double precision result5 double precision result6 double precision sphere_unit_area_nd write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST31' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals on the unit sphere in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_03_ND uses a formula of degree 3;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_04_ND uses a formula of degree 4;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_05_ND uses a formula of degree 5.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_07_1_ND uses a formula of degree 7.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_07_2_ND uses a formula of degree 7.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_11_ND uses a formula of degree 11.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do n = 3, 10 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Unit sphere area = ', sphere_unit_area_nd ( n ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Rule: #3 #4 #5' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' #7.1 #7.2 #11' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Function' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call sphere_unit_03_nd ( function_nd, n, result1 ) call sphere_unit_04_nd ( function_nd, n, result2 ) call sphere_unit_05_nd ( function_nd, n, result3 ) call sphere_unit_07_1_nd ( function_nd, n, result4 ) call sphere_unit_07_2_nd ( function_nd, n, result5 ) call sphere_unit_11_nd ( function_nd, n, result6 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,3f14.8)' ) & function_nd_name(i), result1, result2, result3 write ( *, '(2x,7x,3f14.8)' ) result4, result5, result6 end do end do return end subroutine test32 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST32 tests SPHERE_05_ND, SPHERE_07_1_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 5 ) double precision center(n_max) double precision, external :: function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer n integer num double precision r double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision sphere_area_nd write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST32' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For integrals on a sphere in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' SPHERE_05_ND uses a formula of degree 5.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' SPHERE_07_1_ND uses a formula of degree 7.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' r = 2.0D+00 do i = 1, n_max center(i) = 1.0D+00 end do do n = 2, 4 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Sphere center = ' write ( *, '(5g14.6)' ) ( center(i), i = 1, n ) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Sphere radius = ', r write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Sphere area = ', sphere_area_nd ( n, r ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule: #5 #7.1' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Function' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call sphere_05_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r, result1 ) call sphere_07_1_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2f14.8)' ) & function_nd_name(i), result1, result2 end do end do return end subroutine test322 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST322 tests SPHERE_CAP_AREA_3D, SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 3 ) double precision area1 double precision area2 double precision center(dim_num) double precision h integer i integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 12 ) double precision r double precision sphere_area_3d r = 1.D+00 center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 center(3) = 0.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST322' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_AREA_3D computes the volume of a' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' 3D spherical cap, defined by a plane that cuts the' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' sphere to a thickness of H units.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND computes the volume of an' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' ND spherical cap, defined by a plane that cuts the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' sphere to a thickness of H units.' area1 = sphere_area_3d ( r ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Area of the total sphere in 3D = ', area1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' R H Cap Cap' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' area_3d area_nd' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, test_num+1 h = 2.0D+00 * r * dble ( i ) / dble ( test_num ) call sphere_cap_area_3d ( r, h, area1 ) call sphere_cap_area_nd ( dim_num, r, h, area2 ) write ( *, '(2x,5f12.6)' ) r, h, area1, area2 end do return end subroutine test324 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST324 tests SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_2D, SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) double precision center(dim_num) double precision h integer i integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 12 ) double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision r double precision volume1 double precision volume2 r = 1.0D+00 center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST324' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_2D computes the volume (area) of a' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' spherical cap, defined by a plane that cuts the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' sphere to a thickness of H units.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND does the same operation,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Using a radius R = ', r call sphere_volume_2d ( r, volume1 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Volume of the total sphere in 2D = ', volume1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' H Cap Cap' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' vol_2d vol_nd' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, test_num+1 h = 2.0D+00 * r * dble ( i ) / dble ( test_num ) call sphere_cap_volume_2d ( r, h, volume1 ) call sphere_cap_volume_nd ( dim_num, r, h, volume2 ) write ( *, '(2x,3f12.6)' ) h, volume1, volume2 end do return end subroutine test326 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST326 tests SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_3D, SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 17 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 3 ) double precision center(dim_num) double precision h integer i integer test_num parameter ( test_num = 12 ) double precision r double precision volume1 double precision volume2 r = 1.0D+00 center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 center(3) = 0.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST326' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_3D computes the volume of a' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' spherical cap, defined by a plane that cuts the' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' sphere to a thickness of H units.