
cc_display_test, an Octave code which calls cc_display(), which displays the abscissas used in a 2D quadrature rule.


The computer code and data files made available on this web page are distributed under the MIT license

Related Data and Programs:

cc_display, an Octave code which displays the points used in a 2D Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature rule;

Source Code:

CC_GRID_DISPLAY displays a single Clenshaw Curtis 2D grid of orders M by N:

CC_GRIDS_MINMAX_DISPLAY displays all Clenshaw Curtis grids of orders M by N such that M+N is between Q_MIN and Q_MAX:

CC_LEVELS_MINMAX_DISPLAY displays all Clenshaw Curtis grids of levels M by N such that M+N is between LEVEL_MIN and LEVEL_MAX. Note that the order, or number of points, in the one dimensional rules, is related to the one dimensional levels by ORDER=2**LEVEL+1 (except that the LEVEL=0 corresponds to ORDER=1):

CC_GRIDS_CONSTRAINED_DISPLAY displays all Clenshaw Curtis grids of orders M by N such that M and N lie between ORDER_MIN and ORDER_MAX, and ALPHA1*M+ALPHA2*N<=Q_MAX:

CC_LEVELS_CONSTRAINED_DISPLAY displays all Clenshaw Curtis grids of levels M by N such that M and N lie between LEVELS_MIN and LEVELS_MAX, and ALPHA1*M+ALPHA2*N<=Q_MAX:

Last revised on 13 June 2023.