JACOBI: CUDA/C version. Apply Jacobi's iterative method to solve A*x=b System size is N = 10000 Blocks = 313, threads = 32, B*T=10016 RMS error ||A*x-b|| = 0.0328983 RMS error ||x(exact) - x(computed)|| = 0.471175 Computation required 1.02 seconds I B[i] X[i] Xexact[i] (Xexact-X)[i] (A*X-B)[I] 0 1.2860 0.8393 0.8402 9.26e-04 -8.92e-05 1 -0.8345 0.3926 0.3944 1.76e-03 1.78e-04 2 0.3734 0.7803 0.7831 2.78e-03 -2.68e-04 3 -0.0979 0.7949 0.7984 3.52e-03 3.57e-04 4 0.8273 0.9070 0.9116 4.63e-03 -4.46e-04 5 -0.8518 0.1923 0.1976 5.29e-03 5.35e-04 6 -0.2953 0.3287 0.3352 6.48e-03 -6.24e-04 7 0.9235 0.7612 0.7682 7.05e-03 7.13e-04 8 -0.7667 0.2694 0.2778 8.33e-03 -8.03e-04 9 0.3528 0.5452 0.5540 8.81e-03 8.92e-04 JACOBI: Normal end of execution.