/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.S.O. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File name : gnuplot_i.c Author : N. Devillard Created on : Fri Sept 26 1997 Language : ANSI C Description : C interface to gnuplot gnuplot is a freely available, command-driven graphical display tool for Unix. It compiles and works quite well on a number of Unix flavours as well as other operating systems. The following module enables sending display requests to gnuplot through simple C calls. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* $Id: gnuplot_i.c,v 1.3 2000/05/11 11:00:57 ndevilla Exp $ $Author: ndevilla $ $Date: 2000/05/11 11:00:57 $ $Revision: 1.3 $ */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Includes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "gnuplot_i.h" /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Defines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Maximal size of a gnuplot command */ #define GP_CMD_SIZE 1024 /* Maximal size of a plot title */ #define GP_TITLE_SIZE 80 /* Maximal size for an equation */ #define GP_EQ_SIZE 512 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int check_X_display ( int activate ) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* @name check_X_display @memo Checks out if the DISPLAY environment variable is set. @param activate int flag @return int 1 if the variable is set, 0 otherwise. @doc This function checks out the DISPLAY environment variable to see if it exists. It does not check if the display is actually correctly configured. If you do not want to activate this check (e.g. on systems that do not support this kind of display mechanism), pass a 0 integer as the activate flag. Any other value will activate it. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char *display; if ( !activate ) { return 1; } display = getenv ( "DISPLAY" ); if ( display == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot find DISPLAY variable: is it set?\n"); return 1 ; } else { return 0 ; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_get_program_path @memo Find out where a command lives in your PATH. @param pname Name of the program to look for. @return pointer to statically allocated character string. @doc This is the C equivalent to the 'which' command in Unix. It parses out your PATH environment variable to find out where a command lives. The returned character string is statically allocated within this function, i.e. there is no need to free it. Beware that the contents of this string will change from one call to the next, though (as all static variables in a function). The input character string must be the name of a command without prefixing path of any kind, i.e. only the command name. The returned string is the path in which a command matching the same name was found. Examples (assuming there is a prog named 'hello' in the cwd): \begin{itemize} \item gnuplot_get_program_path("hello") returns "." \item gnuplot_get_program_path("ls") returns "/bin" \item gnuplot_get_program_path("csh") returns "/usr/bin" \item gnuplot_get_program_path("/bin/ls") returns NULL \end{itemize} */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAXNAMESZ 4096 char * gnuplot_get_program_path(char * pname) { int i, j, lg; char * path; static char buf[MAXNAMESZ]; /* Trivial case: try in CWD */ sprintf(buf, "./%s", pname) ; if (access(buf, X_OK)==0) { sprintf(buf, "."); return buf ; } /* Try out in all paths given in the PATH variable */ buf[0] = 0; path = getenv("PATH") ; if (path!=NULL) { for (i=0; path[i]; ) { for (j=i ; (path[j]) && (path[j]!=':') ; j++); lg = j - i; strncpy(buf, path + i, lg); if (lg == 0) buf[lg++] = '.'; buf[lg++] = '/'; strcpy(buf + lg, pname); if (access(buf, X_OK) == 0) { /* Found it! */ break ; } buf[0] = 0; i = j; if (path[i] == ':') i++ ; } } /* If the buffer is still empty, the command was not found */ if (buf[0] == 0) return NULL ; /* Otherwise truncate the command name to yield path only */ lg = strlen(buf) - 1 ; while (buf[lg]!='/') { buf[lg]=0 ; lg -- ; } buf[lg] = 0; return buf ; } #undef MAXNAMESZ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_init @memo Opens up a gnuplot session, ready to receive commands. @return Newly allocated gnuplot control structure. @doc This opens up a new gnuplot session, ready for input. The struct controlling a gnuplot session should remain opaque and only be accessed through the provided functions. