FENICS Solution of Nonlinear Poisson Equation

poisson_nonlinear, a FENICS code which uses the finite element method to solve a version of the nonlinear Poisson equation over the unit square.

The equation has the form

  - div( ( 1 + u^2 ) grad(u) ) = x * sin(y)  in Omega
with boundary conditions
  U = 1   if x = 1 on dOmega
  U = 0   otherwise on dOmega

Note that I have installed FENICS using Docker, and so to run this script I issue the commands:

  1. cd $HOME/fenicsproject/poisson_nonlinear
  2. fenicsproject run
  3. python3 poisson_nonlinear.py
  4. exit


The GNU LGPL license.


  1. Hans Petter Langtangen, Anders Logg,
    Solving PDEs in Python - The FEniCS Tutorial Volume 1.

Source Code:

Last revised on 20 October 2018.