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND does the same operation,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' but in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Using a radius R = ', r call sphere_volume_3d ( r, volume1 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Volume of the total sphere in 3D = ', volume1 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' H Cap Cap' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' volume_3d volume_nd' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, test_num+1 h = 2.0D+00 * r * dble ( i ) / dble ( test_num ) call sphere_cap_volume_3d ( r, h, volume1 ) call sphere_cap_volume_nd ( dim_num, r, h, volume2 ) write ( *, '(2x,3f12.6)' ) h, volume1, volume2 end do return end subroutine test33 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST33 tests SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND, SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c center(1 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision area double precision h integer i integer n parameter ( n = 12 ) integer dim_num double precision pi parameter ( pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 ) double precision r double precision sphere_area_nd double precision volume write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST33' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For a sphere in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' SPHERE_CAP_AREA_ND computes the area ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of a spherical cap.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' SPHERE_CAP_VOLUME_ND computes the volume ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of a spherical cap.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' r = 1.0D+00 do dim_num = 2, 5 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', dim_num write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Radius = ', r write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Area = ', sphere_area_nd ( dim_num, r ) call sphere_volume_nd ( dim_num, r, volume ) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', volume write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Sphere Sphere' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' cap cap' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' H area volume' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 0, n + 1 h = dble ( 2 * i ) * r / dble ( n ) call sphere_cap_area_nd ( dim_num, r, h, area ) call sphere_cap_volume_nd ( dim_num, r, h, volume ) write ( *, '(2x,f8.4,2x,g14.6,2x,g14.6)' ) h, area, volume end do end do return end subroutine test335 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST335 tests SPHERE_SHELL_03_ND. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n_max parameter ( n_max = 3 ) double precision center(n_max) double precision function_nd external function_nd character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer function_nd_num integer i integer j integer n integer num double precision result1 double precision result3 double precision result4 double precision result5 double precision result6 double precision r1 double precision r2 double precision sphere_shell_volume_nd write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST335' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For integrals inside a spherical shell in ND:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_SHELL_03_ND approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' We compare these results with those computed by' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' from the difference of two ball integrals:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_F1_ND approximates the integral;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' BALL_F3_ND approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do j = 1, 2 if ( j .eq. 1 ) then r1 = 0.0D+00 r2 = 1.0D+00 center(1) = 0.0D+00 center(2) = 0.0D+00 center(3) = 0.0D+00 else r1 = 2.0D+00 r2 = 3.0D+00 center(1) = 1.0D+00 center(2) = -1.0D+00 center(3) = 2.0D+00 end if do n = 2, n_max write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Spatial dimension N = ', n write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Sphere center:' write ( *, '(2x,3f10.4)' ) ( center(i), i = 1, n ) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Inner sphere radius = ', r1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Outer sphere radius = ', r2 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Spherical shell volume = ', & sphere_shell_volume_nd ( n, r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule: #3 F1(R2)-F1(R1) ' & // 'F3(R2)-F3(R1)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_nd_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_nd_set ( 'SET', i ) call sphere_shell_03_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r1, r2, & result1 ) call ball_f1_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r1, result3 ) call ball_f1_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r2, result4 ) call ball_f3_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r1, result5 ) call ball_f3_nd ( function_nd, n, center, r2, result6 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,4f14.8)' ) function_nd_name(i), result1, & result4-result3, result6-result5 end do end do end do return end subroutine test34 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST34 tests SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_ND, SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_VALUES. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision area double precision area2 integer dim_num integer n_data double precision sphere_unit_area_nd write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST34:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_ND evaluates the area of the unit' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' sphere in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_AREA_VALUES returns some test values.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' dim_num Exact Computed' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Area Area' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' n_data = 0 10 continue call sphere_unit_area_values ( n_data, dim_num, area ) if ( n_data .eq. 0 ) then go to 20 end if area2 = sphere_unit_area_nd ( dim_num ) write ( *, '(2x,i8,2x,f10.6,2x,f10.6)' ) dim_num, area, area2 go to 10 20 continue return end subroutine test345 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST345 tests SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND, SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_VALUES. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num integer n_data double precision sphere_unit_volume_nd double precision volume double precision volume2 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST345:' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_ND evaluates the area of the unit' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' sphere in N dimensions.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SPHERE_UNIT_VOLUME_VALUES returns some test values.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' dim_num Exact Computed' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Volume Volume' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' n_data = 0 10 continue call sphere_unit_volume_values ( n_data, dim_num, volume ) if ( n_data .eq. 0 ) then go to 20 end if volume2 = sphere_unit_volume_nd ( dim_num ) write ( *, '(2x,i8,2x,f10.6,2x,f10.6)' ) & dim_num, volume, volume2 go to 10 20 continue return end subroutine test35 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST35 tests SQUARE_UNIT_SET, RECTANGLE_SUB_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer j integer num integer order integer nsub(2) double precision result integer rule double precision weight(4) double precision xtab(4) double precision xval(2) double precision ytab(4) double precision yval(2) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST35' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SQUARE_UNIT_SET sets up a quadrature rule ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' on a unit square.' