Scientific Computing with DEAL.II
Summer 2016


D2_2016 is the home page for the class "Scientific Computing with Deal.II", a graduate 3-credit graded course, offered in the summer semester, 09 May - 05 August 2016.

This course will focus on learning to understand and use the DEAL.II finite element program.

The official title of this course is ISC5935, "Selected Topics in Computational Science".

Our class will meet in room DSL499, at 1:00-2:15pm, Tuesday and Thursday, and view selected taped lectures from Wolfgang Bangerth's class.

The Program

Information about DEAL.II is available at http://www.dealii.org/ .

You will need access to an executable version of the DEAL.II program.

You should try to install DEAL.II on your personal laptop or desktop computer. This will allow you to test out short runs of small programs.

DEAL.II is installed on the FSU DSC lab machines by the elevator. To use these machines, you must have a departmental account, which can be set up by Xiaoguang Li (xli3@fsu.edu). DEAL.II is available in the directory /usr/common/deal.II and can be used interactively.

DEAL.II is also installed on the FSU RCC cluster. On a cluster, the program takes advantage of MPI to run in parallel. However, you will need an RCC account (http://rcc.fsu.edu), and you will need to learn how to use a script to submit your job to the scheduler that administers program execution on the cluster.

The Tutorial

There is an extensive tutorial on DEAL.II available at http://www.dealii.org/8.1.0/doxygen/deal.II/Tutorial.html . The tutorial comprises modules labeled step-1 through step-51. Each module includes notes and a computer program. You read the notes, examine the program, run it, and then try to understand the relationship between the problem being solved and the computer commands that were given. It is recommended that a beginner read and run step-1 through step-5, after which it is possible to pick further topics of interest.

The Videos

In spring 2013, Professor Wolfgang Bangerth of Texas A&M University, presented a class on finite elements, scientific computing, and the DEAL.II program. Videotapes of this class are available at: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/videos.html .

There are more than 50 lectures in the collection. We will watch a selection of these videos.


DEAL.II generates graphical output in formats readable by:

You should try to install at least one of the graphics programs gnuplot, ParaView, Visit or VtK on your machine.

Some of these graphics programs are available on the departmental lab machines. However, if you log into them remotely, you will need to use the "-X" or "-Y" switch on your ssh command in order to enable graphics to be displayed on your personal machine.

On the FSU DSC departmental computers, gnuplot, ParaView, Visit and VtK might be available. If you don't see them, ask Xiaoguang Li.

Other information available:

Last revised on 09 May 2016.