Will the Prosperity of Britain Continue?

The question is often asked, Will this singular people always remain as prosperous, and as much superior to the other nations of the world, as they now are? Will not their far-extended empire, made up of so many different elements, one day crumble in pieces? Will not their unrivalled manufacturing skill be one day surpassed, and driven from the market? - their profits, on which their grandeur is founded, be given to others? - and their immense national wealth dissipated, in vain rivalship with more skilful competitors? We may answer this question by simply asking another - On what does the superiority of Britain rest? It is not on her large armies, or her powerful fleets. These, whatever they are, are supported and created by her resources, and do by no means give birth to them. It is her admirable form of government, the equality of her laws, the advantages of her insular situation, and, above all, the steady industry and perseverance of her people, which have given her her present superiority; and the same causes which have bestowed, will maintain it, till some other nation be found better governed, more secure from foreign invasion, furnished with better roads, canals, and harbours, &c., and with a people more industrious and skilful.

An extract from the article titled "The British Empire" in Chambers's Information for the People, 1835, described as

A series of treatises on those branches of human knowledge in which the greater part of the community are most interested, and designed to serve the chief uses of an encyclopaedia, at a price beyond example moderate.

Thanks to Jim Fink for supplying this information!

Last revised on 23 August 2004.