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' RECTANGLE_SUB_2D applies it to subrectangles of an' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' arbitrary rectangle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' c c Set the location of the square. c xval(1) = 1.0D+00 yval(1) = 2.0D+00 xval(2) = 3.0D+00 yval(2) = 3.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The corners of the rectangle are:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2g14.6)' ) xval(1), yval(1) write ( *, '(2g14.6)' ) xval(2), yval(2) c c Get the quadrature abscissas and weights for a unit square. c rule = 2 call square_unit_size ( rule, order ) call square_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' Using unit square integration rule number ', rule write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Order of rule is ', order c c Set the function. c num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) c c Try an increasing number of subdivisions. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Function Subdivisions Integral' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do j = 1, 5 nsub(1) = j nsub(2) = 2 * j call rectangle_sub_2d ( function_2d, xval, yval, nsub, order, & xtab, ytab, weight, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2i4, f14.8)' ) function_2d_name(i), & nsub(1), nsub(2), result end do end do return end subroutine test36 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST36 tests SQUARE_UNIT_SET and SQUARE_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer dim_num parameter ( dim_num = 2 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 6 ) double precision center(dim_num) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer i2 integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision r double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(64) double precision xtab(64) double precision ytab(64) r = 3.0D+00 center(1) = 2.0D+00 center(2) = 2.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST36' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SQUARE_UNIT_SET sets up quadrature on the unit square;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SQUARE_SUM carries it out on an arbitrary square.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Square center:' write ( *, '(a,2g14.6)' ) ' CENTER = ', center(1), center(2) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Square radius is ', r do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5(i6,7x))' ) 'Rule: ', & ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call square_unit_size ( rule, order ) call square_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call square_sum ( function_2d, center, r, order, xtab, & ytab, weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f13.7)' ) & function_2d_name(i), ( result(i2), i2 = ilo, ihi ) end do end do return end subroutine test37 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST37 tests SQUARE_UNIT_SET and SQUARE_UNIT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 15 March 2008 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 6 ) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(64) double precision xtab(64) double precision ytab(64) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST37' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SQUARE_UNIT_SET sets up quadrature on the unit square;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' SQUARE_UNIT_SUM carries it out on the unit square.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5i6)' ) 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call square_unit_size ( rule, order ) call square_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call square_unit_sum ( function_2d, order, xtab, ytab, & weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f13.7)' ) function_2d_name(i), & result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test38 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST38 tests TETRA_07, TETRA_TPRODUCT. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 05 April 2008 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 9 ) character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer num integer order double precision result2 double precision result3(order_max) double precision tetra_unit_volume double precision tetra_volume double precision x(4) double precision y(4) double precision z(4) save x save y save z data x / 1.0D+00, 4.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data y / 2.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 3.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / data z / 6.0D+00, 6.0D+00, 6.0D+00, 8.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST38' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For integrals inside an arbitrary tetrahedron:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_07 uses a formula of degree 7;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' TETRA_TPRODUCT uses a triangular product formula ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' of varying degree.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Tetrahedron vertices:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, 4 write ( *, '(2x,3f4.0)' ) x(i), y(i), z(i) end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Tetrahedron unit volume = ', tetra_unit_volume ( ) write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Tetrahedron Volume = ', tetra_volume ( x, y, z ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) TETRA_07' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_TPRODUCT(1:4)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_TPRODUCT(5:8)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_TPRODUCT(9)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call tetra_07 ( function_3d, x, y, z, result2 ) do order = 1, order_max call tetra_tproduct ( function_3d, order, x, y, z, & result3(order) ) end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a7,4f16.10)' ) function_3d_name(i), result2 write ( *, '(2x,7x,4f16.10)' ) result3(1:4) write ( *, '(2x,7x,4f16.10)' ) result3(5:8) write ( *, '(2x,7x,4f16.10)' ) result3(9) end do return end subroutine test39 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST39 tests TETRA_UNIT_SET and TETRA_UNIT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 8 ) character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(35) double precision xtab(35) double precision ytab(35) double precision ztab(35) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST39' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_UNIT_SET sets quadrature rules ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' for the unit tetrahedron;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' TETRA_UNIT_SUM applies them to the unit tetrahedron.