Mathematical Programming in Python
Spring 2023
mpp_2023 is the home page for the class
"Mathematical Programming in Python,"
MATH 1800, to be offered at the University of Pittsburgh,
Spring Semester 2023.
Some mathematical topics are already at least partially written up:
generating random values; observing and describing random
processes; probability distributions;
histograms; the cumulative density function and its inverse;
the middle square algorithm; linear congruential generators.
The Collatz problem:
iteration; conditional statements;
while loops; plotting a sequence; saving a list of values;
detecting whether a sequence repeats itself;
objects include combinations, compositions, partitions, permutations,
sequences, sets, trees; operations include count, enumerate, rank,
unrank, randomly select. Factoring, arithmetic with very large
integers, detecting cycles in functional iteration.
Differential Equations:
the Euler method; standard problem format; time and phase plots;
reducing higher order systems to first order; error behavior;
stepsize adaptivity; higher order solvers; conserved quantities;
using the scipy() function solve_ivp().
Gradient descent:
optimization; least squares error; the basis gradient descent
method; stochastic gradient descent. Gradient descent in higher
dimensions; the learning rate;
Graph theory:
adjacency matrix or adjacency dictionary;
connectedness of a graph; edge distance between nodes;
visiting every room in a museum; solving a maze;
breadth-first and depth first search; weighted graphs;
the shortest distance from one node to all others; the shortest round
trip visiting a list of cities.
how many mathematical processes involve the repeated application
of a formula, including bisection, fixed point iteration,
the arithmetic-geometric mean, the perfect shuffle of a deck of cards.
Linear Algebra:
a boundary value problem is set up and solved using linear algebra;
approximating data using a least squares approach;
using the power method or eigenvalue analysis to simulate
a random walk through a museum;
eigenvalue analysis of a moment of inertia calculation;
using the SVD to approximate a matrix or an image.
how to represent a polynomial; evaluation, plotting, differentiation,
integration; roots and factoring; multiplication and synthetic
division; interpolation; some useful polynomial families.
exact integrals by symbolic methods from sympy;
integral estimates by Riemann rules, trapezoidal rule,
Simpson's rule, Gauss rules; numerical integration methods
from numpy() and scipy(); the Monte Carlo method.
modeling a dynamic process that may involve choices or
random influences; a three way duel; the game of Snakes
and Ladders; two flies land in a circle; a model of
epidemics; picking a card at random until you've seen them
all; seeking the best job candidate with only one chance to
hire or reject.
how to represent a triangle; sides, perimeter, area, angles,
centroid; is a point in the triangle?; barycentric
coordinates, quadrature, random sampling, linear functions
on a triangle; triangulating a polygon;
how to represent a triangulation; plotting; the area, orientation,
interior and exterior edges, and boundary; random sampling;
estimating an integral.
This course introduces the use of computation to
define, program, and solve a variety of mathematical problems, and
to create reports and plots of the results. Students will be expected
to write and run programs on their personal laptops. A series of
mathematical topics will be presented for which computational techniques
can be applied. The mathematical topics and the necessary computational
skills be be presented at an introductory level: the emphasis is on
training students in how to use computation to advance their mathematical
studies. The class is aimed for undergraduate and graduate students in
mathematics; students from other scientific disciplines should also be \
able to handle all the material. For lectures and coursework,
the Python programming language will be introduced; students are not
required to have previous computational experience, but a student who
prefers another computer language will be permitted, within reason,
to use that in preference to Python. Each topic will
be accompanied by a number of exercises and students will have some
choice as to which exercises to work on based on their experience,
confidence, and daring.
Students should have taken Math 0220 (Calculus I)
and one of Math 0280 (Introduction to Matrices and Linear Algebra),
MATH 1180 (Linear Algebra I), or MATH 1185 (Honors Linear Algebra),
with a grade of C or better.
No prior knowledge of Python is required, and the mathematical
topics will be explained as presented.
There will be no exams. After each mathematical topic is completed, there will be
a set of corresponding computational exercises. Students will propose to work on
some subset of these exercises, and will be graded on the quality of their
correct understanding, careful implementation, and concise presentation of results.
Text: A textbook is not required for this course. But here
are several references that a serious student will find very helpful:
Christian Hill,
Learning Scientific Programming with Python,
ISBN: 978-1108745918
Qingkai Kong, Timmy Siauw, Alexander Bayen,
Python Programming and Numerical Methods,
ISBN: 978-0128195499
Early start: Students interested in getting an early
start before the class begins can install Python on their
laptop (Go to
and then working
through the first four sections of the
online Python Tutorial, at
Getting Help: The Pitt IT Help Desk
may assist you in installing Anaconda
on your laptop. Send email to
or check their web page at
Syllabus: the course syllabus.
Last revised on 18 September 2022.