tools for math1070_2019
some simple MATLAB tools for
MATH1070, "Numerical Mathematical Analysis",
Instructor: Catalin Trenchea,
University of Pittsburgh, fall 2019, MWF 12:00-12:50,
Room PUBHL A522.
approx: Find a simple function that approximates a function everywhere in [a,b]
approximates a function f(x) over the interval [a,b]
using a Bernstein polynomial.
approximates a function f(x) over the interval [a,b] by
the interpolating polynomial at n Chebyshev points, which often is close
to the minmax polynomial.
approximates a function f(x) over the interval [a,b]
using an m-degree polynomial which minimizes the RMS norm
difference to n sample values of f(x).
diff: Estimate the derivative of a function at a point
uses centered differences to estimate the derivative
of a function f(x) at a point x0 using a stepsize h.
uses forward differences to estimate the derivative
of a function f(x) at a point x0 using a stepsize h.
uses centered differences to estimate the second derivative
of a function f(x) at a point x0 using a stepsize h.
interp: find a simple function that matches a function f(x) at
selected points (x,f(x)), or data (x,y)
interpolate f(x) over [a,b] by constructing a polynomial
based on n Chebyshev spaced points;
interpolate f(x) over [a,b] by constructing a polynomial
based on n equally spaced points;
interpolate a function f(x) with a natural cubic spline (NCS),
which uses the 'zero second derivative' condition at the endpoints.
interpolate a function f(x) with a cubic spline,
which uses the 'not-a-knot' condition at the endpoints.
interpolate (x,y) data with a cubic spline,
using the 'not-a-knot' condition at the endpoints.
interpolate a function f(x) at n equally spaced points
over the interval [a,b], using a trigonometric polynomial.
nonlin: Solve a single nonlinear equation f(x)=0
uses bisection to seek a root of f(x)
in the change-of-sign interval [a,b];
uses fixed point iteration, x=g(x), to seek a root of f(x),
given a starting point x0 and a number of iterations it.
uses Newton's method to seek a zero of a function
given formulas for f(x), f'(x), and a starting point a.
uses the regula falsi method to seek a root of f(x)
in the change-of-sign interval [a,b];
uses the secant method to seek a root of f(x)
given two estimates a and b.
norm: function norms and dot products
estimates the L2 dot product of f(x) and g(x)
over the interval [a,b];
estimates the L1 norm of f(x)
over the interval [a,b];
estimates the L2 norm of f(x)
over the interval [a,b];
estimates the L-infinity norm of f(x)
over the interval [a,b] by sampling n equally spaced values.
estimates the root mean square (RMS) norm of f(x)
over the interval [a,b];
ode: Estimate the solution of a differential equation
applies the Euler method to estimate the solution of an
ordinary differential equation y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies the Euler method to estimate the solution of a system
of ordinary differential equations y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition vector y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies the backward Euler method to estimate the solution of an
ordinary differential equation y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies the midpoint method to estimate the solution of an
ordinary differential equation y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies the midpoint method to estimate the solution of a
system of ordinary differential equations y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition vector y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies a fourth order Runge-Kutta method to estimate the solution of an
ordinary differential equation y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition y(a)=ya, using n steps.
applies the trapezoidal method to estimate the solution of an
ordinary differential equation y'=f(x,y), over the
interval [a,b], with initial condition y(a)=ya, using n steps.
opt: Find the minimum or maximum of a function
estimates the location of a local minimum of a function f(x),
using a formula for f(x), an interval[a,b] over which the function
is unimodal ("U-shaped"), a maximum number of iterations, and
a tolerance for the interval width.
estimates the location of a local minimum of a function f(x),
using a formula for f'(x), a starting point x0, and a stepsize factor gamma.
interactively uses quadratic interpolation to estimate a critical
point of a function f(x) given three starting points, an iteration
limit n, and tolerances for x and y.
estimates the minimum and maximum of a function f(x) over the interval [a,b]
using n random sample points. (Use a large value for n!)
quad: Estimate the integral of a function
uses an n-point Gauss quadrature rule to estimate
the integral of a function f(x) over the interval [a,b].
uses n random samples to estimate
the integral of a function f(x) over the interval [a,b].
uses an n-interval trapezoidal quadrature rule to estimate
the integral of a function f(x) over the interval [a,b].
util: utilities
Last revised on 27 August 2019.