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5i6)' ) 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call tetra_unit_size ( rule, order ) call tetra_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, ztab, & weight ) call tetra_unit_sum ( function_3d, order, xtab, ytab, ztab, & weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.6)' ) function_3d_name(i), & result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test40 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST40 tests TETRA_UNIT_SET and TETRA_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 35 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 8 ) character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision value double precision weight(order_max) double precision x(4) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision y(4) double precision ytab(order_max) double precision z(4) double precision ztab(order_max) save x save y save z data x / 1.0D+00, 4.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data y / 2.0D+00, 2.0D+00, 3.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / data z / 6.0D+00, 6.0D+00, 6.0D+00, 8.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST40' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TETRA_UNIT_SET sets quadrature rules ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' for the unit tetrahedron;' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' TETRA_SUM applies them to an arbitrary tetrahedron.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Tetrahedron vertices:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, 4 write ( *, '(2x,3f6.2)' ) x(i), y(i), z(i) end do do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5(i7,7x))' ) & 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' c c Believe it or not, if I remove these unused debugging statements, c the program will fail under the G95 compiler. Somehow, somewhere, c there must be a memory error, but I have not figured out where it is. c num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call tetra_unit_size ( rule, order ) call tetra_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, ztab, & weight ) call tetra_sum ( function_3d, x, y, z, order, xtab, ytab, & ztab, weight, value ) result(rule) = value end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5g14.7)' ) & function_3d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test41 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST41 tests TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET, TRIANGLE_SUB. c c Discussion: c c Break up the triangle into NSUB*NSUB equal subtriangles. Approximate c the integral over the triangle by the sum of the integrals over each c subtriangle. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 64 ) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer num integer order integer nsub double precision result integer rule integer triangle_unit_size double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision xval(3) double precision ytab(order_max) double precision yval(3) save xval save yval data xval / 0.0D+00, 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data yval / 0.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 0.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST41' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET sets up a quadrature rule' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' on a triangle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_SUB applies it to subtriangles of' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' an arbitrary triangle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Triangle vertices:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,2g14.6)' ) xval(1), yval(1) write ( *, '(2x,2g14.6)' ) xval(2), yval(2) write ( *, '(2x,2g14.6)' ) xval(3), yval(3) c c Get the quadrature abscissas and weights for a unit triangle. c rule = 3 order = triangle_unit_size ( rule ) call triangle_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) & ' Using unit triangle quadrature rule ', rule write ( *, '(a,i8)' ) ' Rule order = ', order write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Function Nsub Result' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' c c Set the function. c num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) c c Try an increasing number of subdivisions. c do nsub = 1, 5 call triangle_sub ( function_2d, xval, yval, nsub, order, & xtab, ytab, weight, result ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,i4, f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), nsub, result end do end do return end subroutine test42 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST42 tests TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET and TRIANGLE_UNIT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 64 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 20 ) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule integer triangle_unit_size double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision ytab(order_max) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST42' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET sets up a quadrature ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in the unit triangle,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SUM applies it.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5(i7,7x))' ) & 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi order = triangle_unit_size ( rule ) call triangle_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call triangle_unit_sum ( function_2d, order, xtab, ytab, & weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test425 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST425 tests TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 64 ) integer a integer b double precision coef double precision err double precision exact integer i integer order double precision quad integer rule integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 20 ) integer triangle_unit_size double precision value double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision ytab(order_max) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST425' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET sets up a quadrature ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in the unit triangle,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Estimate integral of X^A * Y^B.' do a = 0, 10 do b = 0, 10 - a coef = dble ( a + b + 2 ) * dble ( a + b + 1 ) do i = 1, b coef = coef * dble ( a + i ) / dble ( i ) end do write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,i8,a,i8)' ) ' A = ', a, ' B = ', b write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Rule QUAD ERROR' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do rule = 1, rule_max order = triangle_unit_size ( rule ) call triangle_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) quad = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, order if ( a .eq. 0 .and. b .eq. 0 ) then value = coef else if ( a .eq. 0 .and. b .ne. 0 ) then value = coef * ytab(i)**b else if ( a .ne. 0 .and. b .eq. 0 ) then value = coef * xtab(i)**a else if ( a .ne. 0 .and. b .ne. 0 ) then value = coef * xtab(i)**a * ytab(i)**b end if quad = quad + 0.5D+00 * weight(i) * value end do exact = 1.0D+00 err = abs ( exact - quad ) write ( *, '(2x,i4,2x,g14.6,2x,f14.8)' ) rule, quad, err end do end do end do return end subroutine test43 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST43 tests TRIANGLE_UNIT_PRODUCT_SET and TRIANGLE_UNIT_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 8 ) double precision, external :: function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule double precision weight(rule_max*rule_max) double precision xtab(rule_max*rule_max) double precision ytab(rule_max*rule_max) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST43' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_PRODUCT_SET sets up a product quadrature' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' rule in the unit triangle,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SUM applies it.