Wed Oct 31 12:39:54 2018 dpg_laplace_test: FENICS/Python version Discontinuous Petrov Galerkin method for the Poisson problem on a unit square with 0 boundary conditions. 4x4 mesh on the unit square Approximation degree 1: Graphics saved as "dpg_laplace_mesh_4.png" Exact case #3 H1-norm of (u - uh) = 0.000325171925 Error estimator norm = 0.000384054545 Error in H1 Projection = 0.000325171064 Error:Projection ratio = 1.000002649580 H1-norm of (uh - proj) = 0.000000748541 8x8 mesh on the unit square Approximation degree 1: Graphics saved as "dpg_laplace_mesh_8.png" Exact case #3 H1-norm of (u - uh) = 0.000081481934 Error estimator norm = 0.000096684902 Error in H1 Projection = 0.000081481918 Error:Projection ratio = 1.000000192960 H1-norm of (uh - proj) = 0.000000050619 dpg_laplace_test: Normal end of execution. Wed Oct 31 12:39:54 2018