
image_sample_test, an Octave code which calls image_sample(), which allows the user to specify an image file to be displayed. The user may then use the mouse to select points on the image. The coordinates of each point are saved to a file. Selection ends with a RETURN.

Since image_sample() requires interaction, this test simply supplies the image that a user might start with, and the coordinates of points that the user might select. For the user to carry out the interactive test, it is necessary to run Octave and then type:

        image_sample ( 'aneurysm.png' )


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license.

Related Data and Programs:

image_sample, an Octave code which allows the user to specify an image file to be displayed. The user may then use the mouse to select points on the image. The coordinates of each point are saved to a file. Selection ends with a RETURN.

Source Code:

Last modified on 28 February 2024.