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5i6)' ) & 'Rule Order: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi call triangle_unit_product_size ( rule, order ) call triangle_unit_product_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, & weight ) call triangle_unit_sum ( function_2d, order, xtab, ytab, & weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test44 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST44 tests TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET and TRIANGLE_SUM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer order_max parameter ( order_max = 64 ) integer rule_max parameter ( rule_max = 20 ) double precision function_2d external function_2d character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer function_2d_num integer i integer ihi integer ilo integer num integer order double precision result(rule_max) integer rule integer triangle_unit_size double precision weight(order_max) double precision xtab(order_max) double precision xval(3) double precision ytab(order_max) double precision yval(3) save xval save yval data xval / 1.0D+00, 3.0D+00, 1.0D+00 / data yval / 1.0D+00, 1.0D+00, 4.0D+00 / write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST44' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TRIANGLE_UNIT_SET sets up quadrature ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' in the unit triangle,' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' TRIANGLE_SUM applies it to an arbitrary triangle.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do ilo = 1, rule_max, 5 ihi = min ( ilo + 4, rule_max ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(2x,a,5i6)' ) & 'Rule: ', ( rule, rule = ilo, ihi ) write ( *, '(2x,a)' ) 'Function ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_2d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_2d_set ( 'SET', i ) do rule = ilo, ihi order = triangle_unit_size ( rule ) call triangle_unit_set ( rule, order, xtab, ytab, weight ) call triangle_sum ( function_2d, xval, yval, order, xtab, & ytab, weight, result(rule) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) & function_2d_name(i), result(ilo:ihi) end do end do return end subroutine test45 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST45 tests TORUS_1. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer j integer j2 integer n integer num double precision result(5) double precision r1 double precision r2 double precision torus_area_3d r1 = 0.5D+00 r2 = 1.0D+00 n = 10 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST45' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_1 approximates integrals on a torus.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' The degree N will be varied.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Inner radius = ', r1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Outer radius = ', r2 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Area = ', torus_area_3d ( r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,5i5)' ) ' F(X) ', ( 2**j, j = 0, 8, 2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) do j = 1, 5 j2 = 2 * ( j - 1 ) n = 2**j2 call torus_1 ( function_3d, r1, r2, n, result(j) ) end do write ( *, '(2x,a7,5f14.8)' ) function_3d_name(i), result(1:5) end do return end subroutine test46 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST46 tests TORUS_5S2, TORUS_6S2 and TORUS_14S. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision result3 double precision r1 double precision r2 double precision torus_volume_3d r1 = 0.5D+00 r2 = 1.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST46' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' For the interior of a torus,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_5S2,' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_6S2, and' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_5S2 approximate integrals.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Inner radius = ', r1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Outer radius = ', r2 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Volume = ', torus_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Rule: #5S2 #6S2 #14S' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X)' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call torus_5s2 ( function_3d, r1, r2, result1 ) call torus_6s2 ( function_3d, r1, r2, result2 ) call torus_14s ( function_3d, r1, r2, result3 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,3f14.8)' ) & function_3d_name(i), result1, result2, result3 end do return end subroutine test47 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST47 tests TORUS_SQUARE_5C2 and TORUS_SQUARE_14C. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer function_3d_num double precision function_3d external function_3d integer i integer num double precision result1 double precision result2 double precision r1 double precision r2 double precision torus_square_volume_3d r1 = 1.0D+00 r2 = 0.125D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST47' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For integrals inside a torus with square cross-section:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_SQUARE_5C2 approximates the integral;' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TORUS_SQUARE_14C approximates the integral.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Inner radius = ', r1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' Outer radius = ', r2 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) & ' Volume = ', torus_square_volume_3d ( r1, r2 ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' F(X) 5C2 14C' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' num = function_3d_num ( ) do i = 1, num call function_3d_set ( 'SET', i ) call torus_square_5c2 ( function_3d, r1, r2, result1 ) call torus_square_14c ( function_3d, r1, r2, result2 ) write ( *, '(2x,a7,2f14.8)' ) & function_3d_name(i), result1, result2 end do return end subroutine test48 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST48 tests TVEC_EVEN, TVEC_EVEN2 and TVEC_EVEN3. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer nt double precision t(4) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST48' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For evenly spaced angles between 0 and 2*PI:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN2' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN3' nt = 4 call tvec_even ( nt, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN:' ) nt = 4 call tvec_even2 ( nt, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN2:' ) nt = 4 call tvec_even3 ( nt, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN3:' ) return end subroutine test49 ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEST49 tests TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET, TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET2 and TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET3. