
cmda3634_fall_2017_mpi, information associated with a presentation on MPI Programming for the Virginia Tech NewRiver cluster, given to the class CMDA3634: Computer Science Foundations for Computational Modeling and Data Analytics, 09 October 2017.

  1. handout_mpi.pdf, the handout.
  2. example.c, a C program that would make an interesting jumpshot subject.
  3. example.clog2, the CLOG2 data.
  4., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  5. hello.c, a C "Hello, world!" program.
  6., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  7. hello_mpi.c, a C/MPI "Hello, world!" program.
  8. hello_mpi.clog2, the CLOG2 data.
  9., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  10., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  11. quad.c, a C program that estimates an integral with quadrature.
  12., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  13. quad_mpi.c, a C/MPI "Hello, world!" program.
  14. quad_mpi.clog2, the CLOG2 data.
  15., a shell script to compile and run the program.
  16., a shell script to compile and run the program.

Last revised on 02 October 2017.