29-Sep-2022 13:04:35 humps_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 Test humps(). humps_antideriv_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2 humps_antideriv() evaluates the humps antiderivative. Graphics saved as "humps_antideriv.png" humps_antideriv_test(): Normal end of execution. humps_deriv_test(): MATLAB version humps_deriv() evaluates the humps derivative. Graphics saved as "humps_deriv.png" humps_deriv_test(): Normal end of execution. humps_deriv2_test(): MATLAB version humps_deriv2() evaluates the humps second derivative. Graphics saved as "humps_deriv2.png" humps_deriv_test: Normal end of execution. humps_fun_test(): MATLAB version humps_fun() evaluates the humps function. Graphics saved as "humps_fun.png" humps_fun_test(): Normal end of execution. humps_test(): Normal end of execution. 29-Sep-2022 13:04:55