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 18 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer nt double precision t(5) double precision theta1 double precision theta2 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'TEST49' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' For evenly spaced angles between THETA1 and THETA2:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET2.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET3.' theta1 = 30.0D+00 theta2 = 90.0D+00 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' THETA1 = ', theta1 write ( *, '(a,g14.6)' ) ' THETA2 = ', theta2 nt = 4 call tvec_even_bracket ( nt, theta1, theta2, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET' ) nt = 5 call tvec_even_bracket2 ( nt, theta1, theta2, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET2' ) nt = 3 call tvec_even_bracket3 ( nt, theta1, theta2, t ) call r8vec_print ( nt, t, ' TVEC_EVEN_BRACKET3' ) return end function function_1d ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_1D evaluates a function F(X) of one variable. c c Discussion: c c The actual form of the function can be determined by calling FUNCSET. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, the value of the variable. c c Output, double precision FUNCTION_1D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision function_1d integer ifunc double precision value double precision x call function_1d_set ( 'GET', ifunc ) if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then value = 1.0D+00 else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then value = x else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then value = x**2 else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then value = x**3 else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then value = x**4 else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then value = x**5 else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then value = x**6 else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then value = abs ( x ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then value = sin ( x ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then value = exp ( x ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then value = 1.0D+00 / ( 1.0D+00 + abs ( x ) ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then value = sqrt ( abs ( x ) ) else value = 0.0D+00 end if function_1d = value return end function function_1d_name ( ifunc ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_1D_NAME returns the name of the current 1D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer IFUNC, the index of the function. c c Output, character * ( 7 ) FUNCTION_1D_NAME, the name of the 1D function. c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_1d_name integer ifunc if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then function_1d_name = ' 1' else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then function_1d_name = ' X' else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then function_1d_name = ' X^2' else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then function_1d_name = ' X^3' else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then function_1d_name = ' X^4' else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then function_1d_name = ' X^5' else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then function_1d_name = ' X^6' else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then function_1d_name = ' R' else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then function_1d_name = ' SIN(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then function_1d_name = ' EXP(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then function_1d_name = '1/(1+R)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then function_1d_name = 'SQRT(R)' else function_1d_name = '???????' end if return end function function_1d_num ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_1D_NUM returns the number of 1D functions. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Output, integer FUNCTION_1D_NUM, the number of 1D functions. c implicit none integer function_1d_num function_1d_num = 12 return end subroutine function_1d_set ( action, i ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_1D_SET sets or reports the index of the current 1D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, character * ( * ) ACTION: c 'GET', please return the index of the current function. c 'SET', please set the function according to the input index. c c Input/output, integer I. c If ACTION = 'SET', then I is input, and is the index of the desired c function. c If ACTION = 'GET', then I is output, and is the index of the current c function. c implicit none character * ( * ) action integer i integer ival save ival data ival / 0 / if ( action .eq. 'SET' ) then ival = i else if ( action .eq. 'GET' ) then i = ival else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNCTION_1D_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Unrecognized action = "' // trim ( action ) // '".' stop end if return end function function_2d ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_2D evaluates a function F(X,Y) of two variables. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, Y, the value of the variables. c c Output, double precision FUNCTION_2D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision function_2d integer ( kind = 4 ) ifunc double precision value double precision x double precision y call function_2d_set ( 'GET', ifunc ) if ( ifunc == 1 ) then value = 1.0D+00 else if ( ifunc == 2 ) then value = x else if ( ifunc == 3 ) then value = x * x else if ( ifunc == 4 ) then value = x * x * x else if ( ifunc == 5 ) then value = x * x * x * x else if ( ifunc == 6 ) then value = x**5 else if ( ifunc == 7 ) then value = x**6 else if ( ifunc == 8 ) then value = sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) else if ( ifunc == 9 ) then value = sin ( x ) else if ( ifunc == 10 ) then value = exp ( x ) else if ( ifunc == 11 ) then value = 1.0D+00 / ( 1.0D+00 + sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) ) else if ( ifunc == 12 ) then value = sqrt ( sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) ) else value = 0.0D+00 end if function_2d = value return end function function_2d_name ( ifunc ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_2D_NAME returns the name of the current 2D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer IFUNC, the index of the function. c c Output, character * ( 7 ) FUNCTION_2D_NAME, the name of the 2D function. c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_2d_name integer ifunc if ( ifunc == 1 ) then function_2d_name = ' 1' else if ( ifunc == 2 ) then function_2d_name = ' X' else if ( ifunc == 3 ) then function_2d_name = ' X^2' else if ( ifunc == 4 ) then function_2d_name = ' X^3' else if ( ifunc == 5 ) then function_2d_name = ' X^4' else if ( ifunc == 6 ) then function_2d_name = ' X^5' else if ( ifunc == 7 ) then function_2d_name = ' X^6' else if ( ifunc == 8 ) then function_2d_name = ' R' else if ( ifunc == 9 ) then function_2d_name = ' SIN(X)' else if ( ifunc == 10 ) then function_2d_name = ' EXP(X)' else if ( ifunc == 11 ) then function_2d_name = '1/(1+R)' else if ( ifunc == 12 ) then function_2d_name = 'SQRT(R)' else function_2d_name = '???????' end if return end function function_2d_num ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_2D_NUM returns the number of 2D functions. