program main c c ... array declarations. c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) dimension coef(120,4), rhs(100), u(100), wksp(600), ubar(1), a rparm(30) integer jcoef(5), iwksp(300), iparm(30), p(1), ip(1) external cg, mic2 c ndim = 120 mdim = 4 n = 100 maxnz = 3 nw = 600 inw = 300 c h = 1.0d0/11.0d0 c c ... generate laplace*s equation. c call matgen (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,h,0) call dfault (iparm,rparm) c c ... now, reset some default values. c iparm(2) = 50 iparm(3) = 3 rparm(1) = 1.0d-8 c c ... generate an initial guess for u and call nspcg. c call vfill (n,u,0.0d0) c call nspcg (mic2,cg,ndim,mdim,n,maxnz,coef,jcoef,p,ip, a u,ubar,rhs,wksp,iwksp,nw,inw,iparm,rparm,ier) stop end subroutine matgen (n,ndim,maxnz,jcoef,coef,rhs,hh,isym) c c matgen generates the itpack matrices jcoef, coef, and rhs c for a 5-point central difference approximation of the c self-adjoint pde c c (a*u ) + (c*u ) + f*u = g c x x y y c c where the coefficients a, c, f, and g are functions of (x,y) c (supplied by the user) and the domain is the unit square c (0,1) x (0,1). dirichlet boundary conditions are imposed c upon the boundary in the form of the function ub(x,y) also c supplied by the user. c c parameters -- c c n number of linear equations (output) c ndim row dimension of jcoef and coef in the calling routine c (input) c maxnz maximum number of nonzeros per row (output) c jcoef array of column indices (output) c coef array of equation coefficients (output) c rhs vector of right-hand-side values (output) c h mesh spacing (= hh) (input) c c specifications for parameters c implicit double precision (a-h, o-z) integer jcoef(5) dimension coef(ndim,5), rhs(1) logical symm c c statement functions c a(x,y) = 1.0d0 c(x,y) = 2.0d0 f(x,y) = 0.0d0 g(x,y) = 0.0d0 ub(x,y) = 1.0d0 + x*y c h = hh zero = 0.0d0 one = 1.0d0 two = 2.0d0 tenth = 0.1d0 m = int ( one/h + tenth) mm1 = m - 1 n = mm1*mm1 halfh = h/two symm = isym .eq. 0 maxnz = 5 if (symm) maxnz = 3 c c loop on equations, assuming a natural ordering from left to right c and from down to up. c neq = 0 do j = 1,mm1 yy = dble (j)*h do 40 i = 1,mm1 xx = dble (i)*h neq = neq + 1 ae = a( xx+halfh, yy) aw = a( xx-halfh, yy) cn = c( xx, yy+halfh) cs = c( xx, yy-halfh) fp = f( xx, yy) gp = g( xx, yy) cc = ae + cn + aw + cs - h*h*fp c c ... center point c coef(neq,1) = cc rhs(neq) = -h*h*gp c c ... east point c if (i .eq. mm1) go to 5 coef(neq,2) = -ae go to 10 5 coef(neq,2) = zero rhs(neq) = rhs(neq) + ae*ub( one, yy) c c ... north point c 10 if (j .eq. mm1) go to 15 coef(neq,3) = -cn go to 20 15 coef(neq,3) = zero rhs(neq) = rhs(neq) + cn*ub( xx, one) c c ... west point c 20 if (i .eq. 1) go to 25 if (.not. symm) coef(neq,4) = -aw go to 30 25 if (.not. symm) coef(neq,4) = zero rhs(neq) = rhs(neq) + aw*ub(zero,yy) c c ... south point c 30 if (j .eq. 1) go to 35 if (.not. symm) coef(neq,5) = -cs go to 40 35 if (.not. symm) coef(neq,5) = zero rhs(neq) = rhs(neq) + cs*ub(xx,zero) c 40 continue enddo c c ... data structure 2. c jcoef(1) = 0 jcoef(2) = 1 jcoef(3) = mm1 return end