# spaeth2_10.txt # # Discussion: # # Data matrix with 15 rows and 15 columns # # This data represents rank orders of 15 different types of breakfast. # # Modified: # # 30 April 2002 # # Reference: # # Green and Rao, # A Note on Proximity Measures and Cluster Analysis, # Journal of Marketing Research, # Volume 6, pages 359-364, 1969. # # Helmut Spaeth, # Cluster Analysis Algorithms # for Data Reduction and Classification of Objects, # Ellis Horwood, 1980, page 177. # 0.00 59.13 62.42 43.64 36.01 60.21 78.01 34.47 32.10 61.52 51.26 46.65 55.17 53.67 72.17 59.13 0.00 30.79 83.89 44.15 60.94 27.02 36.36 32.29 8.49 78.35 84.55 83.82 83.01 48.13 62.42 30.79 0.00 82.37 57.76 23.80 26.85 52.44 50.18 25.29 72.21 76.14 78.07 70.68 21.87 43.64 83.89 82.37 0.00 65.46 53.33 93.71 55.35 49.11 85.64 32.68 21.40 7.83 30.56 73.62 36.01 44.15 57.76 65.46 0.00 64.11 72.92 32.87 36.29 48.96 21.65 49.30 55.70 49.87 62.49 60.21 60.94 23.80 53.33 64.11 0.00 50.49 59.69 55.83 58.73 47.42 46.98 55.00 47.08 15.25 78.01 27.02 26.85 93.71 72.92 50.49 0.00 64.23 61.55 31.52 78.21 83.70 88.85 78.13 33.37 34.47 36.36 52.44 55.35 32.87 59.69 64.23 0.00 5.52 37.94 64.23 59.80 60.38 63.77 63.52 32.10 32.29 50.18 49.11 36.29 55.83 61.55 5.52 0.00 38.32 61.30 57.48 65.85 65.56 64.49 61.52 8.49 25.29 85.64 48.96 58.73 31.52 37.94 38.32 0.00 80.14 86.42 83.86 84.24 52.93 51.26 78.35 72.21 32.68 21.65 47.42 78.21 64.23 61.30 80.14 0.00 20.31 23.33 23.10 58.26 46.65 84.55 76.14 21.40 49.30 46.98 83.70 59.80 57.48 86.42 20.31 0.00 20.54 10.70 62.46 55.17 83.82 78.07 7.83 55.70 55.00 88.85 60.38 65.85 83.86 23.33 20.54 0.00 24.76 66.77 53.67 83.01 70.68 30.56 49.87 47.08 78.13 63.77 65.56 84.24 23.10 10.70 24.76 0.00 54.17 72.17 48.13 21.87 73.62 62.49 15.25 33.37 63.52 64.49 52.93 58.26 62.46 66.77 54.17 0.00