Voronoi Milestone


The Voronoi diagram is an important topic in computational geometry. We are given a set of points which we'll call generators. These points may lie in a 1-dimensional space (the entire line or a line segment); most often we are interested in some 2-dimensional space, the whole plane, or a square, circle, or polygonal region. We will see later that the concept of a Voronoi diagram extends to the 3D case and higher dimensions.

The Voronoi diagram is a subdivision of the original space. Every point is assigned to the nearest generator. In a 1-D problem, this divides the line into subintervals; in a 2-D problem, this divides the plane into polygons, some of which will be infinite. We are often interested in only a finite subregion of the plane. In such cases, we can simply imagine looking at a plot of the Voronoi diagram on the infinite plane, drawing a line that marks the border of our finite region, and throwing the rest away. If our border line has straight sides, then all our Voronoi subregions will be polygonal. If the border is curved, then the Voronoi subregions that touch the border will include a curved segment.


Last revised on 23 October 2016.