Sparse Grid Interpolation Toolbox Previous pageNext page

Interfacing concepts

Applying the spvals method to construct interpolants sometimes requires a small interface function. In this section, we show the most important categories of Matlab function headers and (if necessary) how to design an appropriate interface function for them. The following tables shows the basic function header types discussed here. Combinations of those are of course also possible and can be derived from the treated cases. In the tables, the objective interpolation variables (all must be real-valued scalars) are denoted by x1,...,xn. Examples of the presented cases are provided below.

Interface function NOT required

header variable types
out = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn) x1, ..., xn are real scalars
out = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn, p1, p2, ..., pm) x1, ..., xn are real scalars, p1, ..., pm are parameters of arbitrary type (double array, cell array, structure, etc.)
out = fun(x1, ..., xi1, p1, ..., pj1, xi1+1, ..., xi2, pi1+1, ..., pj2, ...) x1, ..., xn are real scalars, p1, ..., pm are parameters of arbitrary type (double array, cell array, structure, etc.)
out = fun(v) v is a row or column vector with the entries x1, ..., xn
out = fun(v, p1, p2, ..., pm) v is a row or column vector with the real scalar entries x1, ..., xn, and p1, ..., pm are parameters of arbitrary type (double array, cell array, structure, etc.)
[out1, out2, ..., outn] = fun(...) out1, ..., outn are real scalar output parameters, input parameters the same as one of the above
varargout = fun(...) varargout is a cell array of real scalar output parameters out1, ..., outn, input parameters the same as one of the above

Interface function REQUIRED (only some exemplary cases)

header variable types
out = fun(A, p1, p2, ..., pm) A is a matrix where some of its entries are the objective interpolation parameters x1, ..., xn, and p1, ..., pm are parameters of arbitrary type as above
vout = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn) vout is a row or column vector with real scalar outputs


Type 1: out = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn)

Objective function:

function y = fun1(x1, x2)
y = x1 .* x2;    % Use '.' before any '^', '*' or '/' to enable
y = y.^2;        % vectorized evaluation of expressions

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('Vectorized', 'on');
range   = [0,2; 0,2];
z = spvals(@fun1, 2, range, options);

Type 2: out = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn, p1, p2, ..., pm)

Objective function:

function y = fun2(x1, x2, c, params)
y = c .* (params.p1 .* x1 + length(params.p2) .* x2);

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('Vectorized', 'on');
range = [];   % use default range [0,1]^d
c = 2;
params = struct('p1', 3, 'p2', 'hello');
z = spvals(@fun2, 2, range, options, c, params);

Type 3: out = fun(x1, ..., xi1, p1, ..., pj1, xi1+1, ..., xi2, pi1+1, ..., pj2, ...)

Objective function:

function y = fun3(p1, x1, p2, x2)
y = p1 .* x1 + p2 .* x2;

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('VariablePositions', [2 4], 'Vectorized', 'on');
range = [0,1; -1,2];
p1 = 2; p2 = 3;
z = spvals(@fun3, 2, range, options, p1, p2);

Type 4: out = fun(v)

Objective function:

function y = fun4(x)
y = prod(x);

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('FunctionArgType', 'vector');
range = [0 1; 1 2; 2 3; 3 4; 4 5];
z = spvals(@fun4, 5, range, options);

Type 5: out = fun(v, p1, p2, ..., pm)

Objective function:

function y = fun5(x,p);
y = x(:)'*p;   % Compute dot product

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('FunctionArgType', 'vector');
range = []; % use default range [0,1]^d
p = rand(3,1);
z = spvals(@fun5, 3, range, options, p);

Type 6: [out1, out2, ..., outn] = fun(...)

Objective function:

function [y1, y2] = fun6(x1, x2);
y1 = 2*x1 + 3*x2;
y2 = 4*x1 - 1*x2;

Example for call to spvals:

options = spset('NumberOfOutputs', 2);
range = []; % use default range [0,1]^d
z = spvals(@fun6, 2, range, options);

To compute interpolated values of functions with multiple output parameters, see the help page multiple output arguments.

Type 7: varargout = fun(...)

Objective function:

function varargout = fun7(x1,x2,nout);
for k = 1:nout
  varargout{k} = x1.^k + k.*x2;

Example for call to spvals:

nout = 4;
options = spset('NumberOfOutputs', nout, 'Vectorized', 'on');
range = []; % use default range [0,1]^d
z = spvals(@fun7, 2, range, options, nout);

To compute interpolated values of functions with multiple output parameters, see the help page multiple output arguments.

Type 8: out = fun(A, p1, p2, ..., pm)

Objective function:

function y = fun8(A, f);
y = A\f;

Assume that the diagonal entries of A a_11, a_22, ..., a_nn vary in some given range. An interpolant of fun8 is sought for these varying diagonal entries of A:

d = 3;
A = magic(d); f = ones(d,1);
range = [diag(A)-0.5 diag(A)+0.5];
nout = d;
options = spset('NumberOfOutputs', nout, 'FunctionArgType', 'vector');
z = spvals(@interface_fun8, d, range, options, A, f);

The interface function interface_fun8 looks like this:

function varargout = interface_fun8(a, A, f);
% Interface function to fun8

% Write the modifiable entries into A
for k = 1:length(a);
  A(k,k) = a(k);

% Call objective function fun8
y = fun8(A,f);

% Put the results in cell array (outputs must be cell row vector 
% of scalars to be treated by spvals)
varargout = num2cell(y)';

Note that the original output, a column vector from the solution of the linear equation system is transformed into a cell array with a single row to match one of the admissible output variants. The original input is also modified to contain the interpolation parameters as a vector, which is permitted by spvals. The original Matrix as well as the right-hand side f are passed as additional parameters.

To compute interpolated values of functions with multiple output parameters, see the help page multiple output arguments.

Type 9: vout = fun(x1, x2, ..., xn)

Objective function:

function y = fun9(x1, x2)
y = [x2 .* cos(x1); ...
     x2 .* sin(x1); ...

Assume that the output of fun9 is not a list of real scalars or a varargout cell array. In this case, a conversion of the output is required. The interface function uses Matlab's num2cell function to achieve this.

function varargout = interface_fun9(x1, x2);
y = fun9(x1, x2);
varargout = num2cell(y)';

Example for call to spvals:

nout = 3;
options = spset('NumberOfOutputs', nout);
z = spvals(@interface_fun9, 2, [], options);

To compute interpolated values of functions with multiple output parameters, see the help page multiple output arguments.