09-Jul-2023 19:21:56 fem1d_approximate_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 5.2.0 Test fem1d_approximate(). fem1d_approximate MATLAb version Given pairs of data, construct a finite element approximating function on a pre-existing mesh. Mesh node coordinates: 1: 0 2: 0.05 3: 0.1 4: 0.15 5: 0.2 6: 0.25 7: 0.3 8: 0.35 9: 0.4 10: 0.45 11: 0.5 12: 0.55 13: 0.6 14: 0.65 15: 0.7 16: 0.75 17: 0.8 18: 0.85 19: 0.9 20: 0.95 21: 1 Data (x,y) pairs: 1: -0.15 2.25 2: 0.23 0.825 3: 0.37 1.369 4: 0.21 0.441 5: 0.24 0.441 6: 0.54 2.9 7: 0.54 3.3 8: 0.7 4.9 9: 1.32 17.424 Bracketing: data_x(1) = -0.15 Outside the interval node_x(5) <= data_x(2) <= node_x(6) 0.200000 <= 0.230000 <= 0.250000 node_x(8) <= data_x(3) <= node_x(9) 0.350000 <= 0.370000 <= 0.400000 node_x(5) <= data_x(4) <= node_x(6) 0.200000 <= 0.210000 <= 0.250000 node_x(5) <= data_x(5) <= node_x(6) 0.200000 <= 0.240000 <= 0.250000 node_x(11) <= data_x(6) <= node_x(12) 0.500000 <= 0.540000 <= 0.550000 node_x(11) <= data_x(7) <= node_x(12) 0.500000 <= 0.540000 <= 0.550000 node_x(15) <= data_x(8) <= node_x(15) 0.700000 <= 0.700000 <= 0.700000 data_x(9) = 1.32 Outside the interval There will be 28 conditions: Approximation conditions weighted by 0.5 Derivative conditions weighted by 0.01 Boundary conditions weighted by 10 Graphics saved as "fem1d_approximate_test.png" fem1d_approximate Normal end of execution. fem1d_approximate_test(): Normal end of execution. 09-Jul-2023 19:22:01