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gnuplot_ctrl * gnuplot_init ( void ) { gnuplot_ctrl * handle ; if (check_X_display(1)) return NULL ; if (gnuplot_get_program_path("gnuplot")==NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot find gnuplot in your PATH"); return NULL ; } /* * Structure initialization: */ handle = ( gnuplot_ctrl * ) malloc ( sizeof ( gnuplot_ctrl ) ) ; handle->nplots = 0 ; gnuplot_setstyle(handle, "points") ; handle->ntmp = 0 ; handle->gnucmd = popen("gnuplot", "w") ; if (handle->gnucmd == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "error starting gnuplot\n") ; free(handle) ; return NULL ; } return handle; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_close @memo Closes a gnuplot session previously opened by gnuplot_init() @param handle Gnuplot session control handle. @return void @doc Kills the child PID and deletes all opened temporary files. It is mandatory to call this function to close the handle, otherwise temporary files are not cleaned and child process might survive. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_close(gnuplot_ctrl * handle) { int i ; if (check_X_display(1)) return ; if (handle->ntmp) { for (i=0 ; intmp ; i++) { remove(handle->to_delete[i]) ; } } if (pclose(handle->gnucmd) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "problem closing communication to gnuplot\n") ; return ; } free(handle) ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_cmd @memo Sends a command to an active gnuplot session. @param handle Gnuplot session control handle @param cmd Command to send, same as a printf statement. @return void @doc This sends a string to an active gnuplot session, to be executed. There is strictly no way to know if the command has been successfully executed or not. The command syntax is the same as printf. Examples: \begin{itemize} \item gnuplot_cmd(g, "plot %d*x", 23.0); \item gnuplot_cmd(g, "plot %g * cos(%g * x)", 32.0, -3.0); \end{itemize} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_cmd ( gnuplot_ctrl * handle, char * cmd, ...) { va_list ap ; char local_cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE]; va_start(ap, cmd); vsprintf(local_cmd, cmd, ap); va_end(ap); strcat(local_cmd, "\n"); fputs(local_cmd, handle->gnucmd) ; fflush(handle->gnucmd) ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_setstyle @memo Change the plotting style of a gnuplot session. @param h Gnuplot session control handle @param plot_style Plotting-style to use (character string) @return void @doc The provided plotting style is a character string. It must be one of the following: \begin{itemize} \item {\it lines} \item {\it points} \item {\it linespoints} \item {\it impulses} \item {\it dots} \item {\it steps} \item {\it errorbars} \item {\it boxes} \item {\it boxeserrorbars} \end{itemize} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_setstyle(gnuplot_ctrl * h, char * plot_style) { if (strcmp(plot_style, "lines") && strcmp(plot_style, "points") && strcmp(plot_style, "linespoints") && strcmp(plot_style, "impulses") && strcmp(plot_style, "dots") && strcmp(plot_style, "steps") && strcmp(plot_style, "errorbars") && strcmp(plot_style, "boxes") && strcmp(plot_style, "boxerrorbars")) { fprintf(stderr, "warning: requested style unknown: therefore, using points\n") ; (void)strcpy(h->pstyle, "points") ; } else { (void)strcpy(h->pstyle, plot_style) ; } return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_set_xlabel @memo Sets the x label of a gnuplot session. @param h Gnuplot session control handle. @param label Character string to use for X label. @return void @doc Sets the x label for a gnuplot session. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_set_xlabel ( gnuplot_ctrl * h, char * label ) { char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; (void)sprintf(cmd, "set xlabel \"%s\"", label) ; gnuplot_cmd(h, cmd) ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_set_ylabel @memo Sets the y label of a gnuplot session. @param h Gnuplot session control handle. @param label Character string to use for Y label. @return void @doc Sets the y label for a gnuplot session. