EIGEN_TEST03: Least squares solutions of A*x=b JACOBISVD_TEST: Least squares solution of A*x=b using jacobiSvd. A: 0.830144 0.794288 0.527114 -0.933654 -0.341849 0.0691565 b: -0.0325267 -0.123892 -0.265128 x: -0.00792804 0.048189 r = A * x - b: 0.0642213 0.0747208 0.271171 COLPIVHOUSEHOLDERQR_TEST: Least squares solution of A*x=b using colPivHouseholderQr. A: 0.830144 0.794288 0.527114 -0.933654 -0.341849 0.0691565 b: -0.0325267 -0.123892 -0.265128 x: -0.00792804 0.048189 r = A * x - b: 0.0642213 0.0747208 0.271171 NORMAL_EQUATIONS_TEST: Least squares solution of A*x=b using normal equations. A: 0.830144 0.794288 0.527114 -0.933654 -0.341849 0.0691565 b: -0.0325267 -0.123892 -0.265128 x: -0.00792804 0.048189 r = A * x - b: 0.0642213 0.0747208 0.271171 EIGEN_TEST03: Normal end of execution.