>> sincos_test SINCOS_TEST: Demonstrate the use of spinterp to construct an interpolant to the function z(x,y) = sin(x) + cos(y) c = vals: {[145x1 double]} gridType: 'Chebyshev' d: 2 range: [2x2 double] maxLevel: 5 estRelError: 2.5905e-16 estAbsError: 7.7716e-16 fevalRange: [-1 2] minGridVal: [0 1] maxGridVal: [0.5000 0] nPoints: 145 fevalTime: 0.0340 surplusCompTime: 0.0171 indices: [1x1 struct] Grid points added at level 0 Col: 1 2 Row 1 : 0.5 0.5 Grid points added at level 1 Col: 1 2 Row 1 : 0 0.5 2 : 1 0.5 3 : 0.5 0 4 : 0.5 1 Grid points added at level 2 Col: 1 2 Row 1 : 0.146447 0.5 2 : 0.853553 0.5 3 : 0 0 4 : 1 0 5 : 0 1 6 : 1 1 7 : 0.5 0.146447 8 : 0.5 0.853553 Grid points added at level 3 Col: 1 2 Row 1 : 0.0380602 0.5 2 : 0.308658 0.5 3 : 0.691342 0.5 4 : 0.96194 0.5 5 : 0.146447 0 6 : 0.853553 0 7 : 0.146447 1 8 : 0.853553 1 9 : 0 0.146447 10 : 1 0.146447 11 : 0 0.853553 12 : 1 0.853553 13 : 0.5 0.0380602 14 : 0.5 0.308658 15 : 0.5 0.691342 16 : 0.5 0.96194 Grid points added at level 4 Col: 1 2 Row 1 : 0.00960736 0.5 2 : 0.0842652 0.5 3 : 0.222215 0.5 4 : 0.402455 0.5 5 : 0.597545 0.5 6 : 0.777785 0.5 7 : 0.915735 0.5 8 : 0.990393 0.5 9 : 0.0380602 0 10 : 0.308658 0 11 : 0.691342 0 12 : 0.96194 0 13 : 0.0380602 1 14 : 0.308658 1 15 : 0.691342 1 16 : 0.96194 1 17 : 0.146447 0.146447 18 : 0.853553 0.146447 19 : 0.146447 0.853553 20 : 0.853553 0.853553 21 : 0 0.0380602 22 : 1 0.0380602 23 : 0 0.308658 24 : 1 0.308658 25 : 0 0.691342 26 : 1 0.691342 27 : 0 0.96194 28 : 1 0.96194 29 : 0.5 0.00960736 30 : 0.5 0.0842652 31 : 0.5 0.222215 32 : 0.5 0.402455 33 : 0.5 0.597545 34 : 0.5 0.777785 35 : 0.5 0.915735 36 : 0.5 0.990393 Grid plot stored as "sincos_grid.png". Maximum approximation error at 25 random points is 5.55112e-16 Interpolant plot stored as "sincos_interp.png". >>