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Output, integer FUNCTION_2D_NUM, the number of 2D functions. c implicit none integer function_2d_num function_2d_num = 12 return end subroutine function_2d_set ( action, i ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_2D_SET sets or reports the index of the current 2D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, character * ( * ) ACTION: c 'GET', please return the index of the current function. c 'SET', please set the function according to the input index. c c Input/output, integer I. c If ACTION = 'SET', then I is input, and is the index of the desired c function. c If ACTION = 'GET', then I is output, and is the index of the current c function. c implicit none character * ( * ) action integer i integer ival save ival data ival / 0 / if ( action == 'SET' ) then ival = i else if ( action == 'GET' ) then i = ival else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNCTION_2D_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Unrecognized action = "' // trim ( action ) // '".' stop end if return end function function_3d ( x, y, z ) c**********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_3D evaluates a the current 3D function. c c Discussion: c c The actual form of the function can be determined by calling FUNCTION_3D_SET. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, Y, Z, the value of the variables. c c Output, double precision FUNCTION_3D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision function_3d integer ifunc double precision value double precision x double precision y double precision z call function_3d_set ( 'GET', ifunc ) if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then value = 1.0D+00 else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then value = x else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then value = y else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then value = z else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then value = x * x else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then value = x * y else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then value = x * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then value = y * y else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then value = y * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then value = z * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then value = x * x * x else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then value = x * y * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 13 ) then value = z * z * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 14 ) then value = x * x * x * x else if ( ifunc .eq. 15 ) then value = x * x * z * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 16 ) then value = z * z * z * z else if ( ifunc .eq. 17 ) then value = x * x * x * x * x else if ( ifunc .eq. 18 ) then value = x**6 else if ( ifunc .eq. 19 ) then value = sqrt ( x * x + y * y + z * z ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 20 ) then value = sin ( x ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 21 ) then value = exp ( x ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 22 ) then value = 1.0D+00 / sqrt ( 1.0D+00 + x * x + y * y + z * z ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 23 ) then value = sqrt ( sqrt ( x * x + y * y + z * z ) ) else value = 0.0D+00 end if function_3d = value return end function function_3d_name ( ifunc ) c**********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_3D_NAME returns the name of the current 3D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer IFUNC, the index of the function. c c Output, character * ( 7 ) FUNCTION_3D_NAME, the name of the function. c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_3d_name integer ifunc if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then function_3d_name = ' 1' else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then function_3d_name = ' X' else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then function_3d_name = ' Y' else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then function_3d_name = ' Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then function_3d_name = ' X*X' else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then function_3d_name = ' X*Y' else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then function_3d_name = ' X*Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then function_3d_name = ' Y*Y' else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then function_3d_name = ' Y*Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then function_3d_name = ' Z*Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then function_3d_name = ' X^3' else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then function_3d_name = ' X*Y*Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 13 ) then function_3d_name = ' Z*Z*Z' else if ( ifunc .eq. 14 ) then function_3d_name = ' X^4' else if ( ifunc .eq. 15 ) then function_3d_name = 'X^2 Z^2' else if ( ifunc .eq. 16 ) then function_3d_name = ' Z^4' else if ( ifunc .eq. 17 ) then function_3d_name = ' X^5' else if ( ifunc .eq. 18 ) then function_3d_name = ' X^6' else if ( ifunc .eq. 19 ) then function_3d_name = ' R' else if ( ifunc .eq. 20 ) then function_3d_name = ' SIN(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 21 ) then function_3d_name = ' EXP(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 22 ) then function_3d_name = '1/(1+R)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 23 ) then function_3d_name = 'SQRT(R)' else function_3d_name = '???????' end if return end function function_3d_num ( ) c**********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_3D_NUM returns the number of 3D functions. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Output, integer FUNCTION_3D_NUM, the number of 3D functions. c implicit none integer function_3d_num function_3d_num = 23 return end subroutine function_3d_set ( action, i ) c**********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_3D_SET sets or reports the index of the current 3D function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, character * ( * ) ACTION: c 'GET', please return the index of the current function. c 'SET', please set the function according to the input index. c c Input/output, integer I. c If ACTION = 'SET', then I is input, and is the index of the desired c function. c If ACTION = 'GET', then I is output, and is the index of the current c function. c implicit none character * ( * ) action integer i integer ival save ival data ival / 0 / if ( action .eq. 'SET' ) then ival = i else if ( action .eq. 'GET' ) then i = ival else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNCTION_3D_SET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Unrecognized action = "' // trim ( action ) // '".' stop end if return end function function_nd ( n, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_ND evaluates a function of N variables. c c Discussion: c c The actual form of the function can be determined by calling FUNCSET. