tools for math1070_2019

tools, some simple MATLAB tools for MATH1070, "Numerical Mathematical Analysis", Instructor: Catalin Trenchea, University of Pittsburgh, fall 2019, MWF 12:00-12:50, Room PUBHL A522.


approx: Find a simple function that approximates a function everywhere in [a,b]

diff: Estimate the derivative of a function at a point

interp: find a simple function that matches a function f(x) at selected points (x,f(x)), or data (x,y)

nonlin: Solve a single nonlinear equation f(x)=0

norm: function norms and dot products

ode: Estimate the solution of a differential equation

opt: Find the minimum or maximum of a function

quad: Estimate the integral of a function

util: utilities

Last revised on 27 August 2019.