Copy data from text to binary file.

TXT_TO_DAT is a FORTRAN77 program which demonstrates how to copy data from a text file to a binary file.

The program, as written, assumes that the input file is a list of (single precision) real numbers, one per line. The program is easily modified to handle other situations.


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

ASCII_TO_MRI, a C program which restores MRI data to its original binary format, having been previously converted to an ASCII text file.

BITS_TO_UI, a C++ program which reads a text file of "bits", ('0' and '1' characters), and writes a binary file in which groups of 32 bits have been interpreted as an unsigned integer;

MRI_TO_ASCII, a C program which converts the binary data in an MRI file to ASCII text.

UUDECODE, a C program which recovers the original (possibly binary) file from a UU encoded text file;

UUENCODE, a C program which takes an input file, especially a binary file, and creates a UU encoded copy that is a text file, suitable for transmission through mail or other text-only systems.

Source Code:

Examples and Tests:

List of Routines:

You can go up one level to the FORTRAN77 source codes.

Last revised on 25 November 2008.