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer N, the number of variables. c c Input, double precision X(N), the value of the variables. c c Output, double precision FUNCTION_ND, the value of the function. c implicit none integer n double precision function_nd integer i integer ifunc double precision r double precision value double precision x(n) call function_nd_set ( 'GET', ifunc ) if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then value = 1.0D+00 else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then value = x(1) else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then value = x(1)**2 else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then value = x(1)**3 else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then value = x(1)**4 else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then value = x(1)**5 else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then value = x(1)**6 else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then r = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, n r = r + x(i)**2 end do r = sqrt ( r ) value = r else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then value = sin ( x(1) ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then value = exp ( x(1) ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then r = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, n r = r + x(i)**2 end do r = sqrt ( r ) value = 1.0D+00 / ( 1.0D+00 + r ) else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then r = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, n r = r + x(i)**2 end do r = sqrt ( r ) value = sqrt ( r ) else value = 0.0D+00 end if function_nd = value return end function function_nd_name ( ifunc ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_ND_NAME returns the name of the current ND function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, integer IFUNC, the index of the function. c c Output, character * ( 7 ) FUNCTION_ND_NAME, the name of the function. c implicit none character * ( 7 ) function_nd_name integer ifunc if ( ifunc .eq. 1 ) then function_nd_name = ' 1' else if ( ifunc .eq. 2 ) then function_nd_name = ' X' else if ( ifunc .eq. 3 ) then function_nd_name = ' X^2' else if ( ifunc .eq. 4 ) then function_nd_name = ' X^3' else if ( ifunc .eq. 5 ) then function_nd_name = ' X^4' else if ( ifunc .eq. 6 ) then function_nd_name = ' X^5' else if ( ifunc .eq. 7 ) then function_nd_name = ' X^6' else if ( ifunc .eq. 8 ) then function_nd_name = ' R' else if ( ifunc .eq. 9 ) then function_nd_name = ' SIN(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 10 ) then function_nd_name = ' EXP(X)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 11 ) then function_nd_name = '1/(1+R)' else if ( ifunc .eq. 12 ) then function_nd_name = 'SQRT(R)' else function_nd_name = '???????' end if return end function function_nd_num ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_ND_NUM returns the number of ND functions. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Output, integer FUNCTION_ND_NUM, the number of ND functions. c implicit none integer function_nd_num function_nd_num = 12 return end subroutine function_nd_set ( action, i ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUNCTION_ND_SET sets or reports the index of the current ND function. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, character * ( * ) ACTION: c 'GET', please return the index of the current function. c 'SET', please set the function according to the input index. c c Input/output, integer I. c If ACTION = 'SET', then I is input, and is the index of the desired c function. c If ACTION = 'GET', then I is output, and is the index of the current c function. c implicit none character * ( * ) action integer i integer ival save ival data ival / 0 / if ( action .eq. 'SET' ) then ival = i else if ( action .eq. 'GET' ) then i = ival else write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'FUNCSET - Fatal error!' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' Unrecognized action = "' // trim ( action ) // '".' stop end if return end function fup7 ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FUP7 is the upper limit function for QMULT_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision fup7 double precision x fup7 = 1.0D+00 return end function flo7 ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FLO7 is the lower limit function for QMULT_2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision flo7 double precision x flo7 = -1.0D+00 return end function fu18 ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FU18 is the upper limit of integration for x. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision fu18 double precision x fu18 = 1.0D+00 return end function fl18 ( x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FL18 is the lower limit of integration for x. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision fl18 double precision x fl18 = -1.0D+00 return end function fu28 ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FU28 computes the upper limit of integration for (x,y). c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision fu28 double precision x double precision y fu28 = 1.0D+00 return end function fl28 ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FL28 computes the lower limit of integration for (x,y). c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none double precision fl28 double precision x double precision y fl28 = -1.0D+00 return end function mono_000_3d ( n, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MONO_000_3D evaluates X^0 Y^0 Z^0. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision mono_000_3d double precision x(n) mono_000_3d = 1.0D+00 return end function mono_111_3d ( n, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MONO_111_3D evaluates X^1 Y^1 Z^1. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision mono_111_3d double precision x(n) mono_111_3d = x(1) * x(2) * x(3) return end function mono_202_3d ( n, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MONO_202_3D evaluates X^2 Y^0 Z^2. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision mono_202_3d double precision x(n) mono_202_3d = x(1)**2 * x(3)**2 return end function mono_422_3d ( n, x ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MONO_422_3D evaluates X^4 Y^2 Z^2. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 01 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c implicit none integer n double precision mono_422_3d double precision x(n) mono_422_3d = x(1)**4 * x(2)**2 * x(3)**2 return end function f_1_2d ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc F_1_2D evaluates the function 1 in 2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, Y, the arguments. c c Output, double precision F_1_2D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision f_1_2d double precision x double precision y f_1_2d = 1.0D+00 return end function f_x_2d ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc F_X_2D evaluates the function X in 2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, Y, the arguments. c c Output, double precision F_X_2D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision f_x_2d double precision x double precision y f_x_2d = x return end function f_r_2d ( x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc F_R_2D evaluates the function sqrt ( X**2 + Y**2 ) in 2D. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the MIT license. c c Modified: c c 16 June 2012 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c Input, double precision X, Y, the arguments. c c Output, double precision F_R_2D, the value of the function. c implicit none double precision f_r_2d double precision x double precision y f_r_2d = sqrt ( x * x + y * y ) return end