09-Sep-2022 09:11:35 cosine_transform_test(): MATLAB/Octave version 4.2.2. Test cosine_transform(). cosine_transform_test01(): cosine_transform_data() does a cosine transform of data defined by a vector. Apply the transform, then its inverse. Let R be a random N vector. Let S be the transform of D. Let T be the transform of E. Then R and T will be equal. I R(I) S(I) T(I) 1 0.718197 2.478574 0.718197 2 0.514594 0.119114 0.514594 3 0.720447 -0.079851 0.720447 4 0.167009 0.311463 0.167009 5 0.616255 0.126021 0.616255 6 0.801705 -0.247106 0.801705 7 0.548534 0.012028 0.548534 8 0.782434 -0.128304 0.782434 9 0.096526 0.567006 0.096526 10 0.576558 -0.024462 0.576558 cosine_transform_test(): Normal end of execution. 09-Sep-2022 09:11:35