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_set_ylabel(gnuplot_ctrl * h, char * label) { char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; (void)sprintf(cmd, "set ylabel \"%s\"", label) ; gnuplot_cmd(h, cmd) ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_resetplot @memo Resets a gnuplot session (next plot will erase previous ones). @param h Gnuplot session control handle. @return void @doc Resets a gnuplot session, i.e. the next plot will erase all previous ones. */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_resetplot(gnuplot_ctrl * h) { int i ; if (h->ntmp) { for (i=0 ; intmp ; i++) { remove(h->to_delete[i]) ; } } h->ntmp = 0 ; h->nplots = 0 ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_plot1d_var1 @memo Plots a 2d graph from a list of doubles. @param handle Gnuplot session control handle. @param d Pointer to a list of doubles. @param n_point Number of doubles in the list. @param title Title of the plot. @return void @doc Plots out a 2d graph from a list of doubles. The x-coordinate is the index of the double in the list, the y coordinate is the double in the list. Example: \begin{verbatim} gnuplot_ctrl *h ; double d[50] ; int i ; h = gnuplot_init() ; for (i=0 ; i<50 ; i++) { d[i] = (double)(i*i) ; } gnuplot_plot1d_var1(h, d, 50, "parabola") ; sleep(2) ; gnuplot_close(h) ; \end{verbatim} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_plot1d_var1( gnuplot_ctrl * handle, double * d, int n_point, char * title ) { int i ; char name[] = "tempfile.XXXXXX"; FILE * tmp ; char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; char line[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; /* can we open one more temporary file? */ if (handle->ntmp == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "maximum # of temporary files reached (%d): cannot open more", GP_MAX_TMP_FILES) ; return ; } /* Open temporary file for output */ if ( mkstemp(name) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"cannot create temporary file: exiting plot") ; return ; } if ((tmp = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot create temporary file: exiting plot") ; return ; } /* Store file name in array for future deletion */ (void)strcpy(handle->to_delete[handle->ntmp], name) ; handle->ntmp ++ ; /* Write data to this file */ for (i=0 ; inplots > 0) { (void)strcpy(cmd, "replot") ; } else { (void)strcpy(cmd, "plot") ; } if (title == NULL) { (void)sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, handle->pstyle) ; } else { (void)sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" title \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, title, handle->pstyle) ; } /* send command to gnuplot */ gnuplot_cmd(handle, line) ; handle->nplots++ ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_plot1d_var2 @memo Plot a 2d graph from a list of dpoint. @param handle Gnuplot session control handle. @param d Pointer to a list of doubles. @param n_points Number of doubles in the list. @param title Title of the plot. @return void @doc Plots out a 2d graph from a list of dpoints. A dpoint is a struct containing two fields x and y (doubles) which are plotted as they are on the gnuplot session. \begin{verbatim} gnuplot_ctrl *h ; dpoint d[50] ; int i ; h = gnuplot_init() ; for (i=0 ; i<50 ; i++) { d[i].x = (double)(i)/10.0 ; d[i].y = d[i].x * d[i].x ; } gnuplot_plot1d_var2(h, d, 50, "parabola") ; sleep(2) ; gnuplot_close(h) ; \end{verbatim} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_plot1d_var2( gnuplot_ctrl * handle, dpoint * d, int n_points, char * title ) { int i ; FILE * tmp ; char name[] = "temp2file.XXXXXX"; char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; char line[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; /* can we open one more temporary file? */ if (handle->ntmp == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "maximum # of temporary files reached (%d): cannot open more", GP_MAX_TMP_FILES) ; return ; } /* Open temporary file for output */ if ( mkstemp(name) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"cannot create temporary file: exiting plot") ; return ; } if ((tmp = fopen(name, "w")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"cannot create temporary file: exiting plot") ; return ; } /* Store file name in array for future deletion */ (void)strcpy(handle->to_delete[handle->ntmp], name) ; handle->ntmp ++ ; /* Write data to this file */ for (i=0 ; inplots > 0) { (void)strcpy(cmd, "replot") ; } else { (void)strcpy(cmd, "plot") ; } if (title == NULL) { (void)sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, handle->pstyle) ; } else { (void)sprintf(line, "%s \"%s\" title \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, title, handle->pstyle) ; } /* send command to gnuplot */ gnuplot_cmd(handle, line) ; handle->nplots++ ; return ; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_plot1d_var2v @memo Plot a 2d graph from a list of pairs of points. @param handle Gnuplot session control handle. @param x The vector of x values; @param y The vector of y values; @param n_points Number of doubles in the list. @param title Title of the plot. @return void @doc Plots out a 2d graph from a list of pairs of points. \begin{verbatim} gnuplot_ctrl *h ; double x[50]; double y[50]; int j; h = gnuplot_init() ; for (j=0 ; j<50 ; j++) { x[j] = (double)(i)/10.0 ; y[j] = x[j] * x[j]; } gnuplot_plot1d_var2v(h, x, y, 50, "parabola") ; sleep(2) ; gnuplot_close(h) ; \end{verbatim} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_plot1d_var2v ( gnuplot_ctrl * handle, double * x, double * y, int n_points, char * title ) { int j; FILE *tmp; char name[] = "temp3file.XXXXXX"; char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE]; char line[GP_CMD_SIZE]; /* Can we open one more temporary file? */ if ( handle->ntmp == GP_MAX_TMP_FILES - 1 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "Maximum # of temporary files reached (%d): cannot open more,", GP_MAX_TMP_FILES ); return; } /* Open temporary file for output */ if ( mkstemp(name) == -1 ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot create temporary file: exiting plot" ); return ; } if ( ( tmp = fopen ( name, "w" ) ) == NULL ) { fprintf ( stderr, "cannot create temporary file: exiting plot" ); return ; } /* Store file name in array for future deletion */ strcpy ( handle->to_delete[handle->ntmp], name ); handle->ntmp++; /* Write data to this file */ for ( j = 0; j < n_points; j++ ) { fprintf ( tmp, "%g %g\n", x[j], y[j] ) ; } fflush ( tmp ); fclose ( tmp ); /* Command to be sent to gnuplot. */ if ( handle->nplots > 0 ) { strcpy ( cmd, "replot" ); } else { strcpy ( cmd, "plot" ); } if ( title == NULL ) { sprintf ( line, "%s \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, handle->pstyle ); } else { sprintf ( line, "%s \"%s\" title \"%s\" with %s", cmd, name, title, handle->pstyle) ; } /* Send command to gnuplot */ gnuplot_cmd ( handle, line ); handle->nplots++; return; } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_plot_slope @memo Plot a slope on a gnuplot session. @param handle Gnuplot session control handle. @param a Slope. @param b Intercept. @param title Title of the plot. @return void @doc Plot a slope on a gnuplot session. The provided slope has an equation of the form: \begin{verbatim} y = ax+b \end{verbatim} Example: \begin{verbatim} gnuplot_ctrl * h ; double a, b ; h = gnuplot_init() ; gnuplot_plot_slope(h, 1.0, 0.0, "unity slope") ; sleep(2) ; gnuplot_close(h) ; \end{verbatim} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gnuplot_plot_slope( gnuplot_ctrl * handle, double a, double b, char * title ) { char stitle[GP_TITLE_SIZE] ; char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE] ; if (title == NULL) { (void)strcpy(stitle, "no title") ; } else { (void)strcpy(stitle, title) ; } if (handle->nplots > 0) { (void)sprintf(cmd, "replot %g * x + %g title \"%s\" with %s", a, b, title, handle->pstyle) ; } else { (void)sprintf(cmd, "plot %g * x + %g title \"%s\" with %s", a, b, title, handle->pstyle) ; } gnuplot_cmd(handle, cmd) ; handle->nplots++ ; return ; } void gnuplot_plot_equation ( gnuplot_ctrl *h, char *equation, char *title ) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @name gnuplot_plot_equation @memo Plot a curve of given equation y=f(x). @param h Gnuplot session control handle. @param equation Equation to plot. @param title Title of the plot. @return void @doc Plots out a curve of given equation. The general form of the equation is y=f(x), you only provide the f(x) side of the equation. Example: \begin{verbatim} gnuplot_ctrl *h ; char eq[80] ; h = gnuplot_init() ; strcpy(eq, "sin(x) * cos(2*x)") ; gnuplot_plot_equation(h, eq, "sine wave", normal) ; gnuplot_close(h) ; \end{verbatim} */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ { char cmd[GP_CMD_SIZE]; char plot_str[GP_EQ_SIZE]; char title_str[GP_TITLE_SIZE]; if ( title == NULL ) { ( void ) strcpy ( title_str, "no title" ); } else { ( void ) strcpy ( title_str, title); } if ( h->nplots > 0 ) { ( void ) strcpy ( plot_str, "replot" ); } else { ( void ) strcpy ( plot_str, "plot" ); } ( void ) sprintf ( cmd, "%s %s title \"%s\" with %s", plot_str, equation, title_str, h->pstyle ); gnuplot_cmd ( h, cmd ); h->nplots++; return; }