31 May 2021 02:23:19 PM zero_test(): C++ version zero() seeks a root of a function F(X) in an interval [A,B]. f_01(x) = sin ( x ) - x / 2 A Z B F(A) F(Z) F(B) 1 1.89549 2 0.341471 0 -0.0907026 Number of calls to F = 8 f_02(x) = 2 * x - exp ( - x ) A Z B F(A) F(Z) F(B) 0 0.351734 1 -1 0 1.63212 Number of calls to F = 7 f_03(x) = x * exp ( - x ) A Z B F(A) F(Z) F(B) -1 2.67518e-24 0.5 -2.71828 2.67518e-24 0.303265 Number of calls to F = 12 f_04(x) = exp ( x ) - 1 / ( 100 * x * x ) A Z B F(A) F(Z) F(B) 0.0001 0.0953446 20 -999999 -2.22045e-16 4.85165e+08 Number of calls to F = 16 f_05(x) = (x+3) * (x-1) * (x-1) A Z B F(A) F(Z) F(B) -5 -3 2 -72 0 5 Number of calls to F = 14 zero_test(): Normal end of execution. 31 May 2021 02:23:19 PM