HISTORY v1.1 (2011-08-11) - Added ArcGIS 10 compatibility (by downloading version 1.1 for ArcGIS 10). - Substantial increase in speed and decrease in memory usage for the transport module for both ArcGIS 9.x and 10. - Show that Min or Z shown in the text box aren't being used by showing the text [auto]. - Force Y to be an integer multiple of the cell size. - Can now export the output load estimates to csv. - All input feature classes are checked to make sure they are not empty. If they are, an error is generated. - Installation directory name changed to ArcNLET. - Removed the line limit in the log file. - Output to the log file free disk space and memory at the start of each module run. - Parameter values are now echoed to the log at the start of each module run. - When Output Intermediate Calcuations is enabled for the transport module, can now pick to output the intermediate calculation of each individual plume or just the other intermediate calculations. - The system temporary folder is automatically cleared at the start of each transport module run. - Fixed several miscellaneous bugs. v1.1 for ArcGIS 10.1 (2013-06-10) - Generate a new version of ArcNLET v1.1 to be compatible with ArcGIS 10.1 v2.0 for ArcGIS 10.0 (2013-07-24) - A new version of ArcNLET that includes a new function of Monte Carlo simulation to address uncertainty in model parameters v2.01 for ArcGIS 10.0 and 10.1 (2013-09-19) - The FIDs of water bodies can be of any digits. The previous version can only handle the FID of four digits.