Math 2070-1030 (11083) Lecture: MW 3-4:15Ty. 704.
Welcome to Math 2070! Numerical Methods in Scientific Computing: our gateway course in computational mathematics.
This is the first part of the sequence Math 2070, 2071 and is an introduction to numerical methods and the fundamentals of the analysis (stability, consistency, convergence, efficiency and accuracy) of numerical methods. The course covers both theoretical and practical aspects of the methods. Math 2070 covers numerical analysis except numerical linear algebra and ODEs (NLA is in Math 2071 and ODEs is often split between the terms or all in 2071),
The lab instructor is Dr. John Burkardt, with an office in Thackeray Hall room 620, and email
The lab time is MW 4:20-5:35
Course Instructor: William Layton Office: Ty. 603, (412) 624-8312 Office Hours will be announced soon, and by appointment. Generally, If my door is open you are welcome to stop by!
Course materials: Lecture notes, available to the class. Attend and take good notes! You might find some material presented simpler than in the text, some differently than the text, some small extensions and omissions from the text. The topics are standard so variations will be minor rather than major. My lecture notes have evolved through the search for the simplest mathematically rigorous way to explain WHY and HOW and WHEN and WHEN NOT algorithms that are important for practical computing work. (This will not be a course where a book is put on the board.)
The official text is: Conte and deBoor, Introduction to Numerical Analysis: An algorithmic approach. This is a classic but older book. It has been republished and all the code given in it converted to Matlab. Some algorithms are (naturally) no longer the best. For these we will skip the historically interesting algorithms to present the current best ones and give notes in class on them.
Course Grade = [Lab grade + Mid Term Exam (on MONDAY October 14) + Final Exam + Homework Avg]/4
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